I Can Read People's Comments

Chapter 85: Teaching

[Chapter 84 Comment]

[Hunter_Keenan_2132: I am curious what Oliver's trial was and what his growth and reward are.]

"This is what I want to teach you." Theo said while forming a bow on his hand. This time, he created an arrow with the essence concentrated on the body. It seemed to be forming a violent current that would easily explode if interrupted.

When the arrow hit the barrel, it caused an explosion, obliterating the barrel completely. "By changing the flow of the essence, concentrating on one part over the other, and even calibrating the amount of essence, you can create a different type of arrow. It's true that doing this will require a high level of control over your essence, but if you manage to do this, you basically have an arrow to deal with all kinds of situations."

Aurora was completely stunned. Although she had figured out what Theo wanted to teach her, getting shown like that as though it was a simple thing to do made her speechless. As expected, Theo was good at everything.

Theo then turned to Li Wei and said, "As for you, what do you think about your trial?"

"Ehm…" Li Wei carefully pondered his answer first. "I have learned that I'm too hard-headed, causing me to be unable to change."

"Well, you don't have to change or anything. What I actually want you to know is that you have reached a point where you don't accept anything. Without changing yourself, you can get stronger. But if you keep protecting what you had yesterday, how can you face tomorrow?"

"…" Li Wei fell silent after hearing the profound question from Theo. As he said, he had a foundation and his character didn't leave any gaps to exploit. Among the students, he was the most reliable and consistent. However, it also meant that he was too conservative.

If he remained like this, the others would evolve even further, leaving him behind.

"What should I do, Teacher?" Li Wei asked with a concerned face. He obviously didn't like the idea of getting left behind by his classmates. "As much as I want to follow your instructions, I also have my own foundation. It will be difficult for me if I need to discard my foundation."

Li Wei expressed his concern about how he had to rebuild the foundation if he wanted to change.

But Theo simply said, "I'm not telling you to discard your foundation or something. Every single person has a core. And your core lies on a solid foundation that leaves no gaps to exploit. It's just that I want you to be more greedy."


"In your world, you are often searching for ruins or opportunities to break through, no?"


"That's it. Just get a bit more greedy. We, as humans, are omnivores, right? Let's just devour everything."

"…" Unlike Aurora, Li Wei didn't show much reaction. Instead, he thought deeply about his words.

As if trying to further boost his growth, Theo suddenly released his killing intent.

In that instant, Li Wei raised his sword to the side, thinking he was about to be hit. But to his surprise, nothing happened. When he turned his head around, he found nothing.

"There you go," Theo smirked. "When Maya was concerned about sparring with Avalon, I showed her that. You had the instinct to notice that like her. And how about using your Sword Intent?"

Li Wei was confused and tried to infuse his Sword Intent into his blade, but when he did it, Aurora's face appeared in the corner of his eyes, reminding him of what happened earlier.

Although it lasted only for a split second, Li Wei tried to concentrate his Sword Intent into one part.

The Sword Intent increased a bit in that area, but because of his sloppy control, the Sword Intent broke apart.

"!!!" Li Wei was shocked by the possibility alone. He finally realized what Theo was trying to teach him. "So, this is how it is… In the trials, you are telling me to cooperate with others. However, what you want me to know are their habits, their actions, and their abilities."

"That's right. You have a solid foundation, but you are too conservative. I want you to become more greedy and try to incorporate other abilities, but you don't have to worry. A solid foundation will help you. As long as you remain like you are now, it will be fine."

Li Wei looked down for a moment before nodding his head. "I understand. I'll try to do that."

After Li Wei, Theo proceeded with the twins. Theo asked, "How were your trials?"

"It was bad." The twins answered simultaneously. They seemed to be able to tell what the other was thinking with just eye contact. In the trials, they ended up being alone.

Because they had been together since they were young and did almost everything together, they had gotten used to each other's presence, making them a bit dependent on each other.

However, Theo didn't mind this. Instead, he actually encouraged them by separating them.

Separating them would give them time to think about their relationship and even wonder what the other was thinking. They remembered the company of their other selves and actually recreated that in their minds.

During the past month, they had a lot of things to talk about, including how they would act in a certain situation.

The current twins could easily come up with something without even opening their mouthswith. It would be extremely useful, especially if they were in a situation where they had to act as if they were unfamiliar to each other.

In a normal situation, their abilities would be boosted because they would do something, fully knowing that the other party would do another, resulting in cornering their enemies.

The twins knew this perfectly after they finished their trials.

Hence, Luca said, "I think we have gotten closer."

"Closer indeed." Lucas agreed.

"That's right. Then, how about facing each other?"

Luca and Lucas didn't know what Theo wanted, but they followed his instructions.

"Place your right hand on each other's shoulder. After that, pour the essence through that right hand."

Luca and Lucas stopped for a moment, saying, "Teacher. We can't do that. Pouring one's essence on the other's body would cause rejection. It's fine if it's only me doing it because the other won't release essence that would cause rejection, but—"

"It's fine. Just do it." Theo shook his head. Of course, he knew that if he wanted to inject his essence into another person, that person couldn't use their own essence because it would reject his essence.

However, when the twins did it, something miraculous happened. Their essence actually flowed to each other's bodies and ended up creating a circulation that traveled around both of their bodies.

"This is…" The twins gasped. Even Li Wei and Aurora couldn't believe what they had just seen.

"After learning more about your twin, your body and mind instinctively think about the other. As a result, your brain adjusts itself and your body tries to match the other. So, it's no wonder why your essence could actually be in harmony. And…"

Theo paused for a moment while pointing at the destroyed barrel. "Try shooting your abilities at that barrel together."

The twins actually turned around at the same speed and aimed at the same angle. A wind sphere formed on their palms, which surprisingly interacted with each other.

The two spheres ended up merging and creating a sphere that was more than two times stronger than their individual spheres.

Without saying anything, both of them shot the sphere and obliterated the barrel. The wind completely shredded the barrel apart when it wasn't supposed to be that powerful if they did it alone.

"This is…" Both of them exchanged looks, realizing what they had been learning this whole time. By supplementing each other, they could actually utilize a far stronger force.

Seeing that the twins had realized their potential, Theo finally turned to the last one, Oliver. "Alright. You are the last one. What have you learned during the trial?"

"My inventory can actually absorb everything that is not alive." Oliver looked at his hand and said, "Even a small ant is impossible to store."

Theo then formed a sphere made of essence and tossed it to him.

Oliver instinctively tried to catch it, but he also activated his inventory, trying to absorb the sphere.

However, the sphere hit his hand first, causing the remaining part to burst out. As a result, the other part inside his inventory also exploded, causing him to close his eyes for a split second as though he were experiencing some pain.

"Kh." Oliver took a few deep breaths. "My speed is too low."

"No. It's not your speed that's too low. But I have conjured another layer of essence to protect that sphere. As a result, it's refusing your inventory, which causes the speed to be slow." Theo paused for a second. "I admit that your inventory is extremely powerful. However, it is by no means invincible. Other people's essence can still stop your inventory."

"Ehm…" Oliver gave a wry smile, wondering why he was the only one getting berated like this.

But Theo suddenly raised one finger and said, "But if you think about it, your inventory can actually store everything that is not alive. A magical attack, an object, or even things that are not visible to you at the moment. I have noticed that your inventory can only store something you can see and identify. But once you can see and identify it, you can actually store it."

"It's hard to explain, so I'll just give you some examples. What if you carry a bottle of virus and store that bottle?"

"That's… The bottle can be stored, but the virus can't." Oliver answered.

"That's right. What if you carry water?"

"Water?" Oliver looked down, falling into deep thought. After a moment, he gasped and asked, "Don't tell me… All the water can be stored, but the bacteria or viruses can't enter?"

"Yes. You can basically sterilize everything. And that is only part of your ability. If you continue further, you will be able to see the potential of your inventory. What determines your talent is not how it's graded, but how you use it. Sadly, sometimes, searching for the way is much harsher than accepting that you are not talented." Theo smiled.

Oliver vividly remembered how he looked down on himself because of his abilities. But it turned out he never explored his abilities fully. If he never met Theo, he might have to go on with his life as an untalented person.

Oliver clenched his fists as he looked at Theo. "I will go and develop my ability. However, I know that it will be dangerous as well. So, I'll do my best to be careful not to use my abilities for bad things. Thank you very much, Teacher."


Important News:

I'm sad to announce that 'I Can Read People's Comments' has to be discontinued for an unspecified period of time because of a technical reason.

I still want to develop all the characters because each of them is special and I love them all. Sadly, I can't do it anymore.

You might have realized that I failed to deliver a chapter daily in the last few chapters. But even after trying it, I have to tell you this unfortunate news. I apologize for disappointing you guys.

You can still try my other works and I will try to produce other things. Hopefully, this time, there won't be a problem so that I can finish them like my other works.

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