Chapter 96 - The Valiant Lion and the Wise Fox
Although Daniel had hoped to stay in Velanos for a few more days, if not months, his wish tragically remained unfulfilled.
For the next day at noon, an Imperial private jet arrived in Tentarbahm, clearly an order for his immediate return.
Naturally, Daniel had no choice but to begrudgingly board the private jet under Hartman’s escort.
Upon Daniel’s boarding, the jet took off immediately, heading towards the Empire.
After freely soaring through the Empire’s airspace, the private jet landed at an airport near the Imperial Palace.
Disembarking the jet, Daniel spotted members of the Imperial Chamberlains waiting, silhouetted against the setting sun.
The Chamberlain led them and instructed Daniel, “His Majesty is waiting,” before escorting him to an Imperial ceremonial vehicle.
Although Daniel truly desired to rest, he could not refuse the Emperor’s command.
Traveling by vehicle to the Imperial Palace, Daniel was guided by the Chamberlain to a chamber called the “Golden Repose.”
Unable to discern its purpose, Daniel inquired cautiously, only to learn it was “the chamber where His Majesty drinks alone or reflects in solitude.”
In other words, he had been invited into the Emperor’s personal space.
For some inexplicable reason, Daniel felt an ominous sense, remaining tense throughout the journey until halting his steps at the palace’s upper level.
“His Majesty awaits beyond this door.”
The door indicated by the Chamberlain was lavishly adorned with gold.
Only then did Daniel comprehend the chamber’s name, the Golden Repose.
“His Majesty dislikes delayed responses to his inquiries, so it would be advisable to answer promptly.”
After adjusting his attire, Daniel nodded in acknowledgment of the Chamberlain’s advice.
Confirming Daniel’s preparedness, the Chamberlain knocked gently on the door.
“Your Majesty! Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Steiner has arrived to attend upon you!”
A voice from within granted entry.
The Chamberlain bowed before signaling to the Royal Guards stationed beside the door.
The Guards opened the door, revealing the Emperor’s back as he gazed outward from the chamber’s terrace.
Inside, the chamber featured large murals adorned with golden embellishments, and a glass dome ceiling through which moonlight streamed.
An expensive carpet covered the floor, and a glass liquor cabinet along one wall housed an array of premium whiskies rarely seen in one’s lifetime.
It was a realm of opulence unparalleled, prompting an involuntary sense of humility.
After briefly surveying his surroundings, Daniel strode naturally to the center of the chamber and saluted Emperor Bertram.
“Your Majesty! Daniel Steiner, Major of the General Staff Operations Division, has returned from serving as a diplomatic envoy and…”
Daniel fell silent, for Bertram had waved his hand, signaling an end to the formalities.
As Daniel lowered his saluting hand, Bertram spoke calmly.
“Come here. There is something I wish to show you.”
With a nod, Daniel approached Bertram.
As the distance closed, Bertram glanced sidelong at Daniel before gesturing downward.
“Do you see them? My people.”
Daniel turned his gaze in the direction Bertram indicated.
Vast crowds had taken to the streets, waving and cheering.
While an exact count was impossible, the multitude numbered at least ten thousand.
As Daniel stood transfixed, gazing upon the cityscape, Bertram chuckled.
“They have all gathered to celebrate your survival. A true festive atmosphere, is it not? Perhaps half of them merely seize the pretext of celebrating your survival to indulge in revelry.”
“…I did not expect such a gathering.”
“For the survival of a war hero, this is a modest turnout. Witnessing this reminds me of when I returned to the Empire after leading our first victorious war. Everyone praised my accomplishments then.”
Bertram’s half-open eyes lingered on the crowds.
“And now, they praise your deeds. So, let me ask you this. Are they my people or yours?”
Although a placid inquiry, it was not a question Daniel could easily answer.
For it was the first time the Emperor had so openly expressed suspicion towards him.
Sensing the gravity of the situation, Daniel immediately knelt on one knee.
“Your Majesty! The people’s praise of me is, in essence, praise of Your Majesty’s accomplishments! I am but a mere officer, one who carries out the Empire’s orders. Since the Empire is embodied by Your Majesty, how could they be considered my people?”
Bertram let out a low chuckle at Daniel’s defense.
‘He has grown accustomed to dealing with authority. The tremors in his voice have diminished significantly.’
While Daniel had been preoccupied with maintaining appearances during their initial encounter, he now exhibited a certain composure, even in deference.
Whether conscious of it or not, he had indeed grown accustomed to conversing with those in power.
Observing Daniel intently, Bertram nodded.
“If that is how you perceive it, so be it. Rise, and let us have a drink.”
As Bertram entered the chamber, Daniel rose to his feet.
Bertram approached the mahogany table at the center, where a premium whiskey and two crystal glasses awaited.
As Daniel drew near, Bertram took a seat and picked up the whiskey bottle.
“Have a seat.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
With a slight bow, Daniel seated himself as Bertram poured the whiskey.
The liquid emanating from the bottle was a golden-tinged amber hue.
While the prospect of a premium whiskey initially piqued his interest, it was short-lived.
“Your Majesty?”
A bewildered Daniel regarded Bertram, who had filled the glass to the brim.
Whiskey is not typically consumed in such a manner.
Especially with premium varieties, the norm is to savor the aroma and flavor in measured sips.
Yet Bertram, undoubtedly aware of this, had filled the glass to the top.
“Drink it first.”
“I shall drink as well.”
Bertram filled his own glass to the brim.
Witnessing this, Daniel exclaimed in alarm.
“Your Majesty! I have heard your condition has improved, but consuming such quantities of alcohol could be detrimental to your health.”
However, Bertram merely brushed it off with a light laugh.
“I know my body best. Drinking this amount will neither kill me nor prolong my life. So, drink up.”
After pouring the glasses, Bertram set the bottle aside.
Bertram raised his glass, prompting Daniel to follow suit, unable to refuse.
Exchanging a brief glance, they drained their glasses in a single gulp.
While Bertram cleared his throat as he digested the whiskey, Daniel erupted into a fit of coughing.
For Bertram, it was a familiar practice from his youth, but for Daniel, downing an entire glass of whiskey in one go was an unprecedented experience.
Observing Daniel’s violent coughing, as though he might perish, Bertram burst into raucous laughter.
“I had heard you enjoyed alcohol, but it seems that was an exaggeration. Are you unable to even handle that much?”
“This is… Cough! A first for me… My apologies.”
Having regained his breath, Daniel straightened his hunched posture and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Regarding Daniel with a meaningful gaze, Bertram spoke in a quiet voice.
“Observing you brings a certain fable to mind.”
“…A fable, Your Majesty?”
“Yes. Do you know the fable of the Valiant Lion and the Wise Fox?”
Of course, Daniel was familiar with it.
It was a renowned tale parents in the Empire often recounted to their children.
The story was simple.
A valiant lion, having successfully protected the forest from humans, summons all the animals of the forest.
Accusing one of conspiring with humans, the lion interrogates and devours each animal one by one.
Only the fox manages to escape alive.
Daniel, who was raised in an orphanage, had also heard this story from the Mother Superior.
“Anyone unfamiliar with that fable must be a spy.”
“In that case, we understand each other. From your perspective, what sort of trick do you think the fox employed to avoid becoming the lion’s prey and escape?”
An interesting aspect of this story is that the interpretation of how the fox escaped varies among households.
Thus, adults would often concoct their own narratives to explain the fox’s cunning to their children.
‘Of course…’
Daniel recognized that Bertram was not genuinely curious about the story’s interpretation.
‘…How long will you continue these mind games?’
It was only natural for the Emperor to be wary of a war hero who had accumulated excessive achievements.
Daniel understood the aging Emperor’s growing paranoia.
However, understanding and accepting were separate matters.
As the hastily consumed whiskey began to take effect, his emotions surpassed his reason.
‘The Emperor cannot fault me for successfully negotiating the treaty in Velanos. This conversation is…’
Mere nitpicking.
“Speak your mind. What trick do you think the fox employed?”
The second inquiry carried a sharper edge.
The Chamberlain’s advice to avoid silence in response to questions prompted a sense of urgency within Daniel.
Caught in his deliberation, Daniel ultimately decided to recount the version he had heard from the Mother Superior.
He deemed it wiser to relay the actual story instead of fabricating details, as it would leave no room for discrepancies.
“Your Majesty. May I respond by sharing the Mother Superior’s account from my childhood?”
By emphasizing it was the version from his orphanage days, Daniel ensured Bertram could not reproach him for any discrepancies, as it would merely be a recounting of what he had heard.
Recognizing Daniel’s deft evasion, Bertram nodded.
“Very well, let us hear it.”
“Yes. The Mother Superior began by mentioning the fox’s encounter with a rabbit before the lion’s arrival. You are undoubtedly familiar with the rabbit’s demise, Your Majesty.”
“Of course. The rabbit, fearing being devoured by the lion, prepared a bribe – a basket filled with blackberries…”
“Unfortunately, the lion suffered from a severe blackberry allergy. Perceiving it as an insult, the lion devoured the rabbit on the spot.”
“Ah, yes, that’s right.”
Affirming his recollection, Bertram prompted Daniel to continue.
“The Mother Superior said the fox must have gorged on blackberries the previous day. She even claimed the fox likely scattered blackberries throughout its den.”
Bertram regarded Daniel with a meaningful gaze.
Daniel proceeded with the tale.
“The following day, when the lion arrived at the fox’s den, the fox spoke thus: ‘O great lion, your majesty. You could undoubtedly devour me in a single bite. However, you must heed this one warning. My veins course with blackberry blood, so if you consume me…'”
After a brief pause, Daniel met Bertram’s gaze.
“‘You too must be prepared to face death.'”