HP X LOTM : Please Call Me Mr. Error.

Chapter 450: A Debt To Repay.

With his short inspection of his runes in the Sefirah Castle done, Loki left the Sefirah Castle and returned to his room where he tidied his bed before leaving to go to the Room of Requirements to continue working on trying to find the Chaos Sea.

Loki randomly activated his spirit vision to study his spirit body threads, wondering if he could experiment directly with it and see if using magic affects it in any way.

'Perhaps I can find the Chaos sea using that?'

'....nah that's probably too far-fetched, even for me.'

'If only I had some item that was close to the Chaos sea…'

'*sigh* I'm sure I'll figure out a way.'

'I have to, or things won't be pretty for me…'

Loki continued walking as he moved through the cold corridors just as he felt his spirit threads ripple a little.

Loki was about to stop and examine them, except Loki spotted what was possibly the cause for his spirit thread to tremble.

"Why're you here?" Loki asked Helena, seeing how she was looking out the window on the seventh floor.

"There's no reason for me not to be here. And shouldn't you be answering the question in the first place? You're breaking curfew."

Loki just rolled his eyes and started pacing around the corridor thinking about Salazar's riddle and opening the correct room again.

But Helena's next words stopped him.

"I found out something about that evil pig."

Loki had to forcefully hold his mouth shut as he began snorting like a pig himself while holding back his laughter.

"That pig punishes students by making them write on paper, except she uses a quill that's a Mystical item to etch the same words into the back of their hand. The words heal as you write so there are no 'marks' left."

Loki's face fell, his smile or laughter nowhere to be found as his eyes narrowed, and his mind started thinking of theories immediately.

"And no one's spoken about it? They're not allowed to? The quill's a mystical item that forms a contract and forces them to remain shut about it? Or they just write on a notarised paper?" Loki quickly deduced.

Helena nodded.

"I see.", Loki said with his pupils narrowed until they only left a pinprick hole to still let light in.

But then Helena spoke again.

"I have a way for you to repay your debt."

Loki's mind froze, and almost immediately his thoughts launched into an animated spree!

'This woman!'

'Asking her to help Hogwarts students was a debt!?'


'Why am I the one that always gets swindled when I make a deal with her!?'

'What does she even want help with now?'

'Her dad?'

'I doubt there's anyone better than Rowena to help 'Him'.'


'Is Rowena in a stalemate with 'Her' and so Helena wants my help?'

"Your mother wants to help your father I assume?" Loki asked openly since he was probably the only one who knew any better about the entire situation other than Helena herself.

Helena's gaze firmed but eventually, after a little bit of mental hesitation, she nodded softly.

"Yes. She requests your help. She wants you to create a distraction."

Loki's eyes widened as he almost cursed out loud.

'The hell does she think!?'

"Distracting 'Her'!? And what am I supposed to do!? Dance?"

"Mom said she only needs you to keep 'Her' distracted for about a week and-" Helena tried reasoning while using her wand to silence the surroundings to keep Loki's voice from waking up the entire castle.

"WE- WEEK!?" Loki almost shouted before remembering he didn't want to wake up the entire castle and whispered. "What do you think I do? Sit around and kill my time by playing with Gods and Goddesses for a living? A week!? Are you insan-"

"Don't call mother insan-"

"Like hell, I will not! What does she think I do that she even thought I'd agree to help her-"

Helena responded not with words or violence but with a simple action.

She pulled out a small card.

The card looked breathtaking.

It looked like something similar Loki had seen a million times before.

The design was immaculate and created artistically in ways that a normal person would not have imagined before.

On its surface was the face of the very woman that they were talking about, Rowena Ravenclaw.

She was wearing a gorgeous head accessory and colourful clothes, almost like a jester's, while holding a stick with luggage hanging from it as though she was on a long trip. She had a visionary look like she could see what was in store for her in the future, and beside her was a puppy, following her to the end of time.

Loki looked at the card with a glimmer in his eyes as his mind sparked into a blaze.


'THAT'S THE FOOL CARDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Loki's eyes immediately dragged towards Helena's.

His breathing hitched and he froze for a moment as he realised that she couldn't see the contents of the card!

But Helena was quick to notice that Loki was shocked.

So she smiled as she spoke happily-

"So you do want this..." Helena said waving the card around in the air.

Loki immediately frowned.

"No. You can keep it. I changed my mind."

Loki was about to turn around and walk away which caused Helena to quickly follow him with a soft plea which brought a soft smile to his face again since he'd guessed right.

Helena likely didn't know what she was holding and was only told by her mother that it was a valuable item, valuable enough to get Loki to agree to her.

"It's not that I don't want such a thing.", Loki said with faux annoyance. "While it is simply a slightly important card for me…for you its a matter of life and death for your father, is it not?" Loki teased with a joyous smile that didn't extend to his eyes.

They remained cold and calculative as they took in Helena in her entirety and dissected everything from her expression to her body language.

Helena frowned, accepting the slight setback even though she could guess that Loki was only pretending not to like the card very much since her Mother couldn't be wrong about how much he valued it and pushed herself a little away from Loki as she turned towards the window and looked outside.

".....there is another reward if you are able to keep her distracted for a month."

Loki's eyes widened as he followed her gaze and stopped on the crimson moon.

'No way…the moon card!?'

Helena turned around and just nodded like she knew exactly what Loki was thinking.

"Uncle would help you too."

'...oh no card? Uncle? She's talking about Salazar?'

'The Moon card would've been harmful anyway if it was corrupted by 'Her'.'

"He said if you're able to keep 'Her' distracted away for a month, he would help a single person of your choosing advance faster on the Darkness Pathway until they're at least an angel."

Loki's breathing turned light as he realised what Helena had just said but he forced a few deep breaths in to calm down.

'This…for Sunny?'

Loki frowned as his mind started to think about the various people he could use this for, which wasn't a lot, being capped at three for now with Sunny, Walburga and Sirius, but it still felt like something he would like to do very much.

'If either of them becomes an angel…they can use abilities regarding confinement.'

'If I'm going to go against 'Her' or even Voldemort that'll be really helpful since disturbing Salazar for every small thing would grow annoying real fast.'

'Especially if I have to hide things from Dumbledore.'

'I doubt simply messing with fate is going to help me very much.'

'But who do I choo-'

'No that's not what's important.'

'I can't get tempted.'

'Not yet.'

'Especially not on a mission that is practically suicide.'

'I didn't pay attention before, but didn't Helena say mon-'

"....month? MONTH!?" Loki practically screamed once again.


A/N : Here's your extra chapter!!! Enjoy!!!

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