In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 14: Actor

"Next is dance class." Roko sighed as he made his way through the halls of Memoria Auspice, "Not that I can dance with my arm still in a cast like this. Maybe I should just sit this one out."

As Roko thought aloud to himself, a voice cried out from around the corner, "I'M LATE!!"

Before Roko could turn to face the voice, someone ran into him at full speed, knocking both of them onto the ground.

"Ah!" The reckless person said as they sat up, "Are you okay?"

Roko squirmed on the ground as he tried his best to not cry out after being hit at full speed on the side with his arm cast, "I'm...fine."

"You don't look fine. Oh god, is that a cast? What happened to you? Did I do that?"

"Don't mind it." Roko grunted as he turned to face the perpetrator, "...You're a princess?"

"Hm?" The messy looking princess removed the toast from her mouth, "You don't look like a knight. Who are you?"

"You don't know who I am?"

"Should I?" The princess looked puzzled, "Ah! Wait, I'm late! Sorry, I'll talk to you later!"

The princess stood up and ran off at full speed down a nearby stairs.

"Who the hell was that?" Roko said as he got up, "Don't think I recognized her."

"The kidnapper has been taken into custody. His name is Lucius Albright. There isn't a whole lot of information on him but-"

"What's going on?" Roko asked as he spotted Kaguya, Momo and Helena with their knights huddled together.

"Oh, Roko." Momo said as he came over, "Kaguya managed to grab some information about the kidnapper and what happened to him. We were just about to discuss it."

"I think you'd be interested as well." Kaguya nodded, "His name is-"

"I know his name." Roko said, "I sca-used my spell on him."

"Oh?" Kaguya looked very interested, "What do you make of him?"

"He's a very skilled mage." Roko said, "His intelligence was high but his other stats were low. Pretty common among mages. There was a whole laundry list of spells that he knew though. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind to name a few."

"He's a Quadrifarius." Kaguya raised an eyebrow.

"A what?"

"A mage that has mastered the four basic elements." Helena explained, "There are titles that come along with how much elemental magic you've mastered. There's Gemellipara if you've mastered two, Trismegistus for three and four is Quadrifarius."

"You don't get anything for one I see."

"One is Solum." Kaguya said,

"I didn't know that." Helena blinked.

"It's not exactly a title to be proud of. Anyway, please continue."

"Well, I don't feel like listing off the rest of the spells he knows." Roko sighed, "He's not just a spellcaster though. He was making a love potion too."

"Yes, that's what I heard as well." Kaguya nodded.

"Thank goodness we got Corissa out of there in time." Helena gulped.

"I went over the recipe on my own." Roko said, "It doesn't seem like a simple concoction."

"It isn't." Kaguya mused, "The ingredients for it range from rare to illegal so gathering all of them must not have been easy. Its brewing takes time and the procedure is rather sensitive. It's not the hardest potion to brew but the ingredients are difficult to find, intentionally so."

"But the fact that he was making one would imply he's a skilled alchemist as well." Roko replied.

"So it would seem." Kaguya agreed, "That's not even mentioning that he hijacked the school's spatial magic."

"Why would someone so skilled do something so depraved?" Momo sighed.

"Some people only think of themselves." Kaguya replied sadly, "Sometimes the most normal looking and talented people are hiding the darkest sides of humanity."

"What a waste." Roland sighed, "If only one of us were so talented."

"That aside." Mikado quickly rushed in before Roland could implicate Roko further, "That Varis managed to beat someone like that is truly fearsome."

"Well, he's a skilled magician but he's still a magician." Roko explained, "For all his power. once someone gets in swinging range he's not capable enough to protect himself properly."

"Well for what it's worth, it seems like he did everything he could to keep us from reaching him." Momo said.

"So what's the new news?" Roko asked, turning to Kaguya.

"Well, we've managed to discover how he managed to get inside Memoria Auspice." Kaguya explained, "As you suspected, he discovered the astronomy tower and found out about the spatial connection between it and the school and hijacked it to travel into the school. It seems he was sneaking around the outside of the school for a while. That's when he found Corissa and his interest became an obsession."

"I feel sorry for Corissa but I'm glad it wasn't me." Helena shuddered.

"Now Lucius has been captured and is awaiting trail in jail." Kaguya continued, "The problem now is which jurisdiction gets to try him. He was on school property but we don't have our own judicial system. That would be ridiculous. The Physia Kingdom is really pushing to get him tried in their court but I don't imagine that'll be an impartial trial. The tower was on Xinlong territory but there's been border disputes between Xinlong and Dalong and that tower was right in the middle of all that so that's a headache all on its own."

"What about Memoria Auspice?" Helena asked, "There's got to be some people that are pinning the blame on us."

"Oh, no doubt." Kaguya sighed, "But the school's doing their best to make amends but there are difficulties on that alone. For one, they've been trying to explain that Mikado, Momo, Roland and Varis were the ones to preform the rescue."

"Wait, are they trying to keep Roko out of it?" Momo frowned, "That's not right."

"It's fine." Roko shrugged, "I didn't really do anything to help so I can't say it's not justified."

"That's not true at all!" Momo cried, "You helped plenty!"

"I left you guys at the entrance to fend for yourselves."

"Without your expertise, we wouldn't not have been able to ignore the spectral soldiers like we did." Mikado said with a smile, "What's more, I hear you destroyed a floor to defeat a basilisk."

"It wasn't a real basilisk." Roko frowned, "And any of you guys would have been able to just cut through the spectral armor on the snake. I just did what I could. Hell, I only let Varis go ahead of me because my spell revealed a weak point I could abuse."

"But you still did it with one arm injured." Momo replied, "You don't give yourself enough credit."

"I only do what I can." Roko said, "Which never feels like enough."

"Nonsense." Kaguya said, "I for one, greatly value your opinions. In fact, I was hoping to get your expertise on something myself."

"What would that be?"

"Oh! Hey! Prez! I finally got out of class!"

Roko watched, surprised, as the girl that had crashed into him that morning ran into the courtyard with a cheerful vigor.

"Ah good. You're here." Kaguya smiled.

"You said you had someone you wanted to introduce me to, miss president?"

"President?" Roko frowned.

"Oh yes. Lady Kaguya is the class president." Mikado explained.

"Did I not tell you this?" Kaguya said, shocked.


"Well, it's not that important."

"Who's this guy?" The girl asked.

"Yes, this is the man I wanted to introduce to you. Roko, this is Princess Oto. Lady Oto, this man is named Roko."

"Nice to meet you!" Oto grinned.

"We've met before." Roko sighed.

"We have?!"

"You have?" Kaguya said surprised.

"You ran into me in the hall."

"Oh! Right, you were that guy!" Oto cried, "Sorry, I was too busy trying to eat my breakfast."

"Were you late for class again?" Helena frowned.

"Yep! Got scolded for it real good too."

"Anyway." Kaguya coughed, "The reason that I wanted to introduce you to him is that, as I'm sure you've noticed, Roko isn't a knight."

"Say what? Oh yeah! I guess you really don't look the part." Oto nodded, "What with the cast and all."

"No, I don't think that's the problem here." Roland said.

"Roko is a special exception." Kaguya continued, "The school has taken him in as a special guest. You see, Roko is actually from another world."

"Really? That's neat. I've been from different world a few times myself."

"I'm sorry?" Roko said, astonished.

"Oto is is a bit of a celebrity." Helena smiled as she hooked an arm around her, "She's a princess but she's also a movie star."

"I'm sorry?" Roko repeated, only slightly less surprised.

"Oto is a very skilled actor." Kaguya explained, "She is not often in class due to being in many productions at the same time. In fact, it was only recently that she was able to return to class in a while."

"That's me!" Oto grinned, "Again, nice to meet you and sorry for running into you earlier!"

"Anyway, that brings me to my next point." Kaguya said as she turned to Roko, "Roko, I would like for you to scan Oto."

"Seriously?" Roko frowned.

"Milady." Mikado cleared his throat, "Might I suggest you are abusing Roko's powers a bit too much lately?"

"Don't ruin my fun, Mikado." Kaguya coughed lightly, "Now, go on Roko."


"What's he doing?" Oto asked as Roko scanned her.

"It's just a thing he does." Helena said as she patted her on the back, "Don't worry about it."

"Hm." Roko blinked once he received the information, "This is new."

"What is?" Kaguya said with the vaguest hint of excitement.

"Oto's level is very high." Roko explained, "One of the highest among students and knights. Her stats are pretty well balanced. Her constitution is pretty high but her charisma is especially high. Higher than Corissa's."

"As to be expected of a movie star." Momo nodded.

"You know a lot of spells as well." Roko frowned, "You're well beyond a qua...a quad...what was it, Quadrifoglio?"

"Quadrifarius." Kaguya corrected.

"Oh that?" Oto smiled, "That's all stuff I picked up for various roles I got. I can't actually use them that well."

"I imagine you can't." Roko grimaced, "Your intelligence..."

"What? What about her intelligence?" Momo asked.

"It's 5."

"I'm sorry, you said five?" Helena said as she fought to keep her face straight, "Like the same number of fingers I have on one hand?"

"Yeah." Roko said, "It's the lowest I've ever seen a stat at."

"Wait, that's just crazy." Roland frowned, "How can she even speak our language if her intelligence is that low?"

"Evidently language doesn't require that much intelligence, Mr. Fourteen."

"Hey! My intelligence is super high if you compare it to hers!"

"Now don't be rude, Fourteen." Helena snickered.

"How would you explain this, Sir Roko?" Mikado asked.

"There's nothing I can come up with for that intelligence." Roko sighed, "The high level and charisma can be explained by her acting career. She must've gotten a lot of experience from playing a variety of different characters. That intelligence is really something though."

"Aw thanks." Oto grinned, "You remind me a lot of a character I once played."

"That right?"

"Yep! She was a pretty young girl from the boonies trying to make her way in the city. Movie did really well even if there wasn't any romance involved. People really love their romance you know. Anyway, she was really smart just like you! Even though she was a yokel. Guess that makes you a Roko-el!"

Roko and Roland stared blankly as Oto burst into laughter.

"My god."


"You can make puns on 5 intelligence."

"Truly, puns are the lowest form of humor."

"Well, this is certainly a surprise." Helena laughed, "You're a much more interesting person than I thought, Oto!"

"Thank you Princess Helena! You're a really nice person! Maybe I can ask you to Hele-nd me a hand sometime?"

"Can I leave yet?" Roko moaned.

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