Chapter 18: 18√FROM AFAR
In the middle of the night, under the bright moon which peeked its rays in a certain room which had curtains swaying due to the night calm breeze giving chance to the light to peek in. In the dim lit room it was dead silent only soft snores emitted from the person who had calmly slept with a carefree expression, maybe.
The moon light made his skin glow under it, it's as if the moon took a human form then with no doubt it wouldn't be unbelievable right?
The calm breeze made his hair a little bit messy than it was but this only made him glow more, he had lay on his back with his hands on his abdomen on top of the blanket sleeping soundly when suddenly the door creaked open.......
Under the dim lit room a black silhouette made his way in but quietly he seemed to be a pro because his steps were too silent.
The door made a slight creek making the other stir in his sleep, the silhouette halted his steps while closing the door.
Making sure he won't made any sounds he finally proceeded closer to the bed, he was all in black he looked darkness it'self.
He was carrying something in his hand probably a small box with tools?
He raised his gloved fingers near his cheek bone as he was about to feel his skin under his fingers "silly boy" he muttered under his breath.
Taking a seat on the stool near the king size bed he open the small box, it contained a few emergency items in case of an accident. He took out a clean new bandage, small bottle spirit and cotton.
Looking back to the sleeping figure, he softly held his bandaged hand up and caressed it lovingly "silly boy, I knew you would not take care of this hand, if am not mistaken someone did it for you" he was whispering for some unknown reasons.
He slowly opened up the bloodied bandage,boy didn't even mind taking it off. After taking it off he cleaned the wound applying abit of spirit so that it won't be infected, he flinched "urgh" he lowly groaned to the sudden pain "sorry" the man apologized blowing air onto the wound to ease the pain.
Wrapping him up, the man had a gummy smile after making sure he was done "you silly boy should look out for yourself" he whispered again not breaking his gaze away from him "in the mean time, don't worry i will be there" he lovingly kissed his forehead and decided to head out.
Before he could even stand up he felt a tight grip on his wrist which startled him, did the younger wake up he was sure he was silent enough.
looking back he was met with cute face sleeping Jimin he had a cute pout with a frown this made him wonder.."w...what" he muttered yet again at first he thought the younger woke up but he wasn't.
"d..don't go" Jimin whine holding tight to his hand "s...stay.....with" his voice cracked more, the man who kept in starring at him couldn't help than smile did he just look more cute while talking in his sleep.
But he frown when he saw a precious tear slip away from his closed eyes...he wasn't expecting that " scared..." Jimin sobbed silently clutching onto him tightly, he became more worried.
he placed whatever he had in his hand took off his jacket and slipped into the bed sheets but the moment he did that the younger clutched onto his waist more tightly than before man had a tight grip he couldn't help than chuckle whatever this young man was doing it was cute to him "don't go..." he pleaded again he pats his head softly and whispered "I wont go anywhere I'll be right here" he assured as the younger finally calm down under his touch but still in a deep slumber this wasn't new to him so he might as well as be around for him it's not like he has never did this before "just get a good night's rest I'll make sure nothing disturbs your sleep" he kissed his forehead as he leaned on the headboard caressing his blonde hair.
Jimin looked dead tired he was looking like a log even a bullet fired next to his ear wouldn't wake him up he was just too tired for the world it was time for la la land the world of peacefulness and calmness just perfect for a relaxation.
before even as readers knew it was already morning the sun had finally took control it was a new day new determination do new things it was a new energy just like how Jimin felt right now "wow I feel so much better that was one nice good sleep I ever received in ages and" he yawned, for all he remembers it has been long he didn't have a nice sleep he was always hunted by nightmares which were already part of him but they'd never left for him calmness.
this early morning his uncle was out so they couldn't catch breakfast together for unknown reasons he thought maybe this was even better he doesn't know why but whatever it was this was not the time to think about it he gets up and prepared real quick then head down for breakfast just as usual his favorites he made sure to dig in everything.
as usual a bodyguard escorts him to school today was no different but again like he usually does he escapes their eyes and goes to practice with Hobi "hey we are going to have a competition by next month are you up for it?" he ask looking at the younger "well I wouldn't mind trying" he shrugged for some reasons he knew it might not even be possible his uncle never let him do anything he wants everything he does was always in a sneak peek was a dare situation like right now he always ran away from his bodyguards so he could practice, all this was his secret
"hey it's ok, go have coffee I know where he is" they bow, the very man in black and a mask ordered while taking his position, Jimin might have ran away from the guards just to hide and practice but he always makes sure they dont interrupt him 'don't worry i'll make sure they don't disrupt you' he smirked looking at the men in black driving away.