Hunter’s Sexy Snippets

Chapter 400: Mommy's Special Medicine Ch. 01 by Jasmines_Pet

Chapter 1


It's not often Toby could be described as having a spring in his step, but there was no doubt that today he was positively bouncing! The weather seemed to mirror his mood; the grey clouds that had covered the sky that morning had melted away and now the day was filled with brilliant sunshine.

There was a reason for Toby's unusually good mood and her name was Sophia. She was a kind, pretty girl who happened to be taking the same architecture course as him and from the moment he set eyes on her, Toby was instantly smitten.

It had taken him six months to pluck up the courage just to talk to her let alone ask her out. But once they'd finally started to talk to each other it was clear they had chemistry. Where most girls tended to be put off by Toby's obvious nerves and shy demeanour, Sophia found it somewhat charming. From the moment Toby introduced himself the pair had been pretty much inseparable and while it may have taken him over two years, today Toby had finally managed to push through his crippling fear of rejection and ask Sophia out for dinner. To his delight, she actually said yes!

As Toby merrily made his way from the university campus back to his family home, he couldn't help but grin in astonishment. With his utter lack of self-confidence (especially where women were concerned) a part of him thought he'd never find himself in this position. Yet here he was, just a few days away from his first ever date!

There was however, he conceded with a frown, one problem that he still had to confront. Telling the person who deep down he knew was ultimately responsible for his lack of a social life and his inability to talk to women. The person who had made it possible for him to reach 27 years of age yet never have even kissed a woman. His Mother!

Toby never met his father; for as long as he could remember his Mother raised him alone. She'd had him when she was just 18 years old and from the moment Toby was born, she lavished so much attention on him that he was never likely to be anything other than an utter Mommy's boy.

He'd always been a timid child, terrified of the world around him and reliant on his Mother for seemingly everything; though this was made worse by the fact she strongly encouraged him. Instead of helping him learn to take responsibility and stand up for himself, she always let him come crying to her so she could take him in her arms and tell him Mommy would make everything alright.

When Toby grew into a teenager and wanted to make friends of his own, his Mother made sure that would never happen. Every time he tried to make plans, she would use some tiny infraction to ground him and keep him at home. After a few failed attempts, he eventually stopped trying. In school, the friendless Toby was soon a complete social outcast. Instead of spending his evenings developing relationships and having fun with people his own age, they were spent watching television with his Mother.

Upon leaving school at 18 he had wanted to go to university and pursue his dream degree in Architecture. However his Mother soon talked him out of that. She convinced him that he would be better off earning some money first so he could afford to put himself through university. After all, regardless of the fact she could easily afford to, he couldn't expect her to help him financially now he was a grown man could he?

So she'd done what any good Mother would do and set Toby up with a minimum wage, customer service job that he could do over webchat from the comfort of his own home. Now he could save up some money without ever worrying about leaving the house again!

By the time Toby turned 25 he had finally saved enough to cover his architecture course. Though he'd originally wanted to take the course at a top tier university on the other side of the country, his Mother again convinced him otherwise. Once she pointed out how ungrateful and cruel Toby was by abandoning her after all she'd done for him over the years, he agreed to take the course at their local university and remain with her in the family home until he graduated.

While Toby was disappointed he wouldn't be taking his course of choice, that decision proved to be the best of his life! He'd met the girl of his dreams and was just a few short days from taking her out to dinner. He knew his Mother might not take kindly to the thought of him having a girlfriend, but at the end of the day he was a grown man now and she had no say in his love life. He had been giving in to her for far too long and this time, he would put his foot down and go on his date whether she liked it or not!

Saying this to himself was all well and good, but as Toby rounded the corner into his quaint, suburban neighbourhood and approached the door to his family home, he felt the familiar stirring of fear worming its way around his stomach. Every time he'd tried to stand up to his Mother before she'd talked him around; it was as though she had some kind of unbreakable hold over him. He was so desperate for things to work out with Sophia, but what if she was somehow able to do it again?

'No!' he said to himself forcefully. It was pathetic that at the age of 27 he'd never had a girlfriend (or any friend for that matter) and now he was finally on the brink of changing that. He shook his head clear of any lingering doubts, confidently strode up the garden path and practically swaggered through the front door.

Unfortunately the tastefully decorated hallway was empty and there was no-one to see his bold entrance. Feeling slightly less confident, Toby made his way to the large, open plan kitchen, through the sliding glass doors and into the garden; where he saw his Mother reclining on her favourite garden chair sipping at an ice cold glass of her favourite Chardonnay.

Toby hesitated as he reached her, swallowing nervously as he saw she was wearing a revealing, scarlet bikini. He noticed the way the glorious weather left a thin sheen of sweat across her skin that sparkled in the sunlight, and felt a familiar stirring between his legs.

Once again he had to push his feelings back down, though as always when he felt like this, his cheeks flushed with shame. There were no two ways about it, his Mother was a very attractive woman. Her jet black hair framed a face so perfect it could have belonged to a Greek Goddess, and she had a body to match. Her deep, green eyes sparked with intelligence and mischief; just a look from them was enough to melt a man's heart, making them putty in her hands.

It would be hard for anyone to reach this age without ever having an outlet for their sexual desires; but having a Mother this beautiful made Toby's life very confusing.

All of the intimacy he'd ever known had come from his Mother. His very attractive Mother. She was the only person who had ever hugged or even touched him. With no other outlet for his sexual urges, he couldn't help but look at her bulging breasts, toned body and perfect round ass with a stirring of arousal. He knew these feelings were wrong and of course he would never act on them, but every time he saw her wrapped in a towel after showering or relaxing in her bikini like this, no amount of burying his feelings could stop his cock from stiffening in excitement.

"M-mom," Toby stammered.

"There you are darling," his mother smiled sweetly, "I was starting to think you'd got lost."

Toby felt a pang of guilt and regret at staying back after class to talk to Sophia. Part of him wanted to chicken out but he crushed the thought as soon as it entered his head. This was ridiculous, he was a grown man and if he wanted to go on a date he bloody well would. He needed to finally stand up for himself and if he didn't do it now he probably never would.

"I need to tell you something," he stated, sounding more confident than he felt.

His mother shifted in her chair and peered at him over her sunglasses; her eyes brimmed with curiosity and just a hint of menace.

'Oh really, do tell,' she purred.

"I'm going out on friday, with a girl from my class."

Toby braced himself for the bombardment he knew was coming. It wouldn't be easy, but he resolved that no matter how she tried to guilt trip him, he wouldn't let it change his mind. However to Toby's immense surprise, there was no angry outburst or dismissive comments. In fact, his Mother seemed to be absolutely delighted by the news.

'Oh honey, that's so wonderful, good for you!' she beamed 'I'll tell you what, how about you go fetch Mommy another glass of wine and tell me all about her.'

For a moment Toby was too stunned to reply. He'd been so certain she was going to react badly, he hadn't really considered how to respond if she took the news well.

'Er... yeah, sure,' was about all Toby could muster as he spun around and hurried to the kitchen before his Mother could change her mind.

As Toby took a fresh wine glass and filled it with his Mother's favourite vintage, he was practically giddy with excitement. This had been the best day of his life by a country mile! First the prospect of a date with the girl of his dreams and now his ultra-controlling Mother seemed to have realised he was a grown man as well! Truly he had never been happier, though perhaps if he'd seen the storm that darkened his Mother's face as he left, he'd have realised things may not turn out quite as smoothly as he hoped.



The sharp blade of the stanley knife sliced effortlessly through the parcel tape, opening the package that Grace knew would change her son's life forever. It had been three days since Toby had sauntered in an hour late from class and announced he was abandoning her. The selfish little cunt!

Of course he hadn't used those exact words, but Grace knew that was pretty much the gist of it. He was 'going out for dinner' with some little tart he'd met on his course; without even bothering to ask his Mother's permission! A dinner would no doubt turn into a relationship, then a house, then a family and eventually a life for him completely separate from the woman who'd spent the best years of her life raising him.

Since that boy was born she'd given him everything, and this was how he chose to repay her. Well if he thought Grace was just going to roll over and let him walk away from their perfect little family he had another thing coming!

She unpacked the box and placed the contents neatly on the table in front of her. Twenty small brown bottles filled with a clear liquid and several boxes of tablets, all of which were labelled Aphrobin, and a crisply folded, handwritten letter; it didn't seem much, but if her friend were to be believed it was about to turn Toby's life upside down.

Grace picked up the letter, unfolded it and read the beautifully written message within.

My Dearest Grace,

I am so glad you finally decided to take me up on my offer.

Aphrobin has been my life's work and I can proudly say it is the most potent drug ever developed by Wexler Industries. I have no doubt it will revolutionise your life just as deeply as it has mine.

It worked miracles on my boy, turning him from a tear-away teenager to my daughter and I's household pet in less than a year. I am certain you will see equally effective results and I very much look forward to seeing the two of you very soon.

Much Love,

Catherine x

Grace couldn't suppress an amused smile at her friend's concise, neutral tone. It was Catherine in a nutshell, you'd think she was writing to a prospective client as opposed to her best friend of over 25 years! But then again perhaps it should be expected, scientists aren't exactly renowned for their social skills!

It had been obvious from the moment she broke the news of this new discovery that Aphrobin was something big. Normally Catherine didn't speak of her work outside the laboratory, and if she did she was more likely than not to be venting her frustrations at her boring coworkers. But when she first spoke about this new wonder-drug, Grace could almost feel the excitement pouring off of her.

"Imagine taking the most powerful aphrodisiac in existence, and then combining it with a drug that severely impairs the brain's capacity to make decisions. That is essentially what we have developed," Catherine had explained "Of course we can't create arousal where none exists, but any hidden or shameful desire can now be ruthlessly exploited to control a subject's behaviour. Just think of the possibilities!"

To most of the scientists Catherine worked with the only 'possibilities' they were interested in were those they could use to make money. They discussed how the police or military might make use of it and their eyes lit up as they thought of the lucrative government contracts that were coming their way. Catherine however wasn't interested in money; she saw the true potential of this new discovery. Power.

Fortunately the CEO of Wexler Industries shared Catherine's view. Or at least he did after she started slipping him Aphrobin in his morning coffee! With his backing, Catherine had effectively taken control of the entire project. Now Aphrobin was sold exclusively to a network of very wealthy, powerful women who could use the drug as Catherine intended when she first dreamed up the idea; controlling and manipulating men into obeying their every command.

She had offered to supply Grace with the drug at the time, but Grace had turned her old friend down. While she loved to hear of the ways these powerful women were using it to take charge and dismantle the patriarchy one brick at a time, she didn't need it in her own life. She had no trouble attracting men and wrapping them around her little finger by looks alone; and though there had been a flicker of interest when Catherine mentioned her plans for her wayward son, Toby was far too well behaved to require such drastic measures. Or at least he had been, until a few days ago.

Then came his little outburst and everything changed. Filled with white hot anger, Grace had rung Catherine as soon as she had a chance and asked if her offer was still on the table. Delighted to hear that it was, Grace wasted no time in having a box sent out to her. She knew she had to act quickly before this 'Sophia' bitch got her claws into her boy anymore than she already had.

Grace smiled as she thought of Toby playing his PlayStation upstairs, blissfully unaware that his life was about to change forever. She wasn't angry with him anymore, it was hardly Toby's fault he is so weak and easily led. It was just something in his nature. As his Mother, it was her job to guide him and make sure he didn't get led astray or taken advantage of some girl he hardly knew. The supply of drugs laid out on the table would help her do just that. Really they were for his own good!

While obviously Grace only had Toby's best interests at heart, she couldn't deny there was a part of her that was excited by the prospect of taking such complete control of her son's life. It had started with a desire to keep him to herself but the more she'd thought about it over the last few days she was starting to realise there was something about having absolute power over her son that she found more than a little thrilling.

Grace leaned back in her chair and let out a great breath of air. She was trying to stay calm but was so full of energy and excitement for tomorrow that she felt she was going to burst!

A dull thud above her head told her that Toby was on the move. No doubt pacing up and down his room with worry at the prospect of his upcoming date. Grace was glad to see he was worried; he was always easier to manipulate when he got scared and she knew just what buttons to press to use his nerves to her advantage.



It was Thursday evening, and Toby had been a nervous wreck since the moment he'd woke up. At the start of the week he'd been nothing but excited about his first ever date night. But as Friday crept closer that excitement gradually evolved into a sense of fear that put his stomach in knots and gripped his chest whenever he thought of it. Now his nerves were threatening to overwhelm him.

At first he'd tried playing video games to pass the time, but he couldn't concentrate and gave up after his third heavy loss in a row. Films and TV didn't help either, he just found himself staring at the screen, taking nothing in and finishing the show with no idea what had actually happened. Cooking dinner for his Mother took his mind off it for a while, though he'd had little appetite himself and now as he placed the last of the washing up on the drying rack, he felt the nerves more keenly than ever.

A quick glance at the clock told him it was 19:30; still far too early to go to bed he thought with a grimace. Maybe he'd go up to his room and try another film, a comedy or something he'd seen a hundred times before. Anything that would kill a few hours without him needing to think too much about it.

Toby's deliberations were interrupted by the sound of his Mother calling from the dining room.

"Darling, could you bring me in another glass of wine please?"

Without thinking Toby retrieved the chilled bottle, made his way to where his Mother sat at the table and obediently refilled her glass. As he poured, he noticed his Mother watching him thoughtfully, an affectionate smile playing on her lips as she noticed her son's timid glance. He filled the glass and turned to head upstairs, but was stopped in his tracks when his Mother's hand shot out and clasped around his wrist.

"Wait before you go," she started "sit down for a minute. Mommy wants to speak to you."

Toby's cheeks flushed bright red; why was she always so patronising? He'd told her before he hated it when she referred to herself as 'Mommy.' He wasn't a child anymore, he was a grown man! But it wasn't worth the hassle of an argument, so as always he ignored the remark, and took the seat next to her.

"Uh yeah, sure," he replied "what's up?"

"What do you mean 'what's up?' she giggled "It's a big day for you tomorrow, your first ever date! Are you excited?"

"Oh right, yeah of course I'm excited!" Toby looked into his Mother's eyes. He'd been so scared to tell her about Sophia, yet ever since he had she'd been nothing but lovely about it all. Ever since this all started he'd been distant from the one person who'd always loved him. Maybe he'd misjudged her, and right now he could really use a friendly ear. "But I guess, I'm nervous too."

"You're nervous?"

"Yeah, I'm really nervous. Terrified actually," Toby admitted, trying to keep the tremor from his voice "I'm so scared I'm going to do something wrong, or that she'll decide she doesn't like me after all. I know it's stupid because we get on so well, but I can't stop worrying about it."

"Oh honey, that's alright. Everyone gets nervous before their first date, it's completely natural," she said reassuring "to tell you the truth, I'm actually a little scared myself."

"What do you mean? What are you scared of?"

"Oh you know It's just..." his Mother paused as though reluctant to go on "you're my special boy. It would be very hard to see you putting someone else first. Mommy would find it terribly upsetting if you just forgot everything she's done for you and cast her aside for another woman."

Toby felt a pang of sympathy for her. Here he was worrying she was going to be a problem when really she was just scared that she was going to be abandoned. Toby loved his Mother, she had spent the best years of her life raising him and the last thing he wanted was to upset her. 

 "Oh Mom, you know I'd never do that to you," he said in his most reassuring voice "I love you so much and no matter what happens you will always be the most important person in my life."

It was partly a lie; of course he would always love his Mother, but he was very much hoping that when things got serious with Sophia they would be at the centre of each other's world. Still she seemed to be satisfied with his answer

"Oh I know my loyal, dutiful son would never disappoint me like that, you're far too well behaved."

His Mother took a deep sip of wine then exhaled as she sank back into her chair.

"It just goes to show you we all worry about silly things from time to time," she went on, "which is why I've bought something to help with your nerves."

Reaching into her handbag, she pulled out a small, brown bottle and laid it on the table between them.

"What's this?" Toby asked suspiciously

"It's just a little something I was recommended by a friend. It's a health tonic of sorts, the next big thing apparently. If it helps, you can think of it as your medicine."

"My medicine? Why do I need medicine? I'm not ill," Toby wasn't sure at all about this.

"Not because you're ill you silly boy, it's for your nerves," she rolled her eyes sarcastically "you were just telling me how scared you've been. This is exactly what you need."

"So it will help me feel less nervous?"

While he had his doubts about taking some weird medication he'd never heard of, given the way he'd been feeling he had to admit he was willing to try anything that might help him calm down.

"Oh yes, it will make you feel just wonderful," his Mother effused.

The temptation was definitely there but there was still a nagging voice in Toby's head telling him this was a bad idea.

"Look, I don't know..." he began, before his Mother cut him off.

"Oh come on!" she snapped "I've gone to a lot of trouble to get this for you. You don't want to waste Mommy's money do you?"

There was no anger in her voice, but her firm tone suggested that she wasn't in the mood for a debate. Toby felt a familiar fear in the pit of his stomach; he didn't want to disappoint his Mother, especially after she'd gone to all this trouble for him.

"Well, alright then. I suppose I could try a little bit," he conceded.

"Excellent!" his Mother beamed, immediately setting about unscrewing the small black top from the bottle in front of her.

'Er wait a sec... I thought maybe I could take some before I go to bed or something?"

"No I think it would be a good idea for you to do it now," she insisted, picking up the glass of wine with her free hand and taking a sip "see I'm drinking my wine, feeling nice and relaxed and I want the same for you."

It looked like she wouldn't be taking no for an answer and he didn't have it in him to argue with her. So Toby simply shrugged his shoulders and agreed to do as he was told.

"There's a good boy, now what I want you to do is put your nose right up to the bottle here and take a great big sniff."

Toby didn't notice, but as he leaned in to bring his head to that little brown bottle, his Mother's eyes shone with pure, unadulterated excitement. If he'd seen that twinkle of victory, Toby might just have heeded that voice in his head warning him that something was off. But he didn't. So instead of following his gut and thinking for himself, Toby placed his nostrils above the bottle as he'd been told and took a long, deep sniff, filling his lungs with the medicine's potent fumes.

From the moment he inhaled, Toby was struck by an arrow of fire that shot from the back of his throat right down to his chest. It was like he'd snorted a shot of tequila through his nose! Whatever the hell this medicine was, he'd certainly never taken anything quite like it before. His instinct was to pull away immediately, yet it was like a small part of him already craved more. Instead of running for the hills, Toby left his head where it was and inhaled again.

The second time hurt less, in fact it was almost a pleasurable sensation as it burned its way through his throat. The heat in his chest slowly spread outwards until it touched every inch of his body. Not only were all nerves instantly forgotten but Toby felt positively euphoric! It was as though he had been wrapped from head to toe in a blanket of pure joy. Never before had he felt happier and more at peace.

"That's it, nice deep breaths... just allow it to drift up to your little brain."

His Mother's heavenly voice brought him slightly back to reality. As he looked at the beautiful woman still holding the bottle under his nose, his eyes widened in surprise. He'd always accepted his Mother was very attractive, but as he looked at her now she was just the most stunning person he'd ever seen. In his drug induced haze, her pale skin appeared to be glowing while her emerald eyes sparkled alluringly. For years he'd felt such shame that he felt this arousal for his Mother, but the medicine washed that away, and for the first time he felt he could truly appreciate the woman's beauty.

"See, look how relaxed you are now! Oh gosh your eyes, they're so glazed over," his Mother giggled like a schoolgirl "that's right, this feels so good doesn't it? Come on, sniff more. Sniff more for Mommy."

No longer bothered in the slightest about what his Mother called herself, Toby obediently inhaled more of this intensely powerful concoction. Now his vision started to blur, the only thing he could focus on was the absolute Goddess sat across from him; with her midnight black hair and bright red grin. As he stared in disbelief that such a gorgeous woman could even exist, he felt his cock stiffen under his jeans. Normally this would have him scrambling to cover it up, but he suddenly seemed unable to think for himself, let alone make the effort to hide his arousal.

"There you go, you're all ready now. My precious boy," his Mother finally judged he'd had enough and withdrew the bottle. She reached and brushed his cheek gently with her fingers. Though it was the briefest of contact, to Toby her touch sent sparks fizzing across his skin.

"W-what's happening," he gasped, though it took all his energy just to muster that.

"Oh darling it's alright," his Mother cooed "Mommy's just drugged you that's all."

She said it so kindly, like it was the most normal thing in the world; and in his heavily medicated state, Toby just accepted that it was. There was maybe that little voice, buried deep within his hazy brain that screamed this shouldn't be happening. That it wasn't normal or alright for your parents to drug you, but Toby was too far gone to hear it.

"I'm sorry but I didn't have a choice," his Mothers angelic words continued to flow over him "I had to drug you after the way you've been behaving recently. You've been a very bad boy treating your Mommy this way. After everything I've done for you."

Toby was gripped by a sudden fear. What had he done? He didn't want to be a bad boy! Oh no, he loved his Mom so much and somehow he'd let her down. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, if he was strong enough he'd have tried to apologise, but right then he could barely string together a sentence let alone hold a conversation. Fortunately, his Mother sensed his distress and gave him an understanding smile.

"Don't you worry dear, Mommy understands. You only wanted to leave Mommy because you were thinking with that little willy of yours weren't you? A pretty girl flashed you a smile and you just went along with whatever she said, didn't you?"

"Y-yeah, I'm sorry," Toby blubbed, though he still wasn't sure what he'd done wrong. He thought he was going out with Sophia because he liked her, but if his Mother thought differently then he figured she must be right. She was usually right about most things after all.

"I thought so. A good boy like you doesn't start misbehaving like that overnight, I knew you were just being led astray. But don't worry, Mommy is going to make it all better. You see," she leaned in so close he could feel her breath on his neck and whispered "Mommy knows your little secret."

Toby was confused. What did she mean? He didn't have any secrets from her. Sophia aside, he'd never kept anything from his Mother. Well unless you count... No, surely she couldn't mean...

"That's right, Mommy knows all about those naughty little fantasies of yours."

As she spoke her eyes motioned down toward Toby's crotch, where his erect cock was obvious, pushing up like a tent pole through his jeans. With a feeling of dread, Toby suddenly understood that his worst fears were being realised.

"Yes I've always known you were a little peeper, sneaking a look at my bum when I get out of the bath or my tits when I'm relaxing in my bikini. Running off to your room and rubbing your little dick while you think about your Mommy."

No, no, no! How could she have known? Toby was mortified, how was he ever going to get over the humiliation of his Mother knowing about these thoughts that had plagued him for so many years? What must she think of him?

"You don't need to worry honey, Mommy understands," she comforted him as though she could read his mind "this is going to be good for us."

"R-really?" Toby asked, hardly daring to believe it was true.

"Yes really, you silly boy. You see, Mommy can use this to fix everything, make it all better for you. Doesn't that sound good? You want Mommy to make everything better right?"

"Yes, yes I want that so much. Please, please make everything better."

"Of course I will, you just have to trust me and do everything I say. Alright?"

"I will, I promise. Thank you Mommy."

Toby realised with a start that he'd just called her Mommy, the very title he knew she used merely to patronise him. He would never normally have been caught dead saying that word, but in the state he was in it just slipped out, and somehow in a weird way it felt natural to him now. His Mother didn't draw attention to it, but couldn't suppress a victorious grin.

"There's my good boy, now come on and follow Mommy through to the lounge. We're going to snuggle down somewhere nice and comfy so we can have a little chat."

Toby let his Mother take his hand and lead him into the living room. Still in a drug induced haze, it was like he was floating aimlessly as she dragged him wherever she pleased. Once they reached the sofa, Toby was pushed roughly forwards so that he landed on it in a heap, looking up at his Mother towering over him.

"Alright then, let's get you nice and comfortable," she purred.

Before Toby knew what was happening, she unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them, along with his boxer shorts, down to his ankles, freeing his cock so that it sprang out, standing to attention. Then she pulled his t-shirt up and over his head, leaving him slumped naked and bewildered on the padded leather.

"That's better," she said with satisfaction "in fact you look so lovely and cosy I think I might join you."

With that, she slipped off the thin straps that held her dress onto her shoulders and allowed the thin white silk to slide down her body, landing in a bundle at her feet. She was left wearing nothing but the most brilliant, bright blue set of lingerie, so striking against her pale skin that Toby could barely believe such vivid colours even existed.

With the grace of a dancer she lowered herself onto the sofa beside him, sitting so close that their bare thighs touched together, and turned so that she faced him, her mouth just inches from Toby's cheek. Her hand crept across his lap and with a single finger she began to trace slow circles over his skin, eliciting a groan of pleasure from the boy.

"There you go, nice and comfy. You can have a lovely evening cuddling on the sofa with Mommy now. Would you like that?"

All Toby could do was nod erratically in response, so overwhelmed was he by the drugs and his Mother's rhythmic stroking.

"Awww look at you now darling, so nice and relaxed. Mommy makes you feel so good doesn't she?"

Her hand drifted slowly up between his legs until her fingertips hovered just a hair's breadth from his cock. She left them there, so tantalisingly close, for a few seconds that felt to Toby like a lifetime, then closed those last millimetres and softly ran her fingers up her son's virgin cock.

This was just too much for poor Toby. He reached to the touch like he'd been struck by a lightning bolt, jerking his body and gasping in shock. Yet when his Mother moved in and brushed it again, he did nothing to stop her.

This was wrong he thought to himself, this was sick! A Mother shouldn't drug her son and she certainly shouldn't be touching his cock! So why then couldn't he stop it? Why wasn't he pushing her off of him and running out the door? Was it the drugs? Or was there a part of him that wanted this to happen?

"Hehe," his Mother tittered "look how hard you are, look how hard Mommy's made you!"

She leaned in even closer, so that her lips were physically touching his ear.

"Do you want Mommy to stroke it?" she whispered sensually.

The sane part of his brain screamed at him to say no, so far he'd mostly been led along by his Mother but agreeing to this would make him complicit! But of course he didn't listen. Instead he simply turned to face her and reluctantly stammered "Y-yes."

With a wolfish grin, his Mother wrapped her hand around his cock and began to ever so slowly pump it up and down, sparking a fire in Toby's groin that quickly spread through his body and consumed him entirely. He'd never even kissed a girl before tonight, now here he was with the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on working away at his cock!

"Yeah you like that don't you honey? Oh your Mommy's so good to you, why would you ever want to abandon your Mommy when she does such nice things for you?"

Her voice had suddenly taken a more serious tone, though it was still dripping with sexual energy.

"I-I don't Mommy, I..."

"Why are you so ungrateful after everything I've done for you?" she went on, ignoring him completely "Look at how nervous and scared you were until I came in and made everything better. Tell me sweetie, why were you so scared?"

"I-I don't know."

"Oh I think you do know. Is it because you knew you would fail? You were scared she'd find out what you're really like and reject you weren't you?"

Toby's lip trembled as he fought back the tears. Though he hadn't wanted to admit it to himself, that was exactly what he'd been afraid of. He was so fearful and nervous around women, and deep down he was scared that once Sophia got to know him, he wouldn't be enough for her and she'd lose interest like everyone else.

"Y-yes," Toby sobbed.

"I know, I know," she consoled him "and you were right to be scared baby, you would have failed! As soon as this girl realised what a weak, timid little virgin you are she would have left you straight away. Do you know why?"


"Because she doesn't understand you like I do... only Mommy really understands you."

Toby's head was swimming and it was only partly down to the drugs. He had been sure for so long that he was in love with Sophia, that they had such a special connection and she was the perfect girl for him. But how was that possible if she didn't even understand him? Had he been wrong all this time? His Mother must be right, she'd just flashed him a smile and he'd got carried away.

"It was silly to think a shy, nervous boy like you could ever go on a date like a normal man. You should be staying at home with the one person who really loves you. I bet you regret trying to abandon me now don't you?"

As she spoke, she subtly increased the pace that she pumped at his cock.

"I do, I promise I do! I'm so sorry," Toby spluttered, not understanding why he was slowly getting more and more aroused.

"Well that's alright, Mommy forgives you. Just make sure you behave yourself from now on and we can forget this ever happened."

'I..." Toby started, but was interrupted when his Mother shifted her position, swinging her leg up and over so that she sat facing him on his lap.

"Now remember boys who behave themselves do as they're told," his Mother warned, taking her hands off his cock, scooping up the open brown bottle from the coffee table and bringing it back to his nose "so go on, sniff. It's time for your second dose!"

Given he knew the bottle was laced with drugs Toby hesitated, for about half a second. But since the only thought occupying his foggy mind was that he didn't want to disappoint his Mother, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, inhaling the fumes obediently. Then as soon as the euphoric rush hit, he couldn't understand why he'd hesitated in the first place.

Within a few seconds the frenzied fog of sexual arousal clouded his brain even more completely than before. He opened his eyes and drank in the sight of the divine, lingerie clad Goddess that was his Mother. Between seeing that vision and feeling the weight of a woman's body upon his for the first time, Toby was utterly consumed by desire.

"That's my good boy," his Mother's voice was now so angelic it didn't even sound real anymore "you know good boys get rewards don't you?"

His face covered in a mindless grin, Toby nodded slowly.

"Well, don't you want yours?"

Without waiting for him to reply she reached behind her back, unhooked her bra and let it fall away. Her heavy breasts fell free and now hung just inches from Toby's face. For a boy who'd never seen a pair of tits outside porn in his life, the sight took his breath away. Utterly transfixed, he watched his Mother cup her breasts in her hands and push them together, tweaking her nipples and biting her lip seductively

"You like Mommy's big, bouncy tits don't you? I've seen you peeping, always trying to look down Mommy's top! Do you want to touch them? Do you want to feel them in your mouth?"

Again Toby could only nod deliriously through his drug induced haze, barely able to believe this was happening.

"Then say it," she ordered "say 'I want to suck on Mommy's big, juicy tits!"

"I-I want to suck in Mommy's big, juicy tits," he parroted mindlessly.

"Go on then you filthy boy, suck Mommy's tits! You know it's what you've always wanted and now Mommy's going to let you."

Placing a guiding hand on the back of his head, Toby's Mother brought him into her heavy chest and pushed her breast into his eager mouth. From the moment Toby felt her nipple harden under his tongue, he was driven to a state of ecstasy he had never experienced before. He clamped his lips around his Mother's breast and sucked like his life depended on it. Meanwhile his Mother, seeing her son lost in his own little world of pleasure at her breast, took his cock in her hands once more and resumed her rhythmic pumping.

"Mmmppphhh," Toby moaned unintelligibly into his Mother's bosom, completely overwhelmed by arousal.

"See, look how good Mommy makes you feel," she quickened the pace of her jerking. "Why would you want to spend your time with anyone else? You see how wrong you were, thinking anyone cares about you like I do?"

Toby murmured in agreement, his response muffled by the breast filling his mouth.

"It's alright, you're just such a sweet, naive boy, it's in your nature to be easily led," she paused thoughtfully. "Perhaps it might be a good idea if you let Mommy make the decisions from now on? To keep you safe and make sure you don't make any more silly mistakes."

Again Toby mumbled his assent, far too preoccupied to even think about disagreeing.

"Yeah, does that sound good? Letting Mommy take control of your life? Making all those hard choices for you so you don't have to think or worry anymore?"

With her clearly distracted son taking too long to reply, his Mother grabbed the back of his hair and jerked it back so that he was forced to meet her eyes. 

 "Y-yes," Toby stammered "yes whatever you say, please, I just want..."

"Oh I know what you want," His Mother laughed and pulled him back into her bosom. Not allowing him to suck this time, just smothering his face between her bulging breasts while her assault on his cock ramped up to a ferocious pace.

This was just too much for poor Toby, the shy virgin who now found himself smothered between his Mother's magnificent tits while she stroked away at his cock was so overwhelmed his body was shaking uncontrollably.

"That's it, let Mommy take care of you," she breathed heavily, starting to get carried away with the excitement herself "Oh darling I'm going to fuck you up so bad, I'm going to make sure you never have a normal relationship!"

Toby heard the words that would normally have panicked him, but with an orgasmic pressure starting to build at the base of his cock he couldn't bring himself to care.

"You're mine now, mine forever! I'm never going to let you out of my sight again."

The heavenly pressure on Toby's cock just grew and grew, leaving him groaning like an animal into his Mother's chest, knowing he was just seconds from bursting.

"Go on my darling, cum! Cum for Mommy! Cum because you need Mommy to take control!"

The moment she said it Toby lost all control and his cock exploded in the most glorious orgasm of his life. Thick cum shot from his virgin dick as waves of pleasure crashed over his entire body. The release was like nothing he'd ever experienced and, once his face fell free of his Mother's breasts, he was left hyperventilating, gasping for air.

The next moments were a blur for Toby. After such an intense release he found himself feeling strangely spaced out, almost disconnected from reality. He wasn't horny anymore, just overcome with a sense of complete satisfaction. He was vaguely aware of being cleaned up and having his jeans and boxers pulled clear of his ankles, then he came to slightly as someone pulled a new pair of trousers, far softer than any he would usually wear, up his legs and over his waist.

The trousers were followed by a soft, long sleeved top of some sort that was roughly maneuvered over his head and arms so it hugged his torso tightly. This strange development helped to slightly clear the fog from Toby's mind. As he came back to reality, he looked up to see his Mother proudly smiling down at him.

"Wakey, wakey darling," she sang "looks like someone's tired themselves out. It's been a big night for you hasn't it?"

"M-Mom," Toby croaked groggily, "what happened."

Suddenly he felt so confused. Why was he lying naked on the sofa? He had so many bizarre visions buzzing around his head. But surely they couldn't be real? Was any of this real? Was he dreaming?

"Oh honey try not to think too much, with the amount of drugs you've taken tonight you'll be very confused but don't worry, that's a completely normal side effect."

"W-What am I wearing?" he said, pawing at the soft material.

"Sweetie stop that, I've just put you into your pyjamas that's all," she pushed his hands back to his sides. "I think you've had a very big day and now you're all tired out. How about we get you tucked up in bed?"

She helped Toby to his feet, put an arm around his waist to steady him and slowly led him towards the stairs. In his confused state, Toby was happy to be guided and went along without question. As they walked past he noticed the clock said it was only just gone 20:00, it seemed strange he was going to bed so early. But his Mother was right, he was tired, so very tired, so it was probably the best place for him.

Something caught his eye as they passed the mirror at the foot of the stairs that made him pause. A flash of vivid colour. Examining the reflection more closely he realised that the flash of colour was in fact him. Or more accurately, his pyjamas! They were a sickeningly bright baby blue from top to bottom and printed across the front, topped with a halo and in cartoonish, child-like writing were the words "Mommy's Little Angel.'

"I hope you like it," his Mother smirked as she noticed him looking "I had them made especially for you."

Normally he would have told her he didn't like it one bit! But this was just all so strange it didn't even feel real. So instead of making a fuss, he continued to follow his Mother up the stairs and into his bedroom. He just wanted to go to bed, things would all be back to normal in the morning.

Before he knew it Toby was tucked up in his nice warm bed. His Mother knelt beside him, fluffed his pillows, then leaned in and tenderly kissed his forehead.

"You've been such a good boy tonight," she cooed "so I've got one last little treat here that I know you'll love."

She lifted her hand so Toby could see what she held. It was hard to tell exactly what it was at first, some kind of brilliant blue material for sure, but what exactly was it? Then he noticed the little bow on the front and recognised the frilly material. Those were his Mother's panties!

"Mommy's been wearing these all day," she said excitedly "I saw how much you liked them earlier and thought, what better way could there be to give you your night-time medicine?"

Toby watched mutely as his Mother used the contents of the little brown bottle to soak her panties. Suddenly he could hear that voice in his head again screaming that this was wrong.

"Time for bed, little one," she whispered "you'd better get a good night's sleep, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Now come on, close those eyes and give Mommy's panties a sniff."

In a brief moment of clarity, Toby felt the urge to cry out and stop this madness. But before he could even think to form the words, he found his nose and mouth engulfed by his Mother's soaking wet panties. Every breath suddenly had him inhaling vast quantities of his 'night-time medicine,' each lung full stripping his already depleted energy and sending him spiraling towards unconsciousness.

While he tried to fight, the toll the evening had taken on him made sure it was in vain. His Mother's vice-like grip kept the panties clamped down on his face, and the debilitating fumes flooding into his body.

"Come on baby, just let it happen," his Mother's voice suddenly sounded far away. "Tomorrow you'll wake up, and your new life with Mommy can really begin."

Within five, maybe ten seconds, he had already drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.


With her son safely tucked up and asleep in his bed, Grace settled back into her seat at the dining room table and poured herself another glass of wine. A couple of swigs helped to calm her a little, which was good as after the events of the last half hour or she really needed it!

Her plan had been executed to perfection. In fact, it had gone so well she'd ended up getting a little carried away with herself! She'd expected to enjoy it, but the thrill she felt being in such total control of another person was like nothing she had ever experienced. Perhaps it was the second hand fumes she'd breathed in from Toby's little brown bottle, but there were times when she felt almost a little sexually aroused herself!

It was true Grace had suffered some last minute doubts. Of course she knew Toby found her attractive and was excited by her body, frankly what man wouldn't be? But did his arousal really run so deep as to let him be manipulated to this extent? By his Mother of all people! And even if it did, could Grace really go through with it?

As it turned out the answer to both was a resounding yes. Toby was even more easily led than she could have possibly predicted, and any doubts over whether she could go through with it disappeared the moment she saw Toby's eyes roll back into his head after being coerced into taking his medicine.

It hadn't gone perfectly though, tonight was just supposed to be about establishing she was in charge and having him agree to this new arrangement. But with her being so in the zone like that, seeing for herself how her pumping away at his cock had him agreeing to whatever she said, Grace couldn't help but push things that bit further.

Telling him she was going to stop him ever having a normal relationship certainly hadn't been part of the plan! Though it was useful to note that even then he hadn't lifted a finger to stop her. Still, she must make sure to keep her cool in future, she reminded herself, this was going well but one slip at this early stage could still ruin her plans.

Grace pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. This was a time for celebration! She thought back to the way the sight of her body had Toby overcome with arousal. God it was electrifying knowing she had that effect on him. She had never felt more desired or powerful in her life than she had at that moment. Most exciting of all, this was just the first day of it! She had so many devious plans in store for the two of them, poor Toby had no idea what was coming his way!

Grace drained the rest of her glass and rooted around her handbag until she found her phone. It was time to ring Catherine, her friend had helped her plot this evening and would be dying to hear how it went. Grace was excited to give her the good news, and of course, go over their plans for the morning. He didn't know it yet, but Toby had quite the day in store for him!

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