Chapter 3: Chapter 3: A Corrupted World.
"Hey how long… well it doesn't really give much but you get the idea. Coooom… I'll be honest with you, this chapter… will be really bad at least in my opinion, and I am ■■■. My fault excuse me, however this chapter will not be very light so… be careful… from now on our dear protagonist will be put to the test, he will literally see hell before his eyes and after seeing it… well you will find out for yourself. Well where were we? Ah yes chapter three hmm…"
'Boy let me ask you something for confirmation… you know what you are doing yes?'
'What are you talking about? I'm just doing what I want, I've been training for a whole month in real life without counting the mental training, I don't really know what my power is but it doesn't matter, I'm strong enough to handle a rank 10 right now.'
'...Boy you know I wasn't talking about this, I hear all your thoughts and I don't like your "pacifist project"'
'You don't have to like it, it's what I want to do.'
'Boy your project is not wrong, you want to clean your planet from evil and that's right but... the universe requires balance. If you kill everyone who does wrong things all of this will affect you.'
'...I don't care.'
'Boy please think again.'
'You saw it from my eyes too, right? That scene…'
'Yes I saw it but you can't eliminate all evil otherwise the universe will ask for something in return and you will be the one to suffer.'
'…I'm ready to do it. That scene…'
{2 weeks ago}
'Hey Lucy you can perceive evil even if your powers are limited right?'
'Yes, why do you ask me?'
'I want to practice a little, tell me is something happening nearby?'
'…I don't think you'll like it but if you go inside the building in front of you… on the eleventh floor something is happening.'
'Well, how can I get in… let's see…'
Time to finish the sentence and a lady was coming in, I took the opportunity to sneak in, I took the elevator and went to the eleventh floor.
'And this… the door?'
'…Yes boy but… can you hear what's happening too, your ears are enough… that's why I was tempted not to bring you here…'
'Lucy… and what I think it is?'
'…Yes in this room… 7 men are raping 2 girls. One 19 and the other 18… before this… they were still virgins and from what I can tell they are good girls.'
'Enough talk. These bastards… will die here and now.'
I rang the bell, shortly after a man who was about fifty came to open the door.
"And who are you? Are you lost boy? Get lost if you don't want to come to a bad end."
Immediately after I tried to close the door but I stopped it with my foot.
"Hey kid you're stu-"
I couldn't stand it… not a second more, this was monstrous and I had lost control. I'm usually someone who stays very calm and there are few things that make me lose control but this… was one of the things that made me completely lose my mind. Without hesitation I grabbed the windpipe of the man in front of me and tore it out killing him.
"Hey Hey what the fuck is s-"
"You crazy guy what the fuck do you think you're doing, come on grab him and kill him!"
I locked the door behind me, but not so that no one could intervene but because I didn't want any of those bastards to escape, I took a vase that was right next to me and broke it on the head of the first one, with the pieces of broken vase I cut the throat of that man and then I stood up staring at the others... there was nothing in my head, I felt nothing while I killed these men... I just knew that I had to do it no matter what.
"You bastards... you will not breathe a single second more. You have done something that goes beyond all human pride and your punishment will be death. But that would not be enough... when I have killed you here and become king of the demons I will also look for you in the realm of the dead and I will torture you until you beg me to kill you again."
"You sure are talking big kid, we are 4 against 1 and you think you have a chance?"
"You talk too much."
I threw myself at that man and always using the same piece of vase I cut his tongue…
"Hey, this is a monster!"
This other man jumped out of the window… maybe he had forgotten that they were on the eleventh floor? Oh well, it doesn't matter. With him, it was 4 gone because the one whose tongue I had cut off died suffocated by his own blood a few minutes later.
"Fuck, we are 2 against one, let's go at him together!"
I wasn't strong enough to handle two of them at once yet, so I moved the vivano next to me to create a sort of straight line so they were forced to come at me one at a time... or at least that was the plan, but things didn't go as I thought, the first one punched me in the face, when the second one threw his punch I grabbed his arm and threw him against the wall with all the strength I had but it was only enough to knock him out for a little.
"There are 2 left... if I kill you two I can save those girls..."
"Kid are you crazy? Save? You should be grateful. We gave these girls the gift of becoming women by raping them continuously for three days until you came along and you're ruining everything, even they are thanking us haha, look at them crying tears of Joy hahahahaha."
After that I really couldn't hold back anymore, I borrowed Lucifer's powers like during the fight with the first demon and with that strength... I pierced his rib cage with my arm. I grabbed his spine and uprooted it along with his skull... then I used his skull as a club and broke the skull of the one who was lying on the ground. But after doing that I heard applause.
"That's good. Listen boy I'm the boss here and those men worked for me, but I'm willing to turn a blind eye if you'll work for me."
"With your strength and my brains we could conquer the world, these two girls are nothing, you can have all the women you want and whenever you want, what do you think?"
'Lucy how long until the end of the loan?"
'…2 minutes.'
'Has the loan time increased?'
Since your mind has become stronger the time has increased to 5 minutes but your body can't handle it well yet.'
'Don't worry about my body. We have other things to think about now.'
'Which is ironic since we talk to each other in your head "thinking".'
'I thought you would laugh, you and I have a very similar sense of humor after all.'
'…sorry but I'm not in the mood right now.'
"So boy what do you think? If you want these two girls I can give them to you as slaves what do you think?"
"Before you said that you have a great brain right?"
"Yeah, so are you in or not? Don't waste my time anymore boy."
"I think you're trying to make a deal with the wrong person. I will represent death in his absence and kill anyone who gets between me and my goal."
"Boy, are you crazy or something? Tell me, you can't wait to have a round with these two bitches, right?"
"I think… I want to see the big brain you brag about so much."
After that sentence I forced the guy's head open and unscrewed the upper part of his skull like a screw... while he was crying and despairing because of the pain I was smiling... I don't know why I did it but it came naturally to me. After what I had done I was covered in blood which was quite disgusting but I noticed that the two girls were awake.
"Well it seems that his brain was nothing special."
I threw his body on the floor and dumped his brain in the toilet. After that I approached the two girls.
They were crying and were visibly scared.
"Please don't hurt us anymore... please stop..."
I couldn't stay calm in that scene... not even what I had done could erase what had happened to them but I couldn't do much about it... unfortunately it was out of my repertoire.
"Please let us go we won't tell anyone what happened these days we swear so please let us go."
They kept crying and looking at me as if I were the monster… after what they had been through I can understand it but the fact that they compared me to those bastards hurt me a little emotionally… anyway I took off my jacket, sweatshirt and t-shirt.
"No please stop… stop…"
I handed them my clothes.
"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you… I realize that covered in blood and without a shirt I might seem suspicious to you and I don't want to ask you to trust me because I know that would be impossible at the moment. I just ask you to follow me… please."
Even if a little reluctant they finally followed me. I took them home and made them sit in my room, then I asked them both to wait for me because I was going to take a shower to get the blood off me.
"You are not obligated to stay here obviously but now I feel like asking you to have a little trust in me, but if you don't want to you can leave the house and go away, the door is open... but before you go take at least some clothes, you can take what you want from my closet. I'm going to take a quick shower and if when I come back you are still here... you can go take a shower too."
'that pause was suspicious... you were about to make a joke right?'
'...unfortunately yes I had a joke in mind but now shut up I'm trying to concentrate can't you see?'
'Well the situation is serious that's true... do your best.'
I was silent for a few seconds and then I turned to head towards the bathroom.
"why... did you save us?]
"...I can't stand by and watch two girls being mistreated."
"but you… are you going to do to us what they did to us?"
"Wha… no, I don't have any intention of doing that… if it makes you feel better, just know that I'm still a virgin so you don't have to worry… as long as you stay here you'll be safe. That's a promise."
The girl who had spoken just lowered her head while the other girl was still looking at me with distrust… I could see it in her eyes.
After a while I got out of the shower with my bathrobe on and went to my room… I had forgotten they were there… just saying.
"Um… why were you singing in the shower?"
"…Well singing in the shower is a ritual now and it helps relieve stress… anyway I'm glad you guys stayed. You can go take a shower. You can even do it together if you want."
"Then we'll do it like this."
"hmm… you should be a little nicer to him… after all, he saved us…"
"We can't know if it's just a strategy to make us lower our guard…"
'They really took you for a bad boy…'
'stop acting like a do-gooder, I know you're dying of laughter, bastard.'
[I admitted it.]
"Then we're going to wash ourselves… see you in a bit…"
"Take it easy, I'll get changed and wait for you here, your clothes are in the next room, that room is my sister's but the clothes are mine… if he found out I took his clothes without permission he'd kill me, I hope it's not a problem…"
"no no, actually it's fine… thanks."
"You're welcome."
After about 30 minutes they came back washed and dressed and sat on the bed. In that half hour I had time to talk to lucifer about my pacifist project, which had very little of pacifist. My Pisan was to eliminate every human or non-human being that could disturb the peace on my planet but he explained to me that even if my intentions were good the plan was out of the question for him… in other words if I had continued to kill every evil presence the evil itself would have insinuated itself inside me, destroying all my emotions and corrupting my soul, but… I didn't care, by then I had already made my choice.
"so what do you want to do now?"
"Actually it's the first time I have two girls I don't know in my room, I'd say we start with the introductions. I am… well my friends usually call me D, and I'm 17, and who are you?"
"I'm Giada and I'm 18…"
Giada... A girl 168 cm tall with brown hair like wood and blue eyes like the sea, dressed in my sweatpants and a t-shirt both from champ.
"You still don't trust me, huh? I get it… what you went through was really horrible. I can't blame you if you don't want to tell me your name."
"I'm Emily and I'm 19."
Emily… A girl with hair as black as night and brown eyes, she was dressed like Giada only the colors of the clothes changed.
"Good… I'd say you're tired now, you can sleep in my room, I'll sleep in my sister's room, and don't worry, I'll explain everything to my family."
"Okay, thanks again for what you did for us… but you… are you human?"
'I can feel your agitation… another joke?'
'Yeah but it's not the time.'
'At least tell me, I'm curious you know.'
'…I'm not human because I can hold back even with two beauties like you in front of my eyes?'
[Hahahaha… I knew you and I are very similar hahahaha.]
'idiot now be quiet.'
'Yes I am human, what I did… let's say it was because of the scene in front of me. I don't even know where all that strength came from.'
'Shut up'
'Okay, thanks again for the help.'
"Well then good night, I know it won't be easy, but try to sleep tonight, I'll be in the next room… and don't be afraid, because from now on I'll protect you."
"Thanks… I guess."
I left the room and went down to the kitchen to explain everything, it didn't take long to make them understand the situation and since my family knows more or less what I'm capable of they understood and believed me after which we went to sleep and that's how the nightmare of those two girls ended.