Chapter 2: PILOT PT 2
In a courtyard in Kyoto, 2 figures could be seen, colliding in a brawl. If any normal person saw these 2 figures, they would quickly think they were seeing an extremely realistic cosplay set, or that they were crazy, or even that they had died and gone to hell, but, fortunately, there was no human being in that place.
One of the figures was a tall woman, with a height of at least 1.85 m (6ft 0.83 in), and skin with a deep blue tone and an all-white horn that came out of the middle of her forehead and curved towards the back of her head. She wore little clothing, a handful of rags wrapped around her breasts and a skirt made of different materials that resembled leather. This woman had tied, in the lumbar part of her back, a large piece of wood with iron rings, full of points, in what appeared to be a gigantic club.
And the other figure was a child of no more than 4 years old, he had what appeared to be a height of 110 cm (3 ft 7.31 in), but, like the blue woman, he had clearly inhuman characteristics, starting with the fact that he had a pair of small golden bumps coming out of his head, but this was far from the most shocking characteristic of this figure. He had a pair of 9 tails, which resembled the tails of a fox, being a very dark shade of gray with white tips, they were densely furry and appeared to be very fluffy to the touch, among those masses of fluffiness a 10th tail was vaguely noticeable, this one being completely different from the other 9, this one was composed of pure skin, black in color, without any trace of fur and the tip of it had a distinct heart shape, which shone idly with a pink tone.
In addition to these specificities, there was also the fact that he had 2 pairs of ears, one of them similar to normal humans, except for the fact that it was very pointed, and the other was completely different from a human, they were on the top of his head, in the scalp region, next to the 2 small golden bumps, they were white in color, like his hair, but if you paid attention to them it would be possible to notice that the fur on the inside of them was a deep red tone, and last but not least, there was the fact that in the middle of his back they had what resembled bird wings, the feathers of it were a golden tone that reflected the sunlight that fell on it.
'An opening!!'
However, just when I thought I had found a flaw in her guard, she had her left arm raised a little too much, leaving a perfect space to connect a kick that would hit her ribs. I felt my vision go horizontal, it was so fast that I didn't understand what exactly happened, and then...
"Hiss..." I slightly hissed in pain, now I was lying on the ground.
"Do you realize where you went wrong?" Aoi-sensei asked in a calm voice.
"You were raising that arm so I could think I had a chance to land a kick, weren't you? To then take advantage of that fact and land a sweep on my only leg that was still on the ground, am I correct, Aoi-sensei?" I replied, looking at her face as I slowly got up and tried to brush off the dust that had stuck to my clothes as a result of the fall.
I watched her face show a small, almost non-existent, spark of surprise at my answer... no, I think that surprise was due to the fact that a 3-year-old child who was born and raised with several maids to do every task, like me, wasn't crying and complaining either about the sudden fall or the defeat.
But as quickly as it appeared, I saw that spark disappear and she replied in the same calm tone as always.
"Correct, the slightly raised arm was just bait, if you had taken a general look at my base at that moment, you would have noticed that my right foot was well advanced in relation to the rest of my body, this could signal an attempt by me to decrease the distance between us or, as was the case, a kick."
Upon finishing listening to her explanation, I slowly nodded and then asked a question: "Aoi-sensei, was there any other moment when I could have done something better?"
She showed a look of appreciation when she heard my question and slowly began to tell me all the moments when I made a mistake or could have done something better during our short spar.
After a short speech about how well I did for my first fight training, she looked at me and said that that was all for today and that we would continue tomorrow.
I calmly said goodbye to her and started walking through the vast corridors towards my room. On the way, I started thinking about my whole situation. It had been a little over 3 years since I was reborn in this world. My memories are slightly blurred about what happened in the first weeks, but I still remember the feelings I felt in those first days of (new) life.
Those first days I was still trying to understand what exactly was happening, at first I thought I was going crazy, that the accident had put me in a coma and I was now inside my own mind, but I slowly discarded this hypothesis, first because I was able to think with high clarity after the first days, another because I was able to feel, pain, hunger, heat and a whole other infinity of things that I didn't even consider that a baby was capable of feeling, but while I was still recovering from the shock of having literally been born again, another revelation came to me, and this one hit me harder than a truck, from the fragments of conversation that I was able to hear I, or more precisely everyone here, were not human, at first when I heard this I thought I had become some kind of alien, however I soon realized my mistake, the beings around me were not aliens from space, they were Yokai, beings from ancient Japanese myths, but there were some problems, first I didn't know anything about Yokai folklore beyond the basics, the second was that not even these beings knew what I was, they whispered doubts about my race due to my appearance.
It was also in this way that I slowly managed to have a vision of my new form. Apparently, I had 1 pair of horns forming next to my upper ears. You wonder why I said upper ears? Well, because apparently in this new life I have 2 pairs, one that is the same as humans and another that I inherited from my new mother. From what I could hear from the servants' conversation, my new mother is a Kyubi Kitsune, the "Pokémon evolution" of the Kitsune, the main physical difference being that normal Kitsune have 1 to 8 tails, while the Kyubi Kitsune has 9 tails, and like fox tails, they also have fox ears.
But speaking of my new mother, she is apparently a very important person. At the time when I was still adapting to that new madness that was my new life, I thought she was just the ruler of her people, but now, after 3 years, I can understand a little better the grandeur of my new mother.
She, during my first months of life, literally didn't leave my side, either she was holding me in her arms or a servant stayed by her side with me in her arms while she did her activities, even her meeting room had to be modified so that I could stay by her side, these attitudes of her earned my deep respect, in my past life I was an only child, my father abandoned my mother before I was born, this caused us to go through many difficulties in life, however even with so many challenges she took care of me until the end, she ended up dying a little before I could finish college, so that was one of the reasons that motivated me to go to the Old World to live, so for these reasons and the fact that her physical form reminded me a lot of my old mother, blonde and busty, made me easily accept this woman as my new mother.
When I took my first steps, she was by my side, looking at me with a look that seemed to overflow with so much affection. My first words were also "Mo... mommy!", I still remember how her face looked at the time...
As time went on, I noticed the difference from my human self to this new self of mine. Now I could, even if I was in a large hall, hear a needle falling. My vision was now able to notice the smallest micro-expressions, in addition to all this I was able to feel a feeling, a sensation, something that I had never felt before and don't even know how to explain, I feel 'it' 'flowing' 'contracting' 'expanding' throughout my body, in my past life, even though I spent most of it studying, I was not oblivious to other forms of entertainment, such as novels, manhwas, among other things, so, relying on this 'experience', I deduced that what I was feeling was magic, but even though I cataloged this sensation as magic, I was not stupid enough to try to mess with this thing, I didn't even know what it was in the first place, much less mess with it, so I took advantage of a moment when my mother was less busy to ask about it.
"Mommy, do you have a little time now?"
As I temporarily left my meeting room after an extremely frustrating conference with the eastern Yokai, my little fox stopped me in the middle of the way. It was funny to see how my cub of only 14 months of life could be so active. From what I heard from the maids, he spent most of his day exploring the surroundings of the palace.
He asked me, in his usual whiny voice, if I had time to talk to him. That question cut my heart as if I had swallowed a thousand knives. The possibility of my little cub feeling abandoned by me immediately came to my mind. I immediately replied with a tone of voice that tried to demonstrate all my love for him.
"Of course, my baby, mommy always has time for her little fox!!"
I said this while bending down to pick him up in my arms, I still felt a little anxiety in my heart afraid that he would say that he hated me for not being with him all the time, I think it's natural for all parents to fear that their child will hate them, but his next words quickly cut off my line of thought.
"Mommy, what is this strange sensation that I feel throughout my body, that I can't even explain what it is!?"
Quickly, when he told me such a thing, my mind raced with several possibilities, but one stood out above all: 'He can already feel his own internal energies!? That's too early, we usually only manage to feel this when we reach around 4 years old... humm,,, is it because of his 'lineage' ...humm... it doesn't hurt to test'
While I kept my line of reasoning, I brought one of my hands closer, while with the other I held him, and slowly said to my little cub.
"Do the strange sensations feel different when mommy puts her hand here?"
I saw him close his eyes and, from what it seemed, to be able to concentrate on feeling. Quickly afterwards, he opened his surprised eyes, gave me a look and spoke hurriedly.
"The sensations decreased, how did you do that, mommy!!?"
'So, it seems, that was it, huh...' As I slowly took my hand away from his fluffy little belly, I guided him through the long corridors towards my room.
Arriving at the doors of my room, the guards promptly opened as I entered and sat on the zabuton with my little Kaito in my lap. I was thinking about the best way to have this conversation, it wasn't anything as difficult as explaining where babies came from, but it was also a conversation that required a lot of attention. It was better to have this conversation as soon as possible, since, whether we wanted to or not, it would define his life in the future.
"Darling, I know you must have many questions to ask mommy, but I now want you to just listen and pay close attention to mommy's words, in the end mommy will answer any questions you have, okay?"
"Okay, mommy!"
"So, darling, a long time ago...."
After my mother took me to the room, she began to give me a long lecture about the beings of this world. Throughout this lecture, I paid close attention, as this was the history of the new world I found myself in. And, after listening to those 4 hours of history, I can say with certainty that I still haven't recovered very well from all the information that was passed on to me. I imagined that this world would have magical powers and all those things, but hearing it directly from my mother? It's even more shocking.
In those long 4 hours, my mother told me the history of our Yokai race and our Kitsune clan, but I'm almost certain she left out several details. I studied a lot about history during my high school years, not nearly at the level of a graduate, but enough to understand that she cut out a large part of the violence that actually happened, but it was to be expected, what mother would tell her child under 2 years old about the true horrors of war?
However, one thing I'm sure of after listening to my mother's lecture, this world is hundreds of times more terrifying than I imagined, Yokai... okay, Magic... ehh... okay? But GODS!!! No, no, no, literal gods like Amaterasu, Susanoo, even Odin are real, and if from what I remember from my previous life, gods are nothing more than bored beings with all the time in the world and overwhelming power, and added to the feats I heard, from my mother, that such beings did, one thing I'm sure of now, a single god should have enough strength to sink the entire Japan, now what makes me deeply scared is the idea of a being, with enough power to destroy an entire archipelago, being nothing more than a borderline looking for emotion.
However, there were some phrases from my mother that helped calm me down, such as the fact that the Kyubi Kitsune lineage shared by us has a very high power potential, being that, if well trained, it is capable of creating supreme class beings. She didn't elaborate much on what a supreme class being was, but from the name itself it's possible to understand that it's not something weak, or at least I hope it's not.
She also said certain phrases that I imagine are her attempt to make me train to get stronger, phrases like 'if you train you can become as strong as such figure' or 'if you try hard enough you can be much more powerful than such figure' or the one that marked me the most, because I totally felt her sincerity 'if you train enough and have the right means, you can even be able to 'bring down' a God', I think she didn't want to say the word 'kill' to a child under 2 years old, but I must say, it wasn't necessary for her to have told me such phrases, because after I understood from the course of history what kind of world this was, the determination to train and get stronger was already forming within me, I already had a great ambition in my past life, which revolved mainly around being rich to give a good life to my mother and to go down in history, I must say that I think if you asked anyone in my previous world, if they would seize the chance to have everything they always wanted if such a chance was presented to them, I believe that all or 99.99999% of people would say 'yes', and here in this new world I have such a chance, I was born into a rich family with great genetics, if I couldn't even live a great life with all these advantages, then I might as well throw myself off a bridge.
But well, putting aside all these ideas, all great journeys start with a single step, the big challenge is knowing where to start, but fortunately I already know where to start mine.
"Mommy, so can you train me so that I can become as amazing as these other people!!?"
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