In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 20: Knight Hunter

"Good morning!"

"Morning." Roko yawned as Corissa burst into his room.

"Are you ready to explore Cordis today?"

"Sure am." Roko said as he got up from his bed, "Let's get going shall we?"


"Well that's enough talking for today." Roko said as he got up from his chair, "It's getting late. Should we escape now?"

"You don't think I'll run on you?" Lavinia scoffed

"Like I said, you're not obligated to help."

"Hmph. Well, I'm going to stay here."

"You sure?"

"You broke the bridges so no one else can get here right? I'll be fine. In fact, if I leave, I'm sure Red Wind will find me and I really don't want to talk to them about my resignation just yet."

"But there isn't any food in here is there?"

"Oh I've spent a few sleepless nights without food. It's not that big a deal for me." Lavinia said as she picked up a book and flipped it open, "Just so long as I have research to do."

Roko got up and opened his backpack, "Here." he said as he placed a few rations on the table, "These are meant for emergencies but I can get a meal outside of this sewer so I don't really need it."

"You're such a softie."

"I'm not going to comment on that." Roko said as he turned to leave, "I probably won't be here for a few days so I better not find you dead here."

"I'll do my best." Lavinia said as she flipped the page on her book, "Not dying that is."

Roko left the building and found a pillar to stick his last spatial seal on. Taking a step back, he checked his bracelet and-

"Hey." Corissa's voice interrupted his thoughts as they stopped walking down the hallway, "Are you okay?"

"Oh. Yeah well..."

"Have you been doing something behind my back?" Corissa frowned.


"I knew it." Corissa sighed, "You're supposed to taking a break you know."

"So are you."

"Don't you turn this on me, mister." Corissa pouted, "Now what's going on?"

"I've heard rumors about somebody who made a deal with a demon."

"A demon?" Corissa blinked, "That is pretty dangerous. But what's that got to do with you?"

"I figured demons are really dangerous." Roko said, "Deals with the devil aren't usually done for magnanimous purposes in my world."

"Your world has demons too?"

"Only in literature."

"I see." Corissa nodded though it was clear she still had some questions she wanted to ask, "Well, demons are pretty dangerous in our world as well. There might be some good demons but I don't think those are the type to make contracts with people."

"But demons are dangerous right?"

"Most of the time, yes. Deals with demons are illegal in most countries just on a general basis. If there is one going on, we should probably investigate."

"I have a name." Roko said,

"A demon?" Roko frowned, "That sounds like trouble."

"Demons generally are." Lavinia nodded, "Only a few adventurers are capable of fighting demons, at least the types that make deals are."

"Any suggestions on how to handle him?"

"Honestly? There's no chance you can take him on. Not to be harsh but you don't seem like much of a fighter nor a particularly skilled mage. Unless you can find an adventurer who can kill a demon, it's probably best that you give up or at least find some reinforcements."

"That's probably the smart thing to do." Roko agreed.

"You're not going to back down are you?"

"What gave it away?"

"That look in your eyes." Lavinia sighed, "You're still thinking aren't you?"

"That's what I do best."

Lavinia sighed again, heavier this time, "There is one way that a weaker person can defeat an opponent much stronger than them."

"And what's that?"

"Assassination." Lavinia stated.


"Find him when he's not expecting it and kill him before either he or his demon can react. That'll remove the biggest obstacle in your way."

"That's true." Roko replied, "Have any tips?"

"Hire an assassin."

Roko smirked, "Any other tips?"

"You have no plans on getting anybody else involved do you?" Lavinia rubbed her eyes, "Just how much do you think you can do alone?"

"As much as I can."

"Honestly..." Lavinia sighed, "...I can give you a name. But it's probably a fake name."

"I'll take it."


"Comhlacht Gloine."

"Comhlacht Gloine." Corissa looked deep in thought, "That's not a name I'm familiar with."

"Could be an alias."

"Could be." Coriss agreed. "Well, thanks for letting us know. We'll be sure to investigate thoroughly so please leave it to us."

"At least that's what I'd like to say." Corissa sighed, "But you're not going to leave it well alone are you?"

"Are you mad?"

"Yes I am. But I know there's no helping you." Corissa's frown shifted into a subtle smile, "Just this once, I'll let you come along for the investigation. Just this once."

"Are you sure that's okay?"

"If I don't do this, who knows what you're going to do. Let's go."

Corissa walked off with Varis following her. Feeling a little bit guilty, Roko followed Corissa back into the castle.

"Hello, Gavriil." Corissa called as she entered a compact library inside the castle, not unlike the research room in the sewers.

"Ah, princess." An elderly man shuffled out from between a pair of shelves, "How wonderful to see you again."

"This is the Cordis record room." Corissa explained as Roko looked around in wonder, "And this is Gavriil. He's in charge of all the data here."

"It's nice to see that young princess Corissa has made new friends." Gavriil bowed, "It's been so long. Really."

"Gavriil, can you search the name records for me?" Corissa asked, "We're looking for a Comhlacht Gloine."

"What a peculiar name." Gavriil adjusted his glasses with a curious frown, "I'll check the records but I don't believe I've seen that name before."

"Thanks, Gavriil. I appreciate it."

Gavriil walked off and pulled out a large registry from underneath a desk and began flipping through its pages.

"How powerful is a demon?" Roko asked as the elderly man searched.

"It really depends on his demon's powers." Corissa said, "There are demons with magic that even humans can't use and some that can overpower the strongest of knights."

"But it could be a weak demon right?"

"I suppose. It all depends on the contractor. There is no idea what he plans on doing with this contract so who knows what the demon's powers could be."


"Where did you hear about this demon anyway?"

"Just some rumors around town. Pieced it together after hearing about it here and there."

"What did you hear?" Corissa asked, "I didn't think something like this would catch your attention to this extent."

"...There are rumors that...they have plans against the royal family."

"Of course." Corissa sighed, "We are pretty well guarded but demons would be new. If nothing else, we should at least inform the captain of the guard."

"I finished the search, princess." Gavriil said as he returned, "I could find no record of anybody with the name Comhlacht Gloine."

"Not even any aliases?"

"Not at all, though our collection of aliases aren't very extensive."

"Thank you for your help, Gavriil."

"No problem at all, princess. Do visit me again sometime."

"I'll try to find some time to visit you before I leave again. Not for business this time."

"Thank you. Take care of yourself."

Corissa, Varis and Roko left the records room quietly.

"No luck here." Corissa said, "Must be some sort of title or nickname, It'll be hard to pin them down."

"I didn't expect that it'd be easy." Roko replied, "This is going to take some finesse."

"And that's going to be our job alright?" Corissa said, leaning in to look Roko directly in the eyes, "We've got the resources to investigate this properly so I don't want you doing things on your own from now on."

"Err..." Roko took a step back.

"Got it?" Corissa insisted, taking a step forward.

"Alright. Fine."

"Good." Corissa leaned back with a big smile on her face, "In any case, we're going to be visiting the city today so-"

"Lady Corissa!"

Corissa turned around as a decorated knight walked up to her.

"It's been too long." The knight knelt on one knee, "I am glad to see you well."

"Collis!" Corissa cried, "It has been a while since I last saw you."

"You have grown much since we last met." Collis reached out and gently took Corissa's hand, drawing it close to his lips. Corissa pulled her hand away sharply.

"I-I'm sorry." Corissa said as she held her hand, "I'm...I'm not...ready."

"Of course, of course." Collis stood up again, "My apologies. It is understandable after what has happened to you recently."

Corissa rubbed her hand guiltily before she quickly turned back to Roko, "Ah! This is Collis Joran. Lieutenant of the Cordis knights."

"Well met, young man." Collis bowed, "I am overjoyed to meet a friend of our princess. I do hope you will continue to treat her well from now on."

"It's nice to meet you." Roko bowed as well.

"That's right. Sir Collis there is an important matter that I have to discuss with you concerning the safety of the public."

"Is that so? Well you can tell me all about it after you give an address to the knights."

"Eh? Was I supposed to do that?"

"Think of it as a favor from me." Collis smiled, "It would be a great boost of morale to our troops."

"But I was planning on showing my friend the city today."

"It's fine." Roko said, "We can do that another day."

"Well..." Corissa said reluctantly, "I guess it's fine."

"Thank you my princess." Collis grinned as he wrapped an arm around Corissa' shoulder, "Let me see you to the barracks then. Please tell me about your concerns on the way there."

With a firm grip around Corissa, Collis held the princess close as he lead her away with Varis following behind them.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Roko said as he watched the trio leave, "Varis is with them."

"From what I can gather, he is a knight..."

"Scan. ...Found you."

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