Chapter 48: Silent Night
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"Why are you following us?"
"I have decided to aid Lord Peverell. Why do you seem surprised?"
"I didn't know that translated to following him everywhere."
"Secretaries do that, for your information."
Fleur hissed as she looked at Camille who comfortably stood behind Harry. They had been at it for the last five minutes and Harry was too amused to tell them to stop. Camille was older than Lily, Bella, and Fleur combined but got along with Fleur, the youngest, the most. Harry surmised Vampires had stunted mentality in return for retaining their youth.
"All right, quit it, you two. Let's go home."
Harry put an end to Fleur and Camille's banter. Everyone took out their wands and pointed them at the kettle on the ground. Camille didn't have a wand—she wasn't allowed to have one—so she snaked her arm around Harry's as he activated the Portkey. They felt a pull under their navel before they got sucked into the kettle.
They were in London when the sensation settled. Charlus and Draco harrumphed in annoyance while Camille clutched Harry for her dear life. The Portkey seemed to have traumatised her. Despite that, she revealed she rather enjoyed the travel. However, she admitted that she wouldn't have any Portkey travel soon.
Harry's keen sense registered an ominous Magic signature in the air. Having felt Voldemort's Magic signature, Harry knew it wasn't his. It was something else. Harry's eyes sank coldly. Something non-canon was interfering with the universe. It might be the universe's defence mechanism to ward him, a non-canon entity, off.
"Camille," Harry called solemnly.
"I can't trust you—not yet. I can only think of one way to solve my trust issue."
"Whatever it is, I am prepared," Camille said in determination.
"Then, I shall turn you into my slave."
Before Camille could process Harry's words, Harry cast the Enslavement Charm on her. A blue tattoo resembling a bird appeared on her forehead. It shone for a few seconds before disappearing. As Camille looked at Harry dumbly, Harry waved his hand and explained that the Charm would only prevent her from thinking or doing harm to him and his allies.
"Let's get going."
The group travelled to 12 Grimmauld Place with a distracted Camille. Dumbledore would hold a meeting with his group at their house. Harry didn't want Dumbledore and his group to casually stroll into their house, so he needed to prepare some things. They shouldn't access areas that Harry wouldn't expose to the public.
Once at home, Lily and Harry warded the house. The others could only watch as they did it. Bella was well-versed in combat but not in warding. Narcissa was knowledgeable enough to know what Harry and Lily were doing but couldn't perform what they were doing. Draco and Charlus didn't have any idea what they were doing.
"It's just waving your wand around and creating that flimsy barrier, right?"
"What do you say we try it, Charlus?"
"I was about to say that, Draco."
"Finally, we are going to get some privacy."
The pair had gotten closer while spending their time chasing snatch in Hawaii. They only managed to shag one girl but enjoyed the journey, as they said, greatly. Enough to say, they weren't amused by Dumbledore's summon and Voldemort's attack. The bloody pair had ruined their immaculate schedule of youthful exploration.
"Unless you want to be killed by your Spell, don't attempt what Harry and Lily are doing," Narcissa scolded gently, dampening the pair's mood.
"Well, I am leaving for work. Good luck with the meeting," Bella bade her farewell after enjoying the amusing interaction.
"Uh…I am going to the garden," Camille said timidly.
Harry and Lily finished their work a few minutes later. As Harry sat on the sofa, Lily wrote a letter to Dumbledore and his goons, detailing the address of their house. The house was under the Fidelius Charm, so only Lily, the Secret Keeper could share the house's location. Once Lily sent the letters, she joined Harry on the sofa. They snogged a little and then decided they needed a bath even though it was only nine in the morning.
Harry and Lily met Fleur on their way to the bathroom. Fleur had just finished organising her room and writing a letter to her family to notify them she was fine. The Azkaban raid was worldwide news, after all. Fleur decided to join them after asking where Lily and Harry were going. They spent two hours having fun in the bathroom.
They were chilling in the living room when the ward was disturbed. A group of people were in front of their door. Harry stood up and went to open the door. When he opened the door, he was greeted by Dumbledore and eight of his followers.
"I am sorry to disturb your holiday, Harry. I believe you understand the situation, so please forgive this old man's intrusion. Ooh! I got a birthday present for you." Dumbledore handed Harry a worn-out book: An Insight to Alchemy by Nicholas Flamel. "I don't think I can give you riches more than you already have. This should not be bad, should this?" Dumbledore winked.
"Welcome to my humble abode, Professor Dumbledore…and members of the Order," Harry drawled. "Please, come in."
Lily and Fleur flanked Harry as soon as he led the people inside. Dumbledore walked in, followed by his Order, and looked around the house. It was the first time he visited the place since Sirius' death. Dumbledore noted a lot had changed. He detected the Wards that kept visitors out of certain regions but said nothing about it.
When they arrived at the meeting room, Dumbledore looked at Camille with intrigue and cautiousness. The Order members reacted differently. They gasped and expressed their wariness toward the Vampire. They didn't have any prejudice against Vampires, but they couldn't help but worry given the recent occurrence.
"This is Camille Sanguina. Her family joined Voldemort and she is here to aid me," Harry introduced Camille shortly, ignoring the tense atmosphere in the room.
"Are you perhaps related to Madam Carmilla Sanguina?" Dumbledore asked curiously.
"We are not here to talk about personal matters. Make it quick, Professor," Harry interjected before Camille could open her mouth.
"Ah, yes. I shouldn't forget about that."
"Please, have a seat, everyone."
As everyone sat at the round table, Harry made a face, "Ah, I forgot to introduce you to another person who may help us. Also, quick question, does participating in the Order meeting make me one of you?"
"Why, of course, young Harry. But you may not consider yourself one if you feel uncomfortable," Dumbledore said amiably."
"Good. Exclude me from your vigilante group, but let's keep our cooperation."
Everyone watched as Harry walked out of the room. Some of them turned to Lily, asking if she knew whom Harry would bring. Lily told them to wait patiently. On the other hand, Dumbledore greeted Fleur and thanked her for participating in the meeting. The young Veela clarified that she wasn't joining the Order and only wanted to help Harry—a point that Camille resounded.
When Harry returned with a flustered Narcissa, the Order members went silent, especially Nymphadora who didn't have an amicable relationship with her stuck-up aunt. The others were wary of Narcissa given her previous affiliation but didn't say anything. They had accepted Severus, an active Death Eater, into their group; so why not an ex-wife of a dead Death Eater?
"This is Narcissa Black. She doesn't know much, but it is more than any of you in the room combined knows," Harry introduced Narcissa briefly. "Now, on to the matter," he continued as he pushed Narcissa to sit on a chair.
Harry took his seat and looked at everyone with a still gaze. Dumbledore immediately decided the introduction could be put off later.
"The Vampire's addition to Voldemort's army is not yet known. Madam Bones is a cautious person, but I doubt she will accept my allegation against the Vampires based on the fact that they have mysteriously gone from the world," Dumbledore began. "I also can't risk provoking the people's outrage towards an already prejudiced community, so I wish to keep that information to myself. However, we have to do something to stop Voldemort's growing power."
"Get to the point, Dumbledore," Harry remarked disinterestedly.
"I am planning to tell the world about the Horcrux," Dumbledore announced. "I need you to help me spread the word. My influence may make people hear me, but I am not sure if people will listen to me. I will raise this issue in the next Wizengamot meeting, Harry. I want you, Lily, and Bellatrix to back me up."
"Easily done. You don't have to set up a meeting and waste everyone's time for that," Harry waved dismissively, earning an embarrassed but relieved chuckle from Dumbledore. "So what is your true agenda?"
"We need to gather allies. Given the Azkaban prison break, our Ministry's focus is no longer on preparing for Voldemort's attack. The Aurors are spread thin to look for the escaped prisoners. We are going to get caught off guard without allies. Even if we can't pull them to our side, we can at least ensure they remain neutral."
Dumbledore's eyes briefly flickered to Camille who remained silent the entire time. Harry scoffed faintly. Dumbledore was stretching his delusion. Wizards were mostly cowards. They either joined the strongest force or hid until they were forced to fight. The Magical creatures hated Wizards thanks to the latter's complete disregard for the former.
Gathering allies? They would be wasting time. Harry tuned Dumbledore out as he talked about the sides they needed to persuade. He also disregarded the assignment that Dumbledore gave.