Hymn Of The Sea

Chapter 1: Introduction

Thank you for picking up "Hymn of the Sea". This story is very close to my heart, and I:m excited to share it with you. Before we begin, here is a little introduction to my characters.


Noxland is an imaginary world created by me. It is an Asian island country famous for its blend of Asian and Western culture, as well as its breathtaking Victorian-style architecture, where beauty and darkness collide. Surrounded by the shimmering Veyrith Sea, Noxland hides deep secrets beneath its waves. This is a story about love, revenge, and pain.


First of all, Aquanis are not sirens, nor are they half-human or half-fish. They are human-like creatures with fully human bodies. They have soft, milky, shimmering skin that is smooth to the touch. A thin layer of translucent fins on their backs and knuckles helps them swim underwater. Their eyes are oceanic blue and always glow beneath the water. Aquanis are breathtakingly gorgeous, with colorful hair and beauty that is hard to ignore.


Aquanis possess a wide range of extraordinary powers that make them mystical. They can control water, summoning waves, creating whirlpools, or even pulling moisture from the air.

Their strength and speed are superhuman, allowing them to move with fluid, graceful precision in battle. They can shapeshift between a human-like form and their true, more mystical appearance, which might include shimmering skin, translucent fins, or glowing eyes.

Aquanis also have healing abilities, using water as restorative properties to heal themselves and others, though this may drain their energy.

Some can enchant or hypnotize with their voices, a power known as the Hymn, which can lure humans or calm dangerous situations.

They are perfectly adapted to underwater life, able to breathe underwater, withstand extreme pressures, and see clearly in the darkest depths.

Telepathic communication allows them to coordinate silently and share emotions or memories, especially underwater.

Powerful Aquanis can even influence the weather, summoning storms, fog, or calming the seas.

They are highly empathetic, able to sense the emotions of those around them, though this makes them vulnerable to others' pain and anger.

Finally, Aquanis may live much longer than humans, aging slowly or not at all, which can sometimes make them feel disconnected from the human world over time.

Aquanis have access to magical powers. Their magical core strength comes from their heart, and to use their magic properly, they require energy from their subconscious mind.


Despite their powerful abilities, Aquanis have some weaknesses.

They cannot tolerate fire and iron, which can harm or weaken them.

Their magical energy comes from their heart, so if their heart stops, they will die. Even minor damage can leave a permanent wound on their chest.

Using their powers, such as healing or magic, can drain their energy quickly.

Despite all their powers, Aquanis are emotionally fragile creatures. After losing their loved ones, many Aquanis have left the Veyrith Sea and moved to other countries.

Park Jimin:

Role:Male Lead

Species: Aquanis

Age: 105 years old

Appearance: Blue oceanic eyes, silver-blue hair, and pearly white skin.

Jimin is mysterious, alluring, and charming. He is manipulative and stays calm in aggressive situations, but he is the kind of person who destroys his enemies without revealing his true desires. Jimin has a long history of pain and agonizing suffering, which is why he harbors hatred for humans and seeks revenge. He is a conflicted character dealing with pain and destruction, making him a great villain of all time.

Anna kim:

Role:Female Lead

Species: Human

Age: 23

Appearance: Big doe eyes, olive skin, wears glasses, long brunette hair, and dark brown eyes.

Anna, on the other hand, is a shy and introverted girl, a book lover who admires the history of Noxland. She is confused about her beliefs and what she truly wants in life. Anna has big doe eyes and wears glasses.

Park Jungkook:

Role:Supporting Character

Species: Aquanis

Age: 103 years old

Appearance:Blue oceanic eyes, silver-blue hair, and pearly white skin.

Jungkook is a fierce and rage-filled person. He has witnessed the brutal history of his people dying at the hands of humans, which makes him lose his cool and act irrationally, unlike his brother, who is calm and manipulative.

Officer Ryan Lee:

Role: Supporting Character

Species: Human

Age: 29

Appearance:Tall, tan, and a handsome-looking guy.

Ryan is a curious police officer and the son of Principal Joseph Lee. He is investigating the case of missing people, which leads him to uncover some dark secrets about the town.

Author's Lee:

This is a work of fiction, and I've reimagined Jimin and Jungkook as Aquanis a hundred-year-old mythical sea creatures. I have also added some original characters that are part of this book.


You might encounter some serious violent scenes that could evoke strong emotions, but remember, this book is just an AU (alternate universe) meant to entertain my readers.

I hope this story takes you on an emotional journey.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. Please keep supporting and showing me your love.

Saranghae 💜


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