Chapter 22: 22√NOT SURE


His room was sparkling, as if stars were literally hanging on the roof shinning bright like a diamond but the owner was brighter.

Different paintings hang on the walls, few music instruments lying in the corner well organized.

A big closet big enough for a whole mall to fit not forgetting the Gucci lane, rack of different kinds of shoes mostly vogue this man was really that kind of a model no wander everyone always wanted him the way he dripping in, total alien.

Jimin looks at his side and finds a saxophone, "you like jazz?" he asks caressing the instrument "oh I love it, been practicing it for a while now" he smiles "show me" Jimin simply says "y..you sure, am not that good" Tae wasn't sure, he didn't know if he will like it like the others. This was the first person who showed enthusiasm in his kind of hobby he didn't wanna loose face.

Jimin sits beside him and signals him to start "please I want to hear" he shows his puppy eyes knowing pretty well this method works. Tae didn't want to argue anymore and decided to play him what he learnt few days ago.

after playing the instrument for a few minutes he knew he had messed up a few notes he thought maybe this was not good enough he was sure to understand if the younger told him it wasn't that good, looking back at him he was surprised at his reaction he looked..... impressed? "I....i missed a few notes sorry it wasn't good enough" he looks down "what are you talking about" he started to applaud, Tae raised his head looking confused, Jimin held his shoulder making him look at him "that was very nice to listen to I usually don't listen to jazz but listening it from you makes me love it, that was amazing" he honestly said shocking him in the process. No one ever told him that in the friend zone, they were all fake and pretentious. They usually gossiped in the corner talking about how horrible it was "really?" he wanted to be sure "trust me I literally loved it" their conversation was cut off when they heard Jin calling them down to eat something he made. "let's go" Jimin dragged Tae out of the room "hey slow down" he complained....

Downstairs the two seemed to get along pretty well in a short span of time "you know how to cook?" Hobi finally asked surprised when Jin dragged him along to the kitchen to keep themselves busy and Hobi willingly agreed to get dragged, not like he could argue about it.

"of course I love cooking, unbelievable right? this is my specialty" he showed him his famous wink "oh wow" Hobi was really speechless he didn't see this coming "well guess what?" he got two aprons handing Jin one "cooking is my hobby" he grinned making Jin smirk "Thank God he won't starve" Hobi heard it he wasn't sure if it was directed to him but who else is in here "what?" he asked "aigoo nothing lets start" Jin shrugs it off still smirking, Hobi didn't ask much than to start preparing.

After setting up the table they waited for the two upstairs "do you only live two here in this big mansion?" Hobi asks curiously because he noticed how empty it was from the beginning 'its always a houseful, that brat took everyone with him leaving us all alone I will deal with him when he comes back' Jin reminds himself "actually they are on their break until two weeks later they will be here" he smiles.

"what's that smelling nice?" Jimin sniffs in the air feeling the sweet scent feeling his nostrils making him wanna fly off the stairs. On reaching down Jin smiled at the both "it's Jin's special" he announced leaving out Hobi, awhile ago Hobi pleaded to keep it a secret for some reason. "wow" the two say in a unison while licking their lips ready to devour the food. 'hot....' Hobi blushes to his thoughts looking down.

As they peacefully enjoyed the special food, Jimin suddenly remembers when he glances at shy Hobi "oh sorry I almost forgot" they look at him "I forgot to introduce my friend Hobi he's my sun shine and Hobi these are my friends too" Tae for the first time looks at Hobi in the eyes at first he was too busy with his Jimin that he didn't realize but looking at him right now he felt a sting on his heart 'ouch what is that?' he looked down 'what am i feeling?' Hobi felt the same too "nice to meet you" he softly said blushing "you too" Tae didn't say much either

everyone back to their plates.

it was already evening when it was time to head back "it was a fun day thank you" Jimin showed his eye smile "it was really fun" Tae added "Hobi i will drop you off" Hobi nodded "thanks for the meal Jin hyung" they said in a unison "aww lets do it again ok Hobi, and the both you are always welcome here" Jin beamed "ok bye" "byee.." Tae was still reluctant, the two both left with Jimin's guard who didnt know when they even arrived.




Just as usual Mr Lee was comfortably sitting on his king chair huffing his favorite cigar, familiar to the soft footsteps he lit the cigar off as the air later cleared.

"My baby boy is back" he said in a husked tone looking at the small figure "come to me" he ordered as Jimin place down his bag and walked to him, he was startled when he was pulled onto his lap "let me see" he whispered in his ears sending chills to his bone.

His body was trembling under his touch, his fingers were fidgeting on his thigh he didn't know if this was right. The older moved his warm tongue across his cheek which was tinted red 'what am I doing?' he thought but he couldn't stop he didn't know why though.

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