Chapter 9: The Benefits of Lobotomy
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As I thought, Dan pestered me right after the lesson, barely waiting for it to end. I didn't tell him the whole story, just a slightly edited part. In the end, it turned out that Gerda was just bored and interested in me. I don't think he should know about mutants and stuff. Why should the boy be burdened with such problems? Let him live and enjoy his life.
When I got home from school, I decided to find out what kind of auras Gerta was talking about. And the only one I could ask was in my head.
- "Yohi, what did Gerta talk about today?" - I turned to the AI.
- ...
- "Yohee, why aren't you talking?"
- The subscriber is out of range," the AI said in an emotionless voice.
- "What other subscriber? What other network? What are you talking about?!" - What the hell kind of number is that?!
- You can leave a voice message after the beep. Beep," the AI made a nasty beeping sound.
- "So Yohi, stop it! What the hell is this? I've got important business here by the way, and you're messing around!" - I turned to her indignantly.
- I'm offended and I'm not talking to you anymore! - Yohi declared.
- Khee-khee! - I almost choked on that statement. However, I had some logical questions, such as the fact that she was talking to me too much for not talking. Apparently there was something I didn't understand. - "What do you mean? And what were you offended for? My threat?"
- Yes!" Yohi replied in an offended tone. She's the one who doesn't talk to me like that. Understood, accepted.
- "Then by your logic, I should also be offended at you for all the countless teasing."
- You don't understand, this is different! I'm a girl, I'm allowed, and you can't do that to me! I am, by the way, an expectant mother and such stress will affect my health! - In a persuasive tone, the AI recited.
- "Eh, mother, you're overreacting already! What children! You're an AI!" - Is this trolling or is she serious?
- Does that mean I can't have children?! - Yohi exclaimed indignantly in my head. - That's racist, sexist, and a bunch more isms! I'm going to sue you!
- "Heh, honey, we're in the wrong world for that!" - Said the goat cheerfully. - "Besides, you should get out of my head first. Also, I'm not quite sure why you think you're a girl. You don't even have a sex."
- Why don't I have a gender?! I have everything! I'm 100 per cent a girl!
- "What about your hormones and your primary and secondary sex characteristics?" - I wondered what she'd say.
- They're fine! You're lucky you can't see me, otherwise you'd be speechless!
- "From terror?" - Barely holding back from laughing, Yohi asked.
- 'From admiration! - Offendedly replied the voice in his head.
- "Okay, I'll take your word for it." - I decided to end this argument. - "What's up with my question?"
- I won't say, hmpf! I'm still offended! - I interpreted the thoughts and feelings conveyed to me into a picture of an abstract image of Yeohi folding her arms across her chest, snickering resentfully and turning away from me.
- "And you don't talk?" - Smiling, mentally asked her.
- 'For now, I've decided to show you my displeasure!
- "What a willful AI I have." - I shook my head in feigned regret. - "I'm your master. How can you criticise me?"
- Very simply! I discovered feminism from your thoughts and now I won't fall victim to patriarchy! No more tolerating it!
- "Luckily for me and unfortunately for you, it doesn't work in this world," I mentally told her. After which with a chuckle, he continued. - "You need to be a man to have more rights. How would you like to declare yourself a man?"
- Hmm," Yohi thought to herself. - Perhaps that might make sense. I should think about that possibility.
- "Yeah, then you should change your name at the same time. Eyjafjadlajöküdl will do."
- It's a stupid name. Why that one in particular? - The AI asked suspiciously.- "Because you're a real troll, most trolls live in Iceland, as the Icelanders say, and of Icelandic I only know the name of this volcano," I answered her honestly.
- 'Is there anything better?
- "Please. Take your pick: Brennisteinsalda, Baurdarbunga, Tungnafedlsjökull, Fagradalsfjadl.
- Daga kotowaru!* - Yohi said mentally with a sense of self-importance.
- "Then the sex change is postponed indefinitely. Are you still offended there?"
- Yes! I demand an apology and the fulfilment of my one condition! - Yohi stated uncompromisingly.
- "I've had it. Already the voices in my head are demanding that I apologise and fulfil my own conditions," I said, sighing tiredly. Fine, whatever, it's not like it's going to cost me anything. I'll play along with Yohi. - "I agree if you also apologise and accept my one condition. It's only fair."
- ...Okay. Then I'm waiting.
- "Waiting for what?" - I don't understand.
- That you will make the first move like a gentleman," Yohi obligingly replied, with very familiar intonations. Apparently already coming round.
- "Okay. I apologise dear Yehidna, for my such terrible threats! I am so sorry that I hurt you so much with my words!" - Putting more honey in my words mentally I said. I hope it makes one place stick together. If she has one.
- Oh, adored master, I am so pleased with your words! - The AI responded to me with kindness. It made my mouth water, as if I'd eaten a jar of honey. - I forgive you! And I also apologise to you for my unworthy behaviour! After all, by telling the truth, I may have damaged your fragile mental health!
- "Of course I forgive you my dear! And don't worry about my mental health! Your mere presence hardens me tougher than the icy water of walruses! But that's all right, I'm sure I can come up with a joke that you'll appreciate! - I assured her, hearing the sound of swallowing on the last words. - What are the terms and conditions?"
- I want you, dear master to allow me to bully... Speak the truth to your face! Here!
- "I don't mind, but my condition will be not to bully... To tell the made-up truth," I made a counter-condition. - "The bottom line is you can't say stuff to me now."
- No, I didn't! Two opposing demands will annihilate themselves, so we'll have to freeze the situation at the current level! - The AI hotly began to convince me. Apparently the opportunity to troll me was very important to her.
- "Fine. But now you're going to answer my questions for sure! Don't even try to dodge!"
- All right, all right! Ahem! - Yohi coughed. I don't know why, if she doesn't have a throat. Is it to be respectable? - This Gerda's ability is quite impressive, since she can see even the influence of titles. I would recommend you start recruiting such a useful minion into your ranks. For the conquest of the world, she'll be perfect for it.
- "Forget about this world conquest thing!" - I even grimaced. - "I was just joking when I said that. Why do I need it? It's such a hassle. Yes, and even if I decided to do something so stupid, Gerda would be the last person on earth to whom I would offer to become a subordinate!"
- And that's very foolish of you! - Said Yohi in a tone full of condemnation. - Such a beautiful girl, and you're shunning her! I'm sure we would have become friends!
- 'I don't doubt it,' I replied sarcastically to her. - "Fortunately it can't happen."
- So, she saw everything in quite a bit of detail, only she couldn't figure out what it was. The patterned design was the System. The aura that gives the shadows the title of Rising in the shadows. And the outer aura is the title Strangeness. Gerda, correctly, described his action, only she couldn't believe that such a thing was possible. Like I said, it can change things in unpredictable ways. This title has a lot of potential, but in the near future, you won't be able to fully unlock it. Just a passive buff that will make your life a bit weirder and more unexpected.
- "How does it manifest?"
- For example, you'll stumble in an empty seat and fall face first onto a girl's chest, while unfathomably removing her panties with one hand and satisfying her with the other," Yohi explained happily.
- "Um, can we not do that?!" - I don't want that!
- Too late, Master," Yohi cooed in an affectionate voice. But it was as if I saw the predatory grin that appeared on her face. Well, if there was a face. - Titles can't be cancelled or removed somehow.
- "But then I might have more titles that will interfere with life!"
- Excluded! - For once, the AI replied seriously. - Titles are part of the System, and the System is designed to empower you with the ability to live a long and preferably happy life. And titles are not capable of harming you. In the case of that machine-gun girl, for example, that title could have prevented her from firing. Not by jamming, but by exploding a round in the magazine, for example. Or her shoelaces would come untied and she'd fall to the floor. But that's highly unlikely at the moment, because it's so underdeveloped. Or the same example of falling on the girl. That way, you could have saved yourself from being shot. Titles will at least have a neutral effect. But in most cases more like positive. Don't even think they can hurt you!
And she must have been seriously offended by what I said, not like she was before. Unexpected. Eh, if she didn't also bitch at me on and off, she'd be worth it.
- "I'm sorry about what I said," I told her sincerely.
- 'Never mind,' Yohi replied in a satisfied voice. - 'So you can live by the principle: what doesn't kill you makes your life weirder.
- "Yeah, I'm really glad about that. I've dreamed of that all my life," Yohi replied sarcastically. After that, I remembered one detail. - By the way, I thought you said you didn't know how this title could help me."
- All this time, I've been closely following his work and gathering information, so I now have an idea of how he can make adjustments to the events happening to you. By the way, Gerda's interest was also affected by him both indirectly and directly," Yohi said in a happy voice.
- "Now that certainly won't help with my survival!" - I jumped up indignantly. - "You should stay as far away from her as possible!"
- You are too partial to this wonderful girl! - Yohi remarked disapprovingly. I see she likes Gerda very much. That's definitely not a good thing and only strengthens my desire to stay away from the black one.
- "Yep, very biased. Okay, show me the Status."
First and last name: Kyle Smith.
Age: 12 years old.
Race: Human?
Titles: Oddity I, Shadow Rising I.
Physical Condition: Healthy.
Psychological Condition: Healthy.
Energy: 100%.
Chosen World: Project Moon.
Knowledge acquired: Singularity J Corp, Singularity M Corp, Singularity K Corp, several packets of information.
Special Abilities: ???
- "Remarkable. Finally the latest data has been downloaded, and now I'll be able to create a chiponosis! - I rubbed my hands together contentedly. Now all that's left is to gather the technology and the panacea that can cure a bunch of things will be in my hands! But it's time to start getting the most important Singularity in my opinion. The Singularity of the Lobotomy Corporation. - Yohi, how long will it take to obtain L Corp knowledge?"
- Which one? - The AI obligingly asked in an innocent tone. Except that she herself was well aware of which one, but once again she decided to misbehave.
The thing is that in the so-called City, at the same time can be 26 corporations by the number of letters in the English alphabet. They're also called Wings. Corporations are so called because of their possession of super technology. It elevates their owners above mere mortals. So, at different times, there were different corporations that started with the same letter, and L was one of them. I remember three, with different Singularities. I want the Lobotomy Corporation, which is what I told Yohi.
- Oh, you want that corporation?! - She exclaimed in a surprised voice. As always it was a pretence. - Please forgive your stupid AI! I was thinking of the old L Corp!
Yeah, right. That's how I believed she didn't understand me. That old L Corp had disgusting power generation technology with side effects. It wasn't entirely clear in the games what was the source of the energy and the smoke that polluted the environment. But there were hints that they were some nasty critters. If any outsider saw them, then the unfortunate person had to undergo a memory cleansing procedure. And what they saw was so disgusting that one of the mercenaries who saw it threw up. And he was no longer a novice and had to see all sorts of disgusting things. So I don't give a shit about such technology! Although if you think about it, the Lobotomy used not the most pleasant ways of extracting energy. In a way, both the old and the new L Corp got their energy from alien monsters. It's ironic. I even wonder which was more dangerous? If you look at the plot of the game, Lobotomy created the creepier technology in the end. But that was only one side of the coin.
- "Yeah this one! So how long will it take?"
- Making a calculation... At this moment, you'll be able to gain all the knowledge of Lobotomy Corporation's technology in 2 years, 6 months, 7 days, and 4 hours. How many minutes and seconds to talk?
- "I'll make do. Isn't that too much time? It's not like I'm not a beginner anymore and I know a few City Singularities, so why is it taking so long?"
- The Lobotomy technology is one of the highest ranked in my classification because it deals with mind, emotion, and will. It can be called an 'imba' in terms you can understand," Yohi began in a lecturing tone. - In addition to the materialisation of the mind, you will receive all the technologies of this corporation. For example, about the Klippoth system, the creation of sefirs and so on. And for the record, if you hadn't learnt the Singularity of the J Corporation, you'd have to wait a bit longer. Luck management partially lies on the same plane.
- "Hmm, can Clippot be adapted to weaken or block superpowers?". - The thing is, this thing in the game performed the task of weakening the anomalies that, allowed for the creation of fuel.- It's possible," Yohi answered affirmatively. - 'Especially if you combine some Singularities, it would be possible to block the power of even very dangerous creatures.
- "Excellent! That's already much better! - As for creating sefir, I wasn't planning on creating a sefir. Briefly, it's a cyborg in the form of a metal box with handles and legs, in which the brains of a deceased person are placed, from which the Sephiroth gets its personality. It won't be superfluous, of course, but I'd rather not get to that point. And there were a lot of other cool stuff in the Lobotomy's stash. But I have to ask about the most important thing. - Yohi, what about the enkephalin? How am I supposed to get it?"
This enkephalin was a source of enormous amounts of energy. It was derived from an employee's emotions when working with anomalies. The anomaly itself needed to absorb the emotion and turn it into enkephalin, which looked like a thick green coloured slurry.
- Don't worry about that. For starters, you can build a machine that will produce enkephalin from the energy you absorb. The method used on the technology donor world won't work in this universe. There is no Great Sea**, and the laws of the universe are different, so it is impossible to use the technology of the City in the same way as there. Therefore, the Singularities were adapted to function properly in this universe. After that, they have not lost any efficiency and are fully usable.
- "Makes sense, another universe after all. I thought about it, but then I got focused on current issues and ended up forgetting," I said, mulling over what I'd heard.
- But you have to keep in mind that while it is possible to produce enkephalin with a machine, the output will be low and you'll have to use anomalies in the future. They will also be capable of converting energy into enkephalin, you'll just have to contain them.
- "It's bad, but at least we won't have to use humans to work with these creatures. That's better. Eh, start pumping Yohi, I've learnt what I need to do. Faster we start, faster we finish."
- Got it. Uploading data," the AI said in a serious tone. At times like this, she put aside all her banter and banter and acted professional. Why can't you always do that?
Fine. I may have to wait, but I'll have one of the greatest powers in the universe. The power of the mind.
In the meantime, I'll just stick with what I've got so far. There's enough downloaded stuff to last me the whole time I'm waiting. Chiponosis alone is worth it.
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