Chapter 15
The day after I sent the invitation message, after attending a lecture with Hitomi Yuuki,
“I drove here today, so let’s take my car.”
I told Hitomi, who was sitting next to me, diligently taking notes in class.
“Oh, your car? You won’t be able to drink, is that okay? Well, I don’t drink anyway, so it doesn’t matter to me.”
She responded casually.
Now, let me take a moment to introduce Hitomi Yuuki.
She’s not particularly good with alcohol.
After I first met her, we had a drinking party with some classmates from our shared lectures. However, she didn’t touch a single drop of alcohol.
When I asked about it, she explained that while her father could drink, her mother wasn’t very strong with alcohol. She figured she probably took after her mother, and when she actually got tested, she found out she had a mild alcohol allergy. Since drinking had no real benefits for her, she decided she wouldn’t drink unless there was an exceptional reason to.
At first, I was skeptical. But then, one of our female classmates who was at that same gathering confirmed the story—apparently, after taking just one sip of alcohol, Hitomi broke out in red hives all over her arms and had to go home feeling sick.
Hearing that, I realized that some people really do have different physical tolerances.
When she agreed to ride in my car, she added, “It’s no fun if only one person is drinking anyway. Besides, I don’t even like alcohol that much.”
We made small talk as we reached the parking lot, and finally, I unlocked my car.
“This is my ride. Go ahead, hop in.”
I tried to act nonchalant as I invited Hitomi into the car.
“Whoa, it’s huge! And kinda intimidating! So that car everyone was talking about was yours, Kirishima?”
She laughed, clearly amused, and eagerly got in.
“Wow, the inside is really luxurious. And surprisingly clean, too.”
She looked around the interior, impressed.
“‘Surprisingly’ is a little rude, don’t you think? And don’t go snooping around too much, it’s embarrassing.
I actually take good care of my belongings and try to keep them in great condition for as long as possible.”
“You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat their car,” she teased, clearly enjoying our conversation.
“I’ll make sure to drive carefully so you’re not disappointed.”
“That would be best,” she replied with a satisfied nod as we set off.
Now, let me add some more details about Hitomi Yuuki.
To put it simply, she’s an incredible beauty. She’s been scouted by talent agencies multiple times—more than just once or twice, from what I’ve heard.
She’s also fairly tall. Around the upper 160 cm range, making her about 20 cm shorter than me. For reference, I’m 183 cm, but since I have a bit of a slouch, I don’t come off as overly imposing.
On top of that, she has a well-endowed figure. Even with her clothes on, it’s noticeable. However, she seems to be self-conscious about it and avoids wearing outfits that emphasize her chest. With her height and choice of clothing, it’s not always obvious, but according to our friend Shimizu, she’s at least an F-cup.
Despite all these high specs, you might assume she’s incredibly popular with guys. While that assumption isn’t entirely wrong, it’s not exactly right either.
Yes, she is admired, and she gets along well with others, but I’ve never heard any stories about her dating someone—nor has Shimizu.
Even Shimizu, who prides himself on being the “informant” of Osaka University, hasn’t been able to dig up any rumors about her relationships, which probably means she’s never actually dated anyone.
According to Shimizu, whenever she turns someone down, she always uses the same line: “There’s someone I’m interested in.”
Shimizu has been obsessed with trying to figure out who that “someone” is.
Thinking about that conversation, I continued driving toward the Japanese restaurant with the so-called Madonna of Osaka University sitting in my passenger seat.
“By the way, what’s the name of the place we’re going to?”
Hitomi asked.
“It’s called Iwai. Have you heard of it?”
“Nope. But if the owner named the place after themselves, they must be pretty confident in their food.”
“I never thought about it that way, but that’s probably true. I have high expectations for it, too.”
She nodded in satisfaction at my response, and we continued on our way.