Chapter 262: Finding Aimi part 2 by thereshegoes123
With that she sashayed away, and he had to stop himself from automatically zombie-walking after her.
'Just do what she says... don't think about it... you're minutes away from being with Mrs Right...'
He paused.
Was she Mrs Right?
After what she was doing to him...
That huge cock in his mouth came back to him, and he whimpered, the sensation of her asshole pressed up against his nose fresh in his mind.
This kind of stuff wasn't something that men usually fantasised about, right? He had never thought about any of it before, or considered it....
'But... does that mean I don't want her?'
The thought barely entered his mind before he discarded it.
There was zero chance of him leaving without seeing this through.
He scurried into the bathroom and gawped for a second at the gleaming white tiles, gigantic bath and full-length mirror, before committing himself to the task at hand, jumping and cleaning every inch of himself with a cute pink sponge that was coarser and rougher than it looked, (much like Aimi, he mused).
Eventually, after cleaning deeper than he ever had in his life, David left the shower, drying himself, before picking up his boxers.
'Wait... I guess I don't need these.'
He left them, breathing heavily as he opened the door and walked into the living room.
He paused, as Aimi greeted him, relaxed on the couch and still in her Kimono.
"Oh, sorry, I thought you meant.... For the bedroom...." He uttered, covering his quaint cock behind trembling hands.
"Did I say bedroom?" she said thoughtfully, before hardening, "You misheard."
He stood like a hunched sapling, quivering and exposed as Aimi's eyes roved up and down his body.
"Come to me, little monkey."
David made his way over on shaking legs, leaving small footprints where his feet were still a little damp on the carpet, feeling the softness beneath them as he came to stand in front of her.
"No," she said sweetly, although her eyes became a little colder, "I said come here."
He nodded.
"Y-yes, yes of course... sorry..."
He sat down next to the huge figure, sinking into the sofa, which only made him feel more inferior to her presence.
She looked down at him with a stern look, still spoke with a humorous, singing tone, belying her enjoyment of the situation.
"I'm going to start getting angry if you don't come here David-chan."
He flinched like a scolded child, and rolled across, coming to straddle her lap like when they had kissed before, face to face.
Her expression blossomed into one of affection, cheeks and forehead relaxing, arms coming up to his sides, stroking him.
"Good boy."
He didn't know if he should smile, but he couldn't help it when hers was so infectious.
"You know... I want to fill your heart with love, David-chan."
His heart began to oscillate like it was going to burst, the battered organ quivering at words that David had thought he'd never hear.
"But I'm going to make you mine, my way," she uttered, "Yes?"
"Yes," he whispered.
"Hai.... Take my robe off."
He took a second to steel himself for what was behind the curtain, and slowly peeled back the kimono, layer by layer.
What greeted him outshone any expectations he might have had.
A healthy belly, big, huggable curves and huge mammary glands sat before him, uncovered by any bra. Her body was glorious, and his hands went instinctively moved forward.
"Ah, David-chan... I think we are forgetting something?"
His face went red as he remembered her other 'assets', and his hands moved downwards, a little less instinctively, to pull the bottom of the kimono free.
That huge cock rose up from the depths, and he whimpered, looking back up to her tits for moral support as it bobbed insistently in his vision.
"Now, go ahead," she said calmly.
His hands pressed forwards.... Into soft, warm melons, and his soul sang as he groped her breasts like a kitten being stroked. If he could have purred, he would, rubbing around the small areolas which drew a sigh from the woman in front of him as he tried his best to ignore the raging erection dancing between them.
"Dame.... Dameeee....."
Her face became desperate, like she was just a demure little Japanese housewife once more being dominated by this brutal American, and David became enthusiastic, kneading the warm globes as he put some of his weight into pressing her chest.
"DAMMEEEEE....." moaned Aimi, jerking a little under the pressure of his ministrations.
David felt the arousal building in his chest, arms trembling as he kneaded her tits.
"DAMEEEEEEE, PLEASE.. You're so strong....."
"Y-yeah," he whimpered, getting turned on by how she was building the scenario.
Her hands came up in a pathetic barrier to try and 'stop' David from touching her, but he shouldered his way in and brought his mouth to one of her tits, suckling on it greedily.
He barely had time to enjoy the large nipple as a hand reached out and grabbed him around the throat.
The look on her face morphed. From demure and innocent, it had twisted into something terrifying, an evil stare of belly-aching hunger.
"You tried to rape me David-Chan."
"Hwhat--- no.."
The air in his windpipe was constricted, and tears came to his eyes as she squeezed a little tighter, lifting him an inch off her lap.
"I think I'll have to make you pay... forever," she grinned, her other hand eagerly reaching down and enclosing his cock.
He whimpered as he felt the pressure on it, but then his brain was blindsided by her wrist accelerating into teasing jerks of his hard cock, a rhythm that turned her hand into a blur as she stimulated his baby shaft.
"Cum my little rapist," she grunted, masturbating him so easily that David was already halfway there, and she'd barely been going ten seconds.
The oxygen deprivation was intensifying the rapid stroking of his shaft, and he whimpered as he felt the pre-orgasm tremors ripple through his cock and balls.
Then her hand reached down and cinched brutally on the base of his penis, cutting off the ejaculation before it could take place, and David whined like a cowering pup as half of an orgasm was brutally denied, trying to pump his hips hopelessly as the pleasure boiled up inside him, mixing with the pain of being denied it's final destination.
Aimi's laugh was a delightful, high-pitched titter, and David found himself remaining at the edge of his desire, desperate to be sated, no matter what it took to get there.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard David-chan."
David gave her a pathetic, demure look as Aimi responded with a crocodile grin, pearly white teeth lined up in neat little rows in front of his face.
"Oooooh you're going to scream so loud... I know the screamers when I see them!" she tittered, grabbing his face and pressing it, thumb in his cheek, finger shoved into his open mouth. She handled him like putty, distending his lips, moving his head around so that he was staring at the ceiling as she continued to wank his cock.
David almost hated himself for how much he was enjoying the way she touched him, even as the clear peril of his anal virginity was laid before him.
He suckled on the thumb, whimpering, giving doleful eyes that perhaps might sate her evil hunger.
No such luck was evident as she popped her hips up, and David was nearly thrown in the air by her strength. When he came down, she grabbed his body like a toddler, and threw him over her shoulder.
"Shut up!" she cooed, slapping a meaty hand on his rump which stung like hell, and David found the finger grazing the edge of his asshole far too invasive for his liking.
He mewled as she stood up and carried him like he was nothing, out of the living room and through towards a dimly lit bedroom, barely burdened by his weight at all as she flung the door open and carried him into the cream-coloured room with dark brown, heavy bedsheets and gossamer curtains.
The finger slithered a little more directly onto his butthole as she came up to the bed, and David whined as it poked his anal ring.
"What David-chan, not enjoying my teasing?" she giggled, gripping him hard and then tossing him from her shoulder.
He flew so far he almost hit the headboard, plunging into the semi-soft mattress.
She laughed as she ran after him, diving onto the bed which sagged under this new tremendous weight, springs groaning at the new strain being placed upon them.
David mewled and found himself scrabbling to the side for safety, but Aimi's pursuit was sealed with a hand sealing around his ankle, sliding him easily back towards her as he clung to the sheets, dragging them with him.
Within five fearsome seconds, Aimi had David pinned beneath her, legs wide.
"Now David-Chan. It is very important that you look at me."
Her tone was sweet, in complete opposition to the actual situation which was that David was being held down, seconds away from being dicked by a white mamba cock.
A little dribble of snot ran from David's nose, but he kept his eyes locked onto hers as she shifted her weight so that the hot wetness of her humungous cock was packed up against his almost laughably tiny butthole, pre-cum slathering his crack.
"I know, you're thinking it won't fit... But we'll make it fit," she said eagerly, wiping his nose with a bedsheet.
David felt subsumed by Aimi's body mass, lost in her huge tits which spilled over his chest like huge water balloons, and she made sure he could feel her weight, understand the level of power difference between them by rocking back and forth, spreading her mass first onto his left side, then his right, compressing him like an industrial packing machine squashing a grape.
"HHHWMMMRMM," groaned David as her incredible weight was then compounded with her cock pressing into his ass.
As the huge mushroom welded itself to his entrance, David was gripped by the fervent belief that her cock wouldn't fit inside a torpedo tube, let alone his tiny, frightened butthole
Unfortunately his body was not able to defend itself in any way, and his eyes almost popped out of his skull as he felt that humungous head somehow forcing its way up into him.
His drooling moans became desperate now, and when the whole helmet had eased inside, David clung to Aimi furiously as she paused, eyes closed, savouring his ass like fine wine.
Her intimidating visage was compounded by one half of her pretty face being swathed in darkness, hidden from the amber glow of the bedside lamp.
"Ohhhh you complete me David-Chan," she groaned. "You won't believe it yet, but you're going to love me more than anyone you've ever known."
David thought that it would be a tricky task considering she'd shoved a lightbulb up his ass, with a lamppost ready to follow it.
Then her hips were sinking into him again, and David felt that GIRTH sliding up inside him, a submarine exploring his inner sanctums, pulsing within his anal walls.
"OHhh-hhhh!" he whimpered, remaining locked on Aimi's gaze which was now terrifying him with a demonic stare, eyes haunting in their desire, starvation so clear on her face it was almost painful to look at.
Her cock compacted his insides, organs forced to snuggle up to their neighbours as her cock liberated his body of any privacy, searching for every secret he could give as David blubbered, teary eyes pleading for mercy.
The moment their hips connected was something that burned itself into his brain, the feeling of being absolutely filled taking over senses.
His asshole quivered around the base of Aimi's monster, which was throbbing gleefully in the centre of his cave, leaking warm pre into a part of his body so deep that David had never felt a single sliver of nerves there until Aimi's cock pressed hard against it, coaxing all new incredible sensations to emanate from that spot.
David swooned, open mouthed, breathing so heavily it was unclear whether or not he was having a panic attack, but the softness of Aimi's breasts and stomach enveloping him had a calming effect, even though the woman herself was grinning as she made her cock jump in his anus, flexing it with gleeful "Un!"s and "Ah"s that rubbed up and down his anal walls in freakish bursts of pleasure that only heightened the sense of being conquered by another human being.
Her superiority was confirmed by the way she pumped her hips hard into him, as if the world had finally made everything the way it should be, and David getting savaged by her cock was where he deserved to be all along.
"UUHHNNN!!!!... Aim-...uhnnn!... Aimi...UHNn!!.."
The bed shook as their hips made contact, and that *SCHLICK* of her cock sliding in and out of his entrance was the dirtiest sound in the world.
David sobbed as he finally comprehended that it was the sound of Aimi fucking his ass.
David groaned, and Aimi groaned with him, but louder, and more aggressively, dark brown orbs now drilling so deep into his own that he was sure she had cracked into his soul, and was seeping into the effluence of it, turning him, taking far more than just his anal virginity as her whole body moved on top of him, touching what she wanted to touch, fucking what she wanted to fuck.
"David-chan... DAVI-CHANNNN!"
Her hands came to grab under his shoulders for leverage, and now she began to find a rhythm, a pneumatic pump that didn't seem like there would be any sort of resolution other than to get fucked until he exploded, her cock sawing in and out of him at a steady rate as she began to fuck him with passion, her desperate grin so wide it might have disappeared off the sides of her face as she bounced David off of her cock like a pinata.
The ridges of her cock head were like the most delicious torture devices, like a feather duster applied to the armpit except that instead of invoking uncontrollable laughter, they were drawing pleasure from him each time they slid over anything soft or sensitive deep in his body.
The lubed entry noises had now been overtaken by louder, more whip-like sounds; the smack of David's butt cheeks every time Aimi connected her hips to them, thrusting forward so their bodies clapped out an endless round of applause.
David's first pornstar moan of his life was long, and loud, and it was joined by another as Aimi buried herself inside him again, hilting to her balls so that they rebounded off his bum, stinging like two kettlebells jabbing against his butt.
Aimi was a machine, and David whimpered as her strength and intensity seemed to increase as she fucked him, her cock lighting up places inside and sending fizzes of electricity to the tips of his fingers and toes as she snapped herself forwards, huge muscle fibres hidden under her heavy fat reserves churning and whipping her full weight into David's butthole.
His eyes bulged as she hit a good place inside his rim, which was being cratered by the battering ram oscillating deep into his core.
His body spasmed, Aimi detonating a nuclear warhead inside him that broke the way his body was supposed to work, all higher brain function ripped out and discarded in service of Aimi's pleasure stamping itself on every fibre of his being.
The maneater raped downwards, eye-watering, heavy blows that seemed to be attempting to fuck the young man through the bed, the floor, and the building foundations as the Mattress began to curve inwards where David was crushed into it, bedsprings screaming for mercy as Aimi showed none, grunting as she fucked her love into the gorgeous figure beneath her.
Aimi didn't just want to give pleasure.
That would be too easy.
No, Aimi wanted to bull him so hard that he would never be able to receive sexual pleasure from a woman. She wanted his cock to soften in women's pussies, to gain no pleasure from another human's touch.
She wanted him to be a slave. A slave to her, and the cock demolishing his anal virginity.
David gurned as his own penis began to spurt warm cream against their belly buttons, a pathetic passion puddle for his mistress to savour.
"Oh GOOOOOOoooood!" groaned Aimi, loving the warmth as it spread between them like warm jam in a donut.
Wooden bed slats began to groan, adding to the sweaty chorus of hip-slaps pounding in the air, and then there was a creaking *SNAP*, and the centre of the bed caved inwards, David squealing as Aimi fell inwards onto him, and she did the doting service of not breaking his ribs, hands thrust out to the sides to catch her fall, instead merely flattening into him.
The feeling of catching half of Aimi's weight was still like catching a regular human being for David, who let out a strangled "hun-!" as her tits mashed into his chest.
The nipples were hard enough to be felt in the heat of the impact, and Aimi breathed out slowly, wiping a light sheen of sweat from her forehead as she gazed down at her spasming bitch.
"Ooooh, that's never happened before... at least, in this bed!" she sighed.
"R-right...." David mumbled, her cock still inside him, sitting there like a crocodile in the water, ready to attack at any second. It pulsed as he looked at her, making him murmur.
"Come on you," she cooed, lifting him easily out of the David-shaped hole in the centre of the bed, into a frontal straddle.
When they rose from the bed a whimper escaped David's throat as he was brought into a lover's pose, highly aware that he was the girl in this romantic scenario, and Aimi the Hollywood male, holding him up, cock buried to his midriff.
He reddened as his legs automatically wrapped around her waist, but there was no other way to support himself that didn't involve his entire weight resting on her cock.
"How do you feel David-Chan?"
Her penis pulsed inside him again, and the answer of 'like a bitch' would have been the most accurate as David, to his shame, moaned again.
He couldn't tell her that he thoroughly enjoyed her cock inside him. Not out loud, even though he was clinging to her like a baby to its mother.
It was a far cry from how he had imagined himself, his self-esteem as a male broken down into nothing more than a sobbing, moaning whore for Aimi, who was already rutting him slowly in mid-air, her full length sliding inside him, stimulating his innards.
Her face was glowing with mischievousness, eyes narrowed.
"Are you enjoying the introduction of my Empress?"
A sliver of drool ran from the side of his mouth as he stammered a response.
"I.. In... HUuhhh!....i-introduction?" he murmured.
If her smile could have gotten any bigger it would have become a crescent moon of teeth.
"Yes Monkey..... Introduction."
Then David's butthole was sent for a journey back up the full length of her cock that shook him to his core, all the way to the head.
He gasped as a whole fifth of his abdomen was excavated, leaving a dick-shaped absence that felt grotesquely open and lonely, aching for warmth.
His insides wanted to be filled.
"Time for us to fuck properly," said Aimi softly.
Then something in her... shifted. David saw a new madness in her eyes, a psychopathic streak that had lurked beneath the surface, and had only now been revealed. It chilled him to the bone, his anal sphincter clutching tighter to her cock.
Her expression became more manic, hands pawing harder at his soft flesh.
It seemed as if something uncontrolled had been allowed to take hold of her brain, released from its shackles, and when her hands tightened on his rump, legs spreading wider to absorb heavier weight displacement, David's lips began to tremble.
"Aimi.... A-Aimi?...."
Her teeth began to grind against each other.
It was as if she didn't hear him. She only saw the man she was going to break.
The connection of her hips to his ass echoed around the room like a whip crack, David screaming as Aimi's cock slammed into his body so hard that his bones juddered, and he was forced to cling to her for dear life as she began to wreck his ass, performing a dicking down that bullied his insides with raw sexual violence.
The speed at which she sheathed him was frightening.
It was beyond brutal. She pounded him, smacking their hips together in a chorus of sodomy that overpowered the senses, sending him into raptures so fast that he was unable to even consider defending himself.
He screamed, flung up and down on Aimi's barge pole, caught pants-less in an anal exorcism that would have terrified anyone who witnessed it, his mind forced into retreat. There was nothing to hold onto but Aimi, nothing to feel, or see, or smell but the carnivore cratering his asshole.
Wide, maddened eyes drank in the way he gurned, saliva falling from his lips, enjoying each un-controlled gasp, every quivering of his eyelids as she bottomed out inside him.
He didn't know how much he was loving it, tears falling from his cheeks, trying to resist the pleasure being brutally pressed upon him by her savaging thrusts into his rear end, all the while his cute cock continued to wave up and down like a cheerleader, slapping against his belly in a pathetic dance of joy, spurting pre-cum down its sides as he was bounced like a human pogo-stick.
Electrifying pleasure coursed through him, nerve endings so overcome that they were almost forced to produce pain to try and make David understand how deep Aimi was consuming him she delved into him again, and again, and again.
Aimi merely grunted as she worked, plundering away at his sweet pink treasure, opening him up with her cock-shaped can opener to lay bare his darkest secrets.
"UGHuHghh... GuhgughhuUH!"
It was sawing against that beautiful spot inside him that was like a reset button for his body, the young man's tear-stained face going slack as his brain let go of all muscle control, cowering in a corner of his skull and weeping as sheer orgasmic ecstasy devoured it.
One particularly earth-shaking thrust made him blackout, and when he recovered his senses he was sure that Aimi's neat hair was more dishevelled, his ass-cheeks aching more, and his cock was covered in another layer of icing.
He was so lost in the haze of pounding sex that he didn't even register the saliva flicking against his face from Aimi's jowls, her mouth open, eyes burning with furious lust as she tensed up every last fibre of muscle in her body to the task of defiling this young man, pumping her hips up with each downward thrust of her arms around his body to slam him down on her cock at the speed of a bullet train.
"HU-" "GU!-" "UHN-!"
The entwined figures became a blur of movement and violence, loud squeals and grunts emanating from within the frenzied dance.
Aimi in her rage stomped over to the wall and slammed him into it, and David's breath was doubly taken away by her cock and the impact of her weight, his back mashed against the cool plaster, sticking to the surface with his sweat as she fucked him up against it.
Time became without meaning. The only meaning was Aimi's spear slamming up into David's guts, shaft sweeping over his prostate so continuously that when the next of his full body orgasms hit, it didn't stop, but just rolled over into a second, and a third, and then a fourth.
Sweat began to form in the cleft between her breasts as Aimi heaved like she was running a marathon, although her muscles never slowed, never wavering in their unflinching vindictiveness, sending pounds of cockmeat over and over into David's writhing, tortured body.
In fact she seemed to get faster.
David wanted to control himself, but his mouth seemed to be connected directly to his asshole, his brain a passenger as he screamed, then moaned, then sobbed, repeating in a slut-cycle that had nothing to do with what he wanted, only what was given by Aimi.
Tears ran down his cheeks as the orgasmic pleasure overwhelmed him, and he went into a full fit, his body shaking to its foundations as ecstasy ripped through him.
Machine guns would have struggled to keep up with the velocity of each brutal hip connection, David's ass cheeks rippling, head oscillating as his sweet arms clung to Aimi, teary eyes begging for mercy that he didn't really want, because she was delivering him to heaven in an open-topped rocket.
It was clear now that she didn't want to stop. She wanted to burn his synapses that controlled pleasure to the point where he could only feel love at the end of her cock, only feel passion for a footlong dick and the woman that owned it.
The smell of them would have made an observer's eyes water, a broiling broth of salty sweat combined with the tang of testicle-juice, Aimi's nostrils flaring as she breathed it in, David ingesting the stench of an alpha queen as his eyes rolled up into his head, seeing the inside of his skull as his balls tightened.
Aimi roared as more stringy rivulets of her lover's cum spurted from his cock, hitting the bottom of her tits, her chin and face.
When David's eyes returned, gaze unfocused and still oscillating on her cock, it was to a dick-monster covered in white gloops, sperm dripping from her chin and down her nipples as she roared at him, the gentle eyes and cheeks contorted in lustful rage.
Aimi's cock was leaking pre-cum like an open tap, dousing his insides in preparation for the ball-cream dessert to come, and she roared as she pressed her forehead against his, the ugly note vibrating through David's face as he whimpered, snivelling soft utterances of delight as she touched every last inch of his insides.
Then it happened.
Her face became a grouse, like someone had jabbed a needle into her buttocks, and what followed was the heaving bellow of a rhino as her hips began to sink in a jerking rhythm to meet his tomato-red bottom, and David was sure he could feel the testicles tighten against his asscheeks as her shaft rippled.
He sang like a canary, cock throbbing as a giant wave of pure unadulterated jizz pounded from the end of Aimi's cock, stampeding his insides as she bared her teeth, hissing at the sheer release of finally filling her young buck.
David's final orgasm made his back arch as she marked his internal organs as her property, spilling her seed on his sacred land and submerging it in a tidal wave of foul spunk that the neighbours might well have been able to smell judging by how strong and tangy it was in the air, even in a room as sizeable as this one.
Aimi let out a long groan as the final sloshing pints of cum were deposited into her bitch, a long-term investment aimed at happily fucking him for the rest of their lives.
David's arms hung weak at his sides. Pinned against the wall, his head lolled into Aimi's breasts, which acted as the most perfect cushions in the world, sending him off into a wondrous, deep sleep.
Aimi breathed heavily, her sensibilities coming back to her as she gazed down at the wrecked creature she was pressed flush against, feeling the soft breaths from his nostrils tickle the top of her breast, enjoying the tiny snoring sounds emanating every so often.
She ran her hand through his hair, enjoying the darkness of it.
She leaned in and realised it was closer to dark brown than black, just catching enough of the dim light to be visible.
It was beautiful.
Aimi put her arms around him and unstuck his sweaty back from the wall, turning to walk towards the bathroom. She'd wash him, then take him to the guestroom.
His asshole quivered slightly on her cock, and she moaned as she felt the creampie dripping onto her balls. What a filling she'd given him.
Her mouth crept into a lazy smile.
A little part of her thought about slapping him awake and fucking him again, but she thought he deserved a rest.
Tomorrow morning would be fine.
Aimi jerked up and hastily adjusted her kimono, now shabbier and a little stained in places, before bustling to the door, opening it up to a short blond woman sporting bangs and a poca-dot dress.
"Hello gorgeous!"
"Hey Sandy," she smiled, "enjoy the carnival?"
She peeled her eyes.
"Yeah I did... would have enjoyed the party more too if SOMEONE hadn't left early.... I see someone had a good night."
She nodded at the slightly dishevelled garb that Aimi was sporting.
"No more than usual."
"Sure... so where is he?"
Aimi chuckled.
"Where's who?"
Sandy raised her eyebrows.
"Oh I don't know, the Pope? Or maybe the GUY YOU TONGUED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BAR."
"No idea what you're talking about."
"I think he does," she said, smiling, pointing behind her.
"What... Oh?"
She turned around to an empty living room.
"Who... oh SANDY!"
The short blond girl had seized her opportunity, racing past her.
" STOP idiot!" shouted Aimi, unable to contain her smile as she strode after the figure who immediately made her way into the main bedroom.
"Knock kn....! Oh."
She came in to an empty bed.
"Hmmm, that's interes.... Wait, WHAT the hell happened here?!?!"
When Aimi caught up Sandy was staring down at the crater in the centre of the bed.
"Oh uh... redecorating?"
A quick sniff of the air made Sandy blanch, and she looked across the stained sheets, followed by peering round the rest of the room and spying an odd patch of wall paper which seemed well worn and marked compared to the rest.
"Right... So whose asshole were you redecorating?"
When she looked back at Aimi, it was with a sly grin.
Aimi made a show of rolling her eyes and looking disgruntled, but couldn't hide the pride in her response.
"Guest room."
Sandy jumped, yipping as she zipped past her before Aimi grabbed her by the scruff of the neck.
"Quietly," she growled.
"Yes, yeah of course!"
Sandy rubbed her neck as Aimi let her go, stepping as fast as she dared before reaching the guest bedroom and entering it.
The door flew open, and Sandy nearly coughed as the musky smell of human fornication thrummed through her nostrils.
"Jees!" she spluttered, coughing.
"Shhhh," cooed Aimi, "Don't wake him... he's had a long morning."
Sandy gazed upon the bare ass of David, which looked more like a broken water feature then a body-part, spunk oozing out of his asshole, a huge puddle beneath his thighs suggesting a filling of seismic proportions.
"Uh... when did you have sex?" muttered Sandy.
Aimi blushed.
"Oh I don't know... maybe five minutes ago?"
Sandy's jaw dropped.
"You did this in five minutes?"
"Well no, we finished five minutes ago, but this sort of happened over the previous hour..."
"Christ... you broke him in two rooms in one hour?"
The pride re-entered Aimi's voice.
"That was last night."
Sandy's eyes widened.
"Jees... Aimi... when did you not fuck him?"
Aimi totted it up in her head.
"I would say... we slept at least five hours.... Although we fucked during the night so I spent most of it inside him...."
Sandy gave a pitying look at David's motionless form, slumbering with a look of exhaustion... but also a soft smile on cum-drenched lips.
"I mean... even with his butthole destroyed, he's cute."
Aimi leaned in the doorway, heart pounding through her chest again, cock rising once more.
"Yes... and he's mine."