Chapter 31: 31 √WOLVES
Wolves, something everyone thinks it's extinct,animals that were once banned out of existence not years ago because they proved to be dangerous to the human kind the animals that were finally got rid of from face of earth at least that's what everyone thinks. But why? did they decide to get rid of them because they developed their own mind as to that of human and became more intelligent more than human himself. Shape shifting! the secret that was revealed the moment they realized wolves could shift back to human form and reverse back this was the biggest discovery the scientists had got but they wanted more to study the dog family they begun to experiment on them instead not understanding that these were humans too it had got out of hand that they captured most of the wolves that includes the death of many, not 20years back the wolves fought back as humans too we had our rights we had to fight for it instead but unfortunately most couldn't make it and only remained 50 in a pack, they were almost wiped out just like father mentioned but few years we got a hide out in the forest a perfect place to remain safe from human greed......
Yes, we are human_wolf kind we shift forms from human to wolves and vise versa but it's pretty hard to determine if one is a wolf because wolves and dogs look alike in many ways only that wolves are bigger in size. Born as a canis lupus a gray alpha wolf i have a responsibility of leading the pack since my father was getting older and weaker because of the accident years ago but he is still a strong man.
We are categorized in three alphas, betas and omegas, the beta is sometimes in command in case something happens to the alpha and omegas are our mates though i haven't found my mate yet it's not like i had the time to i don't think am ready for another family after the trouble we are still dealing with, in the 50 surving wolves they mated and the number increased to 100 we aren't that much to be in existence and no one knows the least of the surving............
As wolves we also have abilities which are our big advantage, along with transformation process we are born with a strong sense of smell which is roughly 100 times more powerful than that of human we can literally sense someone before they could reach us just like hyung and Tae i know they are here. On addition to that we have super sense of sight,hear and can self heal pretty cool right but with every good there is bad right? even being stronger and powerful we do have a weakness...
I finally figured it out that someone was definitely here and i could sense them, when we were done with the ran i decided to walk around "dad i'll be back later" i announced heading off to nowhere specific. It was already dark but with icy blue eyes how could i not see. "why are you quite today?" i ask my inner wolf he is always good at bugging me for no reason. Another thing being a wolf and human at the same time means having two personalities from each side, we look one but we are actually two, you can communicate with your wolf only when he awakens and can transform at a certain age for those who dont have their wolf haven't transformed yet but it happens later eventually...
'i feel something?' he says i could feel him restless for some reason "why, is it bad?" i ask out of curiosity 'no, but the feeling is over whelming it will be about us' this makes me chuckle "what, if your making us go into a rut say it" he gasp 'wow were we this lonely, when will we meet our mate am so unsatisfied' he whines "you pervert" i scold 'when we meet our mate i would want to fuck the sh.....' here we go again "ok shut it are you always this horny?" i halt while we continue to argue 'hey i know you want it too' he points out "well if you know stop asking behave while we are still here" i remind him 'ok whatever....' he cools down his horny ass.....
As we skipped the rocks i heard a yell from a far but focusing more i could hear it closer or was it coming closer i wasn't sure, 'look up' he said and when i did i saw up above a cliff and wait....something was falling off 'it's someone you dummy' he corrected "is this some kind of suicide?" i wondered. Whoever the person was we could see his figure falling towards the lake below and it was froze due to the cold temperatures around here.
'' 'te.....' urgh...."what is wrong now why are you so restless" 'ma...' and i have had it he keeps on freaking out "what happened?" i asked as my eyes followed the falling person the moment he hit the ice something struck me "urgh.." i bent down to hold my breath "what the hell JK bitch" i groan 'save him...' he growl...."and why should i save someone who wants to die?" i spat back "SAVE!" uurgh.....and he threw us in that cold bath....damn it...
I could see his body slowly sink down the cold water he had been struggling to go up but i guess he got warn out 'save him' he more of ordered and i was in no position to argue i had enough with him. I swim towards him i could see his bangs that covered his face since he had short hair i guessed it must be a boy maybe....Holding his hand to pull him i figured he wont make it like this so i did what came in mind...
this wasn't really needed but i felt how plumpy his lips were and so soft, i could feel his hands holding me tightly for dear life i didn't even know when i closed my eyes to feel more until. "MATE!!" my wolf screamed which brought me back, huh....i went blank forgetting what i was doing. My wolf went berserk he was freaking out and panicking at the same time i tried to swim up but my sight became blurry 'what's happening...'
next morning...
"urgh....." i groaned when i felt a headache kick in 'what happened?' i try to feel my wolf but he was not responding jerk.....the audacity to disappear after he put us through that in the water we could've died bitch!....i couldn't even scold him. "huh..." i felt something heavy onto my chest, getting my senses back i look down to see what it was. The person i was trying to save earlier was lying onto of me "all night?" i was confused was he even still alive, well i could hear his weak heartbeats he was definitely still alive and thanks to him everyone was now worried i didn't show up at night and my wolf what was with him he said something....hmm what was it?...
Placing him down carefully i manged to sit up as my hole body ache what even happened exactly, looking back at him i could see his pale face skin it could be due to cold because his body was trembling and his blonde that covered half his face this didn't help my blurry vision at all. Those plump lips...yeah i remember how they felt, i was so curious to see his face finding my hand heading towards his face but before i could touch even a strand i heard rustling of leaves from across "where is he?,...i hope he's ok"....i guess they were looking for him and they can't see me here, using all the fibers in my body i managed to get up and walked away taking a last glance at the trembling body "have to go....." i muttered and strode towards the trees disappearing into them.....