His New Obsession

Chapter 9: 9

As the warm rays of the sun hit her face, she lay on the bed, immobile. The wounds on her face stung from its intensity, and her swollen eyes ached from the heat impact, but still she lay there, receiving it like some sort of punishment. She was good for nothing, damaged goods, deserving punishment, deserving nothing but pain.

Not even the rumbling in her stomach nor the stickiness between her thighs were enough to rouse her. She shut her eyes several times, wishing the angel – no – demon of death would come and take her away. Hell could not be worse than the perdition she was already in.

There were times when she would drift off into spells of shallow sleep, but anytime her consciousness returned, the ache deep in her soul was the painful reminder she needed that what happened had been no nightmare. It had truly happened.

Susan's son, Hilary had raped her.

Jasmine got up and went to clean herself up in the bathroom, she sat in the tub where she was having several suicidal thoughts. She sat there for hours not knowing what next to do , when it remembered that she can go back to Marco since she has nowhere else to go to.

She got dressed, took her phone from the side stool and called Cassie.

"Cassie, I have no future here, I'm coming back to Marco's house" she said with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Why are you crying Jass, I'll be here waiting for you to come back" Cassie replied.

Jasmine packed few clothes and left the house, while she was leaving a guard stopped her but Susan gave the order that she should leave the house.


The rape shattered whatever illusion of safety Jasmine had in Pedro's house. The very place she had run to for security had become another cage, another source of her pain. She could not bear to stay there any longer. Every moment under that roof reminded her of the horror she had suffered at the hands of Hilary. With nowhere else to go, she made the painful decision to return to Marco's house—her previous owner's home.

The moment she set foot in Marco's house, she was met with a painful realization. She had been feeling strange for weeks, her body reacting in ways that left her anxious and confused. It wasn't long before she discovered the truth—she was pregnant. The weight of this revelation crushed her. The baby growing inside her was a result of the violence she had suffered, a constant reminder of the nightmare Hilary had put her through.

Jasmine was trapped in a whirlwind of emotions. She hated the child she carried, not because it had done anything wrong, but because of what it represented. Every movement in her womb, every reminder of its existence, sent her spiraling into despair. She couldn't fathom bringing this child into the world. The circumstances of its conception were horrifying, and she knew that keeping it would only chain her to her past trauma.

Cassie suggested to Jasmine that the best way to handle this situation was to get rid of the baby, Jass was reluctant to get rid of the body but she didn't have a choice .

How will Pedro will feel that she is carrying out his son's child , Hilary and the child was a product of a violent incident -rape.

While she was in Marco's house, Pedro came back from his business trip. Cassie came to inform her that she saw Pedro's convey entering Marco's house probably to come take her back, before Jasmine could finish talking , he walked him.

"My angel, get your things let's go"he said

She ran and hugged him while Cassie was helping her get her things ready .

"Promise me that they won't hurt me again" Jasmine said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Who is 'they', did anyone hurt you?", He asked with a confused expression on his face

"Alot happened but can Cassie come stay with me for few days"

"Of course she can, you haven't told me what exactly happened to you", he sneered back.

Cassie quickly packed her bag and followed them to the car

"Hilary raped me"Jasmine said with her head down.

"What do you mean, which Hilary ", he stared at her with a dazed expression.

"Hilary your son, he came back a day after we left, he beat me up and forced himself on me "she sobbed

"That's not even the worst part, I'm pregnant "she said avoiding to see the look on Pedro's face.

"Pregnant?, Within just three weeks of my departure you're pregnant.

Wha...what do you want to do about the baby "he stammered.

"I think the best thing for her is to remove the baby, because she can't have your son's child under your roof", Cassie said.

"Are you in support my little angel "he asked Jasmine.

"Yes , I'll get rid of the baby, what will you do about Hilary?" Jasmine asked staring into Pedro's cold eyes.

"Why don't you leave that for me to handle and focus on removing that thing",he sneered back.

Pedro organised Jasmine's appointment to get rid of the baby by a very experienced doctor.

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