I Became The Chief of A Primitive Village

Chapter 330: The Girl with Glasses!

Yu Ying suddenly found herself unable to move, because something strange had appeared on her face.

She was at a loss for what to do, looking quite comical as she kept looking upward.

Her movements were flustered, her hands waving aimlessly in the air, her body frozen stiff.

“Hahaha…” Yan Hua laughed until her stomach hurt at the sight.

Sha Lan was the same, seeing how stiff the other’s movements were, as she asked. “What’s wrong? Is there something scary about the glasses?”

The fox eared girl was acting so differently from usual, completely unlike herself, standing motionless in place.

“How do I look?” Yu Ying managed to force out a small smile.

Her eyes kept looking upward, not daring to look straight ahead, and her body remained rigid, as if frozen in place.

“You look really good, these glasses suit you well.” Sha Lan said without hesitation.

At first, the cat eared girl had wondered what glasses would look like, but now that she saw them, she was quite impressed. If for nothing else, she wondered how glass could hang on someone’s face, and yet look so good.

She also wanted a pair, but thinking about how they were needed because of poor eyesight, she dismissed the thought.

“They really do look good, and they really suit you.” Yan Hua added.

Su Bai looked at his work with satisfaction and added. “Don’t be nervous, there’s a mirror right there. You can go look at yourself.”

He was quite amused by her behavior, though it was understandable since this was her first time encountering such a thing.

People of Primitive Tribes naturally had no concept of glasses. When they could not see clearly, they only thought they were sick. They never considered it might be something a person was born with, or a normal phenomenon when the eyes get too stressed.

They certainly never imagined wearing something like this on their face. So, seeing themselves this way for the first time was quite amusing.

Yu Ying barely dared to move her head, just nodding slightly before walking to the full-length mirror.

She kept telling herself to look forward, and after a minute, she finally managed to look straight ahead.

She was amazed. She could see herself extremely clearly. Even from this distance, she could see every strand of hair, every eyelash, and even the tiny hairs on her face clearly.

Yu Ying covered her mouth in shock, exclaiming. “Shaman, I can see everything so clearly!”

The fox eared girl found everything she saw now completely different from before.

Whether it was cups, the fire pit, or the surroundings of the Teepee, even Su Bai and Yan Hua – everything was different.

This time, she could see everything clearly. Before, she had to get very close to see things clearly, but now, she could see things clearly from a distance.

The fox eared girl completely fell in love with this feeling, standing there delighted, not knowing what to do with herself.

“How is it? I wasn’t lying, was I?” Su Bai was happy seeing her innocent reaction.

At this moment, nothing could be more exciting than someone with poor vision being able to see clearly.

“These glasses are really magical, I can see everything so clearly!” Yu Ying had completely lost her initial stiffness. That uncomfortable feeling was completely gone. Now, she did not want to take her glasses off. Not after being able to see everything so clearly.

“Take some time to get used to them. If you feel dizzy, take them off and rest for a bit.” Su Bai cautioned.

After all, it was her first time wearing glasses, and there would naturally be many things to get used to. Especially around the ears – for first-time glasses wearers, having something resting on one’s ears, especially ones that were not that soft and smooth, would cause some irritation.

“Yes.” Yu Ying nodded firmly, then asked. “Shaman, will the glass in the cement house be as clear to see through?”

The fox eared girl thought since the glasses on her face were made of glass, surely the cement house could achieve the same effect?

“Not really. That’s just normal glass made using very basic processes. it certainly can’t achieve the same level as your prescription lenses.” Su Bai said.

Furthermore, if window glass was made with the effect of magnifying things, it would be terrible – people without nearsightedness would get dizzy, defeating the purpose of the glass windows.

“I understand.” Yu Ying immediately turned back to face the mirror, looking at herself.

Her pink fox tail kept wagging non-stop at high frequency, showing how happy she was.

“Your glasses look so good, I want to try them too.” Yan Hua’s adventurous spirit emerged again. She would not be satisfied until she tried new things, so she stared intently at the fox eared girl.

“Yes, I want to try them too.” Sha Lan was no exception. Seeing how happy her friend was, it made her even more curious about the glasses, wondering if they were really so amazing.

Most importantly, the fox eared girl really looked good wearing them.

“Here, try them!” Yu Ying felt the intense stares from behind.

She knew the cow horned girl well enough that she did not even need to turn around to know who was watching her.

“Great!” Yan Hua excitedly took the glasses and put them on her face just like she had seen.

She went to the full-length mirror, wanting to properly see how she looked wearing glasses.

But before she could fully open her eyes, she took them off.

She kept rubbing her eyes and shaking her head, looking very uncomfortable.

“Shaman, why do I feel so uncomfortable wearing it?” Yan Hua frowned.

“Because you don’t have nearsightedness. Of course you’ll get dizzy wearing these glasses.” Su Bai explained.

He had originally thought to stop them from trying, but then figured they would not be satisfied until they tried. [Better to let them try and experience the discomfort themselves, so that they would give up on their own.]

“Nearsightedness?” Yan Hua was still rubbing her eyes, “Shaman, what is that?”

This was the first time she had heard this term, and it sounded strange. She wondered if it was some serious illness.

“When you can’t see things clearly unless it is close to you, that’s nearsightedness. People with nearsightedness need to wear glasses. People without nearsightedness don’t need glasses.” Su Bai explained in an easy to understand manner.

“Oh, so that’s why they felt so uncomfortable,” Yan Hua handed the glasses to the cat eared girl.

Sha Lan shook her head repeatedly, Seeing how the cow horned girl had reacted, she did not dare to try them.

“So, the condition I have is called nearsightedness…” Yu Ying suddenly understood. She had wondered what was wrong with her when things looked blurry, and had even named the condition herself, calling it the ‘blurry illness.


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