Ice vs Fire

Chapter 63: New Objective

*7 days later*

अब जब हमारी सारी गलतियां, कमियां, मुश्किये खतम हो चुकी है तो अब हम वर्ल्ड के लिए तयार है। (Now that all our mistakes, shortcomings and problems are over, we are ready for the world.)

Brian लेकिन उसमे तो 5 दिन बाकी हैना? (Brian But there are only 5 days left in that, right?)

"हम" तो फिर मुझे सोचने दो। ("Hm" then let me think.)

क्यों हम सबके बूटकैंप्स में जाके उनके चुनौती दे? (Why should we go to all of our bootcamps and challenge them?)

नहीं हम वो नही कर सकते वो रूल्स के खिलाफ होगा। (No, we can't do that, it will be against the rules.)

कौनसे रूल्स? (What rules?)

जो कोच Krish ने हमारे लिए बनाए थे। (Those which coach Krish made for us.)

ओह याद आया तो उसमें किसी और टीम को उनकी अनुमति के बिना चुनौती देना मना है। (Oh I remember it is prohibited to challenge another team without their permission.)

दिक्कत मत लो मेरे पास प्रैक्टिस करने का एक और प्लान है अभी हमारा रेटिंग क्या है? (Don't worry I have another plan to practice What is our rating now?)

अरे वाह हम सबकी रैंक एक समान है चैलेंजर 78 स्टार्स। (Oh wow we all have the same rank Challenger 78 stars.)

और पहले पायदान वाले पे कितने है? (And how many are there in the first position?)

124 स्टार्स। (124 stars.)

तो हम सब पहले पायदान के बोहोत नजदीक है तो क्यों ना। (So we all are very close to the first position, so why not.)

बिल्कुल रैंक 1 के लिए पुश करते है। (Absolutely let's start pushing for rank 1.)

ओह भाई भाई भाई में तो सोच भी नही सकता पूरा तुर्की गेमिंग का लाइनअप #1 पे। (Oh brother brother brother I can't even imagine the entire Turkish gaming lineup being #1.)

और उसके साथ हम वर्ल्ड चैंपियंस भी तो बनने वाले है। (And along with that we are also going to become world champions.)

अरे वाह दोनो जगह जीत ये तो सचमे पौराणिक होगा। (Oh wow, winning at both places would be truly legendary.)

चलो दोस्तो अब इतिहास रखचने की बारी है। (Come on friends, now it's time to preserve history.)

*जहा तुर्की की गेमिंग अपना गेमप्ले सबसे बेहेतर कर रही थी वहा पे Alex कुछ और में व्यस्त था* (*Where Turkey Gaming was making its gameplay the best there Alex was busy on something else*)

After the legendary performance of league of legends world champion 2013 and 2014 and Alex Zangief takes the game less and less seriously over time and starts taking interest in other activities.

Hi Niel Michael here.

Hi Mr. Michael nice to meet you.

You know like Alex he is not coming to the camp for like 2 months after winning his 2nd world cup if he continues like this he may lose the 3rd one out of his grasp.

I understand your concerns but he has refused to talk to you and ordered me to not disturb him.

Are you serious Niel? Where is Mr. Giovanni?

He is on a business trip right now.

What is he doing?

Nothing much he is playing online chess.

That's good so what's his rating?

2400 on bullet.

That's pretty good did he study chess for it?

No he just wins by his reflexes, the time control itself scares other players but sir Alex just plays very calmly.

So his brain is working very fast good to hear. Say my remarks to him.

"Niel rushes to Alex's room" Sir Alex I have no right to object to your life choices but you should know by your own self that this lifestyle is harmful and non productive.

Niel you are missing an important piece of the puzzle "puff" my life is getting boring day by day the mundanity of daily practice has stopped peaking my interest "phoo".

Sorry to be rude but if you want enjoyment you will have to quit all the dopamine related activities for a while smoking weed and playing chess all day doing this day by day will make you live a life of no progression.

Progression progression where exactly do you want me to progress?

To become the great 3rd 4th or even 5th time world champion.

I'll do that don't worry.

Sir you are really underestimating the strength of the players your previous year was spectacular but you will have to upgrade your performance with time.

Sorry to say but the players you are talking about are not here where I'm standing so no matter how good they get they will never be able to defeat me ever.

Even if you win with no enthusiasm a life of no purpose and meaning is like a gun without a barrel the bullet won't be fired.

"Alex looks at Niel in an awe deep down he realises his own folly yet tries to cover it up with stupid excuses".

Discipline, determination and enthusiasm with all of them combined you get a genius capable of doing anything possible.

Niel you are correct hehehe thank you for overruling my order let's go.

Where? I meant where do you want to go?

To the bootcamp one thing I have not yet done is to reach the #1 challenger and that shall be done.

But there are only 12 days before worlds.

Worry not I can handle it.

If you insist master then let's calculate how many matches will it take for you to reach the #1 challenger your rank is grandmaster 64 stars right?

Yeah and the end of season is also nearing so I have to be quite quick or else I would have to wait another month or so.

So you have to win oh no you have to ein 60 more matches to be safely secured in #1 place for the rest of the season.

Woah I was expecting some three digit numbers but no worries let's make it happen.

"And Alex begins his grind to reach #1 in the challenger leaderboard".

"As Alex rushes for the 1# title so does Turkey Gaming".

चलो भाईलोग अब तो ये स्पॉट हम पांचों का ही होना चाहिए। (Come on brothers, now this spot should be for the five of us only.)

हमे अभी भी 43 गेम्स जीतने है वो भी 2014 वर्ल्ड चैंपियनशिप शुरू होने से पहले। (We still have to win 43 games before the 2014 World Championship begins.)

कोई ना अगर हम रोज के दस गेम्स भी जीत जाए तो भी हम #1 आजाएंगे। (Even if we win ten games every day, we will still be #1.)

अबे मुझे तो सोच कर ही जूर जूरी छूट रही है हम सबका नाम #1 पे एक साथ। (Hey, I am getting excited just thinking about all of our names together on #1.)

हाँ वो तो सचमे सबसे बड़ा फ्लेक्स होगा। (Yes that would really be the biggest flex.)

चलो फिर ज्यादा बकर बकर मत करो गेम शुरू करो। (Come on then, don't bother too much, just start the game.)

*4 days later*

लोंडो हम सब के सब टॉप 10 मैं है हम कितने करीब है #1 के पायदान से। (Guys we all are in the top 10 leaderboard we all are so close to #1.)

हाँ यार बस हम अगर ये पाँच प्लेयर्स को पर करदे तो ये शीर्षक हमारा होगा। (Yes friend, if we defeat these five players then this title will be ours.)

लेकिन हमे ज्यादा गेम्स नही खेलने चाहिए कल से हमारा वर्ल्ड चैंपियनशिप के मैचेज शुरू हो जाएंगे। (But we should not play too many games, our World Championship matches will start tomorrow.)

क्या? कल से ये चार दिन ऐसे निकल गए की पता ही नहीं चला। (What? These four days have passed so quickly since yesterday that I didn't even realize it.)

लेकिन इन चार दिनों में हमने कितने अच्छे अच्छे प्लेयर्स के साथ खेला और उन्हें हराया। (But in these four days we played with so many good players and defeated them.)

हम ये गति वर्ल्डस के मैचेज में भी कायम रखना पड़ेगा और तो और हम वर्ल्ड के साथ साथ रैंक पुशिंग करेंगे। (We have to maintain this momentum in the Worlds matches as well and we will also do rank pushing along with the Worlds.)

क्या? हम वर्ल्डस के मैचेज के साथ रैंक पुश करेंगे सचमे?। (What? We're going to push ranks with Worlds matches really?)

क्यों नही Brian सही बोल रहा है चैलेंजर टॉप 50 के प्लेयर्स के सामने खेलके उन्हें हराना कोई छोटी बात नही है और उससे हमारी प्रैक्टिस भी बोहोत अच्छी हो गई है। (Why not, Brian is right, playing against Challenger top 50 players and defeating them is no small thing and our practice has also become very good because of it.)

चैलेंजर टॉप 50 बनाम दुनिया के सबसे बेहतरीन प्लेयर्स। (Challenger Top 50 vs the best players in the world.)

लेकिन ये #3 प्लेयर तो Alex हैना? (But this #3 player is Alex, right?)

कौन ऑल स्टार्स का Alex? (Who All Stars's Alex?)

दो बार वर्ल्ड चैंपियन? (The two time world champion?)

क्या? अगर वो ही हमारे साथ रैंक पुश कर रहा है तो। (What? If he is also rank pushing with us then.)

तब तो हम रैंक पुश बिलकुल भी नहीं चोद सकते। (Then we absolutely should not leave rank push.)

अरे यार इसका तो अकेले का केडी 7 का है। (Oh man his solo KD is 7.)

क्या? ये सोलो क्यू खेल रहा है। (What? He is playing solo que.)

हो नहीं सकता टॉप चैलेंजर इलो में सोलो? (That cannot be true playing solo in this elo?)

लेकिन उसकी मैच हिस्ट्री से तो यही नजर आ रहा है। (But this is what is visible from his match history.)

फिर तो Alex हमारे #1 आने के बीच बोहोत बड़ी मुश्किल है। (Then there is a huge difficulty between Alex and us becoming #1.)

तो फिर मुश्किलों को धुवा बनाने के लिए तयार हो जाओ। (Then get ready to turn the difficulties into smoke.)

*Alex's bootcamp*

Woah Alex you really did it you are so close.

Yes Mike even though in the past 11 days the stars to reach #1 has increased from 124 to 136 I can still achieve it.

"Unbelievable is this the kid that stopped playing lol for 3 months? He is really controlling each and every game in the palm of his hands from the rotations to ganks to smites everything is so close to perfect that I can't believe such a player even exists but here he is".

What may you be thinking Mike?

I was thinking just how amazing you really are.

"Alex blushes from an unexpected compliment".

You have set the bar for the best jungler so high that there may not be a jungler even close to your caliber.

Tomorrow is mystery.

What do you mean Max?

I meant the future is quite uncertain even if we have the best player in the world the world is full of lunatics that would make becoming the best jungler their life's only purpose.

And what purpose do you have?

I don't know hehe it's easier to figure of someone else's life purpose than to your own.

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