Chapter 36: Chapter 36
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With bullets whistling, I jumped back into the room and barricaded the door. Opening the window and partially transforming, I crawled to the top. My room was on the third floor of a five-storey building. So quickly reaching the roof I ripped out the top of the hatch and climbed down. As I listened, I realised there was one of them on the stairs. Hanging down, I took his neck in my grasp and dragged the poor guy upstairs. Tearing off his machine gun and mask, I held his mouth in my grip and turned the intimidation up to maximum. Only now I noticed that this fighter looked too young. The guy's about eighteen years old at most.
-Now I'm gonna slowly remove my hand, and you're gonna calmly answer my questions. And if I hear a sound, your neck will do a nasty 360. Do you understand? - I asked, continuing to press him with intimidation. The moment when I realised I had overdone it was the unpleasant smell from the stain on his trousers. didn't's a prank. - He said, stammering.
-A prank? - I asked him again. I got a series of curt nods. Removing the magazine from his Emka, I was convinced of the truth of his words. The cartridges were rubber.
-Why? - It was the only thing I could ask. Seeing the guy getting worse and worse, I kept the intimidation to a minimum.'re the first. - The guy replied, carefully leaving out the more pressing reason for the show.
-It's super funny and all. But you know that they leave a lot of bruises, right? - I asked this super soldier.
-I n-didn't know. - He said as much as he could without giving away his lie.
-Yeah? -Okay. - Said Ryan with his friendliest smile.
-Then you'll find out. - Said Pierce then fired three rounds into his legs and body.
Taking one spare magazine from the body of the twisted in pain loser Rain headed towards his room.
-Game on, kids. - Said our hit man, pulling the bolt of his automatic rifle.
-What are we gonna do now? -What are we gonna do now? I'm not gonna break down the door. - Said attacker number four.
-Well, I've got a camera. I'm not gonna risk it. - Said attacker number one, adjusting the device hanging from his shoulder.
-I've got an idea. Just get out of sight. - Said attacker number 3.
-Okay. - Replied his partners and leaned against the wall with a blind spot for the door.
-Ryan, why the fuck did you close the door? - Said number 3 knocking.
-It's kind of my room, too. - David continued his game.
At that moment the figure of our hero appeared at the end of the corridor. Seeing the picture of their performance he did not hesitate and opened fire on a more convenient target. Painting the legs of his neighbour, he switched to his colleagues. Leaning out from behind his fallen comrade number one decided to open fire on the enemy. For such a daring attempt at an attack, he paid with severe pain in his right arm. His mate also opened fire on the enemy, but lacking decent shooting skills he was dabbing at Rain even in a straight corridor. Though perhaps the speed of the attacker played a part here. As he continued to close in on these jokers Pierce could directly sense their growing fear.
When there were no more than three metres between them, the two remaining men dropped their weapons to the floor and raised their hands in the air. It didn't save them from being shot in the legs, but they received fewer bullets. As he approached the broken jokers, Raine twirled the weapons of his attackers in his hands. Still, even with rubber ammunition, it was still a dangerous toy. And if you load it with live's not going to be easy.
-Well, have we had enough? -Said Pierce. - Said Pierce as he stood over the writhing idiots.
-Fuck you. - Said one of them. For which he immediately got a new line in the arm.
-"You don't have to be rude to me. I'm a vulnerable man. - Said Ryan to the sleepwalkers.
It was not difficult to get the necessary information out of them. Just two rounds on the stubborn were enough for a productive conversation. David immediately ran to get a hidden device to cool the room. The question about the sulphur smell was explained away by a slight marriage. Tret admitted that was the reason he had tried to get me out of the room earlier in the evening. They had a couple of things to finish. According to their original plan, I wasn't supposed to arrive until tomorrow. But fate thwarted their plans with my early arrival, and then I didn't leave the room at all. And they had this really cool door locking system. I was supposed to be outside with no way to get back in and get rained on from one side. And then on the turn to the stairs on the second. At this point they just remembered their lost comrade. At their question about Matt's fate I smiled enigmatically and remained silent.
I was able to spend the rest of the night in peace. Going to class the next day, I noticed a change in the looks being thrown at me. There was apprehension and fear in some of them. It was strange. They would hardly dare to reveal their shame to the public. As I was leaving the lawn, I noticed two students sitting on a bench with their backs to me. One of them had a phone that sounded familiar. Sneaking up behind them, I was able to watch an entertaining video. It looked like one of these uniques was streaming his prank and wanted to embarrass me in this way. But given the guys' replayed moment it turned out to be a bit of the opposite. This was the third time I watched with them as the cameraman fell on his arse and then covered up for his colleague altogether. But luckily for them, the stream was knocked out midway through my approach.
Returning home towards evening, I was just excited about the class. The Engineering course was innovative yet fairly easy to digest. And in Cybernetics, a functional prosthesis was brought into the room. From the instructor's explanations, I was able to notice one detail not mentioned. The prosthesis had a detachable neural conduction module. Simply put, it was an attachment to the main device. And I don't think other variations are quite as peaceful. Of course, it didn't have a lot of features, but it was enough for the five-digit price tag. I also managed to drop in on a bioengineering lecture. To be honest, I didn't understand much. Still, in the operational direction we were given only a slightly in-depth basis. Modifying and working with the organism is a higher level. But as the level increased, my awareness began to rise to a decent level.
As I entered the room, I exchanged a few words with David. He threw angry glances at me faintly as he turned in bed. The bruises reminded him quite vividly of the night. I opened my book in a good mood and plunged into reading.
The first week of study flew by. My knowledge continued to grow like yeast. And the library of the institute played an important role in this. Still, I learnt the material much faster. And because of the acceleration, the time required for me to read and rest, greatly reduced. I even began to understand some of the drawings and formulas I'd swiped from Hammer's servers. It seems to me that after the training, we can try to rebuild Tony's reactor. Maybe not completely, but parts of the blueprints taken from the Warrior's armour and the cheesy fakes taken from the drones will help me in this. It's not very appealing to run to Stark every time I need a new piece of armour.
I also decided to conduct an experiment. The students of the institute were allowed to go out into the city. Of course, there's a lot of paperwork and stuff to sign. Still, nobody wants a student to carry something forbidden. I, of course, had no problem with that. The only thing that made the guard a little wary was a small knife. But since the length of the blade was only 4-5 centimetres it was not confiscated. Although, it would seem. Some students here have all the materials to make a bomb. Some labs make a compact laser gun. Biochemical direction in general sometimes works with viruses, and the results of their experiments can not see with your eyes. But a normal knife, that's overkill. Dangerous.
Having got out into the city, first I just walked around for an hour, and then looked into one restaurant. Finished with fuelling my body, I decided to feed my mind. Hiding in an alleyway, I pulled out a knife and let the flames run down it. Heating it almost to the max. Slightly short of reaching melting temperature, I continued to keep it that way. After waiting about thirty minutes, I stopped feeding the flame. This experiment had three purposes. The first was to confirm my hunch about the increase in energy. The second I tested directly, now covering the knife with flame. I used much less energy to cover it than before. It seems that after long contact with the flame, subsequent attempts are less energy consuming. Which brings me to the third goal of the experiment. To find out what energy is used in the first attempts to interact with the object.
Remembering my battles in the arena, I have a theory. And for it, I am now walking down the street with my sniffing skills to the max. It was hard to find the scent I was looking for, but after an hour and a half of searching, I finally managed to catch that slight cadaverous odour. It was coming from a drunken couple up ahead. Many people would have thought they were just drinking buddies, but I noticed that the gait of one of them didn't really resemble drunken footsteps. It was more like a purposeful game of publicity. His wobbly gait very successfully avoided the puddle and did not give the impression of falling soon. In their leaning tandem, it was the man playing that led the way. Following them, I waited for the vampire to lead his victim into the alley. As he tossed the poor man in the corner, he was transformed before my eyes. His wobbly gait was gone. His clothes were in order. Without waiting for him to finish dressing up for dinner, I sped off in his direction at top speed. When he saw me at the last moment, he went into a slight stupor. But that was enough. When I reached him, I delivered a powerful kick to his body, knocking him back a few metres. Without waiting for him to regain consciousness, I tore off his leg with my claws and broke his arms in several places. I put a piece of brick in his jaw. Now, even if he could break it, the pieces that clogged his throat would prevent him from making a proper sound.
Dragging the failed dinner to the alley exit, I turned back to the writhing creature. It was time to confirm my third assumption. Plunging the knife into its arm, I began to observe a fascinating scene. His skin was turning black, and the vampire was writhing in agony. Not even the moment when his leg was torn off had caused such a reaction. Taking out my knife, I continued to watch the body's reaction. The wound, which under normal circumstances would have closed in a couple of seconds, continued to bleed black blood and its condition was not going to change in any way. After sitting on the vampire for a little over ten minutes, I grinned, convinced of his imminent demise. There was no funnier death for a vampire. A ghoul dying of blood loss. It's like a joke.
-It looks like it's time for the final test. - Said I, ripping my shirt off the subject.
With his incessant mooing and pleading eyes, I used a common iron picked up behind the rubbish bins to cut open the vampire's chest, then stuck the knife right into his heart. I was pleasantly surprised by the result. The vampire immediately crumbled to dust. Now I'm pretty sure of the principles of how my flame interacts with objects. It seems that during the coating process, things undergo some kind of hardening from the hellfire. And the stronger the flame, the faster it completes. Once hardened, the objects gain an additional property. Magical. If for an ordinary person the effect of stabbing a knife after hardening will not change in any way. For supernatural forces it will be equal to the impact of a blade lubricated with the most terrible poison. Having ticked the box for sending such knives to Frank, I began to pack. Putting the black drops of blood from the knife into a vial, I headed back to the institute. On the way, I pondered other possible supernatural threats.
A reporter was walking down the corridors of the prison for the most extreme lunatics. Today he was going to interview one of its craziest residents.
-They shouldn't be dancing to his tune. -Yeah. I'd have told him to fuck off if he'd invited a journalist to his place. - Said the guard escorting the unlucky bloke.
-Well, the FBI's grabbing the only chance they have to get this weirdo to talk. -Well. Hopefully he'll help them identify some of the bodies. It's just.
-The Feds don't know him like I do. - Said the guard.
-"If you break the rules, they'll identify you. And with difficulty. - He warned him as he opened the bars to access the cell.
The psycho sat in a metal cage in the middle of an empty room. His position resembled that of an animal. As the bars opened, he was finishing drawing his guest's name on one of the walls. Licking the blood from the wound, he tucked his hand into his pocket. He would have to wait a while. Still, this ink was so slow to regenerate.
-He, he's here. - The psycho said.
-I'm so happy. It's like a family reunion. - The maniac kept talking to himself.
-Hi. Shall we begin? - The journalist interrupted his monologue.
-Hello, Eddie. - Cletus said, turning to his visitor.
-"I can't see you very well from here. Come into the light. - He asked his colleague.
-Okay. Like this? - Asked the reporter, approaching the cage a few metres away.
-I'm still weak. I need time. But very soon I'll be free. And once I'm out of here, I'm going to start the slaughter. - Cletus announced his plans as his face broke into a mad smile.
-What are you talking about?
Brock couldn't finish his question. At that moment, explosions erupted throughout the prison. And this sector was no exception.
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