His Vengeful lover

Chapter 23: Unreasonable

The second gate, Glory estate

When Mr Jin's car arrived at the entrance of the second gate of glory Estate, they noticed a small crowd outside. This Kind of scene was not expected in a place like glory Estate; Mr Adams frowned. He had a bad feeling about the situation.

"Thank you for your help," the three men thanked Mr Jin, who nodded his head; although he was still curious about what happened to the men, he did not pry. He smiled and drove off immediately.

"Honey, thank goodness you are home," Mrs Adams spotted her husband the minute he walked closer to the gate.

Seeing the way his wife looked and the fact that she was standing outside with her, his mind began to connect all the dots.

"What happened? Why are you outside?" As he asked, he noticed the suitcases scattered all over the place.

"Some men came to the house just before it started raining; they said the house belonged to Steam, and since you no longer work there, we should park our belongings and vacant the house. I thought this was a joke, so I tried to call you, but it suddenly began to rain. I thought they would let it be, but I was wrong; in one hour, some men walked in and made us park our things.

They only showed a little mercy for the rain to stop before we were chased outside the estate," Mrs Adams explained as she spoke, tears ran down her eyes.

Ever since her husband started working at steam, their social standing has improved; those security men used to treat her with so much respect; who would have thought that they would be so rude to her.

Mr Adams's blood ran cold; he had not expected that little girl to have such a vicious heart; how could she not even spare his family. They were innocent in all this.

"Stop crying; we would get a hotel to spend the night, and then we can start looking for an apartment in the morning," Mr Adams said.

"Dad, you really lost your job?" his teenage son asked with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, watch that tone," Mr Adams snapped at him. He was already under a lot of pressure.

"Are you going to leave with your family just like that? That girl is abusing her power," Mr Moses felt his heartache. He had just gotten promoted less than a year, and he could not accept losing his job, and his family got thrown out of the house on a rainy day.

"What do you think we should do? Our family has been kept outside; we should look for a place for them first, then we can discuss what we should do next," Mr Adams replied. He was the one that led these men from the beginning; he could not just let them go.

"No, we should write to a blogger and have him meet our family; we have to sue her for this," Mr Roland joined the conversation.

"That's right; who does she think she is?" Mr Moses was not pleased with all.

Mr Adams thought they made a lot of sense; no matter what, they would not lose from this; very quickly, they contacted a blogger, who asked them to send him a video as he was stuck in a traffic jam.

"I will not allow myself or my children to be recorded in this video," Mrs Adams suddenly said, seeing they were about to start videoing. She had boasted to her friend that she lived in glory Estate; how could she allow a video of herself being thrown out of the estate to circulate the country? Where would she hide her face?

"What are you saying?" Mr Adams knew why his wife did not want to appear in the video, but he knew that this would benefit them.

"What do you mean? What am I saying? When you left the house this morning, you still had a job, now you return without a job, and you want me to future in a video as a homeless woman? Never," Mrs Adams took a stand.

The other men's wives felt that her words made sense; how did their husbands suddenly lose their jobs. "Yes, if you want us in this video, you should at least let us know what is going on," Mrs Roland said.

"Well, you all know that our company founder and CEO just returned to the country; she has been making unnecessary demands and trying to increase our workloads, but we stand against it. So she got angry and suspended us without pay.

"We went to her for an explanation, and we got fired," Mr Roland said.

"We q actually," Mr Adams corrected; while they can lie about other things, they could not accuse Emily of firing them since she did not.

The three wives looked at their husbands; Mrs. Adams was not convicted by her husband's words. "So you three were the only ones that had a problem with the changes?" She asked her husband. She did not care what changes were made at his workplace as long as she continued to enjoy the pride of living in a place like glory estates. It is a known fact that only those with status in society can live there. Sure they could rent another apartment or house, but it was not the same as living in a place like the glory estate.

"No, many of the managers did not like those changes but as soon as they saw the suspension notice, they chicken out, a bunch of weaklings," Mr Moses said.

"Are you sure your boss was the one who acted unreasonably? she seems intelligent to me," Mrs Moses said. She had watched Emily's interview, and she was wowed by her.

In fact, she had told her eight years old daughter to make the lady her idol; how could she accept so quickly that a model she had chosen for her daughter was unreasonable.

"You! What do you mean?" Mr Moses was not pleased with his wife's question?

"I am just saying, getting a good job that pays so well it's not easy. Besides, Steam is just five years, and it has accomplished these feet; what do you think it would be like in the next five years, yet you quit because of some minor changes," Mrs Moses replied.

"Are you saying I should let that girl turn me into a slave?" Mr Moses asked.

"That girl was your boss, but I guess your male ego could not take it," Mrs Moses said. She knew the kind of man her husband was.

"You.." Mr Moses was outraged, but before he could say another word, Mr Adams stopped him.

"Let's not fight amongst ourselves what we need now is a solution. We have to put this video out there, no matter what we deserve a week notice," Mr. Adams said. Although his wife was still reluctant, she agreed when Mr.Adam promise that they will stay in Experience hotel and suit till they got a new apartment.

Everybody knows that a night in Experience hostel and suit was expensive. At least she will be able to use it to save her face.

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