HP X LOTM : Please Call Me Mr. Error.

Chapter 375: Third Task : Mutual Destruction.

With both teams finalizing their plans, they set into motion gathering all the monsters/creatures they could. Loki and Harry worked on one side of the map while Krum and Fleur worked on the other, each team turning their entire attention towards their jungles.

Unfortunately for Fleur and Krum, Harry had just recently finished killing their creatures so they had to wait a little to get them to respawn again.-

-On the bright side, this forced them to discover other creatures like the Queen Vampyr Mosp which could fly directly to the nexus, but on the bad side, they had to create new tactics to hunt these creatures.

Time ticked by as both sides gathered their pets/monsters.

Rushing to expend all effort they could to try and be faster than their enemies to execute their plans.

Loki gave Harry all the pets he'd gathered except the Zouwu and asked him to directly defend the Nexus while Fleur gave Krum all the monsters except the Queen Vampyr Mosp which surprised Krum.

'I have a plan for it!' Fleur explained quickly in a low voice as if she was afraid that the fog around them had ears.

Both Fleur and Loki mounted their respective creatures and began to follow Harry and Krum as they marched down the bottom lane along with the various alchemical constructs wearing their respective team colours.

As soon as they reached the centre point where the ruins of the destroyed Guardian Turret lay, Krum and Harry faced each other while their pets/monsters and alchemical constructs faced each other.

There was silent acknowledgement for a second before all hell broke loose between the two sides.

The alchemical constructs were the first to lunge at each other, sending various spells at each other while the ones with melee weapons fought like barbarians.

Harry and Krum almost simultaneously shot spells from their wands. Krum cast a simple Protego since all he needed to do was buy time for Fleur while Harry went with Bombarda Maxima to sell the effect that he was desperate to defeat Krum because they were currently stronger than them.

Seeing their teammates fighting well, Fleur took to the air while Loki patted his Zouwu to get ready to jump over to the nexus.

The big cat gave its butt a little wiggle while the Queen bee sharpened its stinger.

And then in a sudden *poof* both left their positions on the ground and rose into the air.

As Fleur and Loki passed through the rushing winds while defending themselves from the fog that was going to encapsulate their vision soon, they froze as they locked gazes with each other in the air.

'Holy Merlin of God!! A flying creature!!! How's that fair!!?' Loki cursed as he spotted Fleur flying right towards him.

'Did 'zthey seriously tame 'zthat big cat!!!? And it can jump so far!!?? How's 'zthat fair!!?' Fleur cursed when she saw the Wumpus cat cover nearly half the distance in moments.

Loki quickly directed the Zouwu under him to grab onto the Queen Vampyr Mosp.

Being the first to react, Loki quickly gained the upper hand as the Zouwu grabbed the enemy with its claws. But the strength of the Queen Vampyr Mosp wasn't to be underestimated.

As soon as it felt the claws of the Zouwu sling into its chitin armour it started fluttering its wings with enough force that the fog around both the participants cleared, and almost immediately it twirled the Zouwu around, causing it to rather painfully land head first into the foresty ground.

Loki and Fleur were thrown off their mounted creatures as they smashed into trees and rolled onto the muddy forest floor.

Being an experienced assassin, Fleur instantly pushed herself off the floor which Loki mimicked not long after, a move he'd learned from Cedric and Co when he trained with them in dueling.

But the small difference in time was enough for Fleur to cast the most practical spell she could think of at that moment, Langlock.

The spell struck Loki's chest, and as soon as he stood up he found his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.

Now this would've been a simple fix normally since all it needed was a simple Finite Incantatem, but right now, Fleur was already sending multiple chains of colourful spells right at his head!

Loki ducked towards the floor and jumped behind a tree to save himself. He then quickly pointed the wand at his mouth and flicked it.

Just as Loki did that, he found the Zouwu screaming in pain!

Peeking from beside the tree, Loki saw that the Queen Vampyr Mosp's long sharp sting had pierced into the Zouwu's stomach and Fleur was already rushing towards it so that they could fly away and secure their victory since the Zouwu was neutralised, at least it wouldn't be able to move very much for now.

But Loki didn't sit still.

As soon as he saw the Queen Vampyr Mosp attack the Zouwu he flicked his wand and with a fully powered spell shouted, VELOX ACUS!

A thick bolt of wind, lighting and ice left Loki's wand.

It was no longer a simple needle.

What left Loki's wand looked more like a pillar of pure might and destruction.

Fleur saw it and barely managed to halt her steps before she flicked her wand at the forest floor.

The dirt rose up and quickly formed multiple walls, there were nearly twenty walls rising up to stop the oncoming onslaught, but Fleur had under-credited the power of Loki's spell.

The spell tore a hole straight through the dirt wall, exploding it into a shower of dirt and stone that flew everywhere, yet there was a slight smile on Fleur's face.

'It missed!'

The powerful spell was an elemental spell and hence couldn't be blocked by a simple Finite Incantatem, so Fleur was happy with simply diverting the spell so that it wouldn't hit her or her ride to the nexus.

But unfortunately for her, the Zouwu easily understood what was happening around it and in its dying breaths chose to support Loki by using the sharp claws that had pierced through the chitin of the monster in front of it and lifting it up until it was in the path of the scary spell.

The spell clashed with the chitin of the Vampyre Mosp and for a moment it felt like none would give, but almost in the same moment, the chitin gave way to a small crack that suddenly grew to become a big hole that passed from one side of the body of the Queen Vampyr Mosp to the other.

Fleur panicked when she saw the state of her ride, but this allowed Loki to send another spell her way.

This was the same spell but without the same power as the one used to deal with the monster it just took down. Even so, Fleur didn't skim out on protecting herself and instead of facing the spell head-on, she dodged to the side to protect herself from being hit.

Now that both Fleur and Loki were hiding behind trees in the forest. 

They took a deep breath to calm themselves.

"What will you do now little loser!? Or should I call you little ass!?" Loki taunted.

Meanwhile, in the bottom lane, both Harry and Krum started to get nervous as their pets/creatures started dying with neither Fleur nor Loki in sight.

Both understood that something had gone wrong in their plan, but both couldn't move from their place since doing so could possibly mean giving up their Nexus.

Even though Harry would have to move to the top lane, which would take some more time, Krum wasn't sure if Loki had won against Fleur or not. And since he was blind about the outcome of their confrontation, he stayed with Harry, making sure that at least the person in front of him was accounted for.

Harry's assault doubled down and Krum was forced to expend even more spirituality to defend himself, but in the process of forcing him to protect himself, Harry also attacked the various monsters to help his own pets, as such Harry was bleeding spirituality at an alarming rate, almost as if he had lost his brain.

This put pressure on Krum that he hadn't planned for and he started to slowly become nervous.

The worst part for both parties was the sudden announcement that showed up on screens in front of them.

"Poisonous fog will now evolve into poisonous rain due to the continuous updraft from the players which has pushed them to form clouds which will bring calamitous rain."


A/N : Join my Patreon (p@treon.com/hooin_kyoma_au) to read 21 chapters ahead for just $3.

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