I Have a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon System in a World with Pokemon

Chapter 77: Dante’s Third Pokemon

Due to Professor Berto's early dismissal, their schedule became vacant from 10 AM to 1 PM. There was still plenty of time before lunch, so Dante decided to check the Pokemon eggs in the Breeder house first.

"Shinobu, I plan to go to the Breeder house. You wanna come along?"

"Huh? You already plan on getting your third Pokemon?"

"Yeah, you know how strong Pikachu and Azumarill are. With them, it's only a matter of time before I get my second badge and the qualifications for my third Pokemon."

"Sigh, I feel like I'm getting left behind more and more by you. Alright, I'll go. What about you two, Candice, Focalors? Do you want to come with us?"

Focalors looked up from her phone and nodded to Shinobu.

"Certainly. Furina just replied and she still has an hour of class before their free period. Anyway, I'm quite curious to know what Pokemon they keep in the Breeder house."

"Well, if you're all going to go, then count me in! The Dean also gave me a quota, so I'll probably get my second Pokemon there too. Ohhh, I hope they have many Ice-types."

The group of four slowly walked out of the room under the longing eyes of the others in class. While some wanted to get close and chat with the group, Dante and Focalors' identity stopped most of them from even approaching.

Walking out of the main building, Dante found Pikachu sitting on a bench, his phone leaning on a brick.

"Hey, Pikachu! We're going now!"

"Pika?" (Huh? Is your class over already? I'm still in the middle of the second episode.)

Pikachu paused the video, grabbed the phone, and hopped onto Dante's shoulder. He skillfully placed the phone inside Dante's bag before waving at the three girls. Seeing this, the girls smiled at Pikachu. 

"I am really baffled how such a lazy Pikachu was able to defeat Father's Dragonite. Shinobu told me it's because he's holding an exclusive item, the Light Ball, correct?"

"Yeah, otherwise, his attacks probably won't hurt Dragonite as much."

"Pika!" (Yeah! That Dragonite was very strong!)

"Can you tell me how Pikachu bypassed the item's restriction?"

"You wanna know? It's something super secret."

"Well, if you're amenable to sharing it, please."

Dante covered his mouth and looked left and right. Seeing how secretive he was, even Candice's curiosity was ignited.

"You can't tell anyone about this, alright? It's something that can get me attacked by other Trainers."

Focalors and Candice nodded, putting their ears closer to Dante.

"Have you seen my Pikachu? Did you ever notice something different about him compared to the others of his kind?"

"No? He looks like a normal Pikachu to me."


"Well, if you look more closely, you'll see that...my Pikachu is more awesome!!"

Dante held Pikachu with both hands toward the two girls, with Pikachu flexing his muscles in coordination.

The two stared in dumbfoundedness while Shinobu just palmed her face and sighed. Seeing their reaction, Dante and Pikachu snickered. 

Candice sulkily poked Shinobu's belly in protest.

"How can your boyfriend be so childish?"

"I can only say that no one is perfect."

"Aww, love you too Shinobu!"

Dante smiled as he rubbed Pikachu's head. 

In truth, Pikachu wasn't all that special compared to the other Pikachus. The reason he was able to use the Light Ball with little side-effects is because of his higher stats.

He remembered the experiment they did in the Thunderwave Cave. At that time, he asked Pikachu to use a fully powered Thunderbolt as many times as possible.

Pikachu was able to use 20 consecutive Thunderbolts before his body reached its limit, a full 4 times more than the normal Pikachu, which can only do 5. 

Dante surmised it may have something to do with his HP, Defense, and Special Defense. As long as Pikachu gets stronger and stronger in the future, the limit that his body can withstand will also increase. 

Of course, even 20 times is more than enough for Trainer battles. And in dungeon explorations, Pikachu can just use a power slightly above his normal level so that it doesn't cause any strain on his body.

As the three of them walked towards the Breeder house, they attracted the attention of most students. After all, Dante is already a famous figure in the recent period. Seeing him be surrounded by three beautiful girls inevitably aroused their curiosity and desire to gossip.

They had to walk more than 10 minutes to reach the Breeder house. Even from afar, various Pokemon sounds could already be heard.

The Breeder house was much larger than the main building of the Trainer house. A huge plain was seen behind the building, with countless Pokemon of different kinds in it. 

Dante saw a herd of Tauros running around the field, Miltanks grazing in a slow manner, and a group of Grass-type Pokemon basking under the sun.

When the staff at the front desk saw the four of them enter the door, she gave them a warm and welcoming smile.

"Hello students! Can I help you with something?"

"Hi, we're here to check the available Pokemon for adoption."

"Oh! Are all of you going to select or…?"

"No, it's only me. The three of them are just curious to see what Pokemon are inside."

"Oh, alright! Well then, what kind of Pokemon do you want to see? We have a catalog available here. Different Pokemon live in the plains, forests, and the river, you see. So you ca-"

"There's no need. I want to see the Pokemon eggs."


The front desk staff and the three girls looked at Dante in confusion.

The only benefit of hatching a Pokemon from an egg is the higher initial intimacy. Other than that, there are more problems to be presented such as the infancy period, training to be suitable for battle, and the possibility it hasn't learned any egg moves.

Generally, unless it's a Pokemon like Lucario or Togepi that needs intimacy to evolve, it's better to choose a young Pokemon from the Breeder House. 

Seeing Dante being adamant in his decision, the staff just shrugged and after checking his student ID and confirming he had a quota for selection, led them into the incubation area.

"We have separated all the eggs into different types. Here are the Fire-type eggs such as Charmander, Torchic, and Litten. And here are the Water-types, the Ground-type, the Normal-types…"

The staff led them inside a slightly humid section of the building. Inside, there are countless rooms with a glass pane on each wall. Beside the doors, there is a screen that shows the current Pokemon inside and their estimated hatching time.

Dante still hasn't forgotten that he will fight against Dialga at the end of the PMD world. Therefore, his plan this time is to get either a Fighting or Ground-type as his third Pokemon.

He checked all the names on the screen of each room, mentally noting down the final evolution of each Pokemon and their Abilities. Finally, his focus was attracted to an egg with Teddiursa.

Teddiursa is a Normal-type Pokemon that looks like a baby bear. However, its final evolution, Ursaluna, has both a Normal and Ground-typing. 

Ursaluna can have the Guts, Bulletproof, and Unnerve Ability. Since he is uncertain whether an egg hatched in the PMD world will have two Abilities, this Pokemon is perfect for testing it.

Even if Ursaluna only gets one Ability, any of them will be useful. Guts is useful for battling against Trainers and strong Pokemon in the wild. Meanwhile, Bulletproof and Unnerve are useful for long dungeon explorations. And with its huge body, it can also serve as a mount.

He continued looking around some more, taking further interest in the eggs of Gligar, Trapinch, and Marowak. But in the end, he finally chose Teddiursa due to the other Pokemon possibly gaining some bad Ability, or having only one.

After Dante decided to take Teddiursa, he accompanied the three girls to the Pokemon nursery where Pokemon in their infancy period are placed. They stayed there and played with the Pokemon until 11 AM.

Walking out of the Breeder house with an incubation device, Dante was in a good mood.

"Hnggh, that was fun! The baby Mudkips and Bulbasaur were so cute! I finally know why Professor Alma loved to go there during her free time."

"Yeah, even Shelly had fun playing with the other Pokemon there. I think she would love it if I let her stay there during our classes."

"Lest you forget, Combat class is in the afternoon."

"Haha, I was talking about during our morning class."

The four of them chatted as they made their way to the cafeteria. Furina already sent a message to Focalors earlier, saying that she is waiting for them at the entrance.

Arriving outside the cafeteria, they noticed a commotion around the place.

In the middle of hundreds of students, Furina can be seen with a smile on her face, interacting with the crowd. When she saw their group, her eyes lit up.

"Everyone! While I am very much delighted to meet my fans here in the Philippines, I'm afraid I have a prior commitment to attend to. Please, disperse now and be on your way!"

However, while the people around her heard and started to back off, those at the back kept pushing and prevented them from dispersing. 

"Tsk, do these guys want to cause an accident?"

Seeing people getting pushed around in the crowd, Dante frowned. 

"Pikachu, give them a warning."


With a nod, Pikachu leaped up from Dante's shoulder, his tail gaining a shimmer of silver before slamming into the ground. 



Everyone stopped and covered their ears in shock. Turning their heads in the direction of the explosion, they saw a Pikachu with a fierce look on its face, staring in their direction. 

A pothole was beside the Pikachu, telling everyone who just caused the explosion. 

"Pikachu!!" (Don't harass Furina!!)

Pikachu began to step forward slowly, his rising aura causing these students to unconsciously step back.

For those standing on the sidelines, the scene of a single Pikachu intimidating a large crowd was very comical. However, some righteous Trainers had also begun to step up, eager to stop this 'rampaging' Pikachu.

"It's alright, everyone! This is just a friend. Thank you for helping me, Pikachu."

With the group around her being intimidated, Furina finally had the chance to squeeze out of the crowd and arrived in front of Dante and the others. Seeing her, the vicious look on Pikachu's face instantly disappeared, replaced by a more excited one.

He jumped into Furina's arms, making the girl smile in joy. 

"Furina, are you alright? When similar situations occur in the future, just release the Kingdra Father gave you."

"I'm fine, sis. As you know, being too popular can be such a hassle. Everyone just adores me so much."

Furina gave the group a smile, showing that she didn't take the previous event to heart.

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