Chapter 6: The desire to kiss her
When I woke up on Liam's couch he was in the kitchen wearing a hoodie and sweatpants?! I had never seen him wear anything like that. He is always wearing a expensive suit not something so basic. Something inside me flushes and my heart rate picks up. This can't happen. I need to turn off all emotions when it comes to Liam. I stand up and walks to the kitchen and sits down on one of the bar stools.
"Morning." I say in a tired voice and he just nods. The smell of newly made breakfast fills my nose and I sigh softly. This man can do literally everything.
I look at my phone and scrolls through some videos on TikTok when he breaks the silence.
"You can go and take a shower, the breakfast is ready in about 40 minutes. I put a new towel and some clothes in the bathroom." I nod and stand up and goes into the bathroom. The bathroom is big and luxurious and I strip down naked and steps into the shower. The water is hot and it feels good to shower in such a big bathroom and I start to get lost in thoughts as I shower.
It's gone 20 damn minutes since she went into the shower and I'm starting to get worried. I know girls take long time to shower but my patience is running thin. I wash my hands and starts walking towards the bathroom and as I open the batthroom door she does the same. She stumbles forwarnd into me and I catch her by her waist. My heart beat picks up and I notice that her cheeks geets into a deep shade of red. Cute.
We stand like this for a few seconds staring into eachother's eyes and the desire to bend down and kiss her is overwhelming and suddenly as I start leaning down to kiss her the firealarm went off. That damn breakfast.