Imperator: Resurrection of an Empire

Chapter 81: Hidden Treasures (2)

"Are you awake?"

"I was asleep?"

"Yeah. You slept well."

"...Oh, yeah?"

"I've recovered my mana. Let's get out of here."

She was awake, and there was no need to drag out the time any longer.

I got up quickly; I was going to use [Crush] to destroy the ceiling.

"Yuri hold on tight to my body. No matter what happens, don't let go."

"Like this?"

Almost without hesitation, she latched onto me like a Koala

"That's good... Hold on tight!"

Shortly thereafter, I activated [Crush].

Our bodies were instantly flung up as my switch hand technique allowed me to basically fly up to the ceiling by using [Crush], finally, we escaped from the trap, my blade stabbed into the roof before I swung to the side and landing back in the corridor we'd been in before.

The light flowing from the mana formation on the ceiling greeted us.

"Wow, that's amazing! I never thought you'd use that move like that."

She looked to me under the new light with eyes full of sparkles.

"Right? But that doesn't mean you can't fall in love with me, okay? Because Your Highness is not my type."

When I said that, Yuri angrily waved her hands.

"What are you talking about all of a sudden? You're not my type either!"

She acted almost in a panic to deny what I'd said.

Something is clearly different from before.

She began to express her emotions, she was serious about dropping her act around me.

"Your Highness. You're drooling."

I couldn't see in the darkness but having been re-illuminated by the mana formation ceiling I could clearly see a thin bit of droop on her chin from when she slept.

Yurasia turned her face away with a shocked expression at my remark. Astonishment and embarrassment could be seen on her face.

In the trap, she smiled for a moment, but it was too dark to see her face.

I had never seen her expression change so much.

After all, her face, filled with emotion, was completely different from the stiff expression she had been wearing.

Up until now, I had felt like I was looking at a cute doll, but now I felt as if the doll had life in it.

"No, I don't!"

Like a little girl she denied thusly while softly hitting my chest with her fists.

"Youwere tired and it happens. I've never seen that kind of expression before, but it's pretty cute on you."

"No, it's not! Besides you said I'm not your type so this doesn't count. It's invalid!"

What's invalid?

Are we talking about two different things again?


She coughed, as if she was embarrassed, and finally diverted the conversation.

"Anyway, that's not the point right now. Let's just go deeper."

"Wait a minute. Let's proceed while hitting the ground with our swords, just in case. I'd rather not like a repeat of last time."

Suddenly, I felt so embarrassed thinking about what she might've been talking about, that I stopped her from trying to run and started moving cautiously.

As we continued on she kept muttering silently about how it wouldn't be to bad if we were to get trapped another time or two.

Yeah that would be a problem.

Soon, what appeared in front of us was a huge hall.

The floor of the hall was covered with a huge mana formation, so it was not an ordinary place.

Yurasia's ring was silent; it seemed that the only place the ring reacted was at the gate.

She looked around and said.

"There's something a little off about this place."

"What's weird? What do you feel?"

"The amount of mana in the air is different. It's like the mana is very thick...."

Does that mean there's more mana here than in other places?

I don't know, because I can't feel the mana, probably due to my Power level being lower right now.

"Isn't having a lot of mana a good thing? It's good for training, right?"

"Since there is so much mana, the mana you consume will be quickly recovered, but the maximum amount of mana you can collect in your body is limited by talent. Of course, even if you don't have talent, your mana might increase after a long period of training, but there is no way that it will increase in a short period of time just because there is a lot of mana in the air...."

Well, that's true.

Increasing the maximum amount of mana itself means an increase in power level.

It also means that the person will be able to store even more mana in the body.

There is a definite difference in the maximum amount of mana that can be stored in the body of an A-class and B-class.

"Yes, yes!"

But this time, her reaction was stranger than before.

Her expression changed from moment to moment.

"Something's wrong. The mana body is shaking violently...! What?"

Yurasia stood and closed her eyes.

At the same time, the huge mana formation on the floor began to glow white!

Yurasia held out her hand in front of her, and then a round mass of energy glowing blue was generated on her hand.

The blue mana lump was sucked into her palm and at that moment!

A change occurred in Yurasia's ability value.

Her power level, which had been 87, increased to 89.

"You just increased your maximum mana, right?"

"Yes. The maximum value of...has increased due to the mana entering my body. What does this mean...?"

Yurasia looked at me with quite a surprised look.

"By the way, I can't feel any mana at all since my mana increased all of a sudden."

"At all?"

She nodded.

This mana formation should have the effect of increasing the maximum amount of mana.

It wasn't in the game, but maybe it's some kind of extra quest or extra perk?

Furthermore, the mana formation was still glowing; this meant that another person could increase their mana.

So that means I can too.

But I'm not actually using mana so, unlike Yurasia, no change occurred to me.

No matter how much I stared at the system there was no change.

"What about you?"

Yurasia came up to me and I was at a loss for a response.

What about the Heavenly Demon Rain?

Heavenly Demon Rain emitted a white light and it was also an item with a level.

The mana formation also emitted a white light.

In other words, they were part of the same family.

Heavenly Demon Rain and the mana formation were both created by the game's management!

Thinking that if I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it, so I decided to thrust my perk blade into the mana formation.

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