Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Rabid Dogs
~Yuta Yukimura~
It has been a slow few days since I fucked Freed's shit up and rocked the Fallen Angels.
Days in Kuoh passed by normally with Asia finally joining the academy as a student proper. She seemed to get along well with some girl with brown braids that I forgot the name of. Of course, with the entrance of Asia, the school populace got even more wary of me due to the number of beauties I interacted with daily.
I still couldn't care less of course. I don't think I have exchanged more than a few words with students of the academy other than the peeps over at the occult research club. I have long learned how to tune out people I don't know, the amount of people I saw die daily in my life made me numb to people I didn't know since their lives seemed so fleeting.
Speaking of them, Rias and Akeno have been really busy lately, something about the fallen angel matter and a secret matter they had to take care of. Koneko seemed split between avoiding me and being too hungry for my food for some reason. Kiba was there too, we didn't talk much since our interests didn't really align, I spent most of my school days helping Asia settle in.
Interestingly, this evening, both Asia and I were called into the club by Rias just to see everyone inside already. Like always, maybe I will be called into the room first one day to wait for someone to enter when I become senior enough.
The reason we were called was apparently to teach us about familiars. Well, more for Asia since she was newer but I also didn't know how familiars were seen in Devil society either.
Rias and the rest showed us their familiars one by one, Rias' was a bat, Akeno's was a weird miniature imp, Koneko's was a regular-looking cat(very fittingly) and Kiba's was a golden retriever(again, very fitting). After showing us their familiars one by one Rias started explaining to us the functions of said familiars.
"Familiars are vital for a Devil, they are almost a fundamental part of all Devils. They can be used for gathering information, tracking, mundane tasks, help with manual labour and all sorts of matters. Thus, they are very important, and the quality of a familiar also reflects on their master, it is easier to become a high-class devil when you have a high-class familiar."
I nodded, could Cloud also do those? I wasn't sure, she was a very non-standard familiar and unlike Rias' bat, she couldn't transform into a human. I could disguise her but that doesn't fix the part where she couldn't talk, she was sentient clouds after all.
So, it would be useful for me to get a more standard familiar for devil business no matter how useful cloud was for combat.
"Um, so how do we get our familiars Rias-san?" You get them by rolling the familiar gacha Asia.
"You see Asia-chan, normally young devils would visit the Familiar Forest, guided by the Familiar Master to make contracts with their first familiar as tradition but unfortunately there has been a... conflict of interests this time around." Before I could ask her to clarify a knock sounded on the door, making everyone turn their heads to see the... student council walk in with Souna at the helm, it almost felt like a royal procession.
"Excuse us Rias, how are you today?" The she-devil herself welcomed herself in with a slight smile, and Rias seemed to have expected her as she got up and crossed her arms.
"Good day to you too Sona, what is the reason for your impromptu visit?" Sona?
"Well Rias, since we both expanded our peerages I thought it might do well for them to get acquainted with each other. And for some other matters as you know." Sona(?)'s eyes sharpened slightly and I nudged Akeno's side.
"Akeno-san, who exactly is the student council president...?" Akeno giggled a little and whispered to me.
"She is Sona Sitri, Souna Shitori is an alias. She is also a king like Rias and her family is an upper-class noble pillar family. She also co-rules the city along with Rias."
I nodded.
"Student Council President is a devil huh? It makes too much sense." Sona is the person I would point to if someone asked me the person most likely to be a devil in the school.
Unfortunately, my remark seemed to have been heard by the singular male in Sona's peerage, I think he was... Genji? Benji? I only remembered him because his hair looked funny, he was lanky and blonde with greyish-blue eyes. He clenched his fist and glared at me as if I had committed some transgression against his bloodline.
"Hey! What are you trying to say about Kaichou(Student Council President) huh? And Rias-senpai, you really didn't tell him about us?" He shrugged his shoulders arrogantly, the fuck was his problem? "I'm not too sure what to think about a devil who doesn't even know who doesn't even know about his fellow devils."
My eyelid twitched. Does this bastard want a fight? I craned my neck and raised an eyebrow. Did he really think he could just walk in here, talk shit and disrespect me in front Rias? I may not care about my own image much but disrespecting me here was disrespecting Rias too.
"I'm sure Rias-san didn't find you important enough to feel the need to tell me. At least I certainly don't tell Rias about every dog I see roaming the streets." He glared at me while I heard Rias trying to stifle a snicker behind me.
As he went to retort Sona held up a hand and stopped him.
"Stop it Saji, it's only natural that he doesn't know about us, Rias and I don't get involved in each other's affairs unless we need to. That said, it's only a courtesy to introduce our new members to each other. This is Saji Genshiro, my new pawn." She gestured to the smug Genji while Rias shrugged and gestured to us.
"This is Asia Argento, my new bishop and he is Yuta Yukimura, my pawn." The guy sneered, he was really getting on my nerves for someone in gutting distance. I tilted my head in mock confusion.
"Are you sure he wasn't reincarnated with the clown piece? He sure looks and acts the part." I heard Koneko audibly snort at that while the guy crossed his arms.
"Honestly, you look like the real clown here, I am embarrassed to be a pawn like a gloomy creepy loner like you. I'll have you know, I am not just a pawn, I took 4 whole pawn pieces. You really want this fight?" I raised an eyebrow, he certainly didn't have the presence of someone worth 4 points. Hell, I'd pay a pawn to kick him off my team if I had him in my peerage.
"You sure those weren't defective pieces? If I were you I'd get a refund." I shot a look toward Sona who still held a neutral appraising expression. "And even if you weren't such a big mistake that even the evil pieces failed, so what? I am worth 8 pieces but I don't go around puffing up my chest like a peacock and bragging."
"All eight? No way, no way a creepy loner like you could be worth that much." I have a really high tolerance for bullshit but this guy was really pushing my patience. He had a really punchable face, or a really cleavable waist with Wing Blades.
"Saji, stop that, Yukimura-kun, Asia-chan, I hope that you can overlook his behaviour and can still get along. Saji." Sona gestured to Saji who immediately yielded and went to shake hands with Asia before he saw her beauty and immediately changed his tune and grabbed Asia's hand with excitement.
"Y-yes, a pleasure to meet you Genshirou-san." Asia said politely while the wastrel grabbed Asia's hand with both hands with a blush, not a light blush but a perverted one.
"The pleasure's all mine! I am always happy to meet a cute girl like you!" He rubbed her hands like a creep and officially my patience ended for Issei 2.0
My hand reached out and grabbed his wrist making him frown and turn to me before I squeezed.
"What's your proble- Ow ow owww!!!" Saji tried to break my grip but he couldn't, for all the shit he talked he was pretty scrawny while I have been intensely training ever since I became a devil, my body was packed with a decent amount of dense muscles so I was gripping his wrist until it bruised.
"You know, it feels pretty disrespectful to just swagger in here, talk like you are the hottest shit around, look down on me and consequently my king, insult me to my face and then blatantly creep on Asia." I glared into his eyes. "Will you behave or do you want me to put you inside the timeout pavement? It goes as deep as 6ft under." He was barely putting up resistance, did Sona gas her new pawn up too much or was he just naturally retarded?
"Yuta-kun, could you please release Saji?" Sona said while narrowing her eyes just a tad at her pawn getting manhandled. I tugged on his arm and sent him tumbling toward Sona's side as he cradled his bruised wrist while glaring at me. I locked eyes with Sona.
"It doesn't look good for a king when she lets her dog act like a rabid mutt in another king's home. Speaking of rabid, have you tried neutering? I hear it does wonders for a dog's attitude." Sona met my gaze with a steeled one of her own.
"Yuta-kun, enough, we don't want to start a fight here." I shrugged my shoulders, they seemed pretty intent on starting one to me. What with their obvious power plays and all. Sona pushed up her glasses.
"Indeed, we are also here to discuss the Familiar Forest spot, aren't we? We both have new peerage members and the familiar master only takes people once a month. How do you propose we settle this Rias?" Oh, so that's the thing that Rias was preparing for. Hearing Sona's exclamation Rias wore a challenging look.
"I know that neither of us are willing to give up this spot so how about we have a competition of strength, Sona? The winner is the one who gets the Familiar Forest spot." I could see the imaginary sparks fly between Rias and Sona as they stared each other down.
"Oh? And what kind of contest of strength are you proposing Rias?"
~Yuta Yukimura~
"You know, when you said 'competition of strength' I expected something more bloody or brutal... not dodgeball," I mumbled in slight annoyance as I stretched while wearing a grey tracksuit in the school gymnasium.
The entire peerage was here wearing sport clothes for our game of dodgeball against the Sitri peerage for the Familiar Forest reservation. Rias wore a red tracksuit while the rest of the girls wore tight shirts and bloomers which I really appreciated how it clung to her bodies, the bloomers were barely bigger than panties in all honesty.
As I was helping Rias stretch by her request Rias asked me a question in a neutral tone.
"By the way Yuta-kun, why were you so aggressive against Sona's peerage? I have never seen you be like that." I couldn't pick any specific tone from Rias as she asked.
I sighed and shook my head.
"Although my circumstances are different I am still a part of your team Rias-san. it does not paint a good picture when you let another king stroll into your home and talk shit without talking it back. I hope you weren't thinking about scolding me for it, I wasn't going to let anyone walk over us on our own turf." Rias flushed at that, averting her gaze.
"I see... I thought it was quite manly you know. It'll be fine, we are rivals a bit of disrespect is to be expected." I shrugged, if it was fine with the boss then there was no problem.
After a few more minutes of stretching, the door to the gymnasium opened to reveal the Sitri peerage finally making their entrance, I felt a bit of excitement get roused inside me.
Time to stretch my muscles a bit.
A/N: Yuta has zero filter when he gets started. He always aims for the jugular. And season 1 Saji is such a massive asshole that makes Issei seem tolerable, he had coming. What did you guys think about Yuta's attitude? While he is usually indifferent, that changes for the people he cares about, he is rather quick to go from 0 to 100, all that repressed anger has to go somewhere.
Also, time for dodgeball. Rias vs Sona's peerage in the world's most dangerous game of dodgeball. Yuta will have to get creative with the powerset considering his lack of enhancement abilities if he wants to win. And he always wants to win.
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