In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 2: Special Tune

Roko fidgeted nervously as he patiently waited for something to happen. The woman that saved him from the black knight had brought him to a large castle, one larger and more complex than the castles he knew of. None of which he knew personally. Only those he had seen in movies and games. He had been taken to what seemed like the castle's nurse's office and left on a hospital bed after a cursory inspection. The woman, the knight, even the doctor that looked at him just told him to stay there while they left. Not that the doctor looked particularly friendly. Roko sighed as he leaned back on the bed frame. There were a lot of questions he had that still seemed impossible to answer. What had happened to him? Why was he killed? How did he wake up in this fantasy world? How can he go back? Can he even go back?

Roko frowned.

Did he even want to go back?

Roko sat up as the door to the nurse's office opened and a young man entered with a friendly smile.

"Hello." The man greeted him as he walked up to Roko's bed, "Your name is Roko correct?"

Y-Yes." Roko replied.

"You stated that you were not of this world?" The man said as he checked a small file he had in his hands.


"Can you clarify?"

"Well...for one there isn't any magic in my world." Roko said, unsure of how to answer.

"Is that right?"

"Yeah...there aren't any knights either..."

"What makes you so sure that this is another world and not just a foreign location in the same world?"

"Well, that's because it's so structurally different." Roko replied, smiling softly at the unknown absurdity of the question, "Much of the world I have come from has been mapped and no location with this type of culture has been recorded. Information is easy to find and access in my world so something like this would be hard to keep secret if it was the same world."

"I see, I see." The man responded absently as he scribbled on the notes he had on hand.

Roko frowned. This was becoming an uncomfortable one way interrogation. Maybe he should try to ask questions as well.

"Where am I?"

"Hm?" The man looked up with a receptive smile, "This is Memoria Auspice. A school of magic for nobles and royalty."

"Wait so this is like...a private school?" Roko blinked.

"A very private school." The man nodded, "This school is separated from the outside world so it's very peculiar that you could even show up here."

"Separated? As in dimensionally?"

"You know of dimensions." The man grinned, "You're pretty well learned yourself."

"Um...thanks?" Roko gulped, unsure of how to take the compliment, "So...everybody in this school is royalty?"

"Princesses specifically." The man replied, "This is an all-girls school technically but we mostly take in princesses and other potential leaders of lands or countries. That is technically our clientele but naturally, royalty of different countries gathered together in one place can't be allowed without proper protection so you'll find that many of these princesses have knights to accompany them."

"But the knights aren't actually students?" Roko asked.

"Exactly." The man said as he checked his notes once more, "It's said here that you were attacked by one of our knights. You have our apologies. You must understand that you were in the Paramnesia Wildwood. This forest is well known for their dangerous and tricky monsters. You appeared in the middle of a hunting exercise so there was some misunderstandings."

"What misunderstandings?"

"Well, there are a collections of shape shifting creatures that are known to take human shape. You must've been mistaken for one of those."

"Are you serious?" Roko sighed as he covered his face with his hands.

"Again, you have our apologies. We are willing to help you with your...predicament. So long as it is within our power."

"I don't suppose you have dimensional crossing magic?"

"Not in the manner you're thinking of." The man laughed, "If nothing else, we'll be willing to take you in as a guest until you figure out what to do next."

"Is...that allowed?" Roko blinked, "I'm not a girl or some sort of royalty. How would the other students feel?"

"Oh, they'd be perfectly welcoming. It's not as if they are particularly adverse to men. If anything they are being trained in proper manners and this should prove to be a unique experience for them."

"Well...if you're sure I won't be any trouble." Roko said sheepishly, "I'd appreciate it if you would allow me to stay."

"You're more than welcome." The man replied cordially, "We'll set up a proper lodging for you and you can be moved in once everything is prepared."

"T-Thank you."

"Don't mention it." The man said, "Though as for what you will do in the meantime...we don't have any particular demands for you so long as you don't cause any trouble."

"Actually..." Roko gulped, "While I'm here...I don't suppose you'd be willing to teach me magic as well?"

"Teach you magic?"

"I understand that you only teach princesses but I can't say I'm not terribly curious about magic itself. Unless I can't learn magic."

"Hmmm...well there's no real reason you can't learn magic. There are many wizards out there and even some of the knights have picked up a spell or two from sticking around for the lessons. You said your world didn't have magic though. Are you sure you're capable?"

"I think so." Roko replied, "At least...I think I know one spell."

"And what spell is that?"


At his word, the world blurred away as if he was speeding in a tunnel, focusing only on the man before him and stats and numbers floated into his mind. Roko quickly shook his head to try to refocus his thoughts on the conversation.

"Scan?" The man mused, "That isn't a spell that I'm familiar with. What does it do?"

"It..." Roko held his head, "It allows me to view information on whoever I cast it on."

"Really?" The man raised an eyebrow, "That sounds like pretty potent magic. Well if you can use one spell, I can't say there isn't merit in trying to teach you. I'll have a word with the headmaster about your provisional enrollment."

"You're not the headmaster?" Roko said.

"Oh no. I'm just a teacher." The man laughed, "The real headmaster is a real character. You'll meet each other in due time."

"I-I see."

"Well, I'll leave you to rest for the time being. Your lodgings should be prepared by the start of the next day. Until then, is there anything we can get you?"

"Huh? Oh um..." Roko thought for a moment, "Can I get a notebook and pencil?"

"What do you plan on writing?"

"Just...a record."

"Ah, like a journal or something?" The man smiled, "That is a wise decision. I'll have the doctor return with a small book and pencil for you."

"Thank you." Roko said as the man turned to walk away, "Mr. Kress Rowan...sir."

Kress turned around, surprised, "How'd you-"

"Sca-the spell, sir."

"I see." Kress nodded, "So that is the effect of your Scan spell. My name was among the information you received then."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's really my fault. I apologize for not introducing myself after all this time." Kress smiled, "Still, to accidentally invoke your spell just by saying the name is a common beginner's mistake. We'll see if there is no way to help you control that better."

"Thank you, sir."

"That's enough of that. Now get some rest. There must be a lot going through your mind. Collect yourself and we can begin your studies tomorrow."

The following afternoon, Roko opened the door to his new room, It was as simple a dorm room as one could find. One window and desk, though for some reason there were two bunk beds. Roko honestly didn't expect for there to be anybody rooming with him, given his unusual circumstances but time will only tell on that regard. Roko set down the only belongings he had brought with him, his old clothes, down on one of the beds. The school had given him some clothes more fitting their era though Roko could only see it as cosplay which bothered him only slightly. Taking a deep breath, Roko sat down on one of the beds and held his face in his hands.

It had been a day since his sudden arrival in this world and he has come to terms with a few undeniable points. One, he was dead. At least in his old world. Two, he now exists in a separate reality. Three, there might not be a way back home. The only thing left to do was decide on what to do from here on out. Find some way home or make a new one here? In retrospect, there wasn't really anything to go home to. There was nobody waiting for him and nothing he felt dearly attached to that was left behind. That was just his life up till now. He was fine making a small living in a lonely apartment complex using what little skills he had. Now…

Now, Roko was left in a world that only existed in fantasy where his skills could hardly be used to scrounge up the same stable living he had before. The world wasn't looking for a data analyst, they wanted knights or farmers or bakers. None of which Roko had any experience in. Memoria Auspice wasn't exactly a good start either. This was a school of magic but only for royal princesses, neither of which applied to him. The only options available to him was to become a mage or become a princess' knight. Or...marry a princess? Become a king?

Roko's body shuddered. The thought of running a country alone filled him with dread. Luckily, before he could dwell on his situation further, a knock came on his door. Getting up, Roko went to welcome his new visitor.

"Hello!" A bubbly looking brunette girl greeted him with a smile wider than any Roko had seen before, "My name is Helena! We're neighbors! I live next door! Just came by to say hello!"

Roko poked his head out into the hall and checked both sides of the hall.

"There are no other rooms on this hallway." Roko frowned.

"Well you know." Helena shrugged, "'Next-door' is relative."


"Anyway, mind if I come in? I got some cookies."

Helena held up a small pack of homemade cookies. With a sigh, Roko let the strange girl in who bounced happily into the room and sat down on one of the beds.

"This looks pretty much like our room." Helena said as she looked around, "Not a whole lot different."

"I figured." Roko said as he sat down on the bed opposite her.

"Got any decorating plans?"

"Not much for decorating rooms myself."

"I could help with that."

"Won't be my room then."

"Guess that's fair." Helena said as she absentmindedly kicked around her feet, "So I hear you're the school's new special guest."

"I guess so."

"Must be quite an honor."

"Not that I'd know how much of an honor it is."

"Right, you're supposed to be from another world right?"

"Word travels fast."

"Not a lot you can hide from a princess."

"So it's true that all the girls here are princesses?"

"That's right."

"Can I ask why so many world leaders to be are rooming with each other to learn magic?"

"Hm?" Helena blinked, "That's just the way of things in our world I guess."

"How so?"

"Kings are usually the military leaders. They study military tactics along with everything about how to run a country. Along with how to actually fight themselves. All magical and supernatural matters are expected to be matters for the queen. That's why sending princesses to magic school is a pretty common thing."

"So there are male wizards in the world as well?"

"Oh yeah. Plenty of them. You're not a complete oddball."

"Not how I would put it but alright." Roko sighed.

"So where did you come from?" Helena asked as she opened her pack of cookies and ate one.

"Hmmmm..." Roko thought deeply about his answer, "Well our technology is much more advanced."

"So what, you've got pulleys everywhere or something?"

"Nobody needs that much pulleys. No, we have things invisible network of information gathered by people from all over the world that anybody can access with a small box that harnesses the power of electricity."

"So it's like a phone?"

"You have phones?!" Roko cried, incredulously.

"Yeah." Helena reached into her pocket and pulled out a small stone tablet with magical projections decorating all over its face, "What's yours like?"

"Well it's more...metal and the screen is made out of glass instead of...magic."

"Won't that be a problem if the glass breaks?"

"Well it's specifically made to not break into big stabby pieces if it does break in the first place."

"Hm. What else do you have?"

"I...I don't know. If there are phones here, I need to do more research about this world." Roko frowned.

"Mkay." Helena shrugged as she munched on another cookie, "...I might have eaten all the cookies."

"That's fine."

"Sorry, I'll bake some more."

"No, it's fine." Roko sighed, "It's about time for dinner anyway."

"Is it that late already?!" Helena cried as she looked out the window, "I should get our dinner ready."

"Can I ask you one last question?" Roko asked.

"Ask away."

"You're a princess right? Where's your knight?"

"Oh, Roland is a bit paranoid so I sent him out shopping for dinner before coming here." Helena smiled, "We're having a hot pot! Wanna come along?"

"I think I'll just go to the cafeteria." Roko replied, "Should probably get used to where everything is."

"Alright! I'll be over to give you cookies again some other time! And this time I won't eat them all."

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