How to Become a Sadist’s Lover

C5 - S, M

The man laughed loudly. However, as if understanding what Yan meant, he stopped laughing and made a suggestion.

“Then, shall I help you?”

“With what?”

“With becoming a masochist.”


“What do you think? If you don’t like it, that’s fine. I won’t force you.”

True to his word, the man didn’t seem particularly interested in Yan himself. Yes, when it came down to it, Yan was the desperate one. After brief consideration, Yan grabbed the man’s shirt once more.

“Okay. Please help me.”

Despite Yan’s acceptance, the man didn’t respond. Yan remained lying down, looking up at him. The man’s narrowly opened eyes gazed down at Yan.

“That’s not it.”


“Do I need to teach you how to ask properly?”

Web surfing hadn’t been entirely useless, so Yan realized what the man was pointing out. Yan spoke again.

“Please help me, sir.”


The man’s hand ruffled Yan’s hair. His curly red hair became disheveled.

“I’ll give you my contact information, so get your head straight before contacting me.”

“So I just need to contact this number.”

Yan stared at his phone screen unnecessarily. Not even knowing the man’s name, he had simply saved the contact as “Teacher.”

“Should I call or send a message?”

Yan fidgeted with his phone. His intention to receive training to become a masochist remained unchanged. After returning home and getting a good rest, he was now completely sober, with no traces of alcohol or drugs in his system. It was time to contact the man.


Yan fumbled with his phone as a call suddenly came in. He thought he had accidentally called “Teacher,” but it was from Dave, his patrol partner.

“Dave? What’s up?”

“Yan, are you on your way?”

“Yeah. Is something wrong?”

“If possible, please hurry, Yan.”

Wasn’t today Dave’s day off? Why was he calling? Yan’s simple question was answered by Dave’s next words.

“It’s a complete emergency right now. The captain went into a meeting, and we need to head out right away.”

“Uh… Alright. I’ll hurry as much as I can.”

If something had happened, it wasn’t strange that Dave had been called in too. What could it be? Hopefully something straightforward. Yan hung up with this wish and accessed a news portal.


Yan inhaled sharply upon seeing the article displayed on the main page.

“[Breaking News] Senator McDowell Found Dead in Front of City Hall”

Being a first alert, there weren’t many details. However, the headline alone conveyed how significant the incident was.

Ah, this definitely won’t be a simple case. Yan resigned himself to this thought and quietly paid his respects to Senator McDowell.


When Yan arrived at work, a meeting involving high-ranking officials including the chief and captain was in full swing. Yan cautiously approached Dave, who was discussing the case with other colleagues.

“Yan, did you see the news on your way?”

“Yeah. What’s going on here?”

“It’s exactly as reported in the news. We don’t know the details yet either.”

Yan could already envision the articles that would criticize the police’s incompetence. But it couldn’t be helped. A vampire causing trouble in the middle of the city wasn’t necessarily due to police incompetence.

“We’re dealing with creatures that far exceed human limitations. How are we supposed to catch them?”

Dave grumbled. A colleague standing next to him picked up the conversation.

“The culprit is definitely a vampire, right?”

“Of course.”

“Who else could tear off limbs in an instant?”

Everyone frowned at the thought. Though they had dealt with all kinds of violent crimes, the recent simultaneous outbreaks were particularly distressing.

“What happens to the renegotiation with vampires now?”

Everyone fell silent at Yan’s cautious question.

There wasn’t a citizen who didn’t know that Senator McDowell had been pushing for renegotiation with vampires. Barring any major changes, a peace treaty with vampires was to be signed this coming Monday.

“How greedy are those bastards? If something is given, something should be received in return. Are they just going to suck blood and leave? How are they different from bedbugs?”

Dave, who had particularly negative feelings toward vampires, fumed. As several others opened their mouths to agree, the chief walked in.

“As you all probably know already, I’ll introduce him once more.”

Footsteps echoed softly, and someone opened the door and entered. Yan’s eyes widened as soon as he saw him.

“This is Sirius, a vampire hunter. He has agreed to cooperate with us on this case, so I hope everyone will work well with him.”

Sirius, a handsome man with the elegant appearance of a marble statue, greeted everyone. His face, as always, revealed little expression, somehow feeling inhuman. No, actually, it was because he was too beautiful and handsome that he seemed not quite human.

Normally, Yan would have stolen glances at Sirius’s face, but today he kept his gaze lowered. After what he’d done last night, he felt somewhat guilty looking at Sirius’s face.

Above all, Sirius had rejected him during their last meeting. They were never particularly close to begin with—Sirius was indifferently impartial to everyone—but now their relationship was bound to become even more distant.

‘Ah, what should I do?’

Now that he thought about it, there seemed to be a truly important issue before becoming a masochist, causing Yan to flinch. Shouldn’t he at least become friendly with Sirius before shyly confessing, “I developed masochistic tendencies for you”?

“Dave, Yan.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ah, yes.”

Yan responded a beat late, next to Dave’s crisp reply. Fortunately, the chief didn’t scold Yan. On the contrary, he said something for which Yan was grateful.

“You two will be in charge of Sirius’s protection.”


Yan answered simultaneously with Dave. The energetic response wasn’t feigned but sincere. Being assigned to protection duty meant he would be protecting Sirius!

Perhaps, just as Sirius had saved his life, he might be able to save Sirius’s life too. ‘You saved my life, Yan.’ Yan imagined Sirius’s trembling, moist voice, but then shook his head. Of course, the best scenario would be one where Sirius didn’t face danger in the first place.

‘But without affecting his life, well-being, or physical and mental health, might there be a situation where Sirius—not greatly, but just slightly—depends on me?’

Yan dreamed as he glanced at Sirius’s profile. Even knowing it was an unreasonable dream, his feelings of unrequited love couldn’t help but race ahead.



“Um, I’m sorry for contacting you so late.”

Yan apologetically took a humble approach.

A week had passed since he’d received the contact information. He swore it wasn’t intentional. He had truly been too busy to contact the man.

“Has your sanity finally returned?”

Despite the clear teasing, Yan had no retort since he was in the wrong. The man had said, “Get your head straight before contacting me,” Yan had agreed, and only now was he calling.

“So, are you ready to have a detailed conversation?”

“Yes. But I’m sorry, I’ve been busy lately, so I might not be able to spare much time.”

With no trace of the culprit found, there hadn’t been much progress in the case. The renegotiation was already off the table. No one was naive enough not to suspect who was behind it, but the problem was the lack of evidence.

“That’s fine. I’m busy too.”

The voice coming through the receiver seemed genuinely unbothered, which reassured Yan. He had never thought before that a mutually disinterested relationship could be this comfortable.

“And if you really can’t find the time, we can also go with homework assignments.”

Homework? What kind of homework? Would hitting my own bottom even hurt? Yan thought, slightly furrowing his brow. In any case, as a senior in this world, the man would know various methods that Yan didn’t.

“Shall we meet and talk?”

“Good. Today at 7, is that possible?”


“I’ll decide the place. I’ll text you, so check it.”

The call ended. Immediately afterward, a message arrived. Checking it, Yan found a hotel name and room number.

‘So this is where it really begins.’

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