I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun

Chapter 250

Chapter 250 – RTB Again

A brief silence ensued.

However, no one opened their mouths. It was to organize the facts we had heard in our heads – why had I become like this? What was worldline synchronization? And what exactly was the Dark Zone? The answers to these questions were filled with literally shocking content.

In fact, even if we summarized the conversation so far and left the room, there wouldn’t have been any major problems or regrets. Through the questions and answers exchanged in such a short time, more than half of the questions we had were resolved.

There were answers that were hard to accept, but there were also ones that were not.

But that didn’t mean I could let my guard down. There were still a few more answers I needed to hear, and I didn’t know what kind of shocking answers might come out here.

There was no need to move in another direction.

“Let’s continue with what we were talking about.”

What is the Dark Zone? Why did I become like this? Although some of my questions had been resolved, I still hadn’t heard the fundamental answers – the Dark Zone connected worlds through synchronization and had various effects on both sides.

The first effect was to awaken the memories of all those related to me or deeply involved in the Omega virus incident.

And the second, yet to be confirmed, was that after completing the synchronization through the Indian Point defense mission, it would somehow affect the other side by depicting the events that followed. They assured it, so there was no doubt about it.

That was what was revealed through the conversation just now.

But another question popped up.

If all these things were true-

“…Why are these things happening? What is this game ultimately trying to achieve?”

The fact that this game exists means that there is a way to interfere with the worldline on the other side. Moreover, since the reverse had already been achieved through memory synchronization, the possibility was sufficient.

Therefore, assuming the worst-case scenario, there was no guarantee that there wouldn’t be a second… or third victim like me depending on the game’s progress. From that perspective, I had to make sure of this part’s details.

How much time had passed?

The camera moved and faced me.

-[<—-> : To answer that question, we need to mention why the Dark Zone and ICARUS International were created. I was going to explain it gradually, but the opportunity has come.]

-[<—-> : According to our investigation, the Dark Zone and ICARUS International are a kind of… immune system to recover from the aftermath of the worldline collision. Therefore, if the game has a purpose, it would be the complete recovery of the damaged worlds and the separation of the two worlds.]


I nodded. I understood what they meant.

At least it was not bad to know that this huge game had a comprehensible purpose, but there was one thing that I couldn’t ignore.

“I thought you two were deeply involved, but you seem to say you’re not really related.”

-[<—-> : It’s understandable to think so. But to answer that question definitively, our department has almost no relation to the Dark Zone and ICARUS International.]

“…But you do have some relation?”

-[<—-> : If you have to say that adjusting the methods to achieve the game’s purpose is related, then yes. But if we hadn’t intervened, the Dark Zone might have sent the players to the other world to recover the worldline. There could have been victims like Yoo Jin.]

-[<—-> : The most important thing for the immune system is achieving the purpose, and the legality of the means is an unnecessary discussion for them.]

“…That means.”

As expected.


From that perspective, the worries I had were not baseless fears but rational concerns about a potential ticking time bomb – but since they mentioned it so directly, there wouldn’t be an outbreak of people suffering the same misfortune as I did.

Then what I had to do from now on was simple.

They set up the scenario, and I cleared it.

I didn’t know the exact mechanism, but the scenario after the second worldline synchronization would continue to unfold based on the background of my MIA status at the Indian Point nuclear power plant.

Until the world I was in was completely stabilized.

In other words, until I finished the tasks that I thought were impossible to complete with my own hands, which I had long desired but thought were forever unattainable.

In short-

“So, there are still unresolved matters… that’s what it means.”

A simple and clear solution.

However, to hear this fact, I had received help from many people to stand here – even from those who were conversing with me now.

Therefore, I had something to say.

“…Thank you. Sincerely.”

For saving me.

For bringing me back here.

I had a lot to say, but with my limited vocabulary, that was all I could express.

There were many moments when my eyes reddened since coming to America.

But how could I not be moved by receiving so much help from so many people? Still, thanks to crying my heart out when I received the medal a few days ago, although my nose was stinging, I managed not to cry in front of them.


If the Medal of Honor had compensated for all my efforts so far, this conversation had informed me of what had happened to me and indirectly guaranteed the fulfillment of my unknown desire.

I still couldn’t fully trust the Dark Zone game… but even so, if I hadn’t started this game, many difficulties would have arisen in getting back to this place. Even if I had come, I wouldn’t have been ready to hear all these facts.

In the midst of this, a voice slowly resonated.

-[<—-> : That gratitude is the reason our department was established. From that perspective, we’ve also received enough reward.]

And a brief silence followed.

After that fleeting moment, the conversation continued.

-[<—-> : When everything is over, please come back to us. By then, we might be able to have a meal together at least once.]

“…You’re truly amazing people.”

Of course, rejection wasn’t an option.

I also had to change my thinking.

“…Originally, I was going to ask everything I wanted to today, but since you said we could meet again, there’s no need for that.”

-[<—-> : You can ask now.]

“I don’t know.”

I added with a chuckle.

“Leaving at least one question will make me curious enough to come back here again, and it will give you something to think about answering, right?”

Simply put, it was a wish for a reunion with a smiling face – even though I said it like that.

They quickly caught on to the implication and added.

-[<—-> : That’s right. Hopefully, we’ll meet again with a lighter heart… though, it seems you don’t intend to leave yet.]

“That’s correct.”

There was plenty of time, and there were even more things to discuss.

The sound of a chair creaking was followed by a voice from the speaker.

-[<—-> : In that case, it might be good to leisurely listen to what’s happened so far. Should I bring some popcorn?]

“You’ll need quite a lot.”

-[<—-> : That’s music to my ears.]

It seemed like it was going to be quite an enjoyable time.


It was cold outside, but it wasn’t dark.

I had entered around noon, but by the time I came out of the building again, it was 4 PM. Of course, during the conversation, all the ICARUS Gear had been turned off, so my sense of time was somewhat skewed, but I never imagined that four hours had already passed.

Naturally, when I came out, there was no one around. But there was no need to worry. I only had to decide whether to take the subway back or grab a taxi.

It was too late for lunch but too early for dinner. After wandering around outside so much, the hotel might even feel unfamiliar. Since things had come to this, I thought I might as well stroll around Manhattan.

My last memory of lower Manhattan was after a typhoon had swept through. But seeing this intact scenery brought a touch of cognitive dissonance.

“Even if I know the geography, I have no idea what’s around…”

I didn’t know what cafes there were or what attractions to see.

The only memories I had were of gunfights on similar-looking streets. Even though I had spent four years in New York, I couldn’t remember where anything was. It would be a laughable story for a stand-up comedy show.

Well, I had some money at least. English was my second language, and as long as I avoided the dangerous areas, I shouldn’t have any major issues.

Since I left the hemispherical space where the mainframe existed, the ICARUS Gear had been functioning normally again. The temperature control feature had long since protected me from the biting cold.

Just as I was about to take a step in an unknown direction,

“Where do you think you’re going, our youngest?”

“…I waited about two hours, and when you didn’t come out, I was told to go back and rest at the place we’re staying.”

“Is it that hard to wait just four hours? Hurry up and get in. We’ll take you to Central Park.”

The moment I felt Miss DevGru, Laurentina, who had achieved perfect stealth, grab the back of my neck with her rough grip, my escape plan fell apart, and my body was forcibly stuffed into Logan’s bongo van that had appeared out of nowhere.

As soon as I leaned against the comfy back seat with a tail-specific hole, a parade of questions began. What is the Dark Zone? What happened? Of course, I couldn’t say a word, and these sharp-witted people started to guess the details instead of getting angry or prying further.

As expected of special forces members, their perception was incredibly sharp.

“It seems like there’s a secret you can’t reveal.”

“There must be a reason for that. Our youngest wouldn’t keep his mouth shut for nothing, right?”

“…Please don’t call me ‘youngest.’ I’m an adult, an adult.”

But my heartfelt plea was mercilessly suppressed on the spot.

While I, who had become Laurentina’s aroma pillow, was having my cheeks squeezed without mercy, Logan’s bongo van was driving through the heart of Manhattan.

After some time, I could roughly guess the current context – they weren’t uninterested in the Dark Zone, but they didn’t take it seriously either.

If the situation had been serious enough to be unacceptable, I would have told my seniors the truth. On the contrary, they quickly guessed from my silence that it wasn’t something to be overly concerned about.

So, the conversation flowed to more trivial matters.

“By the way, I haven’t asked yet. Where are you all staying?”

“There are a few mansions owned by friends on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. One of them was gladly lent to us. It’s more than enough for three people to stay for about three weeks.”

“Upper East Side… isn’t that where the rich people live?”

“One of them works as an executive in a pretty decent PMC.”

Of course.

I thought they might not be the type to rent a hotel for weeks and wondered if they had the money, so I asked, and it turned out they had their own ways. Perhaps the world really does run on connections.

Thinking about it, I also made quite a few connections while working in ICARUS, the top-tier special forces. Sirkins was the chief of staff for the Secretary of Defense, and Chester was an elite who graduated from Johns Hopkins University and passed the advanced field medicine course…

Well, even though it was unofficial, as an honorary medal recipient, I wouldn’t be out of place among such elites.

But as I was thinking about this, the time to bid farewell to these people was approaching.

The car stopped, and the barren Central Park came into view.


“…It’s been a short but long three days. Thank you all so much.”

“Unlike the senior officer or this bear, I’ll be visiting often whenever I get bored, so you don’t have to look so sad. Who knows? We might run into each other at the hotel lobby during breakfast tomorrow.”

“I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“Do I just need to bring an elephant tranquilizer?”

“Haha, really…”

What can I say, these people were truly consistent.

Maybe the reason they were still doing fine was because of this cheerful nature. Perhaps I still maintained my sanity because of people like them.

I added with a chuckle.

“Come visit anytime. I’ll welcome you warmly.”

With that, we exchanged smiles.

After getting off near the entrance of Central Park and carefully closing the car door, the vehicle carrying Logan, the senior officer, and Laurentina disappeared into the heart of New York, leaving only the cold winter wind to envelop me in silence.

It was a ten-minute walk to the hotel.

With a small piece of iron that I couldn’t show to others and many secrets I could never tell, it was time to return to where I belonged.

New York, struck by the cold wave, was warmer than I had expected.

“Yoo Jin, what brought you to the University of Pennsylvania?”


“You really look like you don’t know anything.”

Dice projected a hologram into the air.

Cruelly, my far superior eyesight immediately caught the hot article title making rounds on the internet in a split second.

A title that didn’t require a word-by-word analysis.

-[Trending // Exotic visitors at the University of Pennsylvania…(Click to read more)]

And there was only one thing I could say.

“This is really driving me crazy.”

Thus, my long yet short business trip came to an end.

It was a truly absurd ending.


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