I am Naruto but where is Kurama!?

Chapter 26: Truancy and Training

I punched the boulder in front of me and added another crack to it. I switched into an elbowed strike and felt my skin scrape against the solid rock, but I kept up my routine of hitting the large rock with all my might despite the injuries I had built up while being mindful of my broken pinky. I heard a low whistle behind me as Anko commented.

" Dang, kid, do you know Gai or are related to that bushy-browed training maniac because hitting solid rock is going to give you fractures and even broken bones."

" Wood is too soft now."

I curtly retorted as I was not only training my Taijutsu but deliberately breaking my bones to try and make them stronger. My knowledge of Medical Ninjutsu helped in this endeavor as I knew how to break my bones efficiently and the way to help them heal to become stronger and denser. The Special Jonin said with a wry tone.

"You're a special kind of insane, just like Gai. I hope you don't start wearing green spandex."

I rolled my eyes before I went back to focusing on training as I skipped class today. If I did start wearing something similar to Gai and Rock Lee, I would at least wear it under my clothes rather than just spandex and leg warmers. I switched to kicking and kneeing after I felt like I pushed my hands and elbows hard enough. The alarm I set went off, signaling class was almost over at the Academy, and I got ready to head to the Medical Ninjutsu Extracurricular Class.

I saw some of the Chunin Instructors still looking around, probably for me, and gave them a wide berth as I sneaked into the hospital. I entered the classroom that Tsunade set up and saw that she was going over some paperwork. The busty blonde looked up from her paperwork and said.

" As much as I would like to say welcome back, Naruto Uzumaki, I am more interested in hearing why the Chunin Instructors are hunting you."

" After being cooped up in my apartment for three months and trying to attend classes, I quickly got bored and decided to leave to spend my time on something more productive like training."

Tsunade had a faint smile as she heard my explanation and asked for confirmation.

" So you got bored?"

" Yep."

I answered as I took a seat, and the Slug Princess hummed at my answer before saying.

" Whatever, it's your Chunin Instructor's problem, not mine. Anyway, I hope you kept up your studies while under house arrest."

" Yes, I have Lady Tsunade, but I have a question for you."

" Oh?"

Tsunade looked at me with a curious look, and I asked.

" I am still having trouble with the Mystic Healing Palm Jutsu, and I am not sure why. I mean, I practice Chakra Control as much as possible, I know the hand signs by heart, and I know what mental image I am supposed to use for the Jutsu. Yet, I still can't get it to work."

" Show me."

The busty blonde ordered, and I went through the hand signs, which were different from usual hand signs with a modified Ox Sign followed by whatever other hand sign you need to treat a specific kind of injury. Like Tiger for burns, Rooster for cuts, and Snake for detecting poison while treating injuries. I went with Ram for a general and open-ended healing Jutsu.

A brief green glow covered my hand, but it kept flickering in and out. Tsunade held her chin as she analyzed my use of the Jutsu as I tried to maintain it. I had a firm grasp on it, and yet it kept on flickering like this, and I didn't understand why. The Slug Princess then ordered me.

" Maintain the Jutsu for as long as you can."

I silently complied as I could easily keep up this Jutsu for hours if I focused as it requires little Chakra, and I would get mentally tired first before running out of Chakra for this Jutsu. Tsunade got up from her desk and bit her thumb, then told me.

" Try healing this."

I did as she said, as she was the expert, and although it took a few minutes, I did it, but I didn't stop using the Jutsu since she hadn't said otherwise. She examined her newly healed thumb and muttered.

" How strange."

I kept my mouth shut as I figured she would tell me when she figured something out. Anko then asked with a look of curiosity.

" Strange how, Lady Tsunade?"

Tsunade then said to me.

" You can stop now."

I stopped supplying Chakra to the Jutsu, and the green glow faded away. Tsunade then ordered.

" Come with me. We need to give you a full examination, Naruto Uzumaki, in order to confirm my hypothesis."

An examination? What's going on here? I followed the last Senju, with Anko trailing not far behind. We ran into Shizune, and Tsunade told her apprentice.

" Shizune, take care of class for me today; something has popped up."

" Of course, Lady Tsunade."

Shizune left to handle the Medical Ninjutsu Class, and I kept on following the busty blonde as I was getting more curious as to what was going on with me. We entered a room with some medical machinery that looked familiar, but I couldn't name it, and Tsunade said with a tone that brokered no disagreement.

" Strip."

I was starting to get worried now, and I complied as I took off my clothes except for my underwear. I saw the Slug Princess prep one of the machines, and she ordered.

" Lie down, there."

She pointed at a bed that was connected to the machine, and I got on the bed. The bed started to move into the machine as I guess it scanned me for something, and I heard Tsunade say.

" Just relax. It shouldn't be anything serious or life-threatening."

Feeling a bit more reassured but still worried, I tried to relax. Minutes ticked away as the machine seemed to be scanning me for something until the bed came out of the machine again. I got up and looked to see the last Senju going over the test results the machine printed out. Anko jokingly asked, much to my annoyance.

" So, how long does he have?"

" He's fine."

Tsunade curtly answered as her focus was on my test results. After she was finished reading the test results, the Slug Princess said.

" I have good news, bad news, and more bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

" Give me all the bad first."

I answered, and Tsunade sighed as she told me.

" For starters, you have an imbalance between your Yang and Yin Nature, which will make it more difficult to use higher-level Jutsu of those natures like the Mystic Healing Palm or high-level Genjutsu. Lower-level Jutsu are fine at most; they will be just a bit harder to learn and use. Which is why your having such a hard time using the Mystic Healing Palm Jutsu."

Hearing this, I asked.

" How does one get an imbalance between Yin and Yang Nature?"

" It's not a disease if you're wondering, and honestly, anything from physical or mental issues can cause it, like trauma or getting heavily out of shape being the most common causes."

I wonder if my Transmigration has anything to do with this. I then asked Tsunade.

" What's the other bad news?"

" There is no clear way to treat this imbalance. Sometimes, you are stuck with it, and others, it goes away with time. The only thing I can tell you is that due to your young age, it will likely go away with time."

I then asked as I relaxed because, at worst this meant I wouldn't be using Genjutsu or Medical Ninjutsu.

" What's the good news?"

" If you overcome this imbalance, your Affinity for Yin and Yang Nature will rise, albeit marginally."

I perked up at that tip bit, as any improvement on something like Nature Affinity is good. I gave my gratitude to the Slug Princess as politely as I could.

" Thanks, Lady Tsunade, for enlightening me on this matter."

" No problem, but I would recommend easing off Medical Ninjutsu and Genjutsu until this imbalance is fixed."

I guess I will need to change my schedule since I can't practice Medical Ninjutsu yet.


" I can't believe we're on demon-hunting duty."

A Chunin Instructor complained to his fellow Instructor as they were hunting for Naruto as he skipped class for the umpteenth time these last few months.

" We have to otherwise the other students will start getting ideas."

The other Chunin Instructor said. While the two grumbled they didn't even realize the blonde wasn't even in Konoha. Naruto was currently undergoing lessons from the Sealing Master of the Fox Clan, Kuko.

" Now, with storage seals, it is better to seal solid objects as they are more stable and less likely to make your storage seal unstable. However, it is possible to seal liquids or even fire into storage seals, but they need to be modified to account for their formless nature and prevent any accidents."

Kuko explained as Naruto took notes before asking.

" What about air or, more specifically, pressurized air?"

" While technically possible, I haven't designed such a seal as of yet."

The seal master answered his newest student before asking a question of his own.

" What brought this on?"

" Just an idea I have in mind, creating a seal that has pressurized air in it that explodes without fire."

At Naruto's explanation, Kuko looked more interested in the topic and quizzed the blonde.

" How do you aim to achieve that?"

" Since specialized storage seals need to make use of Kanji to express the intent of what needs to be sealed I need to account for how I wish for the pressurized to be unsealed in order to create the desired effect of creating a bomb out of air alone. If I can get it to work, I would move on to creating steam explosions as they need water and a superheated material."

The seal master muttered to himself.

" That would create an explosion that burns without fire! Hmm, metal would probably be best to use as the heated material, and considering water or rather liquid is needed to pull this off, it might even be possible to create poison steam explosions."

The blonde grinned at his teacher as it pleased him to always surprise his first proper teacher in this life despite how grumpy he was to take him under his wing. Naruto also respected Kuko's skill in making Seals, as the fox's insight was impressive. The blonde once again was thankful to Senko for finding him a proper teacher for Sealing Jutsu. As the seal master got lost in his thoughts and muttered to himself, Senko appeared.

" Naruto-kun, you need to head to Gintaro's for blacksmithing lessons."

" Okay, Senko-san! See you later Kuko-Sensei."

Kuko grumbled as he quietly waved off his student before taking out his brush and an empty scroll to start experimenting. The blonde followed the petite fox girl to his next teacher. They came up to a small house with a forge to the side on the outskirts of the Gox Clan village, and seeing that the forge was cold, Senko narrowed her eyes and told Naruto.

" Excuse me for a moment, Naruto-kun."

The petite fox girl vanished with a Body Flicker Jutsu, and Naruto soon heard a commotion from the house. The door to house opened to reveal Senko dragging a bipedal white fox with a cross-shaped scar above his left eye by his ears.

( Insert Gintaro from Gingitsune.)

" Come on, Lady Senko, I was just taking a nap and lost track of time."

" Yet, the sweets I made you are all gone, aren't they, Gintaro-chan, and yet your forge is cold when you agreed to take Naruto as a student. How many times does this make?"

This was Gintaro, the Fox Clan's blacksmith. He easily towered over Senko in height, yet he was completely at her mercy. He looked away from the petite fox girl and didn't answer the question, and this rubbed Senko the wrong way as she pinched his ear harder and demanded.

" Answer the question, Gintaro-chan."

" Um... I forget how many times?"

Naruto watched this interaction with a wry smile as the blacksmith fox never learned his lesson. Gintaro may be lazy to a fault, but he was a good blacksmith who makes weapons and tools that lasted several lifetimes and rarely broke with proper maintenance. The petite fox girl told the lazy fox.

" This happens almost every time, Gintaro-chan, and despite the fact I agreed to make your sweets weekly as payment for teaching Naruto, you have been slacking a tad too much."

" Come on, Senko, the kid can already forge his own kunai and shuriken. Isn't that enough?"

Naruto palmed his face at his lazy sensei's response. Senko had a smile that didn't reach her eyes as she said.

" Oh? I thought they were merely practice material as they only roughly look like kunai and shuriken as they aren't consistently sharp nor fly straight when thrown. Am I mistaken as standards for proper weaponry have fallen so low?"

The blonde thought to himself.

" Come on, Sensei, just admit your fault and apologize, then get started teaching. That's the only way to avoid Senko-san's wrath."

Gintaro, unfortunately didn't do that.

" Um, yes, after all, your are a caretaker after all how can you possibly know how weapons are supposed to be? Leave this to the professionals."

Naruto gave a silent prayer to his soon-to-be-dead sensei as Senko developed a tick mark on her head as she got angry despite her smile. She then said with an emotionless tone.

" Gintaro-chan, look me in the eyes."

The blacksmith had a very bad feeling and tried to escape, but the petite fox girl held firm despite the difference in size. Senko then forcibly grabbed Gintaro by the head and forced him to look her in the eyes. Moments later, the white bipedal started to foam at the mouth and twitch oddly until the petite fox girl let him go.

Gintaro snapped out of whatever illusion he was placed under, and Senko told him with the same emotionless tone as before.

" You will teach Naruto-kun properly, am I understood."

The blacksmith rapidly nodded his head, and Senko turned to Naruto, then brightened up as she told him.

" If Gintaro-chan gives you any trouble, please let me know, Naruto-kun."

" I will, Senko-san."

The petite fox girl quietly left the two alone, much to the blacksmith's relief. Gintaro turned to Naruto and sighed before saying.

" Help me get the forge started."

" Yes, Gintaro-sensei."

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