i am a vilian of the novel I hate the most

Chapter 172: CH-169 new beginning

As I was called in the room as I entered inside there are three people sitting on the other side of the table are Kaburagi Masaya the talent shout ,the Director Masanori Shima and some other staff members are present there

as I said"hello to three of you I am raghav ye King I want to become an actor from this studio because it produces good actors or idols in the entertainment industry." (こんにちは,皆さん.私はラガヴ・イェ・キングです.このスタジオで俳優になりたいと思っています.なぜなら,このスタジオはエンターテインメント業界で優れた俳優やアイドルを育成しているからです.)

As I said with confidence as the three judges looked at each other and said, "Ok, look at these scripts and show us your skills in acting." (自信を持って言うと,三人の審査員は互いに顔を見合わせて言った.「よし,この台本を見て,君の演技の実力を見せてくれ.」)

As I said, "Ok sir, here I started_-------₹-₹-₹ how is it sir." (私は言った.「わかりました,先生.では始めます.------_-₹-₹-₹ どうでしょうか,先生?」)

As the judges looked at me and said, "Ok, you're selected for this company and don't tell anyone about your career, and you can't have your love life or dating life." (審査員は私を見て言った.「よし,君はこの会社に合格だ.ただし,君のキャリアについて誰にも話してはいけない.そして,恋愛や交際は禁止だ.」)

After some questions and answers, I asked them one question, "Sir, can you tell me whose twins those are outside the room when I entered?" (いくつかの質問と回答の後,私は彼らに一つの質問をしました.「先生,私が入ったときに部屋の外にいた双子は誰の子供ですか?」)

As one of the judges said, "They are one of the idol twins from our company, and the boy is selected for one of the movie scenes, so…" (審査員の一人が言った.「彼らは当社のアイドルの双子の一人で,男の子は映画のシーンの一つに選ばれたんだ.」)

As I nodded and said, "Can you tell me the idol's name and her husband's name as well?" (私はうなずいて言った.「そのアイドルの名前と,彼女の夫の名前も教えてもらえますか?」)

As the judge looked troubled, one of the judges said, "Well, we don't know about the husband, but the idol's name is Ai Hoshino, the central star of the group named B-Kimachi." (審査員は困った表情をしながら,一人が答えた.「うーん,夫については分からないが,アイドルの名前は星野アイだ.彼女はB-キマチというグループのセンタースターだ.」)

As I said, "Thanks, sir, for the information, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this. Well, I need to go now. I just moved in here, so I need to do some unpacking at home. Well, good day to all of you, sir," as they nodded at me. (私は言った.「情報をありがとうございます,先生.安心してください,誰にも話しません.それでは,そろそろ行かなくてはなりません.ここに引っ越してきたばかりなので,家で荷ほどきをしなければなりません.それでは,皆さん,良い一日を.」審査員たちは私にうなずいた.)

As I went outside, I saw a girl with purple hair, a cute face, and a teenager-like body with a white glow in her skin, talking to the twins and the woman beside them. As the girl looked at me, she said, "Hello, Mr..?" (外に出ると,紫色の髪をした可愛らしい顔立ちの少女が,十代のような体つきで,肌が白く輝いているのが見えた.彼女は双子と,そのそばにいる女性と話していた.そして,私を見ると,「こんにちは,ミスター…?」と言った.)

As I said, "Raghav Ye King, and hello there." (私は言った.「ラガヴ・イェ・キングです.こんにちは.」)

As she said, "Hello, Mr. Raghav Ye King. How did your interview go inside? I am Ai Hoshira. These are my kids, Aqua and Ruby Hoshira. Say hello to Mr. Raghav." (彼女は言った.「こんにちは,ラガヴ・イェ・キングさん.面接の調子はどうでしたか?私はアイ・ホシラです.この子たちは私の子供,アクアとルビー・ホシラです.ラガヴさんに挨拶しなさい.」)

As Aqua and Ruby said to me, "Hello, Mr. Raghav Ye King. We are Aqua and Ruby, and we are 3 years old," with a smile on their faces. (アクアとルビーは私に向かって言った.「こんにちは,ラガヴ・イェ・キングさん.私たちはアクアとルビーです.3歳です.」二人は笑顔を浮かべていた.)

On the brown

as everything go back to normal and the marriage of raghav ye King was being again as this time there is not awkward situation and the wedding goes well as they were going well Suddenly raghav mother called him to tell him "dear it's time to go your aunt place now as you're old enough and to make a trip to there place and control the planet there as your "

As raghav heard this as he said "huh but didn't they have power to become more powerful" as his mother said "as you know they have some difficulty from other places or forces she didn't tell me anything so think about it " raghav said"ok I will send my copy there tell her that I am coming and I will reset my power to match there system and said I will change my apprecnce to a 18 year boy so she can eeoll me in any university there "

As his mother heard that she is happy and said "ok dear I will go and tell her " as she go away his screen appeared as he see the situation of her aunt planets case

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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