Hunter’s Sexy Snippets

Chapter 392: Daddy, It Doesn't Fit! Part 2 by VanillaExtract

I sighed. There was no point arguing with her. "I'll get the lube."

"Just like that?" Heather said. "You're not even going to put up a fight?"

"Did you want me to put up a fight?"

"Yes! You can at least act like you don't wanna put your dick up my butt."

"Jesus, I can't win with you," I complained. "Look, cupcake, I just wanna be a good father. I messed up once. I was horny, I was weak, and I'm sorry. If making another video will earn your forgiveness, then, yes, I'll make it. I just want my daughter back."

Heather gave me a sad smile. "Thanks, daddy. I guess I have been giving you a hard time lately, huh?"

"It's okay, cupcake. I deserved it."

"You did, but you also made me the most popular girl in school, so maybe we're even."

"I take it the sex video went over well then?"

"Sort of. Everyone wanted to see the actual penetration, but...the after show didn't air."

"This one will."

"No," she said. "They're not going to see the anal penetration either. Ground rules: you can't actually put your dick in my butt. It's way too big, and you'd probably put me in the hospital."

"So we're pretending again?"

"Yes," Heather said with a nod. "But you can't go crazy-horny like last time and fuck me either."

"I give you my word; I will behave this time," I said, holding up my hand.

"Thank you," she said. "If you need to cum afterward, I'll rub your cock, or even suck you off if you want, okay?"

"Wow. Okay, fair enough."

"And, um, second rule, this one is kinda big," she said, biting her lip. "People want to see you in the video."

"Excuse me? Heather, they'll recognize me."

"Yeah, I told them no way would you show your face, but they want to see the rest of you. Some people actually thought your cock was a dildo, so I have to show them it's real. I was thinking you could wear a ski-mask or something."

"Good lord," I said, running a hand through my hair.

"There's one more small, slight, tiny, little issue," she said.

"I'm listening," I said, reclining in my chair.

"We need someone else to film it."

"Christ, Heather. Are we just making porno movies now?"

"I talked to Jenna. She's seen all the videos, and I told her they were all staged. She said she'd shoot the new one for me."

"Are you serious? Of all people, you pulled sweet little Jenna into this?"

"She's my best friend, and she hangs out with everyone I hang out with. Of course, she's in this."

"Great," I said, shaking my head. I thought back to all the times I had let Jenna sleep over my house with my daughter. You never know the hand life is going to deal you, but you don't imagine having simulated sex with your daughter while her friend records it. "And does she know it's your father's cock in the other videos?"

"Of course not. I'm not crazy. I told her you're just a friend. Believe me, she understands. She's getting the same pressure I got when I made my first video."

"She hasn't made a video yet?"

"No, but she wants to, like, really bad. But Jenna's not the prettiest girl in school, and boys never ask her out, so everyone's been teasing her. Which is why, um, I told her if she filmed us, I'd let her suck your cock."

"Fuck, that's it," I said, standing up. I went to the living room, sat on the sofa, and turned on the TV. Heather came in after me.

"Was it too much?"

"Too much? No, no. First, you want me to pretend to fuck you in the ass, and then afterward, you want me to let your friend suck my dick. Does any of this seem normal to you, Heather?"

"Daddy, look, I'm in way too deep now. I can't quit. Being popular is so hard, but this will put me over the top. Do you want to see my friend Kim's anal video? It was amazing. She had a cameraman and lighting, daddy, lighting! I have to top her!"

"Whatever happened to wanting the coolest clothes in school? Wouldn't you rather have those five hundred dollar boots at the mall than have me fuck you in the ass and let your best friend blow me?"

"Daddy, sex tapes are the new cool clothes! Please, I need this. It'll take one hour of your time. And it's fake anal. Then Jenna will suck your cock for a few minutes, I'll film it, and you can go back to the baseball game. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?" I said loudly.

"Hey, you know what?" she said, folding her arms. "You took my virginity, so the least you can do is give me something back in return."

"That was an accident."

"Yeah, the dozen times you pulled your cock out of me only to shove it right back in were all accidents."

I sighed. "Fine. You always get your way, don't you?"

She came over and sat beside me, putting her hand on my knee. "Thank you, daddy. I know this hasn't been easy on you. I think this will be the last one though, really."

"It had better be. When do you want to do this?"

"Actually, it has to be tonight. I already told Jenna. I've just been scared to ask you. Let me call her and have her come over."

"Great. I'll go shower and find my ski-mask. Fucking unbelievable."

I left Heather and went to take a shower. This was really getting out of hand now. It was bad enough when Heather was making me perform for her, but now she was bringing her friends over? Was I going to have to fuck the whole cheerleading squad next? I really needed to grow a spine and tell my daughter no.

Still, I couldn't get the memory of fucking Heather's unbelievably tight pussy out of my mind. I was looking forward to more, rubbing my cock against her ass, prodding her hole. I might even fuck her pussy again. No, I couldn't do that. She'd never let me, and I didn't want to hurt her like last time. I wanted to be a good father, deserving of my daughter's love.

Out of the shower and into my room, I stared into my open closet. Hmm, what does one wear to a sex video? It's a hard wardrobe decision. It's not like what do I wear to the corner-store.

"This is ridiculous," I muttered.

My door suddenly opened. I spun around, my long flaccid cock flying after me. Heather was there.

"Oh! Um, sorry. I thought you were dressed."

"Jesus, Heather!" I said, covering my dick with my hands.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before," she said, looking down at my cock; it was far too long to be hidden by my hands. "Are you almost ready? Jenna's gonna be here in five minutes."

"Yeah, I'll be ready."

"Okay. Just stay in here. I'll get everything set up and come get you."


"Okay." She smiled at me. "Thanks again, daddy."

"Yeah," I said.

"Oh, by the way, your name is Danny, okay?"

"Cute choice."

"And my daddy is out drinking with his friends from work."

"That actually sounds better than what's about to happen."

She smirked at me. "You know you'll like it. I'll knock when it's time."


She left. I dressed in blue jeans, not bothering to wear underwear, socks, or a shirt. What was the point? I did find my ski-mask though. I slid it on and looked at myself in the tall mirror.

"Great, I look like I'm going to rob a bank...and then fuck the teller. What the hell."

I sat down on the edge of my bed, lifting the ski-mask, rubbing my face. I could hear the front door in the house open, as well as the voices. I was getting nervous. Hell, I knew Jenna's father. He was a good man, a hard worker, loved his family, and I was going to let his little girl suck my cock? Didn't my daughter understand what she was asking me to do? Maybe it wasn't too late to say no. Maybe I could get out of this...somehow.

Knock, knock.

I sighed, standing up, securing the ski-mask over my face, opening the door. My daughter was there. She had changed. She was wearing a sundress, white with a yellow flower pattern. The dress ended at her thighs. She had no bra on, her c-cup tits heavy. The outline of her pink nipples was plain to see. Her red hair was down, fanning around her face, her bangs in her blue eyes.

"Nice dress," I said.

"Thanks. Great mask...Danny. Ready?"

"I guess."

"Let's go."

I followed Heather out into the hall and into her room. As I stepped through, Jenna looked up at me, and I looked back. She was shorter than my daughter, just five feet and very petite. Her breasts were an A-cup; she was also a brunette. She had freckles on her face and braces on her teeth, as well as big black-rimmed glasses. She was dressed in jeans and a white cami, under which she wore a tank top and a bra with a strap that was falling off her shoulder.

"Danny," Heather said, "meet Jenna. Jenna, Danny."

Jenna looked very nervous but she held out her hand. I shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Jenna," I said in a gruff Batman-voice.

"Um, nice to meet you too...sir."

She was staring directly at me, her eyes narrow. Fuck, I think she recognized me. Well, no surprise there. She had grown up around me. I knew this wasn't going to work. And now she was going to blab to everyone that I had fucked my daughter. Or was I just being paranoid?

"Everyone ready?" Heather said.

"Um, yeah, I guess," Jenna said.

"Yeah." I folded my arms across my bare chest. I felt very awkward now. Glancing around the room did not put me at ease. Jenna had brought film equipment. There was a hand-held camera on the desk. Several of the living-room lamps were now in Heather's room to brighten the stage.

"So, okay," Heather said, putting her hands together, grinning, "where do we start?"

I shrugged. "Just tell me where to stick it."

"Okay. Jenna's gonna go first, cause, you know, you'll be putting your cock against my butt, so she's not exactly gonna wanna put it in her mouth after that."

I rubbed my face over my ski-mask. How did I get into this mess? "Yeah, okay."

"Oh, and I told her you just showered, so your cock is clean."

I glanced at Jenna. Her whole face was bright red and her eyes were down.

"Yeah," I said.

"Great," Heather said. "So, Jenna, have a seat on the bed." She picked up the camera. Jenna obeyed Heather's direction, sitting on the edge of the bed, wiping her sweaty palms on her knees. She looked up.

"Before we start, can I see it?"

"Sure you can!" my daughter answered for me. "Sorry, I totally forgot this is sort of your first experience. I've been in your shoes, so I know what it's like. Danny, can you show her?"

Heather sat on the bed next to Jenna and both of them were looking at me. I stepped forward, coming closer. I unzipped my blue jeans, slid my hand inside, and with no underwear in the way, I wrapped my hand around my soft cock and pulled it out into the open. It hung down heavily.

"Oh, my god," Jenna said with stars in her eyes.

"It's not even hard yet," Heather said. "Wait till you see it get big. It's gigantic. Touch it."

"N-no, that's okay."

"Jenna, you're gonna have to touch it eventually," Heather said.

"Heather," I said, "if she doesn't want to touch it, she doesn't have to. Jenna, you know you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

Jenna looked up at me. "I know, um, sir. But all my friends are doing it, and if I make a video with you, everyone will think I'm as cool as Heather."

I sighed. Kids these days. "All right."

"Here, Jenna, watch," Heather said. She reached out and grabbed my cock. I flinched, but my daughter grinned at me like it was perfectly normal to grab her father's dick. How did this ever become commonplace? She gave it a tug and I gave a sigh. Damn, it did feel good. "See? It's already getting harder."

"Yeah," Jenna whispered, watching my daughter's hand slide up and down my growing shaft. I could feel my cock pulsing as Heather's warm little hand brought it to life. I was still so out of practice, any attention made me hard. Soon, it was growing longer and longer, standing straight ahead, all eleven inches of it.

"Wow," Jenna whispered. "It's so much bigger than in the video."

"I know," Heather said. "I told you, it's not going to be easy to suck on. Just be lucky you don't have to fuck it."

"You didn't have to fuck it either though, right?" Jenna said.

Heather glanced at me, giving a glare. "No, of course not. I'm sure if Danny put his cock in my pussy, he'd kill me. I sure hope he doesn't accidently do something like that, ever."

I sighed. "Yeah."

"Here, Jenna," Heather said. "You stroke it now."

"I don't know."

"Jenna, you gotta do it. You're going to be sucking on it in a minute. Do you want to do this or not?"

"I do..." Jenna said.

"Then touch it. Don't be such a pussy."

Jenna reached up, her hand timidly touching the shaft of my cock, her fingers following the throbbing vein along its length. She pet it like it was an obedient dog. Heather laughed at her.

"Wrap your hand around it."

"Okay," Jenna said, closing her fist around the shaft of my cock. Her fingers did not quite touch. "Wow. It's so big."

"Yeah," Heather said. "Touch the head and stuff. He likes that."

Jenna did as she was told, sliding her hand up to the crown, stroking the head, right along the slit. My eyes closed for a moment. My daughter was right. I did like that.

"Shit," I mumbled.

"See?" Heather said. "Now you gotta lick it."

"Already? We're not even filming yet."

"I know, but you gotta get used to it beforehand. Trust me. Just give it a kiss and lick it."

"I don't know how."

Heather rolled her eyes. "Here, watch me."

She took hold of the shaft in her hand. Jenna moved out of the way as my daughter leaned forward. I watched her little pink tongue come out of her mouth and give the head of my cock a long, slow lick. I felt everything, the coarseness of her tongue, the wetness of her saliva, the heat of her breath. It made me shake. Then she gave the crown a kiss.

"See? Now you try," Heather said to Jenna.

"Okay, I can do that," Jenna said, leaning forward. My daughter held the cock steady for Jeanna as she gave the tip of my crown a little peck. She pulled away and giggled. "I kissed it."

"Yup. Now lick it."

"Okay," Jenna said. Her tongue came out of her mouth from between her braces, licking over her lips before she came closer. She glanced up at me, as if to make sure I was okay with her licking my cock, and then she gave the head a quick lick. I felt a pulse of pleasure shoot down my shaft and I exhaled again. Fuck, I liked this.

"See? Piece of cake," Heather said. "Now you gotta suck on it."

Jenna gulped, pushing her glasses up her nose. "Heather, I dunno. It's so much bigger than I thought it'd be."

"And you're gonna be so much more popular than you thought you'd be on Monday, trust me. All the boys will be asking you out to prom when they see you're an expert cock sucker."

Jenna sighed. "Okay. What do I do?"

"Watch me." Heather looked up at me. "Danny, I'm gonna suck your cock so Jenna can see, okay?"


"Don't try to force it into my mouth, okay?" she said sternly.

I rolled my eyes. "Just suck it, Heather."

"Okay," she said. "Here it goes."

My daughter opened her mouth nice and wide, her jaw stretching, and then I felt the moistness of her lips close around the head of my cock. I was in heaven. Heather's tongue was on the underside of my crown as she began sucking, her cheeks caving in as she tugged on it with her mouth.

I reached out to her, stroking the side of her face. Fuck, it felt so good. I wanted in deeper. Yes, I know she told me not to, but come on! All she had was the head of my cock in her mouth. She could take more than that. I was doing her a big favor. She could take a big cock in exchange.

I pushed forward, my cock spearing into her mouth, the head grinding along the length of her tongue, her teeth scraping the sensitive crown. Heather immediately jerked away, coughing. "Danny!"

"What?" I said.

She glared at me and then looked at Jenna. "You gotta be careful with him. He likes to shove his cock deep in your mouth while you're sucking on it."

"Oh," Jenna whispered, looking up at me.

I felt a little guilty at Jenna's judgmental eyes. "Look, let's just get on with it, okay?"

"Okay," Heather said. "Jenna, are you ready?"

"I guess."

"Great," Heather said, picking up the camera and flipping open the side door. "Ready, and...action."

Jenna looked at the camera. "Um, hi, I'm Jenna, and today I am going to borrow Heather's boyfriend and suck on his, um, his penis."

She looked at my cock and then up at me. She wrapped her hand around the shaft, stretching her neck to bring her little mouth toward it. She kissed the crown again. My daughter was grinning behind the camera. I think she was actually enjoying this.

"Lick it," she whispered, pointing at my cock.

Jenna slowly stuck out her tongue and licked the tip. She kept licking, lapping at it like it was a melting ice cream cone. It did feel good. I could see her saliva sticking to it, making the head wet and glossy.

"Now put it in your mouth," Heather whispered, miming opening her mouth and closing it.

Jenna took a deep breath, opened her mouth nice and wide, and slowly closed her lips on the tip of my cock. I groaned from the heat on my sensitive head. She didn't even have the entire thing between her lips, but she had enough to use her tongue. I felt her licking at it while she began sucking.

I reached down for her, stroking her hair. Heather looked at me, giving me a warning glare. I needed more though. Maybe Jenna was a newbie, but she was sucking on a man's cock, and I needed to get into her mouth. Still, she was my daughter's best friend.

"Jenna," I said, "take it deeper into your mouth."

Jenna looked up, a little surprised I was telling her what to do. She seemed to glance at my daughter. Heather gave her a thumb's up. Then Jenna slipped her lips down my cock and began taking it deeper into her mouth, inch by wonderful inch. I groaned, my hand sliding around to the back of her head. And then I pulled her toward me, my long fat cock forcing her lips down my shaft, the tip hitting the back of her throat. She pulled away from me, gagging and coughing. Tears were in her eyes as she wiped her mouth. She looked up at me. "Careful."

"Danny," Heather hissed.

"Shh," I mumbled.

I reached for Jenna again, taking the back of her head, drawing her toward my cock. She obediently opened her mouth and slipped her lips down my shaft. I felt her tongue run along the underside. I slowly withdrew and pushed back in, not too deep. I didn't want to gag the girl. Her nervous eyes kept looking up at me, and her jaw kept adjusting to hold my size in her mouth. I needed more. I thrust my cock deeper.

She pulled away again, coughing. "Please, not so deep, sir," she mumbled, glancing at the camera.

"Come on," I whispered, holding the side of her head, nudging her toward my dick. I wanted back in her warm mouth and I wanted in now.

"My jaw hurts," she whispered.

"Okay, pause," Heather said, lowering the camera. "Danny, it's her first time. You can't be rough with her."

"Why don't you teach her, Heather?" I said, my other hand reaching for Heather. I took her by the back of the head and pulled her in.

"W-wait!" she said, but I forced my cock to her lips. She mumbled something as my cock invaded her mouth.

"Fuck, yes," I said, holding the back of her head. I felt her grumble as she began licking and sucking on my cock. I began pumping in and out of her mouth again, trying not to go to deep. I glanced at Jenna. "Are you watching, Jenna?"

"Yes, sir," she said softly, nodding. "She can't go very deep either."

"You both need to learn how to control your gag reflex," I said. "Watch."

I pulled Heather toward me, forcing myself down her throat for an instant. Heather yanked her mouth off my cock and coughed. 

"Jesus, Dad-Danny! Be careful. I don't know how to deepthroat, okay?"

"Just suck," I said. "Come on, you girls are getting me worked up."

"Jenna, you take a turn. That really hurt my throat," Heather said, rubbing her neck.

"Okay," Jenna said.

My daughter started recording again as Jenna leaned forward, opening her mouth and taking my cock in. She held my shaft with two hands now, gripping it tight so I couldn't force myself into her throat. Smart girl. I stroked the side of her head and then started pumping my cock forward, forcing her hands to bump against her nose each time I shoved my cock in.

"Yes," I mumbled.

I became more aggressive, taking hold of Jenna on both sides of her head, holding her firm as I started humping her face, driving my cock in and out of her mouth. She made the mistake of trying to adjust her grip on my shaft, and with nothing to stop me, I rammed my cock right down her throat. I felt her throat contract and she gagged. She tried to pull away, but I held her in place. She began to struggle and I pulled my cock back, just enough to let her cough, and then I rammed forward.

"Danny!" Heather hissed, lowering the camera. "Stop it, you're hurting her!"

"She's fine," I mumbled, shoving my cock back into her mouth, feeling her throat. Jenna was grabbing my hips, trying to push me back as my cock invaded her throat. She was coughing and gagging as she choked on my fat dick.

"Danny, stop!" Heather said, grabbing my cock. "It doesn't fit in her throat like that!"

Heather bent my cock up, scraping it along Jenna's braces as she pulled it out of her mouth. Jenna gasped like she had just been underwater. I let her go and she turned around, bending over and holding her stomach as she coughed.

"Shit..." I mumbled. "Uh, Jenna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

She was still coughing, wiping her mouth. She looked up at me with tears in my eyes. "It-it's okay, sir. I couldn't breathe though. You can't put it in my throat like that. Didn't you see I was gagging?"

"Yeah, I sort of realized at the last second there. Sorry about that."

Heather was glaring up at me. She stood up and whispered, "Don't be mean to her. She's my friend."

"I'm sorry, baby. You know how I get when I'm horny. I didn't mean to. Really, I'm better now."

"Just calm down and let her do the work, okay?" she whispered.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry."

Heather crawled back on the bed, her hand on Jenna's back, rubbing in a circle. "You okay?"

Jenna nodded as she sat up, giving one last cough. "Yeah. It's just so big. I can't suck on it like that."

"I know, he's a total monster. Don't worry, normal boys aren't like him."

"Okay, I'm better now."

Heather held up the camera. "Ready to continue?"

"Um, actually, I think that's enough," Jenna said. "We have a few minutes recorded. That should be good, right?"

"Oh, okay, yeah. That's plenty," Heather said.

"Good," Jenna said, taking a deep breath, eyeing my cock again. "So let's just do the fake anal thing."

"Right, my turn," Heather said, taking a deep breath too. "Okay then." She handed Jenna the camera and looked up at me. "Ready for this?"

"It's just pretend, right?" I said.

She nodded. "Mostly."

Jenna stood up and came to my side. "Sir, if it's okay with you, I can shoot you rubbing your, your, you know, thing, up against her behind and then I'll pull the camera away and you can just sort of make it look like you're in her butt. Okay?"

"Yeah, I got it," I said.

"Okay." Jenna stepped back, getting Heather and me in the frame. "Um, action, I guess."

Heather looked at the camera. "Hi, I'm Heather, and today I am going to show you how to take a really big cock up your ass."

Heather reached down, grabbing the bottom of her sundress. She lifted it right up in one fluid motion. She was wearing nothing underneath, no panties, no bra, not even a necklace. She was naked before my eyes, and my eyes feasted. I had nearly forgotten how cute her bald pussy was, her clit poking out, her lips puffy and fat, so welcoming, her tits round with pink nipples, already as hard as my cock. I reached down, giving my shaft a stroke. Then I unbuttoned my pants, letting them drop. They'd just be in the way.

My daughter winked at me and then reached for the bedside table. There was a bottle of lube I had not even noticed. She held it up and faced the camera. "First, girls, lots of lube. You may only need a drop for your man, but for mine, I need the whole bottle." She squirted plenty into her hand and then rubbed them together. "Make sure you get it nice and warm before you rub it on your man's cock. Cold lube is bad for hard cocks."

Heather took my shaft in her hands and stroked downward. I groaned as her slippery hands coated my cock in clear fluid. She ran her hands back and forth, getting it plenty slick, taking extra time to rub around the head. Jenna moved in closer with the camera, zooming in on the way Heather worked her fingers over my crown.

"Really lube up the head, girls," Heather said. "This part is the part that's going to hurt the most when it goes into your ass."

I rolled my eyes. My daughter had no idea what she was talking about, but she was selling it like she did, and what did I care? The way she was stroking the lube into my cock nearly had me ready to cum.

"Heather, that's enough lube," I whispered.

"Hmm? Okay." She looked at the camera. "Next, girls, once your guy is lubed up, lube up yourself, and a little bit of practice never hurts."

My daughter bent all the way over, her face down in the mattress, her ass high in the air. I was looking straight down at her red, puffy pussy lips and her little puckered asshole. She reached around and began rubbing her fingers along her ass crack, her middle finger rubbing the hole.

"Gently insert one finger..." Heather said, her slippery middle finger slowly sliding into her ass. "Ohh, okay, whoa," she mumbled. "Ahem. See?"

Jenna's camera was practically inside my daughter's asshole as she filmed. I gave my cock a long stroke. I was getting very horny as I watched Heather lubing up her ass, rubbing the greasy jelly along her crack and sticking slippery fingers into her asshole. Fuck, I wanted to fuck her ass so hard. I didn't want to pretend. I wanted to fuck...but this was my daughter. I didn't want to hurt her.

"Okay, after you're all lubed up," Heather said, looking back at me, shaking her ass. "You ask your sexy boyfriend, 'Will you please fuck me nice and hard in the ass?'"

Oh, she had no idea what she was asking me. But this was pretend. What she was really saying was, "Please don't hurt me with your big fat cock, daddy." But I wasn't sure if I could hear her.

"Mmm, yes," I said.

I crawled on the bed behind her, standing on my knees, bringing my cock right up to her asshole. I took hold of the shaft and slapped her cheeks with it.

"Ooh," she said.

Jenna was right next to me, zooming in on my cock as I laid the length of it along Heather's ass crack. Heather shook her ass again, bouncing my cock around. I slapped her with it again, and then I slowly rubbed up and down, my shaft sandwiched between her meaty cheeks.

"Mmm, I can feel how much you wanna fuck me in the ass, Danny," Heather said, smiling back at me.

I grabbed her hips and then squeezed, pinching her ass cheeks together so they held my cock firm, and I slowly began to rub between them.

"Ooh, Danny," Heather cooed, giggling. "You're teasing me now."

Jenna was moving around us, getting the action from all angles. I could see the nervous excitement in her eyes though. I let go of my daughter's hips and took hold of my cock in one hand, her cheek in the other, peeling her ass apart so I could see her round little hole. How would I ever fit in there?

"Mmm, ready to fuck me in the ass with your huge cock, Danny?" she said, grinning back.

"Oh, yeah," I mumbled.

I put the head of my cock right up against her little asshole, rubbing against it, and slowly started to push. Her asshole began to open up as the tip penetrated her, the lube doing its job to welcome me into the depths of her bowels. Jenna started to pull the camera back, but Heather sat up and spun around, grabbing her ass.

"Ow! What the fuck?" she cried.

"What?" I said.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I was pretending," I said, glancing at Jenna, who had lowered the camera.

"Yeah, ow, you started to push into my butthole. You seriously started to open me up."

"Heather, I was trying to make it look authentic. I wasn't going to actually put it inside."

"Well, you were getting really close."

"You ruined the shot," I said. "Come on, I don't have all night for this. Face down, ass up. Let's do the stupid video."

She grimaced. "Okay."

"Where should I be?" Jenna asked.

Heather looked at her. "Just stay to my side. We'll pick up from there. Danny, keep your cock between my legs so it looks like you're in my butt, but don't try to put it in my butt, or my pussy either."

"I know already," I grumbled. "Action."

I put my cock down between Heather's legs, the shaft right up against her pussy lips. She glanced back at me, biting her lower lip. I started to rub back and forth, her labia opening up as my shaft passed.

"Mmm," she mumbled. Then she glanced at the camera as Jenna filmed. "Ow. Ow, it hurts so much. Ow, it's so deep in my ass. Ow. Girls, remember, leave anal to the professionals."

I rolled my eyes. It did feel good though, Heather's slippery cunt sliding along my cock. I wanted to fuck her so bad, to slide into her warm, wet pussy, fill her up with my big fat cock. Oh, god, the only thing that kept me from taking what I wanted was that I loved my daughter, and I didn't want to hurt her...again.

"Oh, I'm such an anal whore," Heather continued. "It hurts so much though, but I love how painful it is. Mmm, yeah, fuck my ass harder and faster."

"Um, Heather," Jenna said, lowering the camera.

"What?" Heather said. "Why are you stopping?"

"I can totally see his cock between your legs, like coming out on the other side. We're gonna have to reshoot this."

"Damn it," Heather said, climbing up, bending my cock as she crawled away.

"Ah, careful there!"

"Sorry," she said, jumping off the bed, taking the camera.

She replayed the recording as I stood by. My cock was harder than ever, watching my cute little daughter standing there naked nonchalantly, playing with the camera. I reached down, stroking my shaft. I wanted to fuck her. It's all I wanted. I couldn't get it out of my head. She was so close. If Jenna wasn't here, I would have taken her by now. But Jenna was here. She was watching me, looking at my cock, her cheeks red.

"This sucks," Heather said, looking up at me. "It looks so fake. I'm gonna be a joke in school tomorrow."

"Are we done now?" I said. "I want to take a shower and jerk off before your father gets home."

Heather put her hands on her hips. "Very funny."

"I've got an idea," Jenna said. "We can film it from in front of your face. He can do the between-the-legs motions, and no one will see his cock."

"Yeah, I like that idea," Heather said, nibbling on her thumb. "But it might still look fake."

"Hmm," Jenna said. "I guess there's no proof it's real anal. Why don't you just let him put it in your butt?"

"Are you crazy?" Heather said. "Look how big that thing is!"

"He could put it in once, so everyone can see it's real, then he can take it out, and I'll move the camera in front of you."

Heather looked up at me. "What do you think?"

I was still stroking my cock. Was I really going to get to fuck my daughter in the ass? "If that's what you want."

Heather gave me a pouty look. "How much is it gonna hurt?"

"It's not as bad as girls think. It feels like getting a flu shot. A quick needle prick, and once it's in, you'll hardly notice."

"Really?" Heather said, looking hopeful.

I smirked. "Yes," I said. Yes, I was lying. Yes, I was horny. And yes, I wanted to fuck my daughter in the ass. But didn't I deserve it? I was being a good sport here, letting her friend suck my cock, pretending to fuck her, letting her record it, giving her everything she wanted all the time. I deserved something in return, damn it. I did!

"Okay," my daughter said. "You'll just put it once and then take it right out, right?"

"Mmm-hmm," I said. "Come here, baby."

My daughter came to me. I kissed her forehead and then reached around, patting her butt.

"Face down, ass up."

Heather put her face down on the mattress, looking back at me. I took the lube, squirting some in my hand. I stroked it along my shaft, oiling it up a little more. It was so slick in my palm, but I'd need every drop to fit inside my daughter's little asshole. I knew she was going to scream the moment I penetrated her, and the thought of it made my cock throb in my excitement. I squirted some lube along her ass crack and began massaging it in with my fingers. Jenna was there with the camera, recording.

"Jenna, not this part," Heather said, her cheeks getting a little redder as my fingers caressed around her little asshole.

"We'll edit it all together later," Jenna said.

"Baby," I said, "I'm gonna slide a finger in, okay?"

"Okay," Heather said.

My middle finger circled the rim of her asshole and then gently nudged her opening. She tensed up as my finger slipped inside her ass.

"Ow, okay, wow, ahem, it's in," she said.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, your fingers are just bigger than mine, feels really uncomfortable."

"My cock will feel pretty much like that."

"Yeah, right!" she said. "Your cock is like a fist, not a finger."

"Relax, baby," I said, sliding my finger in and out of her ass. "The tenser you are, the worse it will hurt. Just close your eyes, think about something happy."

"Okay," Heather said, closing her eyes, inhaling and exhaling.

I pulled my finger out of her ass, wrapping my fist around my cock, getting a good grip on it. I brought it up to her crack, sliding the shaft between her cheeks. She clenched.

"Relax, baby," I repeated. "Reach one hand back, spread yourself open for me. It'll hurt less."

"Okay," she said, reaching one hand back, pulling her ass open. I could see her rosy little hole, pulsing and clenching and shaking.

"Baby, rub your clit with your other hand. It'll relax you."

"Okay," she said, reaching under, rubbing her slit, her fingers slipping between her pussy lips. "It's really embarrassing doing this in front of you."

"Shh, just keep your eyes closed and keep rubbing, and hold that ass open."

"Mmm-kay," she said, sighing. She was really starting to enjoy playing with her pussy, all while my cock rubbed up and down between her cheeks.

"Now, baby," I said, gently slapping her butt with my shaft, "once I start, I'm not going to stop until I'm in, okay? It's like pulling off a bandage, best to do it fast, understand?"

"Mmm-hmm," she mumbled, her fingers working her clit quicker.

"Good," I whispered.

I glanced at Jenna. Her camera was focused squarely on Heather's asshole, but her eyes were on my cock. I winked at her from behind my ski-mask. I put one hand on Heather's hip to hold her steady, my other hand holding my cock straight. I put the mushroom head up against Heather's little asshole, and then I pushed.

Heather screamed as I forced the head of my cock into her ass. Both of her hands flew up, forgetting all about the jobs they were doing, trying to push me away as I held her firmly by the hip. I leaned into her, grunting hard as I fed my cock into her slippery hole. It was so tight, clenching around my fat shaft, squeezing down, trying to push me out, but I was pushing in.

"Ow! Fuck!" Heather screamed. "Take it out! Daddy, stop, please, take it out! Daddy! Daddy! Please, stop!"

I growled, ramming my shaft into her little asshole, and Heather kept screaming. She was thrashing on the bed, trying to crawl away from my cock as it slipped into her. I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pinned her down, sinking my weight into her, my cock driving deep between her ass cheeks, filling up her hole.

"God!" she screamed. "Take it out, Daddy! Fuck, please!"

"Quiet!" I hissed. "It's in!"

"Out, out, out! Please! Daddy, it hurts so fucking much, please!"

I glanced at Jenna. She was still filming, but she was staring at me in shock. I yanked my stupid ski-mask off. "Keep filming her ass, Jenna. This is what she wants. And don't pretend like you didn't know it was me."

She gulped. "Yes, sir."

She looked at the camera, zooming in on my long rod spearing through Heather's hole. Heather was crying now, sobbing and whimpering under me with my pole stuck in her ass.

"Please, daddy," she sniveled. "It hurts!"

"Stop calling me daddy!" I hissed.

"Take it out," she whimpered.

"It's gonna be okay, baby," I whispered. "I'm gonna take care of you. Just stay quiet and let me fuck your ass for the camera."

I withdrew my cock and then thrust it forward. Heather screamed again. Reaching back, trying to grab me. I held her neck firmer. Her ass was heavenly, my cock throbbing in joy inside her.

"Just take it, baby," I said in a heavy voice.

"Maybe we should take a break, um, sir," Jenna whispered.

"Be quiet and keep recording," I said.

"Yes, sir," she said, paying attention to the camera, focusing on my fat cock as it kept my daughter's ass cheeks spread wide open. I withdrew again, making Heather whimper, and then pushed forward, making her groan and cry.

"No more," she said.

"A little more," I said, pulling back and thrusting in again, making her whine loud and long. "Fuck me, this feels good." I withdrew again and thrust forward.

"Ooww! Please! Not so hard."

"Just hang on baby. Bite down on the blanket."

My daughter listened to my direction, biting down on the blanket, her fingers coiling into fists around it. I pulled back and pounded my cock forward into her ass again, rocking her whole body. She gave a muffled cry of pain, her feet lifting up and falling limply as I sank all the way into her.

"Fuck, baby, your ass is amazing," I told her, slowly withdrawing and pumping back into her, trying to go slow for my daughter's sake.

She whimpered and mumbled something. She was getting quieter, which encouraged me to go harder and deeper and faster. I pulled back and rammed forward. She screamed out.

"Not so hard!"

"Shh," I said, pumping into her ass again, my cock throbbing.

"Take it out," she said again, sniveling. "You said you were just gonna put it in once."

"Mmm, you want me to take it out?"

"Yes!" she said, nodding.

I withdrew, pulling my long shaft almost all the way out of her ass, and then I shoved back in, making her scream.

"Ow! Ow, fuck!" she sniveled. "I knew you wouldn't. I knew you were lying. You just wanna fuck my ass with your big cock. You don't care about me."

"Mmm, you've played this game before, haven't you, baby?"

"You're a bad father," she whined.

"This is what you wanted, baby. Just think about how popular you'll be tomorrow."

"Ow, please, I can't take much more," she said, squirming under my grip.

"Hang on, baby. I need to cum. I gotta fuck hard and fast now, okay?"

"No, no, no, please no faster!"

I started pumping into her faster, pounding her hard, my long shaft vanishing all the way up into her asshole. She screamed as I went deep, pounding into her hard. She was thrashing again, her legs kicking, her fingers and teeth clenching the blankets while I fucked her ass with abandon.

"God, yes!" I said.

"God, no!" my daughter cried.

I had taken all I could. I groaned in pleasure as my cock throbbed and exploded inside her ass. I could feel my balls emptying all of their semen down my long shaft. Heather whimpered and whined as my cock throbbed inside her bowels. Finally, I slowed my thrusting, leaving my shaft buried in her as cum continued to ooze out of my dick.

 "Fuck, that was amazing," I mumbled.

"Take it out," she whimpered. "Please, I'm begging."

I pulled my cock out of her red, sore asshole, a stream of cum sticking between us before it snapped back and stuck to her thigh. More cum was already oozing out of her half-closed asshole. She rolled on her side, curling up, crying. Jenna moved the camera to her face.

"Stop filming me, Jenna!" Heather shouted. "Can't you see I'm in fucking agony!"

"Sorry," Jenna said, lowering the camera. "Um, it looked really good though, totally authentic."

"Ow, god," Heather said, reaching around, holding her butt. "It hurt so much."

"Like they say, cupcake," I said, putting my hands on my hips. "Pain is temporary. Film is forever."

"Jerk! Get out!" Heather said, throwing a pillow at me. "Just get out!"

I put up my arms in surrender. "Hey, I did what you asked me to do."

"Just leave me alone, you bastard!"

I sighed, leaving her room, closing the door behind me. I stayed outside and listened to the conversation on the other side.

"Are you okay?" Jenna asked. "Do you want me to get you anything?"

"Ow. Maybe an ice pack. It still hurts. It feels like he's still in my ass. I can't even sit up straight."

"Yeah, he looked like he was possessed, the way he was pounding your butt."

"Ouch," Heather said. "Sorry you had to see that. I guess you figured out he's my daddy."

"I kinda knew when I first saw him, but I didn't want to say anything."

Heather sighed. "Yeah. I didn't have a boyfriend to do my video, so I asked him. Stupid me, I thought I could trust him to take care of me. Can you believe he did that?"

"Well, you did ask him."

"He was supposed to put it in and take it out real quick. That wasn't quick."

"It looked horrible."

"It was."

"Do you wanna watch the recording? I think it's good."

"Really? Will it make everyone jealous?" Heather asked.

"Oh, yeah, it's way better than Kim's video."

"Then it was worth it," Heather said. "We're gonna make her look like an amateur tomorrow."

I shook my head, leaving my daughter alone, heading back to my room. I lay down. There was definitely something wrong with that girl. She was obsessed with being popular. And me, I was beginning to enjoy these little videos of hers, no matter how sick and twisted they were. Fucking her ass felt incredible. It put me to sleep with a smile on my face.

The following day when I came home from work, I found my daughter lying on the sofa. She was on her tummy, watching TV. She turned on her side to look at me.


"Hi, cupcake," I said, loosening my tie and sitting down in the armchair. "How was your day?"

"Miserable. My ass is so blown out, sitting at desks in school hurts now."

"About that, sweetie. I'm sorry it hurt so much."

"Whatever," she said, turning her eyes back to the TV.

"Still pissed off with me?" I asked.

"No, not really," she said.

"You're not?" I said cheerfully.

She shook her head, looking at me again. "I knew what I was getting into, and I knew you were lying. I knew it was gonna hurt. I kinda hoped you'd take it easy on me, but then I'm forgetting you're a sexual psychopath."

"I'm sorry, baby."

"It's okay. Jenna and I edited the video and passed it around. We had to cut out the parts where I was screaming daddy, and we had to blur your face in a couple spots. But it came out good. Everyone thought it was mega hot. I'm like a porn star now."

I scratched my head. "Geez. I didn't mean to turn my daughter into a porn star."

"Hey, you're a porn star now too," she said.

"I don't know about that," I said.

"No, you are. Our videos are even on the internet. Someone uploaded them to an amateur's site."

"Oh, Jesus Christ," I said, putting my face in my hand. "Well, I guess we're finally done with all this craziness at least."

"Almost..." she said, biting her lip.

"Excuse me?"

She sat up, cringing as she settled on her bottom. "Ow. Listen, the reason why I'm so willing to forgive you right now is because I have one more request."

"No, Heather, come on."

"This is the last one, I promise."

"Baby, you don't have any more holes to fuck."

She rolled her eyes. "Kim is still in this thing, and she's claiming the intercourse video was fake."

"Oh, fuck."

"No one believes her. I mean, everyone saw you fuck me in the ass, so there's no reason to think you didn't fuck my pussy, and technically you did anyway, just after we stopped shooting."

"Just get on with it."

"So Kim challenged me to a sex-off."

"A what-off? I don't even know what that is. What happened to dance-offs? That's what we did when I was a kid. There's something wrong with your generation."

"Just listen. So Kim is gonna broadcast live sex, and everyone is gonna watch it. And the dare is I have to do the same thing, live, at the same time, and whoever has the most viewers, wins."

"Wins what? Is there trophy for this thing, prize money? What is it, a gift card to the mall?"

"No, daddy. I win everyone's admiration. Kim will be number two, and I'll be number one. I'll be the coolest girl in school. I'll probably be prom queen."

"You really think these kids are going to admire you for fucking on camera? You know what they're saying behind your back, Heather? They're saying, 'Look at that girl in English class get fucked like a whore.'"

Heather pouted. "Daddy, this is the last time. Please. We've already come this far."

I ran a hand up the back of my neck. "Heather, if this is what you want, you know I'll do it. I can't say no to you, cupcake."

"Really?" she said with a smile.


"Aw, Daddy," Heather said, climbing up and coming over. She sat in my lap, cringing. "Ow, my butt still hurts."

I rubbed her back. "So this last video, it's live? Jenna's gonna shoot it?"

"Actually, there's a few, um, tiny details."


"First, you'll be filming again. It's just us."

"No big deal."

"Okay, second, it's whatever we want to do, as long as it's hot. But you'll have to, you know, really fuck me. I have to show penetration in my pussy."

I licked my lips. "Okay, if you want me to."

"Yeah, I thought you wouldn't mind that part too much. The third one is kinda big though."

"I'm listening."

"The dare is it has to be in...public."

"Come again?" I said, turning my head as if I had misheard her, and I really hoped I had.

"In public, daddy. Like, not here, somewhere else."

"Haha... Hell no."


"No way, Heather. If we get caught in public, I go to jail."

"So would I."

"No, trust me. I'm the middle-age pervert fucking his daughter. You're the innocent 18-year-old who's just being abused. They'll put me under the prison."

"Daddy, we have to do it in public, somewhere where we could get caught. Do you wanna know where Kim's doing it? Inside a sporting goods store, in a tent! Yes! In the middle of the day!"

"Heather, I want you to take a few breaths," I said, rubbing her back as she sat in my lap. "I want you to think about letting this go. It's getting so far out of hand now."

"There's a baseball game this weekend, same time," Heather said.

"Oh, lord."

"We'll get nosebleed seats. The stadium is always empty. We can fuck up there, film it, have the baseball game going in the background. It's so perfect, all while she's stuck in some little tent."

"Heather, try to understand, this could send me to prison."

"It won't, daddy. You just have to film it, and we'll be very subtle. I'll sit in your lap, ride you a little," she said, squirming in my lap, trying to grind her sore ass down into my cock, "and you can cum, and then we'll watch the game and come home happy. Please, daddy, please, please, please."

"Heather, prison."

"You won't go. No one will ever catch us. I swear this will be the last time, and I swear if you do this for me, I'll forgive you for taking my virginity and hurting my butt, and I'll love you forever and ever."


"And I'll let you fuck me whenever you want."

"What?" I said, my eyes spreading wide.

She nodded. "From now on, free sex. You can fuck me whenever you want, my pussy, I mean, not my ass."

I gulped. "Heather, we shouldn't even be doing this at all, let alone all the time."

"Come on, daddy. It's been fun, hasn't it? Even though it hurt like hell when you took my virginity, I kinda liked it. So maybe we can do it just for fun. What do you think?"

"Heather, it's wrong. Doing it once was one thing, but we can't just do it whenever we want. You're my daughter, not my wife."

"Daddy, relax," she said, rubbing my shoulders. "I'm not trying to be your wife. I just wanna experiment with you a little. I wanna learn how to deepthroat, I wanna learn how to fuck, and I wanna learn how to cum."

"Jesus, Heather. What happened to my little girl?"

"She grew up into a horny porn star. So what do you say, gonna make one last video in exchange for unlimited pussy?"

"You're serious, aren't you?"

"Since when have I ever joked about fucking?"

I smirked at her. "I am going to fuck you morning, noon, and night, cupcake."

"Ooh, daddy, three times a day? Are you sure you're not too old for that?" she teased.

"Smart ass," I said, lifting up my knee and dropping her back down into my lap.

"Ow! Ow, daddy, careful of my sore bottom."

"Your pussy is gonna be sore next," I said.

She stood up from my lap. "We'll see...if you don't get arrested first."

"Very funny," I said.

The baseball game was Saturday afternoon. I felt nervous all week. My daughter seemed excited. This was all a game to her. She dressed in a schoolgirl outfit: a plaid mini skirt and a white blouse that was tied together under her firm breasts, showing her midriff. Her red hair was in pigtails, and she had applied a warm pink lipstick. I was wearing a baseball cap low to my brow, with big sunglasses, and an unshaven face. If I appeared on camera, I hoped no one would recognize me.

My daughter was skipping through the stadium, her backpack over her shoulders. "Oh, daddy, can I get a hotdog?"

"Yeah, sure," I said, handing her some cash. I waited off to the side as she got in line. I was surveying the people in the area. There were so many. I hoped there was less when we reached our seats.

"Got it," she said, holding up a hog dog, a bag of crackerjacks, and a soda. "Hold the crackerjacks."

I led the way to the stairs, climbing them one by one. The weight of what we were about to do was beginning to make me nauseous. When we reached the top of the stairs and entered the stadium seating, the ballpark far below, I was nearly having a panic attack.

"You okay, daddy?" Heather asked, taking a big bite of her hotdog. Mustard and ketchup were left on her lower lip. She licked them away.

"Aren't you nervous at all, Heather?" I whispered, glancing around as people passed us, taking their seats. The area was only half-vacant.

"Daddy, it's gonna be okay," she whispered back. "Come on."

I followed Heather to our seats. They were terrible for watching the game, good for fucking on camera, I guess, positioned at the rear wall near to the foul line, an awning above us, the sky open beyond. I sat down. My daughter jumped down next to me, grinning, taking another bite of her hot dog.

"They have yummy hot dogs," she said. "Almost as good as yours."

"Fuck," I said. "I can't believe you talked me into this."

"Daddy, you worry too much. No one's gonna notice us."

"Sure. I look like the Unabomber. Who would notice me?"

"The who-bomber?"

"Don't they teach history in high school?"

"They don't talk about bombers in history class, daddy. They talk about wars and Romans."

I reclined in the uncomfortable stadium seat, popping a crackerjack into my mouth. My daughter jumped to her feet, putting one hand over her heart.

"Daddy, the national anthem. Stand."

I stood, but I did not take off my baseball hat or my glasses. Instead, I glanced around. The closest people to us were a father and son several rows down, right at the rail. The son was probably my daughter's age. There were a few other people scattered in the next section that I wasn't too worried about. They were busy laughing and drinking beer. However, there was a police officer stationed in front of the stairwell who kept glancing at me, probably because I looked like I was up to something, which I was.

"Play ball!" my daughter shouted, clapping.

I sat down, taking another crackerjack and munching on it. My daughter glanced at her phone. Then she looked at me.

"Five minutes till showtime."

"Fuck," I whispered.

She grinned, opening her backpack and taking out her laptop, turning it on. Attached to it was a long cord with a webcam. She aimed it at herself, checking the image on the screen.

"I think we're ready."

I rubbed my face. "Great."

"Let's see what's happening on Kim's channel..." Heather said, clicking the mouse pad. She gasped. "She already started! That lying bitch!"

I glanced over her shoulder. I could see Kim and her boyfriend walking through a store. She was talking to the camera, which her boyfriend must have been holding, showing a panoramic view of the sporting good's section. There were a few customers walking by, but not many.

"You know, he works there," Heather said, glancing at me. "He's got, like, all his friends looking out for him. All he has to do is zip up the tent and no one will even know. It's not even really public."

"Yeah, it's not like fucking your daughter in an open stadium with people all around and a police officer over your shoulder," I said. "Jesus Christ, what am I doing here?"

"We're gonna bury her, daddy. You and me, we're a team."

"Go team," I said unenthusiastically.

"Okay." She took the crackerjacks and dumped them out on the floor. Then she ripped the bag open at the bottom. She glanced around and then handed me the bag. "Put your cock in that."

"Smooth," I said.

I unzipped my fly, glancing around for myself. Thankfully, the police officer had disappeared, the father-son duo was actually watching the game, and the group in the next section was already drunk. I slid my hand into my blue jeans. I had not bothered to wear boxers. I took my cock in hand and tugged it out, still soft, but still long. I quickly put the crackerjack bag over it. Heather was grinning at me.

"Here we go," she said. She pressed a key on her laptop and then looked into her handheld webcam. "Hi, everyone. I'm Heather. And today, I'm going to show you how to fuck a big cock in public." She turned the webcam around to show the seats and the baseball diamond below. I held the bill of my hat to obscure my face even more. She turned the camera back to herself. "Now sit back and enjoy the game. Batter up."

She handed me the camera. I held it at chest height, following my daughter's pretty face as she leaned over, opening the crackerjack bag.

"Ooh, snacks," she said. She reached her hand in and wrapped her fingers around my soft cock. The moment she touched me, it was like she had used a defibrillator on my dick. Electricity zapped it to life and it began pulsing, growing harder and longer. My nervousness seemed to melt away. God help me, I loved it when my little girl touched my cock. She grinned at the camera and me. "Mmm, I wish I had mustard and ketchup for this hotdog."

She leaned over licked the head of my cock at the tip of the crackerjack bag, swirling her tongue around the crown. My eyes fluttered and I put my hand on the back of her head, stroking her pretty hair.

"Mmm, Danny likes that," she said, licking all over the crown.

I kept recording, taking a glance at the laptop, seeing my daughter's pretty lips kiss my mushroom head. The number of viewers on the video was right below the open window. Shit, five hundred people.

I looked back at my daughter. Her pink lips were starting to push down over the head of my cock, her little tongue sliding out of her mouth to run all over the slit. My hand coiled around one of her pigtails. I couldn't help it. I pushed her down, the crackerjack bag bunching and crumbling as her face met it. I felt her gag, and I let her come up for air. She pulled her mouth away, coughing. She looked up at me.

"Girls, be careful of guys with big cocks. All they want to do is shove them down your throats, even when they know it hurts."

I mouthed, "Sorry," and she smiled at me, going back down, wrapping her lips around the head of my cock.

I stroked the back of her head and then ran my hand down her back. I slid my fingers under her belly. She squeaked with my cock in her mouth when my hand cupped her breast. I squeezed her tits. It took me only a moment to unbutton one of her blouse buttons, and then my hand slid inside. She had not worn a bra today. The soft flesh of her tit filled my hand, and I felt the weight of her breast. I rolled her nipple between my fingers, and she moaned on my cock.

As my daughter sucked my dick, the crackerjack bag moved farther down, bunching up and ripping. It was barely around the base of my cock now. I was all out in the open while my daughter sucked on the head of my cock and licked up and down the shaft, her warm little hand squeezing and stroking.

"Feel good?" she whispered, looking up at me as she caught her breath, spit dripping from her chin.

"Incredible," I told her.

"Not gonna cum yet, right?"

"Not yet."

She winked at me and then smiled at the webcam. "Make sure your man is nice and hard before you ride him, girls."

My daughter put her lips back on my cock and sucked. I glanced around. The people in the next section were still drunk, watching the game. The police officer was still gone. And the father and son...oh, shit. The father was watching the game, but his son was stealing glances in my direction. He could surely see the way my daughter's head was bobbing.

"Fuck," I whispered.

"Mmm," my daughter mumbled.

I looked at the kid, putting one finger to my lips, telling him to keep quiet. He stared blankly at me. I slid my hand down my daughter's back, my fingers reaching the base of her skirt.

"Bring your ass up here, baby," I whispered.

She glanced at me, smiling and putting her lips back on my cock as she climbed up on the seat on her knees, her ass in the air. My hand ran down over her skirt, and then I lifted it up. I glanced at the kid again. His eyes were popping out of his head. I slid my hand into my daughter's panties, my fingers following the slit of her pussy. I sank one into her and she moaned hard on my cock.


"Like that, baby?" I whispered.

"God, yes. Rub my pussy," she said, looking up at me. "Show the camera."

I brought the camera around. The angle was not very good, but anyone could see my fingers were sliding in and out of her cunt. The kid farther down certainly saw it. He was completely turned around, ignoring his father who was shouting at the players below.

"Deeper," Heather moaned on my cock.

I slid my fingers deeper into her wet little cunt, wiggling them inside. I set the camera on her back, and with my free hand, I peeled her panties down, exposing her bare ass and cunt to the wind. The kid below was gawking. I hoped his father didn't notice.

"Oh, fuck," Heather whispered, slurping and spitting on my cock as she sucked on it. "Danny, my jaw is getting sore."

I slapped her ass. "Come on, baby. Time to fuck."

"Mmm-kay," she said, sitting up, taking the webcam. She grinned into it. "You heard him, girls. Time to fuck."

She climbed out of her seat. I reclined in mine, spreading my legs, yanking the stupid crackerjack bag out of the way, my long, hard, fat cock standing up straight. My daughter stepped between my legs and looked down. She took a moment to grab some lubricant out of her bag. She squirted it right on my shaft, the liquid running over it, the camera catching the dripping action.

"Always lube a big cock, girls," my daughter said.

She turned around, lowering the camera between her legs with one hand as she reached back with the other, holding my cock steady. She slowly lowered herself down, her pussy lips touching the head. I held my breath as her labia spread open and she sank down a couple of inches.

"Ow! Ow, fuck," she said.

"You can do it, baby," I whispered behind her, my hands running up her back.

"Ow. Ow, it's so thick and long. I don't know if I can..."

I could feel her whole body shaking. She was trying not to move. The camera was pointing straight at her cunt, taking in the full view of my cock penetrating her, but she was scared to take anymore. She needed help.

"Trust me, cupcake," I whispered very softly in her ear from behind. I took hold of her hips, and then I violently pulled her down.

She yelped and cried out as my long, fat cock impaled her delicate little pussy, filling her up in one thrust, the head of my cock bottoming out deep inside her. She dropped the webcam and it clattered on the cement floor. Several people, including the father below and the group in the next section, looked at us.

Heather was still shaking, her head down. I patted her back, hoping it looked like she was just sitting in my lap, not that my cock was buried all the way in the depths of her cunt. All she could do was whimper.

"Baby, are you okay?" I whispered.

She shook her head. "Ow, ow, fuck. God, it hurts so much. I can't believe you did that."

"Shh," I whispered in her ear. I kissed her cheek and she turned her head. "It's okay, baby. Just take your time."

She bit her lower lip as she looked back at me. The she suddenly kissed me on the lips. It was an awkward sideways kiss, with her body half twisted around, my cock throbbing in her cunt, but it was also the first time we had ever kissed each other on the lips. I couldn't believe she had done it. It felt so...wrong...but so right.

I grabbed her pigtails and held her head firm as I kissed her back, licking inside her mouth. She tried to turn around even more, hampered by my cock buried in her cunt. We left it in there and kissed like horny kids. Then I felt her start to grind, moving from side to side with my cock inside her.

"Fuck," I whispered, trying to thrust up into her.

"Ngh! No, no," she mumbled. "Please. It hurts. Let me do the work."

I stayed still and let my daughter grind on my cock, let her adjust to its size, let her enjoy how it felt inside her. I glanced around. The kid below was still watching us, but everyone else seemed to have gone back to the game. Based on all the cheering and shouting, the home team was winning. I couldn't have told you the score to save my life. All I knew was that my daughter's tight little cunt was hugging my cock in a perfect embrace.

My hands slid around her waist. One went up to her breasts, sliding inside to roll her nipple, while my other slid down between her legs, under her skirt, rubbing her clit as my shaft ground inside her.

"Ooh, god, yes," she said. "More, oh, more."

I gave her more, rubbing her clit, and she gave me more, grinding harder on my cock, starting to lift up and push down on it. We were finally fucking for fun. I don't think either of us cared about the camera anymore. We both just wanted sex. My daughter began bouncing on my cock, harder and faster, moaning while I rubbed her tits and massaged her clit.

"You like that, baby?" I whispered in her ear.

"God, yes, daddy," she said.


"Whatever," she said. "I love your big fucking cock."

"You're such a good little girl," I breathed out. I lifted up, pushing my cock into her cunt as she ground down, moaning loudly.

"Ooh, daddy, not so deep," she said.

"You love it deep, you little slut," I said, slapping her clit as I thrust up into her.

"Mmm, fuck!" she said, her head falling back on my shoulder.

I could tell she was getting tired. I took over, holding her in place as I thrust my cock up into her tight little cunt. Her head rolled to the side, and I felt her panting against my neck as I fucked her cunt.

"Oh, ow, fuck, daddy, your cock is so big," she whispered, kissing my jaw. "It hurts, but it feels so good."

"I know, baby girl," I said, panting as I held her tummy and pumped my cock up and down in her pussy. "You're going to get used to me."

"I wanna cum," she whimpered. "I'm getting so close, daddy. Will you help me cum?"

I kissed her hard on the lips while sliding my hand back down to her pussy, rubbing her clit again, slowing my thrusts so it didn't hurt her so much, letting her feel my cock fill up her tight little hole. She moaned loud into my mouth, and then I felt her pussy spasm. It clenched tighter on my long, fat shaft. I pushed my cock up into her a few more times while she kept cumming, whimpering and moaning as I kissed her lips.

"Mmm, oh, daddy," she said tiredly, her eyes closing.

"Fuck, baby. I have to cum too."

"Mmm-kay," she said, reaching down between her legs, rubbing over my hand and over her own clit, grabbing my balls and gently rolling them in her palm. "Cum, daddy. Then let's go home and sleep."

"Baby, you gotta climb off and suck on my cock."

She shook her head. "Your cock is so big, it wore me out. Just cum in my pussy. I'll get a pill tomorrow."

"Fuck, Heather," I said. I pounded my cock in and out of her pussy a little harder. She bit her lower lip and whimpered.

"Ow...daddy, not so hard," she said.

"Just a little bit longer, baby."

"Mmm-kay," she said, breathing heavy. "God, cum soon, please."

I tightened my grip around her waist, holding her in place as my cock rammed in and out of her. She continued to whimper and moan as my balls began to tighten. I knew it was a mistake to cum in her, but I needed it so badly. I didn't care anymore. I groaned and felt pleasure wash over me as I came, spitting sperm up into my young daughter's womb.

"Fuck!" I said loudly.

"Ooh, god, daddy!" she said, holding onto my hands as I came. "God, I can feel you throbbing and filling up my insides with cum."

"Ah, baby," I said, pumping harder as her tight pussy lips milked my shaft.

"Feels so warm," she said with a heavy breath.

"Fuck," I said, slowing my thrusts as my orgasm subsided.

"Mmm, feel good, daddy?"

"Amazing," I said, my eyes closing.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.