Chapter 44: Clash of Legends
Finally after all the matches where teams poured their soul into their gameplay trying to get the summoner's cup two teams have come on the top.
And this is their final game the grand finale the Clash of Legends we were so excited to see.
Yes Shelly now is the place where Heroes become Legends and Moments become history.
Skt! Skt!
All Stars! All Stars!
Wow what an amazing development the fans who only cared about Skt are also cheering for All Stars.
JJ I don't think the fans want to take a side they want to enjoy the final showdown unbiased.
Here is Skt entering the stadium.
Skt! Skt! Skt! "All the fans cheer with such synergy that the whole stadium starts to vibrate.
Oh my gawd this might be the loudest sound I've ever heard in my entire life.
Yeeessss "both the commentators shout to be audible for the other" and it is not slowing down All Stars enters the stage.
All Stars! All Stars!! All Stars!!!
Wow look at that the people are really showing the respect for the world champions.
Soon to be world champions.
Yeah same thing.
Hehehe let's do it guyz we have the greatest moment of our lives and we will live it to it's fullest.
What did you say!
"Max repeats himself in a louder voice".
Ohhh I get it let's do it.
위대한 자만이 살아남는 콜로세움, 가서 승리하는 당신을 위한 무대입니다. (This is the stage for you the Colosseum where only the greats survive go and come out victorious.)
젠장 흥분해서 몸이 떨린다. (Shit I'm shaking from the excitement.)
걱정하지 마십시오. Piglet이 좌석에 닿는 순간부터 게임 본능이 발휘될 것입니다. (Don't worry Piglet as soon as your bum touches the seat your gaming instincts will take over.)
그렇다면 당신 말이 맞아요. (You are right well theeen.)
Damn the combination of the musicals and the cheering is making my ears ring.
Indeed from a tv screen it's having such an amazing impact on us just imagine being there in person how awesome would that be.
You ready to make the biggest profits of our life?
Yes Ben indeed let's go All Stars enough of your match fixing show us your 100%.
Yes sir if they win our company will be bankrupt.
What how can you say that.
We had an old policy where we accpeted the mount to be bet without limits and 'they' are exploiting that loophole.
Why don't you just kick them out.
We can't they came with security guards themselves.
What? And what if 'we' win?
We all would have the riches of our dreams.
"Both the Manager and the Ceo dreams about their riches and sparkles their eyes".
Don't worry this bet might be the best bet of our career let it play out.
"Back to Star Stadium".
The bans have started Shelly what do you think both teams will ban?
Assassins and Tank champions are the most powerful thus far they are the most dangerous and they are one who will be banned.
And here is the first ban it is going to be Nidalee by Skt they don't want to deal with Itachi's Nidalee.
Ryze that's an odd ban but still faker's one of the most dominant champions is banned out.
Pantheon Skt's is not taking chances on this game.
Ofcourse it is the deciding match anyone would not want to give even a single percent of advantage.
And look at that Jarven 4 by All Stars they don't want to give that pick to Bengi.
And of course Gragas.
If Gragas lands a perfect combo the enemy has no way to counter that it's a one shot kill and Alex has shown his combo's before.
And the final ban is going to be Karma.
All Stars bans: Ryze, Jarven4 and Karma.
Skt bans: Nidalee, Pantheon and Gragas.
Now for the picks both teams must be looking at their picked champions right now.
It will be a thrill to see who will be able to take away champions from the other team.
First pick Olaf by Skt they want to use this raging Viking to cause chaos.
Hey Michael you sure about this pick?
Yes go for it no questions asked.
Second pick will be Ash that is definefly not a pick we see everyday.
Third pick is Braum to protect and combo with the Ashe.
Forth pick by Skt what will they do to counter this icy combo? Tahm Kench and Ezreal ok.
Now All Stars's turn now if I had to predict what will All Stars take it has to be Zed and VI amazing champion target power.
No they want to opt for Lee Sin and Ahri maybe they didn't like the fact that Tahm Kench can nullify both of their ult's just by devouring it's teammate.
Cassiopeia and Poppy are the finals picks of Skt.
To counter Poppy the final pick by All Stars is Trundle both heavy tanks going to take a shot at each other.
All Stars vs Skt1
King (Trundle). (Poppy) Impact
Itachi (Lee Sin). (Olaf) Bengi
Alex (Ahri). (Cassiopeia) Faker
Johan (Ashe). (Ezreal) Piglet
Max (Braum). (Tahm Kench) PoohManDu
Both tank tops both aggressive jungler both-
Magic mages and both Melee and tanky supports.
This game will be the most even champion pool we have seen in a while.
Why do you think Alex didn't take Zed though?
It might because of-
"Back in the picking phase".
What? Why Ahri?
Just do it Alex you are going to praise me after the game is done.
"Back into the present".
The game that will crown the 2013 League of Legends's World Champions will begin NOW!
나는 평생 이 순간을 기다려왔다. (I have been waiting for this moment my entire life.)
꿈이 현실이 될 것입니다. (The dream will become a reality.)
아니요, 우리는 그것을 하나로 만들 것입니다. (No we will make it one.)
"All the mebers of Skt gets fired up for the final game".
Let's do it let's have that Summoner's cup and eat ice cream in it.
Yes that sweet sweet chocolava.
No rasberry.
No it's going to be Butter scotch.
Wait a sec we will have room for everyone don't worry just focus on your gameplay and team to conquer the World Champs.
*Minions has been spawned*
The laning phase has been started.
All Stars duo lane is struggling a little as they both have late game champions.
And look in the middle Alex is shoving the wave in Faker's turret to go for the raptor camp.
And look at that Alex gets one.
That's the advantage of having a mage in the middle.
Hehe every little advantage matters and both teams are well aware of that.
Ohh Faker is making Alex low.
Tsk Faker is using his wave advantage.
Stay away from him Alex he will try to kill you with his flash combo.
Ohhh Faker is going in but Alex also flashes away in time but look at the bottom.
PooManDu is caught out by Itachi's gank Max gets the kill.
Wow what a gank by Iatchi this game will determine the best jungler in the world.
But Bengi is also taking advantage of Itachi's position and taking his jungle.
Yes he has done that many times to put the other jungler behind in the late game.
Alex is not recalling he is going back in the lane and Faker will try to finish him off.
But he is not able to ohh look at that Bengi is going to dive Alex but Alex charms Bengi and trades his life for Bengi.
나쁜 거래는 아니었으니 걱정하지 마세요. 페이커가 빠르게 리콜됩니다. (Don't worry it wasn't a bad trade Faker recall fast.)
마지막 미니언을 마무리하겠습니다. (Let me finish the last minion.)
Max come fast we can kill him in the mid.
And here comes Max and Itachi combo Faker concussion blows stun him he has no way to survive it's a kill for All Stars.
Greed to finish the wave is the mistake that will take 'him' down.
젠장 내가 망쳤어. (Shit I messed up.)
나는 당신의 사과에 관심이 없습니다. 다시는 같은 실수를 반복하지 마십시오. (I don't care about your apology just don't make the same mistake again.)
이해합니다. (I understand.)
Well played Itachi and Max.
Hehe that's good but that Olaf is stealing my jungle as soon as I step out to gank.
That is a problem huh?
Yes Alex if he clears my jungle we will have to clear 'his'.
Let's go and take those raptors.
Alex and Iatchi going for the raptor camp.
And they get the little ones.
Good now retreat.
No I can maybe get his red buff.
Itachi is sneaking in the red buff bush he wants to steal the red buff.
Oh no Bengi is also closing in they might have a smite battle.
And Itachi dashes in to steal the buff and...
He succeeds but Faker won't let Itachi escape he is slowing him down for Bengi to come finish him off.
Oh no this is looking bad for Itachi he is getting low Alex won't be able to help him and Piglet's ezreal ult closes the deal a big mistake by Itachi.
And you know what that means the red Itachi stole is now on Piglet.
A total backfire.
Sheeeaat! "Itachi yells out his anger".
"But as soon as everybody in the team starts looking at him funny he admits his fuck up".
Now that both jungler have gifted one kill to the other team the gold lead is non existent.
True Itachi went over the board and he got punished for it.
Dragon is spawning what do you want to do?
I have cleared out their ward want to engage on the bottom lane?
용을 떠나 농사에 집중하세요. (Leave the dragon and focus on farming.)
Johan uses his Ashe arrow to target PoohManDu but missed Max also uses his ult to stun Pooh.
But he escapes two ults used for the dragon.
Yes All Stars will be able to secure the cloud drake but if Johan had not missed they might have gotten a kill.
And look at Bengi farming Itachi's jungle like it's his own.
Will he gank King no he won't
안녕하세요 Bengi 내 궁극기를 사용하여 애쉬를 다이빙하고 싶나요? (Hey Bengi want to use my ult and dive that Ashe?)
헤헤헤 정말 엉뚱한 생각이군요 푸우 해보자 피글렛 준비하세요. (Hehehe what a devilish idea you got Pooh let's do it Piglet get ready.)
나는 이전과는 전혀 다른 방식으로 뛰어들어 그를 분수대로 보낼 준비가 되어 있습니다. (I'm ready like never before dive in and send him to the fountain.)
잠깐만요 나도 갈게요 분수로 보내자구요. (Wait I'm also coming let's send them to the fountain.)
What is happening Skt's members are getting spread out PoohManDu is leaving Piglet all alone in the bottom lane.
Yes All Stars will try to take advantage of that solo adc.
이제 해보세요! (Now do it!)
No they won't be able to PoohManDu ult with Bengi in his stomach Johan has no where to escape.
PoohManDu gobbles up Johan and it's a kill for Piglet the player they wanted to kill, kills them instead.
And here comes faker not even Max is safe they all are going to turret dive Max and a kill for Faker.
"Woah!" "The crowd cheers Skt's for their play".
Amazing playmaking by PoohManDu All Stars were not expecting that at all.
Shit what da faq just happend.
He ulted with his jungler and killed you.
No that I saw but- "Johan was amazed by the brains Skt used".
But we will get compensation for your kill.
Alex and Itachi are striking down the mid lane turret.
Impact has to use his teleport to protect the turret.
But Skt is also taking the bottom lane turret and their is no one to defend it.
Skt gets the first turret gold advantage.
"Both duo laners switch lanes to compensate for the bottom turret".
Now we just have to push the top turret.
Johan go and clear the wave I'll go place a ward.
I just got an idea why not you four go gank their jhin Alex clear mid fast and group at the top turret.
As you say Mike.
"All Stars rotate to the top lane's triangular bush".
PoohManDu devours Max just Itachi follows up and stuns Pooh.
Teleport is coming in Bengi is coming in.
PoohManDu flashes to save his life but! Alex rotating from the mid catches him and finishes him off.
Now All Stars will aggressively take their revenge by taking down the top lane turret.
A bad decision by PoohManDu to check the tri-bush and attack Max that led to this gank.
"After respawning PoohManDu roams with Bengi".
Bengi and PoohManDu are looking for a gank but they spot Itachi taking the blue buff and he gets scared off.
A blue buff for Bengi.
Fucker he was stealing my jungle but now he is straight up taking it guys can you not like help me?
Chill out we all were busy in our lanes look at Johan he is outdamaging Piglet.
Again top lane action Johan ults down Piglet and brings him down to 15% hp but his flash saves him.
Intressting that the Tahm Kench and the Cassiopea didn't decide to join in the play maybe-
Oh they delay.
Here comes PoohManDu and Bengi with Tahm Kenh's ultimate.
Johan is going down.
Amazing patience by PoohManDu he waited to see Max in the mid lane as soon as he saw Max he knew Johan couldn't counter the gank.
Vision has been set by All Stars the ocean dragon is an opportunity and. "JJ waits for Shelly to finish his sentence".
There will be no contest by Skt.
The top turret is going down and so as the mid.
Skt traded a kill and a turret for a turret and a dragon.
Hey Itachi I'm winning the lane come gank bottom fast.
Yes yes we are coming.
Now they are at bottom and Impact is gonna try his ult but he fails.
All Stars will get the bottom turret and a kill they regain their lead after the first blood.
젠장 우리 중포탑이 어떻게 파괴됐지 페이커? (Shit how did our mid turret get destroyed Faker?)
마나를 보충하기 위해 회상을 하게 되어 죄송합니다. (I'm sorry I had to recall to refill my mana.)
그런데 임팩트가 왜 물러서지 않았는지 이해가 안 돼요. (But I don't get it why did Impact not back off?)
왜냐면 나는 그 팀의 모든 사람들이 미드 라인으로 갈 것이라고 생각했지만 그것은 이미 파괴되었고 그 팀에 대한 비전이 없었기 때문입니다. (Cause I thought everyone on their team would go mid lane but that was already destroyed and I had no vision over their team.)
여러분 모두 진정하세요. 여러분 모두는 일어난 일을 이길 생각이 없습니다. 우리는 그것을 통제할 수 없지만, 우리가 통제할 수 있는 것은 앞으로 나아가는 우리의 행동입니다. (Calm down all of you, you all are not thinking of winning what happened happened we cannot control that but what we can control is our action moving forward.)
"After taking down the top bottom turret All Stars group in the middle".
Guys this Cassio is out of his safety net.
Then what are you waiting fot ult him.
"Johan ults Faker" Oh no Johan's Ashe ult misses faker but now Max is going in with his ultimate and
The Tahm Kench devours Faker this is the counter to All Stats duo lane.
That also but Johan's Ashe arrows are not the best he has not hit a single enemy yet.
Now Skt are rotating to All Stars's blue buff area and they are going to destroy some wards.
Oh are they looking to trap Alex in his mid lane turret?
Yes Bengi goes in on Alex with his ult.
He is going down fast.
But Max comes in time to save Alex.
Lucky that Piglet didn't connect his ultimate otherwise Alex would not have been able to survive the assault caused by Skt.
잘하셨어요. (Well done.)
'그'를 목표로 삼아 그를 놓아주지 마십시오. 그러면 우리는 반드시 승리할 것입니다. (Target 'him' don't let him let loose and we are sure to win.)
The game is slowing down again the major ultimates are used so Skt will wait for them to replenish.
And as for the turrets All Stars have the advantage.
And the most powerful infernal dragon is being spawned in 2 minutes.
Skt fully ignored the two dragons but they cannot ignore this one.
If All Stars get all the 3 dragons the elder dragon buff would be ridiculously strong.
*The dragon has been spawned*
Alex is clearing the mid lane but Bengi comes ulting + flash on him.
The only way to escapse is to flash forward he is trying to kill Piglet but no.
A very nice try to equalize the score but failed.
Skt will catch Alex and now they are going towards the mid lane turret.
Teleport is being used by both top laners.
Skt will dive King and another kill what a flash by Impact stunning King to be finished off.
The mid turret is down but they are not stopping they are going for the infernal dragon will Itachi consider stealing?
No he is recalling and waiting for the next best opportunity.
와우 그를 잡았어요 이제 우리가 선두에 있습니다. (Woah caught him now we are in the lead.)
Bengi 정말 대단해요. 내 궁극기가 그를 끝낼 수 있을 만큼 그를 잘게 찢어버렸어요. (Amazing job Bengi you shredded him down enough so that my ult could finish him off.)
그리 빠르지는 않습니다. Piglet의 늦은 게임이 막 시작되었습니다. (Not so fast Piglet the late game has just begun.)
그리고 우리 팀은 경기 후반에 성공했고 리신은 쓰러질 것입니다. (And our team thrives in the late game their Lee Sin will fall off.)
"Skt get more and more confident in their victory after each successful engage onto Alex".
"While All Stars gets more and more anxious about their plays".
King why did you teleport?
I thought you guys were gonna teamfight.
Push all that aside Alex what is wrong how can you step so far from safety?
Where were you why couldn't you ward the left bush?
All of you stop blaming and talking uselss shit our main focus should be on the opponents weakness not our own.
Yes Mic I understand but can you elaborate how are we going to win if we just get killed one by one look at them their coordination have improved so much since the first game.
Yours have too.
How? I don't catch your thoughts.
Hehehe "Michael tells all the players something that blows their minds".
Hehe how could I be so blind "Max happily addresses his blind spot".
Fuck that if we can't play our best indiviusally how can you expect us to play like that?
Alex because you can the main reason you were not winning and getting kills like normal is because you are not on.
I'm off? "Alex questions his own mode".
Yes you have to go in the flow state and be one with the game the abilities the plays.
Come on Alex you can do it we are all with you.
Yes show us the true Alex that everyone wants to see.
"King signals Max and Joyan to also join in".
Don't worry about your deaths we are with you and we will support you till the end of the game.
Don't be shy if what Michael is telling is true then do it.
"I know the reason why Alex got turned off he lost his edge the killer mentality is in sleep mode and if we want to win we will have to wake it up".
This is the most even game we have seen all championship the teamcomp, the turrets, the dragons and the plays.
But both teams are trying their hardest to create a favorable imbalance.
The game is getting heated no players want to play safe and hope their opponents makes a mistake everyone wants to be mvp.
That is true we have seen by the playstyle of the players they are really motivated to play their best and surpass their opponents.