Chapter 10: 10√THEY ARE ETHEREAL
Just like any other day today was yet like any other, as usual Jimin is back later again on his modelling career always in the evening it actually depends when he is needed but if he is not needed then it's not necessary to go all the way to the studio. but today it was urgent his manager called and told him they have a meeting he didn't quite well tell him what it was all about but he said 'you are going to love this so be here at this particular time' he sounded excited maybe he should look forward to it maybe.....
I stand outside looking at the beautiful building since it was evening it was sparkling light, it looked beautiful well I was not planning on being here but I'll take this as a chance to take a break away from.... home.
Just like usual the bodyguards still trail behind me I really don't like it that way but do I have any choice? no I don't! slowly I make it into the building with bodyguards behind me I can't even tell them to back away they wouldn't even listen anyway.
I bow to some female models who I pass by in the hallway I know that look they're giving me they don't even respond but rather glare at me well I'm used to it so I'm not surprised I don't force the situation and I continue to walk further but the whispers were just loud enough for me to hear like usual.
"oh wow oh he's cute today"
"I just love this man he's pretty"
I couldn't help than smile a bit but again I frown on what the others said next
"looks like a slut to me I mean how did he even end up here?"
"again showing off with his bodyguards"
I don't say anything about it and continue making my way to the office as I met some male models but this time these are different male models always looked at me in a flirty way I could tell at least they wanted to f*****....ok don't finish it author.
walking away feeling down I feel a tap on my shoulder at first I was startled no one touch me like that except one person looking back it was my manager Kim Namjoon "Jimin my boy you came" he hugged me "hi hyung" I bow "you are looking gorgeous as always" he compliments "and you're looking way too handsome today what is the occasion?" I curiously ask. "oh come on, you want to blow my cover today" he pouts "not unless you tell me" I shrug.
"Today....." before he could finish any words there was commotion coming from a distance they were shouting if I could guess but what were they shouting about "what is happening?" I ask hyung "oh my God I think they are here" he beams happily but I'm so confused why is he excited who is he excited to meet? this person must be important to him well I couldn't help than peek behind him since he was too excited to even talk what is wrong with people nowadays. but I don't blame him the way his eyes are sparkling I should definitely meet this person maybe is the meeting of the topic.
a few seconds later two figures in black appeared if I can guess they were dripping in Louis Vinton, when they came nearer my jaw almost dropped this was not happening was it? if this is a dream I do not want to wake up.
there in the hallway he gracefully marched towards the studio he had a long black coat on with black boots his hair style in a sexy way oh my god it was Jin I finally met him face to face, to his side was another man who had curled hair also in a big tall coat black in color with boots and his beautiful sparkling eyes made me stare at him more, behind them were two giant bodyguards I was still in a daze when Namjoon hyung nudged me on my arm "how is my surprise?" he asked still starring at the new persons. "Oh my God when were you planning to tell me?" I asked excited "I wanted to make it a surprise since I was also surprised I just got news this morning they were to come today at the studio they are going to be working with us" he chirped I couldn't believe my ears I can't believe I will be seeing them everyday it's really my lucky day today Namjoon hyung knows I'm a very big fan of them mostly Jin that's why he was talking about surprise but one thing I was forgetting "hey Namjoon hyung I can see your drooling" i tease I almost forgot he has the biggest crush to the male model if there's someone Namjoon hyung ever admired then it's definitely him the man of his dreams I could still remember when he used to tell me about his feelings for the male he really admires him from deep within his heart.
"hey I'm not drooling but I'm definitely out of earth" this makes me chuckle as I look at the two handsome figures looking smart as always.
everyone couldn't stop talking about them they were excited to see such famous models like them come at a place like this they are world known all over and as working with them will be the best thing we ever got from them
"oh my god he is so handsome" the female models whispered to each other
"Am drooling" "they are hot damn" they continued giggling. I didn't even realize they were already infront of us, I was just not in the right mind right now "Hello!" he greeted 'oh my God even his voice is beautiful' I wanted to scream but kept up with a good behavior I don't want to embarrass them "uuh...hello" I greeted back trying to contain my happiness.