Chapter 440: Personal Visit.
Loki heaved a *sigh* of relief as he looked at the massive tapestry of runes he had carved to be placed onto the tiny ring that was in front of him.
It took him a few careful weeks of patient enchanting and carving to get everything just right. He had almost decided to quit midway through because of some of the problems he'd faced, but after asking Nicolas and Prenelle for a little bit of help in figuring things out, he was back on track.
'This…this is going to be a huge change for the wizarding world.'
'Most will probably hate it though…'
'I guess the Aurors and duellers might like it?'
Loki couldn't believe that what he had dreamed of not long ago had turned into a reality in just a month.
'But it is only going to apply to Hogwarts and the Tarot Club members for now.'
'Still…this is going to be pretty monumental. I'm sure plenty of people will be confused by it and will also want to hijack it and try to monetise people's access to this…'
'But it should have no problems unless the person involved is at least a true god themself. Even then, if they're careless, I can react immediately and hide it using the Grey Fog.'
Over the past month, Loki had not only figured out a way to spread his magic around and teach everyone about it, but he also made sure to figure out everything he could about Luna Lovegood from random people he knew like Hermione but most of his information came from Professor Snape directly.
He hadn't asked Snape about Luna directly, but had asked if there was a way he could get in touch with the writers behind Quibbler which Hermione had told him about.
Snape had give him Luna's information after that so that he could make the best first impression while avoiding any land mines that he might want to avoid in conversation.
Through all this, Loki learnt that her mother had died due to a magical experiment earlier, and he also figured out that the Quibbler, which was an alternative to the daily prophet and his own newspaper the Hogwarts Honest Mill, was written by Luna's father Xenophilius Lovegood.
Loki hadn't visited her yet because he was rather focused on making the item that he was going to use to complete the digestion of his Parasite potion.
And also because he thought-
'Since she'll be at Hogwarts anyway, I'll just ask her about it then.'
-since Tom's body wasn't ready yet, so there was no point getting ahead of himself and ask someone to fix his soul for him.
Loki flicked his wand and covered the tapestry of runes that stood tall in the Sefirah Castle with the grey fog. Leaving it to unveil it later when the Tarot Meeting for this month happened.
With his preparations done, Loki left the Sefirah Castle and landed back in his room where there was a suit and coat laid out on the bed that he had to wear to his destination with Walburga.
Over the last month, Sirius had left the Black House several times after Walburga had decided to use him as a bargaining chip with Dumbledore so that she could show 'Him' the support of the Black Family so that he wouldn't pressure them politically as much.
Walburga had already taken charge of several businesses that had been operating freely ever since the house was left to Loki and Kreacher, and along with it she had to call on for favours from her old friends who did their best to appease her since they knew life would be much miserable if they didn't.
Walburga had already arranged an official printing station for Hogwarts Honest Mill and had already turned the entire model into a subscription service which would guarantee that subscribers would get their newspapers each day for a cheaper price overall.
Even then, Hogwarts Honest Mill was making bank since most people didn't buy every edition of the newspaper since a lot of them only bought the paper for the special edition cards for Arcadia Royale that were occasionally released.
Walburga had also already renegotiated the deal Loki had with Bilton Blimes the outcome of which Loki had seen in the form of Bilton nearly crying out his body weight as he exited the room after their negotiations.
"Aren't you being a bit too harsh Grandma?"
"Harsh? What's that? Is it something I can make money off of?"
Loki just shook his head and let it be.
Today, however, Loki and Walburga had decided to pay Cassandra's orphanage a short visit to meet Elane. And so, Loki was making sure that he'd be at his best so that he wouldn't cause Elane to feel embarrassed in front of her friends.
Wearing the suit after a quick shower, Loki found himself admiring how he looked in the mirror for a few minutes, for some reason this style which Walburga and Kreacher originally forced on him had started to grow on him.
He nodded to himself while looking into the mirror before leaving the room to meet Walburga who was already waiting for him downstairs.
She scanned him from top to bottom, trying to see if he had put on clothes according to his own sense of fashion, but seeing nothing glowing brightly, Walburga gave him a nod of approval before extending her hand.
Loki shook his head quickly, "No! I'm not apparating! That is uncomfortable and annoying. The spell Mr. Error gave me is much easier."
Walburga looked annoyed at the fact that she was essentially being escorted by Loki and made up her mind to learn the new spells in the book Loki had given her.
Her growing age and the slight pain she felt in her bones after being squeezed into a thin tube while apparating might've also been a factor.
So Loki extended his hand instead and after Walburga grabbed it they vanished from the living room without a sound.
Coming down a few seconds later, Sirius looked around to search for Walburga before failing to find her.
Kreacher teleported with a *POP* and looked at Sirius with a frown.
"What does Master be wanting?"
"Where's she?"
Kreacher's eyes narrowed but he answered anyway, "Lady Black has left the house with Master Loki."
"Huh? Why didn't I hear them apparating away then?" Sirius asked but before he could think any further, Kreacher simply chided him, "Not everyone is as bad at apparition as Master Black."
And before Sirius could respond, Kreacher vanished and went back to finishing his tasks with a softer *pop* as if showing him that even the 'slave' was better than the 'master'.
Loki and Walburga arrived at the orphanage on a silent street as they looked around and oriented themselves.
'Although I haven't been here a long time…it doesn't feel like much time has passed since then at all.'
Walburga walked ahead with confidence and quickly stood in front of the door to the orphanage where she pulled on a small chain that was hanging on from the ceiling.
The doorbell rang and a flurry of footsteps rushed towards the door.
There were slight *thuds* that indicated that a few people taking those steps had fallen, but even more had joined the fray.
Loki was worried that there was a stampede, he wasn't worried about the other kids, he was moreso worried that Elane had fallen!
'How can my little sister fight off all those evil kids!?'
In a few moments, the door flew open, showing Loki and Walburga the faces of several children of all ages, big or small, as they peered through the door to look at who had come.
Loki looked at them all for a few seconds as he searched for Elane but he couldn't find her. Worried that she had fallen and gotten trampled over in a stampede, Loki was about to turn on his spirit vision to check through the crowd, but that was when someone quickly stepped down the stairs.
The person was wearing a cute pink frock patterned with several little white flower buds that were nearly open and looked like the sparkles around a fairy's dress.
Loki's eyes widened when they landed on the little girl as did the girl's when she looked at him.
"Big brother!!!!"
Walburga smiled seeing her two enthusiastic little adopted children as she too felt happy seeing their enthusiasm.
The other children that had crowded around the door widened their eyes before looking at Loki with some admiration too.
Loki completely missed this however since he was focused only on Elane who was happily running towards him.
Even though the two of them had seen each other so recently, both Loki and Elane had large smiles on their faces as they rushed towards each other.
Elane jumped into the air and forced Loki to grab her out of it, swing her around and spin around with her before letting her down.
Once Elane was satisfied by her hugs, she stopped to look around and finally noticed Walburga.
Her brows furrowed for a bit while Loki felt a little tense about how he was going to handle Elane not recognising Walburga.
'Should I add a thought to her body of heart and mind to make her remember Walburga?'
'But she is my sist-'
Before Loki could think anymore, Elane's brows shot up as her eyes widened before she pointed at Walburga and shouted, "Witch!"
Loki was shocked.
'She remembers!'
And then he felt pride in his little sister.
Walburga laughed grandmotherly just like a witch would and patted Elane's head softly before looking at her and then at the other kids before asking them all, "Where's Aunt Cassandra?"
There was a *buzzing* silence as the children talked to each other around themselves before one of them spoke out loud.
"Aunt Cassandra said she had to go visit her friends so she left us alone for a little while. She left me and a few other children in charge of everyone's safety until then."
"Hmmm…" Walburga nodded before asking a question again, "Do you know how long it'll take her to return?"
"Hm~m. She told us she'd be here in an hour and that was half an hour ago so only half an hour more."
With the information out, Walburga decided she would stay here and wait for Cassandra while having fun with all the children, especially her granddaughter.
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