Chapter 47: Chapter 47. The Plot Begins 1.
I walked downstairs and saw Victor sitting in the living room holding a phone in his hand, playing a game, He rised his heard after hearing foot steps.
Victor Walker " Took you long enough, let's go " He said as he walked towards the garage, where his sport car was parked, I followed and when we both got to the garage you can see almost all the cars in the garage are black.
I entered into a modified Lamborghini Veneno, It is fully black both internal and external, Victor entered his Ferrari SF90 XX Stradale that he drove here, We started our engines and exited the garage heading for the University.
Pov : Narrator Mc.
[ Time 7:30am ]
[ The University ]
We finally arrived at the University after Victor made me go to his friends neighborhood, He shared the news that I would be starting lectures today, If it was one, It would have been fine, but he made me drive to all their houses, And currently my social relation battery was drained even if I just nodded at them.
When we got to the University, I opened the school map and drove to the Science faculty, Where Computer science and Engineering Physics were located.
I majored in Engineering science but dabbled in Computer science, I just wanted to see if there were differences between The Prime Universe and this earth's science, there were no differences, But something I failed to mention was that this Earth's knowledge and technology were very Primitive, They still used cars with wheels, In the prime Universe these Cars will be antique collections of some noble.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that they still used Electric stoves. The Prime Universe had technology that could boil water in miliseconds, Well this are all the reasons why the Walker's Industries became so successful.
I parked my car in the parking lot within the Faculty and so did Victor, We both got out, I held my phone in my hand to navigate my way to my department.
Vincent Walker " .... You know your Faculty is at the other side of the Campus right? " I said without looking back, Victor studied Economics in hopes of taking over dad's business, Which I doubt because this world be meet a drastic change in a few years.
Victor Walker " Of course I do, I just wanna know your schedules and the exact building you be having lectures in " He said as he walked behind me, I couldn't see but I had a feeling he had a grin his face.
I noticed that all around us students were taking pictures of Us with surprised expressions, I'm sure there surprised to see two 'Victors' together.
I ignored them, so did Victor as we were used to the attention we unintentionally draw to ourselves.
As we walked, In the corner of my eye I noticed a certain Beautiful Curvy busty girl staring at us, well at victor, She had red long hair with green eyes, She wore baggy clothes to hide her figure but, they barely did their work.
Vincent Walker ' Seems like the plot will begin any moment from now ' I thought we stepped in the building.
It took a few turns to find my lecture hall, It was mostly empty with only a few people present.
Vincent Walker " The is were some of my lectures will take place, I have sent you my schedule and I see that the break time is applied to the whole school, So see you at Twelve, Now leave me alone " I said before I turned to enter the hall.
Victor Walker " Alright see you then, Hey aren't you gonna walk me back to the car? " He asked looking at me with a pout, It worked, well not for me but for the girls in the hallway, they started taking pictures like it was some kind of conference, A girl even fainted with blood running from her nose.
Vincent Walker " .... *Sigh* " I just looked at his face and signed, I ignored him and walked into the lecture hall.
Victor Walker " *Tsk* " ' That used to work when we were kids ' He left.
Interacting with outsiders drained my Social battery rapidly and interacting with Victor does the same just not as fast, That's why most of the time I just let him do whatever he wanted, He becomes really annoying when he's trying to convince me about something, That's what happened this morning while we were driving to school.
I chose a random seat, with my a little above average (maybe) sense attribute I could hear the Lecturer's words from anywhere in the lecture hall, I chose a random seat that was further from every body else, Sat and pulled out my ear buds which I connected to my phone to listen to some subtle music.
It was currently break time and I am exhausted, not from the lectures but from the shear number of students that wanted to strike up a conversation with me, Of course I ignored all of them and increased the volume of my ear buds.
Break time, I received a text from Victor saying that he'll arrive in Ten minutes, I grabbed my things walked past the students trying to chat with me, I made sure there was no skin contact before I got to the car park and entered my car.
A few minutes later, I heard an incoming call from victor, I connected it the car and answered, He told me to look to the side, and there he was in his car, He told to follow him and so I did after a few minutes of driving we got to the Cafeteria closest to his Faculty.
When we entered It was bustling with students, I don't do very well with crowds and there was a lot of noise but all that stopped when a girl screamed.
Student 1 " *Gasp* Kyaaaa!! " This scream brought everyone's attention to the girl, She had a petite body with a cute face, as well as black short hair and eyes, She stood in front of us with both hand over her mouth with an obvious blush on her face.
Vincent Walker ' What is wrong with her? ' I thought and immediately mayhem ensued, girls were screaming as they took pictures, It was like I was in a K-pop concert, It was annoying.
I looked at Victor and stared at him as he smiled and posed for pictures.
Vincent Walker ' Armature ' I thought looking at him.
Victor walker " Don't worry bro, Give them a few minutes they'll settle down " He said before guiding me to table where four people were seated before he left to grab food, People I know of, It was the same people Victor made me Visit this morning.
Fredrick / Edward / Andrew / Leona " ... " They all quietly stared at me, I ignored them and sat down and the mood was Awkward for a few minutes before Victor arrived with two trays, One for me and the other for himself.
Victor sat next to me and as soon as he sat down the Awkward atmosphere vanished.
Victor Walker " So Vin, How is your first day going? " He asked as he opened a bottled water.
Vincent Walker " Annoying " I said before putting a spoon of indian curry in my mouth.
Victor Walker " Bro look, you gotta make some friends, Being alone all the time is not healthy " He said before putting a full spoon of egg fried rice in his mouth, As we talked his friends were quiet as the heard our Interaction.
Vincent Walker " I'm fine alone, Friends are a liability " I said without a change in expression.
Fredrick / Edward / Andrew / Leona " ... " His friends looked uncomfortable but I didn't care.
Vincent Walker " When are you getting a girlfriend? " I suddenly dropped a bombshell .
Leona / Victor "*Puff* *cough* *cough* they both nearly choked on their food.
Victor Walker " *cough* Bro! where did that come from? " He asked me before drinking form the bottled water, I ignored the choking leona and answered him.
Vincent Walker " You receive confessions almost everyday, It's High time you accepted one of them " I stated still eating my fooding slowly.
Leona Lykos "...."
Victor Walker " I could say the same to you, When will get one? " He said looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
Vincent Walker " .... Victor look at me, No girl will ever like me for me, All those confessions are just the attempts of pathetic lifeforms to gain a better life from my family " I said in a matter of fact.
Everyone " .... " The table was silent safe for the clinking of my spoon against the bowl.
??? " Um excuse me " The silence was broken by a voice, We all turned and saw a beautiful girl with pink hair and blue eyes, with a nice figure.
Victor Walker " Yes?~ " Victor answered with a smile.
??? " My name is Jane Julius and p-please take!! " She handed two pink letters with hearts on them to Victor before she turned and sprinted away with a flushed face.
Andrew Walter " Dude do you have any idea who that was? " A friend of Victor finally spoke.
Victor Walker " Mmhmm, She's Jane, one of the three Campus beauties which are Ruby Scarlet, Jane Julius and a girl named Vanessa Lionheart, Bro this is for you " He said before he handed one of the pink letters that had my nick name on it.
Vincent Walker ' Vanessa Lionheart, That name sounds familiar, Where have I heard that before?.... I'll think about it later... ' To My Cold Ice Prince ', .... I have barely been here a day and people already know that name *Sigh* ' I opened the letter and It read
" Hello my Ice Prince, I would love to tell you about my feelings.
But I would love to tell you them in person, Please meet me behind the cafeteria in 30 Minutes.
Yours Truly
Your lovely Soulmate "
To Be Continued....
Task : Join the Discord
Description: Join the End Of Days Server, When the new members amount get to 20 in numbers you all gain a free Chapter and with every 20 additions you get an extra chapter.
Rewards : +1 or more chapters.
Duration : Till the end of the week.
Penalty: None
Current Progress 3/20
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A/n : Images of twenty one years old Vincent and Victor are in discord.