I Have a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon System in a World with Pokemon

Chapter 83: Sleepy Dante

"Hey Dan, are you alright?"

"...I'm fine. Come on, Azumarill, Pikachu, let's go."

Dante wearily stood up from the straw pile, having slept for less than an hour due to thinking about what happened last night.

'Ugh, I know I should reject her and distance myself…but damn I want to fuck her.'

True to her words, Focalors only hugged him and didn't try to do anything else. Rather, it was Dante, who had been tempted to take things further. Holding her in his arms, feeling her whole body pressing against his, made his already muddled thoughts crawl in an uncontrollable direction.

He had lowered his head, planning to nibble on her ears, when the front door suddenly opened.

It was Furina, who drunkenly told them that she planned to get some fresh air. Luckily, Furina was too drunk then, and the two of them quickly separated, so she shouldn't have noticed anything unusual.

For the rest of the night, and even when he got to the PMD world and was lying on the straw pile, Dante was still thinking about what to do with the situation he found himself in.

'...does Focalors really like me? Or is this a honeypot trap designed so I would join the French Alliance? But…I don't feel any malice from her. However, we also haven't even spent that much time together, ughh!'

'And even if she likes me, what should I do? Do I date both her and Shinobu at the same time? I know polygamy is still legal due to what happened back then, but Shinobu…how would she react?'

Those thoughts swirling in his mind made Dante unable to sleep. He wanted to give up on Focalors and keep the status quo with his current lover. But the possibility of those two girls, their naked bodies side-by-side on the bed, inviting him to come over and ravage them, made Dante unwilling to easily give up.

Life without risk is a life not worth living. He'll try to feel out Shinobu's reaction first. Who knows, maybe she would be acceptable to something like this after some 'persuasion'.

Dante and his team made their way to the guild hall and lined up with the other apprentices. They were just in time too, as Chatot soon walked over to the front.

"Good! Everyone's on time. Guild Master, the guild is in full attendance!"

After the guild's morning assembly, Chatot called over Dante, Pikachu, and Azumarill.

"So, how's your experience after becoming a Gold rank Exploration Team?"

Yes, during the past half a month, their team finally reached Gold rank. Most of the reason they achieved the rank so quickly was due to the remaining merit they had from discovering Waterfall Cave. Being able to clear an S-rank dungeon also helped. 

With their fast progress, they already became the talk of the town. After all, it's only been 2 months since they formed their Exploration Team.

"*Yawn*, it's still the same as ever. We're currently planning to challenge a one or two-star dungeon this week before our expedition."

"It's good to remain motivated. However, you'll have to schedule your exploration for later, I have a task for your team today."

"Sure. *Yawwnn* What is it?

"Well, I've just checked the guild warehouse and found that the stock of Perfect Apples is insufficient for our expedition. Therefore, your task is to collect a dozen more of them."

"Huh, Perfect Apples?"

Pikachu tilted his head, having heard of this kind of apple for the first time. 

"Yes, Perfect Apples! The most delicious and nutritious Apple that one can ever find. It's also Guildmaster Wigglytuff's favorite food."

"I remembered stocking up more than enough for the whole journey, but the Guildmaster may have eaten through- hahahaha, no, nothing. You didn't hear anything from me, alright?"

Chatot gave the three of them a look. Seeing them nodding in affirmation, he breathed a sigh of relief before asking them for their map.

"Here is the dungeon where the Perfect Apples are located. It's an important location for our guild so it's best if the three of you don't mention its location so casually."

"Ohhh, a guild-exclusive dungeon?!"

Pikachu hurriedly took the map from Chatot and took a look. Dante and Azumarill also peeked their heads from the side and saw Chatot mark a location within a large forest.

"This dungeon is evaluated as S-rank, the same as the Mt. Steel your team has explored. Just be careful of the Grass-types in there, especially you, Azumarill."

"I understand. Thank you, Chatot."

"*Yawn* Alright, we'll try collecting as many Perfect Apples as we can find and bring them back tonight."

"Wonderful! With your team's strength and work ethic, I'm sure the Guildmaster will include all of you in the upcoming Expedition."

Chatot patted Dante, Pikachu, and Azumarill on the shoulder enthusiastically with his wings before heading out to do other tasks.

"Are you sure you're okay, Dan? I noticed you've been yawning since earlier."

"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just an S-rank dungeon. With our team's strength, I probably won't even need to take action."

On paper, the highest-ranked dungeon they fully explored is S-rank. In truth, however, they can fully take on other dungeons with much higher evaluation. It was only because they accompanied Luna in the past half a month that prevented them from doing so.

Still, they did gain some levels from the small amount of experience they accumulated from defeating weaker Pokemon.

Their current stats right now is:

Dante (Hisuian Zorua)

Type: Normal/Ghost


Super Luck (Increases the critical hit ratio)

Illusion (Can disguise as another Pokemon)

Level: 38 

HP: 81/81

Attack: 99 Defense: 82

Sp. Atk: 83 Sp. Def.: 78 Speed: 81

Item: Power Band (Attack +12)


- Leer

- Scratch

- Astonish

- Copycat

- Fake Tears

- Quick Attack

- Fury Swipes

- Shadow Sneak

- U-turn

- Brutal Swing

- Scary Face

- Burning Jealousy

- Hyper Fang

- Feint

- Extrasensory

- Swords Dance

- Counter

- Ominous Wind

- Mystical Fire

- Aerial Ace

- Hex

- Icy Wind

- Protect

- Agility

- Facade

- Hone Claws

- Confuse Ray

- Dig

- Shadow Claw

- Foul Play

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

- Taunt

- Imprison

- Dark Pulse

- Substitute

- Will-O-Wisp

- Shadow Ball

- Calm Mind

- Nasty Plot

- Phantom Force

- Hyper Beam

- Roar

- Knock Off

- Focus Punch

- Pain Split

- Imprison

- Encore

- Psych Up


Type: Electric


Static (Can paralyze attackers that made physical contact)

Lightning Rod (Draws Electric-type attacks and boosts Special Attack)

Level: 38 

HP: 105/105

Attack: 133 Defense: 89

Sp. Atk: 133 Sp. Def.: 77 Speed: 84

Item: Light Ball (Doubles Attack and Special Attack)


- Thunder Shock

- Growl

- Grass Knot

- Tail Whip

- Thunder Wave

- Quick Attack

- Electroweb

- Double Team

- Slam

- Draining Kiss

- Thunderbolt

- Feint

- Nasty Plot

- Agility

- Shock Wave

- Discharge

- Iron Tail

- Protect

- Disarming Voice

- Thief

- Trailblaze

- Charge Beam

- Swift

- Endure

- Volt Switch

- Rain Dance

- Dig

- Brick Break

- Thunder Punch

- Sleep Talk

- Rest

- Electro Ball

- Reflect

- Light Screen

- Eerie Impulse

- Substitute

- Encore

- Play Rough

- Helping Hand

- Reversal

- Electric Terrain

- Wild Charge

- Thunder

- Charge

- Knock Off

- Focus Punch

- Endeavor

- Alluring Voice

- Upper Hand

Azumarill (Shiny)

Type: Water/Fairy


Huge Power (Doubles the power of Physical Attacks)

Sap Sipper (Absorbs Grass-type moves and boost the Pokemon's Attack stat)

Level: 33 

HP: 115/115

Attack: 84 Defense: 70

Sp. Atk: 87 Sp. Def.: 72 Speed: 71

Item: Power Band (Attack +12)


- Tackle

- Defense Curl

- Tail Whip

- Water Gun

- Aqua Jet

- Ice Punch

- Knock Off

- Soak

- Rollout

- Earthquake (Shiny-Exclusive)

- Draining Kiss

- Bubble Beam

- Focus Blast

- Aqua Ring

- Focus Punch

- Liquidation

- Double-Edge

- Protect

- Water Pulse

- Disarming Voice

- Trailblaze

- Chilling Water

- Facade

- Bulldoze

- Icy Wind

- Mud Shot

- Draining Kiss

- Fling

- Endure

- Rain Dance

- Dig

- Brick Break

- Body Slam

- Light Screen

- Grass Knot

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

- Substitute

- Encore

- Ice Spinner

- Play Rough

- Amnesia

- Helping Hand

- Ice Beam

- Misty Terrain

- Hydro Pump

- Blizzard

- Giga Impact

- Knock Off

- Double-Edge 

- Whirlpool

- Muddy Water

- Alluring Voice

As can be seen, their stats didn't have much improvement. Instead, it was their movepool that expanded to more than double. Dante used the money they earned in the human world to buy move discs for all of them.

The price of the move discs, as stipulated by the Alliance, is based on the base power and effect, as well as the quality. Every 10 base power is around 100,000 credits, while the price for moves with powerful effects can reach more than 10 million!

With the amount that Dante bought, the three used at least 100 million credits each. With so many, it was fortunate that the move discs from the human world could also be used through Dante's system.

After using a move disc, other Pokemon will experience the flow of energy, which they then need to memorize to use the move. 

But with the system, Dante only needs to click on the move disc through the Item Menu, and then select which Pokemon in the team will learn the move. The flow of energy can then be instantly memorized by the chosen Pokemon.

If it wasn't for that, they could only learn 2-3 moves after half a month.

Dante, Pikachu, and Azumarill talked about the mission Chatot gave them, as well as the upcoming expedition while walking out of the guild. Seeing the Exploration Teams waiting outside, they familiarly greeted them before continuing.

Before going to the dungeon, Dante's team headed to Treasure Town first, as per usual. This time, however, they didn't directly go to the Kecleon Brothers. Instead, Dante steered towards a pink shop with a round, pink Pokemon in charge.

"Hey Chansey, good morning."

"Good morning, Team Omnipotent Travelers! I've heard the news, congratulations on reaching Gold rank!"

"Haha thanks *yawn*, anyway, we want to leave an egg here for incubation. How much do you charge?"

"Oh, there's no need to pay! Seeing new life emerging right before me is already more than enough. But...where's the egg?"


Azumarill opened the Treasure Bag, and Dante 'rummaged' through it before taking out Teddiursa's egg.

With the Space Bag linked to his Item Menu, he can access the space inside either directly through the menu, or by using other bags that are also connected to the Item Menu.

For example, in the real world, Dante linked a sling bag to his menu. It is much more convenient to carry than a Space Bag while still possessing the same amount of space inside. 

Chansey took the egg with a wrinkled face, walked inside the nursery to place it, and then walked back out.

"Please don't put Pokemon eggs inside the Treasure Bag again. Having an Egg inside the Treasure Bag for a prolonged period will deplete their vitality."

"Ah, sorry. I didn't know that *yawn*. I promise I'll never do it again."

Of course, Dante knew that putting eggs inside the Treasure Bag was bad. However, the Item Menu is primarily linked to the Space Bag. With its expensive price, it naturally doesn't only have a large space. One other function of the Space Bag is allowing Pokemon eggs to be placed inside for incubation.

After thanking Chansey, the three walked away and headed towards the dungeon Chatot circled on the map, labeled "Apple Woods".

"Hey Dan, what are we going to do about the guys behind us?"

"Heh, just let them *yawnn* follow. Do you two still have the items I gave you earlier?"

"Yup! Are we going to use them now?"

"Probably. Just get ready to wear them at my signal *yawnnn*."

"Dan, why don't you rest for a while? I'll carry you until we reach the dungeon."

"Yeah, that sounds awesome. Thanks Azumarill."

Azumarill nodded to show it was no problem. Climbing above Azumarill's head, Dante closed his eyes and curled up. Before long, the sound of snoring was heard.

A/N: I'll upload a separate page for Dante and his Pokemon's stats tomorrow. This will prevent more bloat in the chapters especially when Dante obtained more Pokemon.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.