In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 192: Brightness Link

"Hey!" Roko grinned as he walked up to Kaguya and Helena, "You two doing well?"

"Not as well as you, apparently." Helena grinned back, "What's got you so chipper today, Roko?"

"I guess it's been a while since I got some good sunlight. Feels pretty good to be outside finally."

"Though I see you still haven't been discharged quite yet. Kaguya smiled, "Hello Corissa."

"H-Hello." Corissa bowed awkwardly.

"Oh? Why so shy all of a sudden?" Kakuya asked but she was well aware of the regular glances Corissa would make towards Roko.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Roko asked as he looked around.

"Well, we have the outdoor field all set up." Helena reported, "All that's left for that is the crops which we have but Enlil's taking his time deciding what to start planting first. In the meantime, we're building one of those greenhouses that Kaguya's been interested in. Problem is setting up the foundations. We want walls to set up an internal environment so we're essentially building a house but out of glass. We're trying to see what leftover materials can be reused to help build this thing. And then we have to figure out where to place the climate controls so we can start wiring it across the building. Kaguya also really wants to build a big one so she can test out all the things she learned but then we'd have to have more than one climate control. It's a whole thing."

"Sounds complicated." Roko nodded, "Good luck with that."

"Thanks! You two doing anything?"

"Well, I've been gone for a while so I'm just checking up on the whole rebuilding process everywhere. You know where everyone else is?"

"Momo and Roland just started rebuilding on yet another hut so that's going to take them the whole day. I assigned Mikado to help out with things inside the cave, including drawing up a map of the interior so we can start preparing to set up markers. The dark elves, including Drift, Ohm and Reaumur have started shuffling the inside items and throwing out the stuff Enlil doesn't want."

"Cool." Roko gave a thumbs up, "I'll go check up on all of them."

"Might want to stay out of the main chamber." Helena called as Roko walked off, "Brook and a bunch of elves have started enchanting some security measures for when they move that grave in."

"Got it!"

Walking past several huts that had been rebuilt into sturdier houses of varying quality, Roko spotted Roland moving a giant stone plate with wind magic as Momo directed him to the specific point that it needed to be.

"Hey, Roland!" Roko called.

"Fuck off." Roland replied, not even turning around to acknowledge Roko.

"Okay." Roko said as he turned around, "I won't bother you then. Just wanted to say, cool hat though."

"I said fu-wait what?"

Roland turned around, completely caught off guard as Roko was already walking away. This also mean losing control of the wind spell and the giant stone plate falling onto the ground and starting to tip over on top of Momo.


"Oh sh-" Roland quickly ran over to try and pull the stone slab off Momo, "Hey, hang on, you can just use reinforcement magic on yourself!"

"And you could just use wind magic to get this off of me!"

"And you could just use reinforcement magic to help me get this off of you!"

"Let's not go forgetting whose fault this is in the first place!"

"Look, I said I'm sorry!"

"I don't think you did though!"

Walking into the cave, Roko and Corissa wandered the poorly lit corridors until he found a couple of dark elves moving some deteriorating bed frames and drawers. He stopped to have a brief chat with them, mostly about their work and how they're doing before continuing on into the cave. It wasn't long until they heard some voices they actually recognized.

"No, I think we're actually going down into the earth." Ohm said, "There's been quite a few paths that's lead downwards already so we're definitely underneath the surface right now."

"No, I'm pretty sure this place has a slight incline all over the place." Reaumur replied, "Sure there's some lower points like this place but I'm confident we're still well above surface level. I mean, there's a whole mountain above us so it's not like there's no room."

"Frankly, I think we're just hovering around ground level." Drift added, "There might be a slight incline but there are some steep slopes down so...yeah."

"Drift, you never take a side." Reaumur sighed.

"Someone has to keep you two in check."

"Oh yeah? Well Mikado, what do you think?" Reaumur frowned.

"I don't think a Z-axis is going to help with this 2D map."

"Hey guys!" Roko called, "Doing well?"

"Roko!" The dark elves all brightened up as they turned to face Roko and then immediately balked at Roko's new chipper outlook.

"Ooo! Klaus!" Roko grinned as he knelt down and began rubbing a confused blink dog on the head enthusiastically, "How are you doing, boy?!"

Klaus blinked, unsure of what's going on but still letting Roko pet him.

"Who's a good dog? Yes you are, yes you are!"

Klaus let his tongue hang out and panted happily but it seemed more like he was acting like a happy dog because that's what was expected of him. Okay, he may be a bit happy too.

"How's the map going?" Roko asked, standing up as he left the confused dog alone.

"I'm about 50% done." Mikado reported, "I'm not exactly the best map maker so it's been a bit of a learning process."

"Looks good to me." Roko nodded as he glanced at the map that Mikado had made, "Place seems pretty big though."

"He was also supposed to set up the lights but that seemed like a lot for one person to we've been following Mikado around and helping put them up." Ohm said as he eyed Roko warily.

"Oh damn. Sounds like a lot of work. Good job."


"Umm...Roko..." Drift cleared his throat awkwardly, "Are you feeling okay?"

"Never been better." Roko grinned, "Can barely even remember all the fatigue and stress I've had the past few days."

"That's...good?" Drift tried to smile back, "I'm...happy for you?"

"Hey man, I appreciate that. Sometimes I feel like I get into a lot of trouble and...well that's it really. The trouble never ends."

"You certainly deserve a vacation after all you've done."

"You know, you're right! ...But where do I go though?"

"Uuuhhh...good question..."

"Drift, please explain to Roko how we set up these lights as we have a talk with Corissa." Reaumur said as she and Ohm walked up to Corissa and began to guide her away from everyone.


Taking Corissa not far from everyone else, Reaumur began hissing in hushed tones,

"Okay Corissa, you seem to know what's going on so spill it."

"Roko got mana poisoning again so we made him sick to get him to feel better." Corissa said with a soft, awkward laugh.

"Do I want to know how that makes sense?" Ohm frowned.

"Well it's a bit of a complicated story."

"Is that why Roko's all happy all of a sudden?" Reaumur frowned.


"Ha!" Ohm smirked, "Well, that's great! It's a bit weird but if he's happy then I'm happy!"

"I don't like it." Reaumur crossed her arms, "It's not Roko."

"What? People change." Ohm said with a smug smile, "And this seems like a good change for our old sourpuss. He can finally enjoy life instead of throwing himself into other people's problems."

"Is that what Roko would want though?" Reaumur scowled, "The Roko I know wallows in his own weakness and gloominess and then goes on to achieve the impossible."

"Can't a man be happy for once?" Ohm scoffed.

"You can't force someone to be happy! That's not right!"

"Look, maybe Roko just doesn't know what he's missing." Ohm retorted, "Don't you want to support your friends?"

"An abrupt change is worth concern no matter how 'good' it is on the surface! Would you just not care if I just started agreeing with you?!"

"I mean, I wouldn't complain." Ohm muttered.

"No no no, this won't do!" Reaumur shook her head, "Something is wrong with Roko!"

"I mean, do we even know what's wrong with him exactly?" Ohm asked, "Is he like...high or something?"

"Umm...kind of?" Corissa answered, "This is Roko without...restraint or something."

"See?" Ohm sneered, "This is the real Roko right there!"

"That's not the real Roko!" Reaumur snapped, "You know full well that Roko would never act like that! He's sooner die that be all buddy buddy like that!"

"Are you saying you won't be friends with him if he keeps being all sociable and stuff?"

"" Reaumur faltered.

"See! There's nothing wrong with how Roko is acting!"

"No, that's not what Roko is and not what Roko wants to be!"

"What, you think you know the real Roko? That's actually Roko himself right there, freer than he's ever been and you're going to say that's wrong?"

"Are you just going to pretend there is nothing wrong with Roko? We know he's sick and his mind's been altered. Are you saying we don't need to cure him because he's become an idealized version of himself?"

"Look, all I'm saying is that if he can be perfectly healthy AND happy, we shouldn't have anything to complain."

"There's a difference between wanting the best for someone and helping them be the best person they can be! Which do you think is more important?!"

"I can only do the former! I can't help someone be the best they can be because I don't know what they want!"

"You're just giving up on them! If you care about someone you'd at least try instead of just hoping they'll be better! That's such a tourist way of being a 'friend'!"

"You don't know what problems have been plaguing Roko! Even if this is not how he wants to be, it is who he is at his core! This is the truest Roko we've ever seen!"

"We're more than just the first thought that comes into our mind! Roko's a person because he's complex! He thinks! All of us have parts we don't like showing people and it's rude to consider someone they're not as some how better!"

"Well what can you even do about it?! Are you going to go find a cure?!"

"The cure's already hanging around his neck." Corissa laughed softly, "Once he starts exhibiting more severe symptoms, we'll release it and hopefully he'll recover."

"Okay, that's good." Reaumur breathed a sigh of relief, "This is a bit too weird for me."

"Remind me not to be happy around you." Ohm muttered.

"Ohm, you're never happy around me."

"And whose fault do you think is that?!"

As Reaumur and Ohm began arguing again, Corissa looked down, their points ringing around in her worried mind. What is the real Roko? What should she do?

"Whoa, check it out!" Roko cried, "We're under the lake now!"

Walking into the middle of the room, the duo looked up as the daylight dispersed through the clear water above, sinking the area in a beautiful bath of waving lights.

"Pretty cool." Roko nodded, "This has got to be the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while."

Corissa agreed. It was a pretty sight. But the light moving across Roko's body was all she could see. Her mind still not used to seeing Roko so expressive. Until she remembered.

"AH! Roko, we're not supposed to be here!" Corissa yelped as she ran up and grabbed Roko's arm, "The elves are doing magical security enchantments in the main chamber so-"

"Who's there?!"

From one of the side tunnels emerged Brook, looking none too pleased until she saw her intruders.

"Oh, it's you two." Brook sighed, "Wait, are you on a date?"

"What?!" Corissa yelped as she quickly let go of Roko's arm, "N-No! Nothing like that!"

"Yo." Roko grinned, "Sorry for getting in the way."

"'s fine." Brook said, equally unnerved as everyone else with this new Roko, "The enhancements on this side of the room has been completed. We're working on the other side right now."

"Other side?" Roko looked around at the empty room, "Where?"

"In a different subspace." Brook smirked, "You didn't think we'd just put our founder's grave in the middle of this chamber did you?"

"Okay..." Roko scratched his cheek, "Should...we have heard that?"

"Eh. I'm sure it's fine."

"If you say so!" Roko grinned.

"...Wow, this is so weird..." Brook muttered.

"Everybody's been saying that." Roko blinked, "I don't know what they're talking about."

"If you don't get it, don't mind it." Brook shrugged, "You'll recover eventually so it doesn't matter."


"You know about his condition?" Corissa asked.

"Rivera told us." Brook explained, "And by us I mean me and a few others you might know."

"Who would that be?"

"That'd be us!"

And from the main tunnel arrived Spark, Treesa and Mistral. A...very happy Treesa and a very sour looking Mistral...very normal looking Spark though.

"Yo!" Treesa grinned, "We came to check out the new Roko! For the lolz!"

"Ummm…" Corissa's face paled, "What's going on? Did you guys get sick too?!"

"Nope." Mistral said in a low energy voice, "We just decided to switch personalities."

"There's a sickness that can do that?!"

"Nope." Treesa chuckled, "Just acting."

"...Why?" Brook frowned.

"Well we heard Roko went through a personality change so we decided to do something similar." Treesa smiled.

"You solidarity or something." Mistral shrugged.

"Oh neat!" Roko give Treesa a high five with both hands, "Nice acting, both of you."

"Well I do have a lot of hidden talents." Treesa puffed out her chest proudly.

"I'll say." Brook chuckled, "I think this is the happiest I've seen you while Mistral is around."

"Well, we all have our demons."

"I just want to know. What's it like internally? Inside your head."

"Screaming. Constantly."

" least you're committed."

"Bet you don't see this everyday." Mistral nodded.

"Actually, this is pretty much Treesa when you're not around." Brook said as Corissa laughed nervously.

"Oh yeah? Should I change my impression then?"

"I mean, you don't seem all that different to be honest." Brook shrugged, "You're already usually low energy when Treesa's not around."

"What? Okay then, watch this." Mistral cleared her throat and then clasped her hands together, "'Oh Root. If only we were still together and weren't a dark elf! Oh how I love you so!'"

"Hahaha, I'll kill you." Treesa said in the most deadpan tone while still looking inappropriately cheerful.

"Careful, your mask is slipping, dear." Mistral replied with a hint of devilish playfulness.

"I mean, I'm convinced." Roko grinned, entertained by the show, "Though personally, I'm not sure if Treesa is really Mistral enough."

"Aw, what? I haven't even begun trying yet!" Treesa smiled, "Here, try this. Ahem. Hey Roko, smash or pass Mistral?"

"Pass." Roko replied, "She's married."

"That's what I've been saying." Mistral nodded with a hint of feigned grumpiness.

"Also she seems like a bit of a pain to deal with."

"You know, so true bestie!" Treesa grinned, "Alright, then smash or pass, Corissa?"

"EHHHHHH?!" Corissa yelped.

"Oh, that's-"

"NONONONONONONO!" Corissa ran over and quickly covered Roko's mouth, "My heart's not ready to hear the answer yet!"

"'Yet' huh?" The three elf girls smiled knowingly.

"A-Anyway, don't ask Roko silly questions like that." Corissa coughed softly as she regained her composure, "He's in a condition where he'd likely answer very honestly."

"Is that supposed to dissuade us?" Treesa smirked.

"No questions!" Corissa insisted, "I forbid it!"

"Fine fine." Treesa rolled her eyes, "If the mom says we can't, I guess we can't."

"Uuuuu..." Corissa looked down, too stressed to do much arguing.

"A moment if you will, Corissa."

Mistral motioned for Corissa to step away to the side as the rest of the party continued with their conversations. Once they were out of earshot, Mistral whispered seriously to Corissa,

"Now I'm not quite certain of the symptoms and conditions but Roko probably shouldn't be out and about for too long. Even if he looks and acts fine, his body is still fatigued. He's just too much on a high to acknowledge it. I'd say a little exercise is good but he should probably get back to bed soon."

"Alright." Corissa nodded, "Thank you."

"Well, I'm not a doctor right now so who knows what I'm talking about~" Mistral said as she turned back to rejoin the conversation.

"So smash or pass Waur?" Roko asked.

"Big muscular orc daddy who can choke me?" Treesa chuckled, "Hell yeah, smash!"

"Is that you answering or is that you answering for me?" Mistral frowned.

"I'm answering for you as if you were single." Treesa nodded.

"The hell kind of answer is that then? No, even then that kind of answer's kinda-"

"Roko." Corissa said as she took Roko by the arm, "It's time we go back to your room and take a break."

"Okay!" Roko smiled and followed Corissa as she lead him away.

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