Chapter 13: 13√CONCERNED.


I was lost in those beautiful grey eyes, I guess he wears lenses, looking at him from up close he was just ethereal how beautiful could someone be, this was illegal! I gulp hard. But one thing for sure I liked him, some other celebrities look down at others that are on the road of hard work to success but he's different I didn't know an angel would like to be friends with me do I deserve it? someone so pure with good intentions do I deserve all this?. "ugh" I groan when I felt a pain in my palm which I forgot "oh dear, it must hurt right?" I could see concern in his eyes he wasn't faking it at all "it's okay" I lie it hurts like hell "wait here I will get a first aid kit" he stands up to get it but I hold his wrists this was embarrassing "it's okay really you don't have to get it I will do it" I try to stand up but he holds me down "then what are friends for if I just sit not helping you does it really make sense to you?" wow! I didn't expect that "it's just that it's kinda of.....um...." I fidget with my words "look at me as a friend not any kind of celebrity at this moment we are just us" I felt like crying that was so beautiful, I come out of my imagination "wait here" he walks away first thing I have learnt 'he can't be convinced' A few seconds later Tae comes back with the kit and setting it down taking his seat in front of me and he took my hand which kind of startled me "you know you don't really have to do it don't you see it as disgusting?" I try again with that "I don't know what you think about me but this is the first day we have talked as strangers but I promise when we get to know each other better you will get to know I'm not such kind of a person who looks down on everyone in fact this is nothing I'm willing to do it I remember telling you we are friends now why don't you consider it have you changed your mind?" I could feel the hurt behind those words and I decided never to bring anything like this up again "Tae Tae am sorry don't take it to heart, you want things open like this then am willing to be so... to be open am sorry" I pout out of habit I didn't even realize he didn't move for the seconds I said those words "hey are you ok?" he had zoned out I was afraid ...."did I say something wrong?" I was confused "o..oh am sorry it's just that no one ever said that to me or called me Tae Tae" oh really...I didn't realize I said that name "if...you don't..." he cut me off "I actually LOVE it" he smiled "and to be honest" he looked at me sternly "you look cute when you pout" I could feel the heat creep on my cheeks "h..hey stop saying that" I slightly hit him "aww is someone blushing!" "s .stop teasing me" I covered my face, no one ever told me that "here let me change your bandage" I hold out my hand to him I actually feel comfortable with him I felt it was ok to be doing such things as friends.


Tae carefully and slowly opens the bandage only to be met with a huge cut on the younger's palm "whoah this is a deep cut what happened?" Tae ask out of concern Jimin's memory run back to yesterday night when he came 2 minutes late he remember his uncle being so angry that he took out the knife which was lying on the table cutting him in the process "i..it was...j...just an accident I cut myself...." he lied but he didn't know the other didn't buy that kind of bullshit 'why do I feel like you're hiding something since your stuttering, ok I won't force you' Tae thought he didn't press on the matter and carefully he applied some ointment and covered him properly "since you came very early you must have been tired and sleepy how about you take a nap we have at least an hour before everyone comes"Tae suggested "well you are right I'm very tired...please do wake me up when everyone arrives" he looked at him with puppy eyes 'how cute' he thought "don't worry I will be here" he assured "I'll be back" he went out to bring a bottle of water because he thought maybe the younger was thirsty it was just one minute before he came back but Jimin already dozed off just how tired was he, he didn't try to wake him up he sat close to him and open up his tab to look at some work. Jimin who had his head on the table suddenly moved and now his head was resting on Tae's shoulder don't blame him he sleeps alone in his bed and is used to moving around so he must have thought it was still his bed, the other was startled at first he did not expect that he only looked at tired him and could only just smile 'well that's more comfortable than the table' he thought he didn't push him away or anything he just went back to his work on the tab leaving the younger to have a nice good rest he must have been very tired that it was just 2 minutes only since he slept but his deep slumber explain how the whole night he didn't sleep he actually just cried himself to sleep like he usually does every day that he is now used to it. Tae was just pretending to leave the topic about how he hurt his palm but his curiosity couldn't be stopped 'that couldn't be by accident it's either someone actually did it and no any other choices' he was sure of it now how was he supposed to know what even happened don't blame him he was just concerned.

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