Chapter 13: Death hits hard
I don't know why he stormed off so angrily. It felt like he got really mad at me for some reason...Maybe it was because of the kiss. I have no clue. I have a bad feeling though. I feel like something bad is going to happen or has happened.
What if something happened to him? Maybe he was feeling sick? I'm worried about him. I know I told him the truth about the dare but it was all in my plan. Now he knows that it was a dare but he doesn't know that I'm going to proceed with the plan. I feel a bit evil but I don't want to back out of this. I do like him but still, the dare is more important than my stupid feelings.
My father's condition is getting worse. The doctors found out that he has a big heart problem and because he never goes to a doctor he hasn't gotten enough help and he hasn't long enough before he us dead. I don't know what I would do without my dad. Sure he is strict and selfish but he has always taken care of me and I really love my father. Without him I would be nothing, he raised me to be the man I am today. He teached me manners, how to dress properly, how to talk, how to ignore feelings, he taught me everything I have to know about taking over the CEO and mafia position. He literally taught me everything I know.
I'm waiting outside my father's hospital room, the lights flicker a bit and it smells like chemicals, plastic and of doctors. I don't like hospitals, they're a bit gross but I know they are important to the human society. The fact that my own father is lying in there, probably dying is haunting me. I haven't slept anything and I'm really worried.
A beeping sound cuts me out of my thought's and doctors comes rushing in and out of the room. He is dead.