Hunter’s love for Futa

Chapter 260: Wife Catches the Futa Flu by TGPstories

Jessica studied the research carefully, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. The science behind this was sketchy to say the least. She had studied biology at university so knew some of this was sound well known scientific fact but towards the end it drifted into scientific absurdity. She looked down to where her clit used to be and saw the micro penis it had become. According to these research notes it wouldn't remain that size for long. It was currently the size and thickness of her middle finger, up from the size of her little pinky just an hour ago and its growth rate was rapidly accelerating.

Her clitoral hood was changing too. It had become larger and had started sagging down beneath her newly forming member. She reached down and felt it, softly weighing and assessing the two small lumps contained within the hood between her gently exploring fingers. She thought she may have felt them earlier when they were around the size of peas but now she was certain they were there and they had grown to the size of small grapes. Jessica laid her head back against the beds headboard and stared vacantly at the wall. It must be the fever. It must be causing these delusions. There is no way I'm growing a pair of fucking bollocks, she told herself, trying to convince herself all this wasn't real.

She thought back to how this all began. The Horse Flu started out as just one more in a long line of viruses that had threatened to cause the next pandemic but had, thankfully, failed to deliver on that threat. Several new variants had later emerged but did not proliferate and were tracked only by the few nerdy scientists that still cared.

The Atlanta variant of Horse Flu was the first to finally break the species barrier and become a human to human virus resulting in wide spread infections around the globe. Luckily it turned out to be very mild in its effects and led to no recorded hospitalisations or deaths and was promptly forgotten about as people got on with their daily lives. The Horse Flu story looked set to end there and then until nature came up with an earth shattering twist and the Atlanta variant mutated into the highly contagious Futa variant.

Jessica returned to the notes on the screen.

The Horse Flu -- Futa Variant -- Synopsis

Many scientists do not consider viruses to be a life form as they have no cell structure and no purpose, just a random self replicating sequence of DNA or RNA wrapped in a protective protein coat. As such they have no desires, aims, plans or intentions. However, if you were to postulate the end goal of a virus the ultimate aim would be to fuse with the hosts DNA and become a permanent part of its genome. The host / virus war would effectively be over and instead of being attacked the viral DNA would instead be protected by its hosts immune system and proliferated via sexual reproduction. Indeed approximately 8% of the human genome is made up of endrogenous retroviruses which have done exactly that.

A virus will occasionally splice gene sequences from its host into its own genetic coding which can facilitate full merging and improve its ability to hide from the hosts defence system. In the Futa variant the virus has appropriated the majority of the Y chromosome from an unknown male host (Patient zero) and integrated it into all future copies of itself.

Until today the capture of a near entire chromosome from a host was unknown to science and never thought possible given the size and simplistic nature of viruses. A typical virus will contain only a fraction of the genetic content of a single bacterium nucleus let alone that of complex multicellular organisms.

When this new variant comes into contact with a host with the XX chromosomal pattern it will bond to each strand of the double helix to turn any woman from XX into XY-XY. There is no effect on the male genome and it seems that only the double X chromosome can trigger the full binding process. However, although not directly affected by the virus males can still act as vectors (carriers) and be an ongoing source of infection.

The rapid conversion of the clitoris and clitoral hood into a penis and testicles is something never before seen in nature and almost without precedent. Some species of fish such as the Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) change sex at a certain stage of maturity from female to male if no other males are in their group. We postulate that these same dormant genes may be found within humans and have somehow been triggered.

Whatever the reason the typical woman will grow a penis between 8-10 inches long and the double Y effect results in increased sperm production (vs genetic males) and in hosts having a far greater sex drive. As the clitoris is now a penis and few men can ever find the female G-Spot most women infected by the Futa variant go on to become the dominant partner in bed as their new penis provides most of their stimulation and release. The double Y's also seem to effect core strength and for no logical reason I can think of most woman gain a cup size or two, because, well, why the hell not, everyone likes big boobs.

A further side effect of the virus is the copious production of a pre-ejaculate (pre-cum) that has three key properties. First it acts as an aphrodisiac creating desire in potential mates. Second it forms a super lubricant of potentially industrial strength properties. Thirdly it contains a powerful muscle relaxant.

These may look like intelligent design but it is natural selection at work. It allows for the easy penetration of sexual partners, well easier as nothing is too easy with an 8-10 inch penis, and this encourages potential new hosts to mate. As the virus can now be sexually transmitted indefinitely rather than just aerially for a few days it provides for a strong natural selection of what we are currently terming -- The Slippery Futa variant.

It is suspected that Futa variant hosts also release pheromones from the testis, possibly as a result of the splicing of residual horse RNA from the original virus into the human genome. This helps to draw in potential mates and lowers their inhibitions. So far this theory is yet to be confirmed but there is strong anecdotal evidence.

All available data suggests the changes are irreversible but do not affect female fertility as all original reproductive organs are intact and unchanged. We expect the new genetic characteristics will be inherited into future generations of female offspring.

Jessica put down the i-pad and poked her penis. It had already grown another half inch while she had been reading and was thickening markedly. Well that's just great isn't it, she thought to herself, by the time my husband gets home I'll be hung like a donkey and horny as a rabbit on its honeymoon. How the hell am I going to explain this one to him. She sighed. At least I won't have to sit down to pee any more she thought, trying to look on the bright side, that will be a serious advantage.

She glanced back at the i-pad.

Although the ejaculate will leave the new penis through the slit at the top like genetic males the females urethral opening remains in the same position.

"Damn it and I still have to to queue for the loo," Jessica shouted into the world and thumped her fists into the mattress.

The fever and fatigue once more swept through her body and she laid back down to rest her eyes. Before she knew it she had passed out.


Jessica woke up with the fever broken. She was sweaty, hungry and... Horny. So very very horny.

"Fuck," she said, and indeed wanted. She looked down hoping that it had all been a feverish dream. "Bollocks," she said looking at her penis, "it wasn't a dream. And it's fucking huge." She'd have to find a tape measure. She raised it up and looked underneath "Bollocks," she said again, literally as well as figuratively this time. Proportionately they were bigger than her new penis and she cupped them in her hand feeling the weight. "Oh wow, I could make my husbands entire head look like a melted candle when these bad boys go off." She smiled at the thought. The heightened libido had started to kick in.

She imagined how he would look covered in her cum and shuddered, slowly massaging her shaft as her new Y-chromosomes did all her thinking. Damn it I need a cold shower, she thought, my husband will be home soon and I want the first time I play with this properly to be a shared experience. A devilish smile spread across her face. I want to save my first load for him. Her husband David had such a nice peachy little ass and she'd always loved it but now she would get to appreciate it in a whole new way. She bit her lip and went back to rubbing herself with long firm stokes as she thought of him on his hands and knees, spreading himself for her, submitting to the beast between her legs. No... No. Not now. She pulled herself back together. A cold shower. A cold, cold shower.

She soaped her body wondering how to break the news to him whilst vocalising a few options.

"Hey David, you know we always talked about getting an apple tree for the garden? Well look down here. I've already grown us a tree trunk." Hmm no. Then how about...

"Oh good you're home, hands up if you have the biggest cock in the house. Not so fast Davy boy..." Or maybe...

"You know you always wanted to improve your singing voice. Well bend over and drop your pants for me baby and I'll get you hitting all the high notes you can handle." Hmm, so many options.

She was having difficulty washing as something was interfering with the normal arc of her arms. Oh crap, she thought, my boobs have grown too. She ran her hands over them and they tingled, far more sensitive than normal, her nipples springing to attention. She used to have some respectable, but on her frame in no way outstanding, D-cup breasts but these were EE's maybe even an F-cup. Maybe she wouldn't have to tell him about her dick after all, with these two huge fun bags he might not even notice.

She dropped lower to soap up her stomach, running her hands over her taught midsection and feeling her well defined abs. She froze, something was different, very, very different. Where the hell was all the flab!

She jumped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror. Jessica was 46 with a kind face framed by silky black wavy hair that flowed half way down her back. She had considered her locks to be the only part of her that she was truly happy with. Middle age, two kids and the comfort of a happy stable marriage had all led to an overly expanded waist line. It wasn't like she hadn't tried to diet it was just that her dieting routine was word based rather than action based. She was the sort of person who excitedly tells you all about the latest, greatest, guaranteed to succeed dieting regime they're on while eating a cream cake.

But now the mummy tummy was gone. Redistributed to her boobs and, ooh I have a tape measure in the bathroom cabinet, to the 9.5 inches of throbbing lady meat tucked between her legs. Her arms and legs were also now leaner and well toned with clearly defined muscles, nothing too manly just fit and athletic. Her big round bottom, which David had always loved, was still big and round but now firmer with less sag and with just the right amount of wobble when she walked. Her face had changed too, the wrinkles had disappeared from around her hazel brown eyes and she was down to just a single chin. She looked taller and all the little aches and pains had disappeared. Even her caesarian section scar had gone.

David was three years younger than her and had always remained trim and fit. She had been jealous of his natural good looks and the good genes he'd inherited that allowed him to easily stay that way. Now though, she was the looker.

She'd been wondering what to wear after her shower but now she knew. Nothing. Who would want to hide this body she thought, Dave will love it. Well, maybe not the cock. No. He'd love the cock too. She'd make him love it.

Besides, clothes wise she didn't have a vast collection of sexy outfits or saucy underwear just a few nice bits here and there, nothing outstanding. Over the years her underwear had expanded along with the rest of her body into what David referred to as her granny knickers. Big and cosy like her, well the old her anyway, and more likely to conjure images of nice warm coco than hot steamy sex. That would change soon enough though and she was throbbing just at the thought of all the slinky sexy little things she would be wearing for him in the near future.

She heard the door open downstairs. She gulped, pushed her big firm boobs together and winked at herself in the mirror as she released them and they bounced quickly back into place. Come on, she said to herself as David's voice floated up the stairs, it's show time.

"Hi honey I'm home. How are you feeling? I'm really sorry I still had to go in today but it was a senior management meeting and I just couldn't get out of it. I've re-arranged tomorrow so I can stay home with you. Is there anything you need right now?" He called up to her.

"Well," Jessica said in a sultry voice whilst provocatively strutting naked down the stairs to see him. "Actually I can think of something I need right now."

David saw Jessica walking down the stairs and did a double take. Was that really his wife. It was. His eyes when wide when he noticed her new sizeable assets. "Holy shit! What the hell happened! Your boobs. They're huge."

She smirked and rolled her eyes, typical Dave, he always was a breast man.

David smiled broadly as his gaze moved up from her breasts to her beautiful face and her intense sparkling eyes before returning to the magnificent rack on display. He felt like the luckiest man alive, she looked about twenty years younger, like when they first met. Then his eyes dropped, quickly followed by his face and lower jaw, to the massive throbbing girl meat swinging between her legs.

"Whoa Fuck me!" He cried out in surprise, backing away and stumbling into the closed front door.

"Wow. That's quite an offer there darling. I thought I'd have to try so much harder to talk you into letting me do that," Jessica purred while closing the distance like a tigress approaching its cornered prey. "You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you offering yourself to me so readily."

Never before in her life had she felt this strong or confident as she boldly strode up to stand before him in all her glory.

"Wha... Wha... What... Just... How... What?"

She took his hand and smiled as she led her dazed husband through to the kitchen. Jessica opened up the fridge to grab a bottle of wine before swiftly filling two large glasses to very generous levels.

"Come on I think we both need a drink. The kids are still at my mum's. She was taking care of them while I had my fever and she'll keep them over night for us and take them to school in the morning as well. Sooo... We have the house all to ourselves. Hmm, what should we do? I can think of a few fun things we can get up to." She winked and stroked his arm.

He gulped at the innuendo and sipped his wine with his hand shaking slightly. He looked down at her full round firm bosom, gulped again and took another longer sip while visibly shaking even more. His eyes drifted lower still to what lay between her legs and he quickly raised his now wildly trembling hand to knock back the whole glass in one shot. She giggled and refilled his glass.

"Come on Dave, all you need to know about this is on an i-pad in the bedroom. I'll take you upstairs so you can read it."

"You... You want me to go to the bedroom with you?" A flash of fear in his eyes.

For the first time Jessica's face dropped and her confidence dipped. "You... You still love me don't you? Despite my... My changes."

"Yes! Yes of course I do." He rushed to comfort and hold her, to kiss her lips. "Of course I still love you, I always will no matter what you look like or how you change. I loved you with your old body shape and I love you with your new shape it's just... Well... This is going to take a bit of getting used too."

She smiled back happily, even after all these years it still amazed her how much she still loved him.

The thoughts of her love for him swiftly turned into thoughts of lust for him. She fought the urge to strip him right then and there, to bend him over and take him on one of the kitchen counter-tops. She had images of him in a backless pinny bending over to do the washing up as she grasped his hips and hilted herself deep within him. Rolling her eyes back. Stomping her right leg on the floor. Her tongue lolling out from the corner of her mouth as she took him. Rutting him like an animal. She shuddered slightly trying to clear the image from her mind. Maybe a bit of horse DNA had got into her system after all.

"Right, upstairs then, I'll follow you," she said while in her head adding 'so I can watch you wiggle that fine little butt of yours'. Jessica smiled broadly and her eyes twinkled with mischief.


David had finished reading through the summary on the Futa variant for the forth time and was now just sitting at the end of the bed in quiet contemplation. Jessica was laying naked on the bed propped up on one elbow with her legs spread, trying to look sexy, provocative and inviting but also trying not make it look intentionally so.

"Sooo... You still have your female parts," he said finally speaking. "So we can still have sex."

Not the response she truly wanted but it was definitely something she could work with. "Yes of course I do. Why don't you take your shirt off and just go down and have a quick look," she said widening her legs. She fixed him with a sultry stare whilst raising her eyebrows and biting her lip. Challenging him to find out for himself all that she had to offer.

"Umm... OK," David gulped.

He removed his shirt while Jessica looked on with an eager smile. Moving forward he knelt on the bed between her legs and lowered his head, trying to see her tantalising entrance but finding it obscured by her heavy, musky sack.

"If you just raise that up a little bit you'll be able to see my lady parts," encouraged Jessica, desperate to feel his delicate hands fondling her scrotum. "Mmm that's it honey," she moaned softly at his touch. "Your fingers feel so nice touching me like that."

David gingerly lifted and softly cradled her heavy balls to gaze at her glistening vaginal lips. They were slightly open and puffy from arousal. He breathed deeply, he had always loved the scent of her sex, the scent of her arousal. His mind fogged over as something new and powerful hit him and without thinking he raised his face to push his nose deep into the warm soft skin of her nutsack. His nostrils flared as he drew in this new intoxicating aroma and his lips parted involuntarily allowing his tongue to dart out and taste her.

Jessica moaned softly, revelling in the new sensations as her devious little plan started to come together.

David shuddered and pulled back, fighting against these new strange urges and looked up at the amazing and obviously excited creature that he had married.

"Can I... Can I fuck you," he stammered.

"Hmm you're not usually that crude daring, something must have got you all fired up today," Jessica shot back teasingly. "But first you need to get me ready for you, you need to play with my little clit for a while, well... I say little..."

"Of course my darling, anything for you my love, umm... Where... Where is it?"

Jessica chuckled and tutted playfully before moving her hand just above the base of her meaty cock and pushing it down against him. She brought it to rest across his nose, up between his eyes and up over his forehead, rising above him. She bumped it against him several times and her thick aromatic pre-cum dripped into his hair and splattered down onto his face. 

"Oh by dear wonderful little David, my clit is now over nine inches long and yet you still can't find it without my help," she giggled playfully. "Can you see it now my love?"

He pulled back further, his brain on fire as she gently bobbed her cock in front of him, its single eye staring into his two. Jessica bit her lip, struggling to control her lust. She almost had him. He was so close. He just needed to reach out with that, ooooh, with that slowly opening mouth of his. That's it baby. Just a bit wider she thought, desperately trying to send him messages via telepathy, lets see that sweet little dexterous tongue of yours come out to play.

David looked on in fascination as a bead of pre-cum formed on the tip of her hard throbbing cock. The pheromones and musk from Jessica were driving him wild, his mind a fog of desire and lust and it was only a matter of time before he gave in to them. In truth he would have eventually given himself completely over to her anyway and willingly agreed to take care of any and all of her wants and needs. This was his wife, his Jessica, his great love and he would do anything to make her happy, as she would for him. The intoxicating effervescent pheromones she was producing served only to accelerate the inevitable.

The bead of pre-cum grew and started to droop towards the bed, slowly dropping on a clear thick sticky thread of her essence. Once it had stretched down two inches a flash of panic crossed his bewitched mind as he realised it might fall and be lost to him. He reacted instantly. Grasping her shaft with his hand while his tongue dashed out to scoop it up, following it back to the source and lapping all he could from her dripping slit.

"Oh yesssss," Jessica moaned out throwing her head back to cry out to the heavens. The feeling was incredible, like nothing she had ever felt before. Was this how it always felt for men on the receiving end or was it just because of all that had gone before, because of the Futa genes that permeated her body driving the fire in her loins. She decided... She simply didn't care. Whatever the reason this was going to be happening a hell of a lot more from now on.

She returned her eyes to his, running her hands through his hair and gently pulling him deeper onto her cock. The bulbous crown slipping into his willing mouth as he sucked and nursed on the spongy head, his eager tongue still playing with the slit, trying to force its way inside to extract as much of the sweet nectar of her cock as it could. He didn't need to go to such efforts, her beast was only too eager to provide it for him and generously released a near endless stream.

Soon David found that what he had wasn't enough. Looking into Jessica's lust filled eyes drove him on to do better, to take in more of her. He pushed deeper, her large head already filled an inch and a half of his mouth but he pressed on to take in another inch. Two and a half in and seven more to go. Three inches, glug... glug... Four inches and it was starting to bump against the back of his throat. He stroked her shaft, gently twisting his hand and bobbing his head as they both moaned loudly.

David still needed more, he needed to swallow. He looked up at Jessica's enraptured angelic face, smiling in blissful enjoyment as he worked on her womanhood. Her hand was wrapped around his head just above his neck as she softly controlled his pace but not his depth. Maintaining eye contact he moved his free hand to her left buttock, mmm her lovely firm round butt cheek. He gently caressed her big beautiful bottom, gliding his hand across it and lightly kneading its ample soft flesh with his fingers before regaining his focus. Don't get too distracted, he thought, concentrate on what you really need, concentrate on this magnificent cock.

He stared up at Jessica and squeezed her butt three more times, each longer than the last as he tried to gain her attention and once he had it he pulled her up and into him. She looked at him with a puzzled expression but her mind was clearly too busy marvelling at the sensations provided by his mouth to try to work out what he actually wanted. He needed to try something else. He removed the hand from her bottom and laid it over the hand she was using to cradle his neck before pushing down a couple of times. Her eyes lit up with recognition.

"You want me to push you down," she gasped with the excitement clear in her voice, "you want me to take your throat?" She looked on and he nodded with both his head and his eyes. "Are you sure," she asked again and again he nodded in agreement. Jessica's eyes blazed. "Then let mummy help feed it to you," and she steadily pushed him down, slowly increasing the pressure until she finally popped into his tight virgin throat.

Jessica moaned loudly, she now had five inches in him and that last inch was the best yet as his throat squeezed and convulsed around her. She pulled out and pushed back in again. Mmmm six long glorious inches crammed into him now, she luxuriated in the feeling. She looked at him and noticed a little tears forming in the corner on his eye. Resisting the urge to press on regardless she summoned all her willpower to pull back into his mouth to ask him if he was OK or if wanted to stop.

"Am I hurting you baby? Do you want me to go slower or take a break?"

He looked at her like she was a mad woman and shook his head, refusing to release her dick like a dog desperately hanging onto a bone, worried she would try to take it way. A massive broad grin split her face. She had no intention of taking this particular bone away from him.

"Then get ready to take me balls deep my dear little hubby," she purred sweetly.

Holding him in place she shifted her position, rising first to her knees and then to stand without letting her cock ever leave his mouth. Jessica moved herself forwards and pushed David backwards to sit on his own feet. She stood towering above her man and looked down upon him. Yes this was far better. She loved the dynamics of this new position. She felt so powerful. So in control.

She laced her fingers behind his head and thrust into him while pulling him down onto her. Slowly working her way back up to speed. Six inches now. Glug... Seven inches. Glug... Glug... Eight inches. Glug... Glug... Glug... Nine inches. Glug... Glug... Glug... Glug... Yessss. Nine and a half inches of throbbing. Glug... Pounding. Glug... Pulsating. Glug... Girl meat. Glug... Glug... Glug...

"Oooooohhhhh Yes, you've taken it all David. Ooooh yeah take it, take mummy's cock like a good little boy. Oooh Yeessssssssss."

David felt her cock twitching deep inside him as his nose hit the flesh just below her stomach, nestling in the light soft thatch of her groin. He felt light headed but despite the lack of breath it wasn't air he craved, it was her cum. He kept gulping and flexing his throat, trying to stick his tongue the side of his mouth to lap at her balls, anything he could think of to bring her to release. The hand he earlier used to hold onto her shaft was now cupping and gently massaging her nutsack and a massive thrill ran through him when he felt it contract and spasm. His prize was at hand, quite literally, and very soon to be at his mouth, down his oesophagus and on into his stomach.

"Oooh yes, yessss, yesssssss," Jessica cried continuing to hold him in place as she emptied herself into him.

Shot after shot pulsed its way directly into his rapidly filling stomach. Fuck I want him to taste it she thought, to really fucking taste it rather than just pumping it straight down his throat like this. She quickly withdrew to his mouth, filling it with her seed as he greedily gulped it down. Again though it wasn't quite enough for her as the images she conjured earlier returned to her mind. He needed to wear it. She needed to spray it on his face. To mark him as hers. She pulled out completely and fired the last of her icky sticky creamy love onto him as her knees trembled. It took all her strength not to collapse to the bed as the powerful orgasm raked through her body. The intensity of the feeling slowly began to ebb away leaving her weak and faint, struggling to remain standing.

She squeezed the last few drops out, aiming them between his still slightly open and quivering lips as she looked on admiring her handy work. "Oh fuck," she panted, "you look so fucking hot like that. If only I had a camera." She suddenly remembered leaving her phone by the bed after she woke earlier. "Oh and I do!" She said excitedly and grabbed it. "Smile sweetie." 'Click'.

David stared up at her in a daze. Well he thought it was up at her as it was hard to tell exactly where she was with all the cum on his face. It was only when he heard the 'click' that he realised what was going on and moved to protest.

"Don't worry honey, this is just for us I promise. Something for the wank bank for when you're not here." She smiled down happily.

Earlier she'd had visions of him looking like a melted candle but it seemed that along with the male penis she'd also gained the male ability to overestimate her sexual prowess and potency. She still produced about five times more than almost any other guy on the planet but it still wasn't quite enough to literally paint a person and she did feel a tad disappointed. Probably for the best, the small non sex drunk part of her brain told her. You know he'll fall asleep straight afterwards and you'll end up being the only one awake to clean up the mess. Plus with the amount of sex we'll be having we'd have to sleep with a mop and bucket and who wants that, she thought, giggling softly.

She continued to gaze lovingly at her creation until a deep wave of guilt began to run through her as the post orgasmic haze wore off. David had once 'glued her eyes shut' so to speak and she had not appreciated it. It was actually her who suggested he give her a facial as at the time they were young, she was in love and she wanted to experiment with that love in every way she could. It was not an experiment she ever cared to repeat and even though it was her idea she bitterly resented him for it at the time all the same. And now she'd just gone and totally basted him without even asking. Whoops didn't quite cover it.

"Shit! Sorry Dave I got carried away," she said sheepishly. "Here let me help you to your feet. There we go. I've got some face wipes next to the bed."

She led him blindly over to her night stand and started to clean him up whilst continuing to apologise. She carefully wiped her spent juices from around his kind green-brown eyes allowing herself to become temporarily lost in the myriad of colours contained in his irises, the ones you only really noticed up close. She was careful not to sweep any more into those eyes as she cleared her essence from his smooth youthful face. Wait... What! Smooth and youthful face!

She sped up, cleaning him more quickly as David continued to blink the last of her rogue seaman from his slightly watery eyes. His wrinkles! He hadn't had too many but those he did have were either fading or gone. Shit!

She ran her fingers through the hair on the top of his head where it had started to thin and it was definitely thicker with more lustre. Mmmm she thought, more hair to hold onto next time he goes down on me. That'll come in handy when I need to control the pace. His hair still had a lot of white in it she mused but that cum will wash right out easily enough and the grey hairs were gone she giggled.

She checked his stomach. His little paunch was still there but was it... Yes. It was definitely a little flatter and the muscle structure slightly more defined. Hmm, he might not get the direct benefits from the Futa Flu but maybe he can indirectly acquire the rejuvenating properties from my yummy cummy goodness, she thought. Her eyes lit up as her mind raced. It seems like I have found a little fountain of youth tucked between my legs and he'll be welcome to drink from my little fountain whenever he likes.

She couldn't resist a broad smile from spreading across her face but it dropped into a frown as a new thought occurred. Although Jessica was convinced the rejuvenating properties of her apparently magical cum were transferable she didn't want to get his hopes up on any possible penile enhancements unless she was absolutely sure. She needed to check out his cock to see if it had grown. She also needed to do something to make up for pebble dashing his face earlier without asking for his permission first and she figured she could kill two birds with one stone here. A mischievous smile returned to her face.

"I'm so sorry about just cumming on your face like that darling please let me make it up to you," she said unbuckling his trousers and sliding her hand into his underwear. "Because I think I might know a nice way to say sorry and make you happy that we can both enjoy."

Mmmm, he thought, that feels nice... Oh crap I need to stop her. I don't want her to find out that...

He quickly moved his hand and grabbed her wrist but it was already too late, her hand was already in his underwear. They both froze. He gradually released his grip as Jessica's hand slowly started moving around again to confirm what she thought she had felt. A devilish grin spread across her face.

"Why David you seem to be all wet and sticky down here. Did my little slutty hubby cream himself whilst he sucked on mummy's big fat cock? Tell me sweetie. Was it while you were working my shaft with that lovely soft talented mouth of yours or was it when you felt my thick gooey load sliding down your throat?"

"It was... Um... Yeah... It was when I swallowed your. Well. You know," a red faced David mumbled back.

A bright smile lit up Jessica's face. "No need to be embarrassed my love it's a good thing. I'm so glad you still enjoy going down on me." She leaned in to whisper into his ear, "I'm so very, very glad you like something long hard and tasty gliding in and out of that pretty little mouth of yours." She moved to engage him in a long slow lingering kiss, gently exchanging tongues while running her fingers through his hair and down his back before coming to rest on and gently squeezing his cute little bottom.

She pulled back with smiling twinkling eyes before gracefully sinking to her knees and lowering and removing the last of his clothes. "Here, the least I can do is clean you up a bit," she said before engulfing his still soft but now growing manhood.

Jessica had never been overly fond of the taste of cum but the two extra Y chromosomes quickly give it their nod of approval and she now relished it. She lovingly took his cock in her mouth, welcoming it in like a long lost friend. She had always loved David's cute little six and half inch cock... She froze for a second. Cute and little? She had never considered it to be little before today. Slightly bigger than average it was a lovely size that was just right for her and filled her to perfection. She smirked around his cock and continued to suck. Well, it 'was' above average but now... Not so much.

She continued to assess him as he grew in her mouth. She knew every contour, every bump and every ridge of his wonderful cock. She had liked nothing better than to fill her mouth with his throbbing excited member while holding a vibrating wand to her clit. She'd suck hard while riding the waves of her orgasms, spraying her juices onto the sheets before begging him to slide himself into her dripping, convulsing, welcoming pussy.

David had reached his full size and her assessment was complete. Yesssss, she thought to herself, no change. She loved his cock just the way it was and looked forward to slipping it inside her again. Maybe he could take her from behind while she stroked herself to completion, or... Oooo yeah, maybe she could ride on his lap and he could suck on her while plunging into her depths. So many new and exciting options and positions.

They still loved each other dearly but with kids, work, age and commitments their sex life, though still fun and spicy when it happened, had waned a little. Not any more though. She was going to be fucking him all the time from now on.

But there was another reason she was so happy he still remained at his original six and a half inches even if she didn't want to admit it. She liked being bigger. She had only been sporting this extra equipment for a few hours but already she loved the thought of being the bigger, more powerful, more dominant partner. It just felt right. She'd have him on his knees morning, noon and night.

She moaned as she felt him tensing, cupping his balls she felt the cum beginning to rise from them and sucked hard, gulping and draining him. She pulled off, smiling back up at him and opened wide to show him her empty mouth. She winked and rose to her feet to meet his lips. They kissed softly for a while, holding onto each other and sharing the moment.

"So did you enjoy that my love," Jessica asked in a sing song voice, "because you've now cum twice..." she ran her fingers lightly down his chest. "...And I'm still waiting for my seconds."

"You are! Oh right... Well err. Well yes of course I loved it Jess. You were amazing my darling absolutely incredible but I'm well... I'm pretty tired right now... So umm... Shall we take a little break for now or... Do you want me to umm... Do you want me to down on you again right here and now? Because I will you know. For you."

"Hmmm," she mused aloud thoughtfully, "what do I want..." As she spoke her hands tenderly caressed their way down the sides of his body before gliding behind him to cup, squeeze and gently spread the cheeks of his beautifully tight and virginal bottom. She raised her eyebrows while a playful and lusty grin spread across her face.

"You... You want my ass?

She smiled and nodded.

"I... I'm not ready for that yet. I... I..."

Jessica withdrew one of her hands from his soft little butt and brought it towards the tip of her dripping cock. She scooped up a big dollop of pre-cum on her index finger before bring it up between them and wiggling it in front of his eyes, still smiling broadly.

"Open wide sweetie," she said in a sing song voice.

He shook his head and pursed his lips, battling to maintain his resolve.

Jessica cocked her head slightly and pouted, "Aww do you not want any more of mummy's special cream?" and softly drew her finger along his lips to spread her salty seed upon them. He shuddered. "I made it just for yoouuu-ooo," she sang in a happy enchanting little voice.

David's resolve cracked and his tongue darted out to collect what it could, licking his lip as his eyelids fluttered. The strong pungent aphrodisiac beginning its seduction of him. The blissful taste fogging his mind.

She smirked and repeated process. This time saying nothing and just holding the glistening viscous liquid on her finger before of him. Waiting for him to make the first move. He slowly opened his lips and she slid the finger inside, slowly moving it back and forth over his tongue as he sucked on it.

"Mmmm good boy," she purred.

She repeated it a third time and he hungrily opened his mouth to suck it in, the desperation and desire starting to show.

"That's it. Do you like that Davy boy. Do you like all that nice yummy cum that mummy's big cock makes just for you?" Her eyes glinting.

"Yes Jessica, I love it. I need it."

She replenished her finger and brought it back for his thirsty lips to suck down.

"And I'd love to give it to you but what would I get in return," she asked. "Is there anything you can think of that you can give to me my dear little hubby? Anything you think I might want?" She squeezed his right butt cheek and softly bit the tip of her tongue. Her finger still sliding in and out of his mouth.

"You can have my ass. My virginity. Please fuck me Jess. Please take me."

 "Really? Because I didn't think you were ready for that," she said reaching behind his head to draw him in for a deep passionate kiss. The kiss gradually growing in intensity until she was ravishing his mouth. They both moaned into the kiss, their hands roaming, groping and grasping at each others bodies like a pair of horny teenagers. She broke off, finally pulling him back, both of them panting for breath.

"I want you Jessica. I want you more than I ever. Please take me. Please make me yours again."

Jessica raised her hand to her chin, cocked her head and looked thoughtfully towards the ceiling as if considering whether or not to grant his request. "Well... I suppose I could..." She said playfully, "if you insist."

She grabbed his ass and lifted him up, surprising them both with her new found strength and he clutched onto her, his arms wrapping around her neck and across her shoulders. They kissed as she rotated him towards the bed, laying him down on his back with his cute butt just hanging off the end. She raised and spread his legs, stretching them to open him up to her.

"Why don't you take my cock and line it up with that nice tight little hole of yours. It's time for you to invite it into its nice new home."

David grabbed onto her long ridged pole and pulled it in towards him, desperate the feel her entering him before he suddenly took stock and paused. The reality of the situation had finally reached him through his sex fogged brain. The stark and frightening reality that a large blunt instrument was about to be forcing its way into his small tight and massively under prepared virgin ass.

"Wait, Jess, stop. It won't fit. Don't you need lube and to like... Prepare me. Loosen me up and stretch me out a little first?"

Jessica smirked back. "No babe, you read the same thing I did. I have my own natural, tasty and muscle relaxing lube. Did it hurt when I slipped it into your throat? It didn't feel too bad did it? I went very slowly to allow my wonderful pre-cum to do its work. I allowed you to control the pace and this'll be no different. Sooo... Are you going to be a good boy and do what your beautiful and horny little wife wants?" She gave him her best doe-eyed look.

She waited until he nodded his head with a short series of shallow barely noticeable movements. Jessica grinned and a tingle ran through the length of her body as she realised she had finally broken the last of his resistance. She finally had him ready to obey her. Ready to bend to her will. The thrill of seducing him and making him submit to her newly acquired cock threatened to push her over the edge. She fought to control herself, to resist the urge to go back on her word and just ram herself into him. Damn those horse genes."

Through sheer willpower she managed to calm herself without letting him see the slightest trace of the conflict that raged in her mind.

"Gooood boyyyy," she purred. "We'll let my special lube coat and relax you sweetie. So... Be a good little hubby and pull my cock in to meet your butt hole so they can get better acquainted. Oh yes there we go. Kiss the tip with that lovely puckered rose bud of yours. Let it leak its warm juices onto you as you rub it round that little rosy ring. Mmmmm that's it. When your ready you'll need to pull me in. I want you to do it. I want you to spear yourself on my cock. To welcome me into you while I watch."

She stood enraptured. Smiling down on David as he rubbed her hard dick around his anal ring, periodically dragging his hand over the head and along the whole shaft to ensure it was fully coated with her slippery pre-cum. He returned to making the head of her mighty tool 'kiss his rose bud' as she put it. A delicious wet squelching sound emanating each time they met and parted. Gradually the tight muscles of his sphincter began to give way and each time he drew her to him his ring was stretched wider. He felt the first of her pre-cum start to flow inside him as his hole expanded and his ass began to accept her.

He couldn't wait any longer. He pulled her thick monster towards him and moved his ass to meet it. Jessica responded to his prompting by pushing into him and together they tried to force her big fat head through his tight entrance. He moaned as his hole was slowly stretched ever wider until the resistance was finally broken and the entire glans swiftly popped into place behind his twitching sphincter. David released a deep and guttural roar as a wave of pleasure and pain flowed through him and his ass convulsed around the welcome intruder.

As he moaned he heard the sound echoing back to him from above and looked up to see his wife biting her lip as she revelled in impaling him for the first time. A look of pure bliss on her face. He'd been so focused on drawing her cock inside him, of his own need to be penetrated that he had forgotten the rest of her was there.

David reached up around her neck and pulled her down to kiss him as his legs wrapped around her soft round ample bottom. Her tongue and her women hood pushing their way deeper into him at the same time. She continued to explore his mouth but he soon found himself incapable of kissing her back. The feeling of her cock slowly delving deeper into his bowels demanded his full attention as all other sensory information took a back seat. The pain in his ass slowly started to recede but the pleasure was being magnified by the second as he acclimatised to her girthy presence.

Jessica pulled back and pushed forward again, in and out, slowly working herself deeper and deeper, inching herself inch by deliciously tortuous inch further inside him each time. Finally breaking the kiss she pushed herself up with her arms and smiled down at her conquest as she begun to take over and control the pace. She studied his face with delight. Every time she pushed into him he whimpered beautifully beneath her. She smiled enjoying each and every small noise that she forced from his lips, each trembling moan and each little squeal she could illicit as she slowly claimed more and more of him.

"Do you like that baby?" She panted. "Do you like your wife's big cock taking your ass?"

He continued to moan softly beneath her but she wanted more. She wanted him to tell her how much he wanted her. To make him realise how much he'd be needing this from now on. To make him beg her for a good hard pounding.

She paused her assault on his rectum, pulling out until just the head was still within him and held herself still, staring directly at his eyes. He reacted by tightening the legs he'd wrapped around her and trying to pull her deeper into him again but was fighting against her new found strength. He panicked at the lost feeling, desperately trying to regain it and restart her thrusts before looking up to see her eyes boring down into him.

"I said, my beautiful little subby hubby, Do you like the feeling of my Big... Fat... Cock... being buried deep inside your tight little arsehole?" She smiled sweetly and rotated her hips slightly to massage all around his tight ring and was delighted to hear him moaning a pornstar beneath her.

"Yes Jessie I love it. Please push it back in again." He place his feet on her thick bottom and used them to pull himself up off the bed and onto her, to bring just a few more precious inches back inside himself. It wasn't nearly enough. "Please Jess. I need you deeper. Please fuck me."

She smiled and sank eight inches deep down inside of him as he let out a long moan of gratitude and contentment. Jessica gradually increased her pace until she was rapidly pounding into him and her cock was constantly rubbing against his prostate to drive him wild as they edged towards release.

It still wasn't quite enough for her. Although she was now plunging eight and a half inches into him at the deepest point she was still struggling to fit that final last inch inside her man. She needed a better angle. She needed him to take it all. She pulled out, dragging him back to his feet and spun him around before bending him over. Her eyes blazed with a fiery passion as she gave his butt two hard slaps before groping, kneading and spreading them to gaze lovingly at his wide open twitching sphincter.

She moaned at the sight of his creamy and well stretched hole. The amount of pre-cum she'd produced made it look like he had already taken a load or two and she knew it wouldn't be long before it actually did. She was so damn close.

"What are you waiting for Jess," David cried out in frustration, "I need you back inside me. Fuck me Jessica. Fuck me hard."

Jessica let out a long low growl of lustful triumph and wasting no more time she slammed all the way back into him as she threw her head back to scream "Oh Yessss," at the ceiling. Finally she'd managed to push herself all the way in and she could feel her large churning balls slapping into his. She paused for a brief second to rotate her hips, grinding into him at the deepest point she could hope to reach before she powered on. Driving into him faster and faster as he rocked back to meet her thrusts and begged for more.

"Oh yesss your ass feel so good around my cock my love," she moaned, "I'm going to be fucking you like this all the time from now on baby. All the fucking time. Uhhhh. I can feel it coming my darling. Are you ready for it? Are you ready to take your wife's thick load. Urrrggghhhh, I'm cumming baby. Yessss. I'm cumming in your arse baby. I'm cumming in your fucking arse. Take that fucking cummmmmm. Oh yeeeeeesssssssss."

David clutched the sheets as he felt his own cock spasm for a third time as she climaxed and he released himself into the bed covers. He felt her expand inside him and a thick wave of cum flooded into his colon, firing deep into him and squelching out from around her to run down his legs. Blast after blast entered him and each time it did he felt his wife's thick cock pulsating against his prostate. Despite already cumming he continued to leak steadily as he felt each of the shots throb across his anal button as her massive tool continued to milk him mercilessly. His eyes rolled in their sockets and his mouth hung open as all higher brain functions shut down to leave the pleasure centres as the only game in town.

Jessica collapsed down on top of him finally spent and gasping for breath. Her large heaving breasts pressed onto his back and he was intensely aware of the hardness of her nipples against his skin. They panted together and she gripped him tightly as the last of her seed slowly dribbled out from the mighty cock that still remained lodged deep within him.

They remained that way for several minutes as Jessica continued to cuddle onto his back. They both lacked the energy to move and rested in contented silence, far beyond the need for words.

With a happy sigh Jessica finally began to pull up and extract herself from him, enjoying the lewd squelching noise it made as she slowly withdrew her deflating organ. His hole desperately tried to hold onto her, reluctant to let go of its new best friend. It clung on as long as it could before finally allowing Jessica's head to pop free and released the warm river of viscous cream that was held inside.

Jessica's cock twitched as she saw the cum pouring out of him and expelled the few last final drops of its sticky love from its slit. She couldn't resist spreading his cheeks and holding him open for a better look.

"Oh wow Dave this is such a beautiful sight," she gushed, "it's a real shame you'll never get to see it. Oh yes of course."

She reached for the night stand and lowered her still softening cock onto his butt cheek to get her all conquering hero into the shot. 'Click'. David wearily looked back over his shoulder at his wife's smiling face. Ooooh yeah I can get one with his face in it too she thought. 'Click'. She winked and put the phone back down before crawling onto the bed. He clambered up to join her and collapsed into her arms for another cuddle.

"I'll delete the photos if you want," Jessica said, turning to smile lovingly at her husband, "if you're worried about me having them."

He rested his head on her shoulder, his eyes closed, one hand lovingly and gently cupping her breast. She tenderly kissed his forehead.

"No you keep them," he mumbled as sleep slowly took him. "I know you want to and I trust you to keep them safe. You're amazing by the way Jess, as amazing as the day we met and I love you. All of you. Including your new equipment."

"And I love you too darling," She replied. "Sooo you'll let me take you again then?"

"Yes of course Jessie it was incredible," he muttered while drifting deeper into unconsciousness. "But next time I'll do you."

"That sounds fair sweetie, next time you can do me." Her hand drifted down his body to grip his soft inviting bottom. A mischievous smile spread across her face and her cock twitched between her legs. Unless I do you first she thought.

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