Chapter 3: A New World
Waking up in a snowy forest with nothing but the open sky above his head was not very unusual for Balder Storm-Oak.
Saving Tamriel from a world-eating demigod and a whole plethora of other problems requires lots of travelling and he was all for it.
Waking up in a snowy forest when that was definitely not where he went to sleep was a bit more unusual. Still nothing too out of the ordinary however. All in all, it was quite a nice morning.
The Snow and trees are tinted red from the morning sun rising over the horizon and if the clear, cloudless blue-red sky was anything to go by, the weather would be Beautiful. The air filling his lungs was refreshing cool and clear.
And while any normal person would need to layer himself in cloth like an onion to not die of hypothermia, Balder was a Nord, and no true Nord would mind a bit of cold air. Even if he was clad in nothing but jeans, simple Leather booths and a shirt, not that he would know what Jeans are.
Everything was great, if there wasn't the ever so small little detail that was just... off.
His scream disturbed a couple of birds resting on some nearby trees, but he simply couldn't be bothered to care about that, or what kind of creatures he might attract with his shouting.
"No, more importantly, how do I learn to turn others into children" Balder had a whole list of people and knife ears he would like to try such a spell on, ending with pretty much every Thalmor that would dare to set foot in his immediate vicinity.
But for now, it was probably best to find out where in Skyrim he even was.
That, as he noticed looking around, might not be as easy as expected.
There are no Mountains.
There are mountains everywhere in Skyrim, especially the colder, snowy areas like the one he just woke up in.
"I'm completely lost aren't I"
"It was the Thalmor"
It has been about half a day since I woke up in these unfamiliar lands, if the setting of the sun past its zenith was anything to go by at least, and I had plenty of time to think about what could have happened as I walked into a random direction in hopes of finding...
Finding anything to be honest, it has been nothing but snow, trees and small hills as far as the eye can reach out here.
In any case, I had time to think, and whatever turned me into a child and placed me in the middle of Talos-damned nowhere was clearly the Thalmor's doing. May the divines smite the lot.
It was an easy conclusion in all honesty. I Closed my eyes for just a short little nab in their Embassy-
'Admittedly not my brightest moment when I was there to infiltrate them, but also not my fault their Brandy is good...'
'Or at least was, I don't think me and Razelan and left much of anything'
And then I woke up here.
Wherever here is.
Now, realizing that my own stupidity and a bunch of Knife-ears caused this whole mess didn't set me off at all.
Those trees that where mysteriously torn asunder in violent explosions of voice induced force?
Yea, no idea what that's all about, must have been the wind.
But I calmed down and focused on what was immediately important, like why I am unable to access my little pocket of space in oblivion, one of the few actually useful spells I took my time to learn.
No matter what I tried, the spell simply sizzled out as if finding nothing to tether himself, something that shouldn't happen as far as I knew with my limited arcane knowledge, and everything I had in there was instead just sprawled all over the snow where I woke up
And that meant heaps and hoards of weapons, trinkets, food, materials and other things I came upon during my travels, all just laying around for any would be thief to take.
And all I could take with me was whatever I could fit on my person and into a backpack. The rest I reluctantly had to burry under a large rock I marked with a few deep gashes.
That meant I was walking around with nothing but food for a few days, a set of spare cloth, much too large for my current stature but I had to work with what was available and I wasn't exactly running around with a closet full of children's garment. Some cooking utensils, coin and the few things that were simply either too precious or dangerous to leave back.
Like my sword, much too large for me at the moment, and a certain lunatics staff.
All in all, I must've looked like a damn vagabond, walking around with a backpack much too large for a kid, two greatswords, a staff and other miscellaneous objects strapped to every lash I could find.
I was just lucky my physique as a dragonborn still makes me stronger than most adults even now as a child, lest I had to leave even more behind.
I continue plowing my way through the snow, cursing enough about my much shorter legs to make a sailor blush, as I finally hear a sign of civilization in the distance.
Human voices
Muffled by the snow and trees, but nonetheless unmistakably voices.
So glad to finally hear something other than the soft whispering of the wind in the treetops and birds searching for meager amounts of food, I regain all the strength, and most importantly nerves, I had slowly lost over the entire day of straining wandering with a child's body in the middle of nowhere.
I haste my pace, unwilling to have my ride out of this place walk away before I got to them
As I finally see my saviors, willing they might be or not as I did not care for their opinion on the matter.
I couldn't help but notice their strange attire.
I wasn't exactly in a better position either, but I didn't choose my current clothes so ill ignore that unimportant detail.
There were four men, all clad in similar garments. A thick looking mantle, warm pants and a warm cap with a red star on the front.
They held oddly shaped... clubs? from the way they held them id recon it was either a weapon or a tool, but I had never seen something similar, and one of them was carrying a strange box with a large, thin rod pointing upwards, ending a bit above their heads without any obvious reason or use.
They too had clearly seen me, as one of them was gesturing in my direction wildly, and where now making their way over to me.
Well, guess I'll be polite, can't ask dead people for directions after all.
"A wonderful day to all of you" I shout to them as they walk over to me
"I'm afraid I got quite lost, you wouldn't mind telling me where I am, right? And the way to the nearest town with an inn while we're at it"
"Стой, руки где мы их видим, кто ты и как сюда проник? Есть ли другие с тобой?"
The man at the front pointed what I'm now sure is a weapon at me, and yelled in some language I couldn't understand, and didn't even recognize in the slightest. While two others pointed those 'not so clubs' at the forest around us, as if expecting a troll to suddenly run out of it.
The third fumbled with that large box of his, and started talking to it...
'Shit... either he went nuts or that's for some sort of communication, isn't it'
Yea, probably the latter, I had no idea how that's supposed to work but magic, I recon.
The fist to speak got more agitated at my lack of reaction, but I literally had no idea what he was saying.
"Я сказал Руки вверх, не трогай свой рюкзак и ляг на землю"
He got a bit closer and shouted something again, pointing the thing in his hands at the ground for a moment and then back at me.
'They're bandits, aren't they'
I honestly shouldn't be surprised bandits are the first thing I find in the wilderness. Back in Skyrim you couldn't shout someone from a mountain without hitting a bandit or foresworn encampment or two.
Still, if I killed them right away, I'm back to step one, and I wasn't particularly inclined to spend another day searching for civilization...
'Negotiation its is'
"look" I take a step towards them "this wouldn't go the way you want and-"
Whatever I was going to say got cut off as a thundering noise echoed through the forest. The weapon in the man's hand jerked and I felt something biting into my upper leg, pain shooting through it as whatever his weapon did punctures skin and digs into the muscle below.
For a moment I just look down at my leg, where blood now starts coloring my pants in a dark color, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Seconds later my head snaps upwards, eyes boring into those of the man who just attacked me, any friendliness gone, replaced by cold steel and fury.
'Negotiations broke down, time for blood and steel to speak'
With a single fluid motion, I throw off my backpack and draw one of the swords on it.
It was not the one made from dragon bone that I forged myself, not my masterpiece that I let all my experience and inspiration as a smith flow into, but a smaller, Nordic sword I would have used as a one-handed weapon if I wasn't currently in the body of a child
The two who had been watching the surroundings now tuned their attention to me, but it was too late; I was already in motion.
I appeared before the man to the right of the group, a single surprised cry escaped his lips before my sword bit into his surprisingly unarmored side, cleaving through flesh, muscle spine and bone. Severing him in two halves and scattering blood and guts, coloring the pristine white snow red.
I was not done.
I spinned around, facing the men who were still ripping around their weapons to aim at me.
'Seems like it can only do whatever it did straight to the front... good'
I intended to only throw them back, but despite my shouts having gotten much weaker now that I am a child, blood erupted from their mouths, the veins in their eyes popping and painting a bad prospect for their continued health... or life for that matter
'Guess these milk drinkers are quite a bit squishier than men and mer back home'
Turning to the last member of the quartet, he was now screaming into his box, while trying to rip some round object from the pouch on his belt
I entirely forgot the guy had probably the entire camp on the other side of whatever this box is connected to
I immediately bridge the short gap between us and strike both him and his box in two parts in a single swing, hoping he had yet had time to describe our position to reinforcements.
As I took note of the slaughter I now found myself in, my eyes wandered to the strange metal thing the last guy was fumbling on.
It was a round object, with a strange pattern consisting of many squares, cut out with deep groves.
On the top was a cylindrical protrusion, where the man pulled a small metal pin out
'Is it perhaps a weapon?'
The next moment a violent explosion erupted from the object, sending fragments of it into my flesh and ringing in my ears much too loud for comfort. Making me stumble back and collapsing on the cool snow.
WOULD NAH: Whirlwind Fury
FUS RO DAH: Force Balance Push