chapter 1109
48. Fist of Personality Correction
An unexpected attack from behind by someone you trusted – even Kephiel couldn’t resist such a “surprise”!
A beam of light pierced her chest, the sword turning crimson, spilling onto the pristine snow, melting into a pool of blood. Kephiel barely had time to show a look of shock before Lance pulled the blade free, giving her no chance whatsoever to recover!
The murmured ramblings she had been muttering gradually coalesced into clear words.
“I can’t regret it… If you hadn’t appeared, then what I did would have been right… Everyone wouldn’t have sacrificed themselves in vain. Everything I did was to eliminate the ‘Chaos’ back then in the correct way. That way, I won’t regret it…”
Can you even call that “no regrets”?! This was clearly a thought born from crossed wires in her brain!
Struggling to turn around, feeling the pain in her chest, Kephiel truly felt the approach of something called “death” for the first time. But now, all she could do was bite her lip, hoarsely growling out strained words.
“You’re… ‘Chaos’-fied too?”
The fairy, Lance, shouted as if desperate to prove her own sanity. “I just don’t want to regret it so much! It’s all your fault! All of you! If, if you hadn’t appeared in the first place! Then I wouldn’t have doubted myself at all! You’re the ones who ruined everyone! You’re the ones who made everyone’s sacrifice pointless!”
Devoid of logic, or rather… completely absorbed into her own self-centeredness, Lance, consumed by “Chaos”, was impossible to have a normal conversation with. Not to mention, her chest was already a sea of red, slowly collapsing…
To be greeted by this ridiculous and completely unacceptable “death script”…
…Like hell.
A white figure flew out, hovering beside Kephiel.
“You know, even when I was a division of you in those eras, I wouldn’t play out a death script like this…”
The Order Fairy sighed helplessly, looking at the “Kephiel” before her.
Then, she raised her hand, rewriting the script while the girl still had a sliver of life left!
“I’m going to say something you won’t like again: You really don’t need to go this far for some ‘lowly beings,’ Mas·ter.”
But wasn’t this the most direct way to solve the “Chaos”? After all, “Chaos” had evolved, and the script couldn’t erase it directly, so… “fighting fire with fire” became the best approach!
【Euclid has not taken damage!】
In the next moment, the wounds on “Kephiel” vanished without a trace. Although she still felt a faint ache in her chest, …
At least standing up, and then using all the strength in her body to deliver a Fist of Personality Correction to Lance’s face, wasn’t a problem!
After punching Lance, who was still repeating “Chaos”-tainted words, sprawling in the snow, “Kephiel,” or rather, myself, transformed into Kephiel with the help of the fairy Zerus, gasped for breath from this “overloaded” punch.
Half of it was because the punch really felt like it used up all the strength in my body, the other half… was because I was annoyed!
Although I already knew that Lance had fallen into “Chaos,” I didn’t expect it to be for such a boring and pathetic reason! After the previous Dio “fell into Chaos and was dealt with by Lance,” I already knew Lance’s “Chaos” back then. I didn’t deal with it immediately because the restricted script couldn’t eradicate it directly, and… I wanted to know the reason for Lance’s “Chaos.”
Of course, now it seemed that Lance’s “Chaos” wasn’t due to some sad or touching reason at all, but… for the pathetic reason of “not wanting to regret it”!
No, ’tis beyond pathetic, utter trash, she is!
A moment later, as Lance scrambled back to her feet, I landed another punch, sending her sprawling again!
“Lance, regret stings you now!? When your own actions deserve it, you dare wish to ‘not regret’!? Spirit of the Sword, you are pathetic beyond measure, I feel shame on behalf of your master!”
Then, not bothering with more honeyed words to this sprite, I straddled her, grabbed her collar, and yanked the still-dazed creature upright.
“Every damned thing that’s happened, you brought upon yourself! What, you think that by slaying every single person who ‘helped you resolve your confusion,’ you can claim you feel no regret? Killing all those who would make you feel wrong, just so you can believe you’re right? You think this is Assassin’s Creed or somesuch nonsense?!”
[Lance falls into “Confusion.”]
The sprite from the script remained in a state of “Confusion.” And regarding her varied “Confusions”, I could only manage a wordless “Er…” with a helpless feeling.
“The only way for you to find your way out of the forest, is to fix your ‘Confusion’! That’s what those team members, who died to give you another chance, and your master would have wanted for you, simpleton!”
[Lance is resisting “Confusion!”]
“That’s it? That’s the best you can do? All that talk of being able to handle ‘Confusion’, and this is all it amounts to? You’re going to show up like a garbage monster!? Do you think I’d even want you under my wing? You’re worth zero! I could grab any sprite off the street in Rodema and they’d be ten times the one you are!”
[Lance is fighting “Confusion!”]
The script shows that I am fully aware of Lance’s process! So this time, I won’t even try to help. If this sprite can’t conquer “Confusion” on her own, and I merely resolve it with my help, then there’s bound to be a repeat, another one…
Perhaps, that’s why even though Kefir and I eliminated the “Confusion” before, it continued to fester afterward! This “Confusion” must be purged by the victim herself.
“Let the frigid winds of the snowfields chill your thick head! If I return and you’re still this pathetic mess, I’ll not hesitate to use my own powers to send you to meet your master!”
With that, I stood and left Lance’s body.
Partly to allow Lance to battle her inner “Confusion,” and also because… I lacked the time to linger there, watching the sprite struggle with her demons.
I had other matters to attend to – in the Queen’s decision just now, “Kefir” and Lance were paired together, which meant… “Euclid” was with the Queen. Based on Lance’s thought, in theory, it shouldn’t have affected Kefir at all, even if “Regret” had rippled outwards. Lance, of course, couldn’t have possibly created such a “perfect opportunity” of today.
“Confusion” must have taken hold of someone even more important beside me.
Kefir, currently masquerading as “Euclid,” faced a far more dangerous situation than me just now, “Ambushed by Lance.”
[Louise IV falls into “Confusion.”]
Queen, how could you be troubled by such a “minor issue”?