Chapter 24: 24√PREPARATIONS
"Ok what else should i take did i forget something ahhh" Jimin sighs walking around looking for anything he would need he seriously doesn't even know what he should bring, biting his nails pacing back and forth he tries to make up his Mind "ok maybe a few more clothes" he says looking at the already three bags of clothes "really, how am i supposed to look in this big closet" he gasp looking at the mall like closet it was still hard to select from that "hmm am so confused oh wait i can ask hyung about it" he beamed.
Jimin was currently packing his bag for the journey for the next day evening he was so excited yet nervous wreck because he had to select less from alot how was selecting hard like this he doesn't know too, for the past few days he was out of place thinking about all his confusion about certain things, he tried to take off his mind doing others things but he couldn't but this was a big opportunity to get away from all the thinking, yes it was now time to have a break.....
"make sure nothing happens to my angel" Mr.Lee says from outside Jimin's room on the door, he and Agust'D were currently looking at the frustrated yet excited Jimin from across, Agust'D was trying hard not to burst out of laughter because the younger currently looked funny jumping around looking for some things he couldn't find he could only say "silly" without his boss noticing ofcourse "am heading first today let's discuss the rest in my office" "yes sir" he replied following behind him.
"hey hyung" Jimin beamed "oh hey pretty" Jin's voice replied "how is our mochi?" he asked "well am fine and missing you guys alot" Jin could only cooed because that sounded cute coming from him "i miss you too" he replied "i can't wait to see you tomorrow, but someone is expectant" Jin glanced at Tae who was signaling him to give him the voice "jeez wait" Jin scoffed from the background this kid was acting up again "ok chimmy here is Tae" Jin sigh "hello my Tae Tae" Jimin beamed, it has been few weeks but the connection he felt towards Tae was stronger he learned and became comfortable around him he was ready to do anything like a friend would he felt lucky to have a friend who treated him like a brother and another friend who felt like a parent to him, Jin always showed him that side and what was not there to appreciate with, for some days he was worried that maybe his uncle will shoo them away but he was surprised and grateful that none of that happened.
"hey chim chim" Tae beamed he needn't need to pretend anymore like he used to, he felt ok doing this to be comfortable around his friend he was always looking forward to spending more time with him he didn't have doubts anymore just like the first day he was hesitant right now it felt right from the start and he was not regretting it "i can't wait to meet you" Jimin beamed yet again "excited?" he asked when himself the word excited wasn't enough to describe how he was expectant "ahh why not, since i will spend some quality time with you guys then am more excited" why did the younger have the exact same thought as him "but there is a problem" even Jin heard it "what" he gasp pulling Tae down to his level on the king size bed "i can't choose what to pack" they sighed in relief that it wasn't what they thought "oh wait" Jimin switched the audio call to facetime "see" he had a frown, he turned the camera towards his messy room with open bags "what, this isn't funny" Jimin pouted when he had the two silently chuckle "am sorry chim but... what are shorts for in the mountain" Jin was trying to contain his laugh "and.....what's with the shoes........" Tae couldn't hold in and burst in laugh who Jin also joined him "ahh Jimin you never fail to make me laugh" Jin's laugh echoed more, Jimin pouted and gave them his puppy eyes "it's not funny" he frowned more, the two seeing this stopped and straightened up "ok, lets start with the coats.....let's see your collection"...."yaay!" Jimin beamed like a kid and ran to his closet the two found that adorable.......
"ok, we are to first ship the first container, then the second will be after an hour then we are to leave here in two hours later" Mr.Lee was giving instructions to the 10men, he didn't want to include many people this time, last time a mole was within them and it was hard to notice, to save him the trouble and losses he took out his most trusted people to handle this again he doesn't want to disappoint the big boss, he needed him for his own reasons but before that he had to impress him right? the big boss seemed to be testing him and he knew he can't mess up his first impression after all this was going to be a win win situation in the end......."be careful anyone messes this up will not see the sunlight again and i'll make sure to destroy your souls too" he threatened "we wont disappoint you sir" they stood and bow before him "now go finish the packaging" he ordered, they bowed and headed back.
Agust'D made his way in the office after sending off the rest "make sure to be around him 24|7, he shouldn't get a scratch when he comes back" Mr.Lee said facing the big glass which illuminated the view from outside which was a sight for sore eyes "don't worry sir, i will be there for him" he honestly answered "ok come and help me select some fine guns" he smirked "let me see what kind of taste you got" he chuckled while heading to a certain room and Agust'D following behind.