I want my normal life back!!!

Chapter 7: NEW. 'HALF ENEMY'

'I thought this would be the new start of my normal lonely life. But when I enter the class with this idiot'

 Jasmine shouts, sitting on her classroom desk. —

Jasmine's Friend speaks who is standing next to her.

'Desk is for books why can't Jasmine sit on her chair' abhay thoughts.

[Jasmine with a suspicious look stands up from desk and moves Towards abhay and Raj.]

[Coming near Raj, Jasmine bends slightly forward and tries to look at Abhay's face with different Angles.]

Jasmine speaks.

'Someone from your class' abhay speaks internally.

Jasmine says with joy.

[An arrow with 'ultra side character vibe' written on it ,pierces through Abhay's chest]

'Just how much more she will Insult me'

raj says with a Slight serious expression.

''That's because I have nothing to serve you, beloved Jasmine'' abhay says in a rude way. 

"Excuse Me!" By saying these harsh words Abhay goes to his chair and sit on it. 

Jasmine says to Raj in a regretful manner.

after saying this Raj Moves towards abhay.


"You could have said it's hers mistake"


"She has no right to speak to me that frankly. Without knowing me or allowed to call me invisible which is true, but it hurts"

*laugh* < You should learn how to talk to people>

"Whatever" ... "go and ask Jasmine how sports teacher asked her to call you"

< Yes, what happened to the sir. But if you want to know If sir is okay or not, you should just go and check On sir not to ask Jasmine that how sir called for me>

Abhay slams his hand on his forehead "Idiot" 

After processing his brain to the Fullest.

Raj slams his both hands on Abhay's desk 


"First my spell sealed her spells or their active effects and second i believe she is not under any spell"

< so that creature physical taking shape or by any other method as sports teacher told Jasmine , To lure me to gym >

"I think not when she was fighting with she did Use any mind control or shapeshifting spells. She is just too much powerful physically"


"Yes, otherwise who called police this early, only someone who can pretend to be other person or school sports teacher" 

[Raj notices That when abhay Is talking. Abhay's eyes are somewhere else. Raj in sign language of eyes asked abhay what is he looking at without saying anything. Abhay replies by pointing his eyes to the back gate of the classroom, that someone is there.]

Both raj and abhay prepare Themselves from action.


Abhay And Raj both instantly run towards the person who is trying To listen to them.

[Raj quickly grabs the left hand of the person and pulls to make an opening for abhay.]

[Abhay, seeing the opening, quickly grabs the Neck of the person.]

"AGNI" abhay shouts (in low that loud shout sound)

'What Why didn't it work'

the person speaks.

[A slight ray of fire emerges Out of the hand of the person which was grabbed by Raj.]

[Raj and abhay dodges the ray and jumps back]

that person speaks.

" Raj fire magic, she must be the controller. Attack!"

[Raj listens to Abhay and sprints quickly towards that girl.]

that girl forwards her hand and again uses the fire magic but this time raj duck down flexes both his legs then extends right leg to move left while duck down. Raj quickly extends both his legs to sprint and Drops a heavy blow directly on the face.

*thud!* *blank*

*black screen*

*HELLO HELLO* Loud voices 

'What' that girl thinks.

girl opens her eyes And looks around.

Our heroes look at girl, girl look at the surrounding

Our heroes are still looking at the girl, girl still Looking at the surroundings.

Abhay quickly shuts the girls mouth with his hands.

"speak in low volume it is a public place"

girl speaks in low volume.

raj replies to the girl.

girl asks abhay.

"Let's cut the chat and come to the main topic. Are you a boy witch or girl witch "

girl says.

"Answer rightfully that are you a boy Or a girl"

"Boys Can also have large hair and sharp voices. Beside as i see you have upliftment" [abhay says pointing at the chest of the girl.] "But that might be oranges"

'What is going on, what Should I do now? I am In boys' washroom, sitting on a toilet seat, hands tied by skipping rope and being interrogated by one creep idiot(abhay) and another idiot idiot (raj).skipping rope i can burn but what about these two, i can hand one at least to get out.'

"I told you interrogation of a girl is not my thing, i am going out, you use your charisma mr One shot killer (Of girls)" abhay says to Raj.

'This is my opportunity'

Quickly after abhay goes out that girl burns the skipping rope, finds raj unbalanced and pushes him, Opens the gate of the toilet room and quickly runs towards the gate of boys Washroom.

'It was easy, but just too easy. Raj has an athletic body, whatever i do, it is not easy for me to push him this easily, even if I push him. His reflexes would have caught Me easily. So how'

Just before reaching the gate of the boys washroom. Girl sees back and sees that Abhay and Raj are just standing there, not moving. Girl stops at the moment.

girl shouts.

"I told You speak in a low voice. This is public place" 

'What's with these two is this a trap, or there is something outside, from the light coming from the window its day only, means I am unconscious for few minutes and I can tell this is school building with no doubt' girl thinks

*footsteps* girl says.

*footsteps approaching*

Abhay and Raj reach near the gate 

*click* *clang* without Listening the girl goes outside the boys washroom.

girl says.


raj says to abhay.



*BHOOOM* *THUD* Girl falls.

"Well that makes it more obvious That she is a magic type not a physical type. We must capture her somewhere. But where"

Both Raj and Abhay looked at the boys washroom on the third floor simultaneously.

*drag* " She Is too heavy" 

"We don't know if she can control you again or not. Even if she is unconscious it is risky."

*click* *clang* 


"Even if she can control me, you can handle me. But i can't handle you or her alone"


"My AGNI Didn't work at first. I want that answer. Maybe the screen can answer me? And Raj, please keep the gate closed."

*screen appear* 'Wow it's just thought and it appear, really convenient'

'There is an option here to scan. Let's try it'

Abhay clicks the right lower most icon on the screen.

*click* [a golden light bursts out of the screen which covers the whole boys washroom.]

[Screen changes three names appeared on the screen with power levels.]

[ABHAY: 0.8.

RAJ: 2.

SAARA: 1.0.]

'Why does Raj have more power than me? Might be due to physical power level'

< Did you get any information from your invisible screen >

"yeah it shows your powers level is more than double of mine and she is slightly powerful than me"

Abhay closes his eyes to think.

"I have a plan! Are you ready"

PLAN: identity saara.

FIRST: We will put her in the toilet chamber. Then you go and grab your skipping rope. The first lecture is about sports, which means everyone is out and class will be empty and no one will doubt. I will stay here and keep Check On her.


[Raj quickly goes to the classroom and grabs the skipping rope, comes back and gives it to abhay. abhay ties saara hands up.]

"Bro, that's what the plan is."

SECOND: now you stay here and I will go to classroom to look into saara's bag"

"she mostly carries a laptop with her. Do you know how to operate and access the inner secret file of a laptop?"

" So you want to take a girl's bag to the boys washroom in front of the cameras and don't tell me that you can just put all the items in your bag and get your bag here. You carry a small sports bag. You Can't get a laptop in it, also I don't want anyone to find that in between class we are carrying a bag in. Boy's washroom suspiciously."

[Abhay quickly go and looked for saara's bag]

"third row 4th seat there it is."

[Abhay looks into saara's laptop, searching all the files, abhay runs software from his cloud account to search for hidden files]

"so what do we have her"

"Well! This is not what I expected"

*click* *clang* < did you found something important >

"Yeah really important, how is our guest now? *smirk* Let's start our third plan."

THIRD: We will wait for her to gain consciousness and act like an idiot. Then after convincing her that we are idiots. I will make an excuse to go outside. Then she will definitely try to escape and we will let her escape. Not completely.

< why can't I go outside, If I let her go this easily didn't she doubt that this is a trap. She can't doubt with you >

" This is also a part of the plan. I want to see if she controls you or not if she sees you alone. And it doesn't matter who is going to stay. If she doubts or not, In any choice she will fall under my trap third plan."

[Our boys executed the third part very effectively]



girl shouts this loud that her voice reaches the hallway.


"i put my barriers spell On the boys washroom, that's my last part of the third plan, to check if she can comes out or not"

Raj says with creepy voice

Abha with a creepy voice " I see on the screen that I can put barriers with a timer also. After some time the barrier automatically pulls off."


< so come on tell me what information you got from this plan and from the saara's laptop >

Abhay smiles creepily *smile*.

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