In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 28: Return Vent

"Finally time to return home." Helena yawned as she joined everyone in the castle's courtyard, "Or rather, return to school."

"Our time here was quite fun." Kaguya smiled.

"Agreed." Momo stretched her arms, "I haven't been to a party in so long. Makes a good change of pace from training."

"I'm glad you all enjoyed it." Corissa grinned, "It's been a while since our castle hosted a party too so I'm happy things went well."

"How was the party for you, Sir Roko?" Mikado asked.

"...I had fun."

"You don't look like you had fun." Kaguya noted.

"Parties aren't usually my scene."

"Maybe you should go to more parties." Roland smirked.

"You did nothing but eat."

"So did you!"

"Now now. Let's not get into a fight so soon after a party." Helena said as she patted Roland on the shoulder.

"You were gone for a whole week right?" Momo said, "You must have had a lot of free time to have fun all over the town."


Corissa laughed nervously.

"Well, if you haven't had enough time to relax here, you're welcome to stay a bit longer." The king smiled as he and the queen joined the group.

"No, I'd rather just get home already."

"You could make this your ho-ow!" The king stopped as Corissa kicked her father in the shin.

"Let's get going guys." Corissa said with a light blush on her face as she took out her gate scroll, "Before he says anything else."

"Where's Varis?" Momo asked.

"Hm?" Corissa looked around, "He hasn't arrived yet? That's strange. He's usually on time."

"Hmph. And he still calls himself a princess' knight?"

"Father, give him a break. He's probably tired from the party as well."

"I didn't see him do anything other than eat our food."

"Roko and Roland did the same thing though." Helena smirked.

"Hey, don't bring us into it." Roland growled.

"Indeed but at least these men are knights of valor and character."

"I'm not a knight." Roko said.

"Hey, Mikado, you want in on this?" Roland called.

"I'll pass." Mikado replied.

"And while I am not sure about Sir Roland's capabilities..."


"Certainly, Sir Roko has proven himself to be a much better candidate for a knight than that black one! Surely you agree."

"Mmm..." Corissa thought about it, "Roko is pretty talented."

"I'm not becoming a knight." Roko frowned.

"Husband then?" The queen suggested.

"Not that either!"

"If I may." Kaguya spoke up, "Why are you so invested in Corissa's love life? Surely it would be prudent to allow her to discover love on her own terms, no matter how it may turn out."

"Don't be ridiculous!" The king cried. "Doesn't Corissa seem like the type of person to unconditionally love a man no matter how sleazy or abusive they are?!"

"That is true." Helena nodded.

"Very possible." Kaguya agreed.

"That does seem like a problem." Momo said.

"Eh? Is it wrong to just love someone?" Corissa looked confused.

"Yes." Everyone replied at once, startling the naive princess.

"In any case, I am pleased to see that Corissa has made so many friends." The queen bowed, "Please do treat her well in the future."

"We'll make sure nobody tricks Corissa into doing anything stupid." Helena smiled as she patted Corissa on the head, "Don't worry about her."

"We'll be counting on you."

"Oh. Varis is here." Kaguya said as the black knight walked up to them.

"Where were you?" Corissa asked.

Varis just silently handed Corissa the stuffed bat that Roko had given her.

"Oh! I almost forgot this!" Corissa grinned as she took the stuffed animal and hugged it.

"Where'd you get that bat from?"Momo asked.

"Roko gave it to me."

"Oh wow. He got me some cookie cutters as well."

"Is that so?" The king and queen smiled slyly, "You're quite kind aren't you R-"

The king and queen turned around only to see Roko already walking through the portal back to Memoira Auspice.

"Umm...well guess we better get going too then!" Helena chuckled, "Let's meet again your hignesses!"

"Y-Yes. Take care of yourselves."

"Mmhmm. I see, I see." Zadkiel nodded as she read the report that Roko had compiled, "To think that a friend of Corissa's would be so reckless. Still, the mission is a success so I have to commend you, my dear Roko."

"There was way less of those creatures than I expected." Roko sighed, "Could hardly call that a mission about them."

"Oh? Still unsatisfied? Last I recalled, you had the chance to scan the creatures but you didn't."

"Because I still had a demon to worry about."

"And you defeated it."

"And it came back."

"Well, that isn't your fault." Zadkiel smiled, "You've exceeded my expectations, especially for a man with absolutely no training whatsoever."

"Makes you wonder why you sent someone like me to begin with."

"Well, it all worked out didn't it? What's more, you got us a new staff member."

Zadkiel turned to the mildly nervous Lavinia, "How about you dearie? Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"H-Hello! Sir, um, ma'am! My name is Lavinia Enclair. I study Theorimari."

"You pursue the Gods." Zadkiel nodded, "There aren't many who would search in the territory of the Gods."

"Umm...I'm here to apply for a position of a science teacher."

"Our last science teacher got bullied by some of the cattier students and quit. How would you fare?"

"Any who try gets to make a direct antivenom potion."

"Oh? Compared to general antidotes, direct antidotes are more immediately effective though they often require the specific poison as a sample."

"They can fetch it from the Wildwoods."

"You know we have access to the Paramnesia Wildwood. Done your research now have we?"

"Your institute isn't exactly inconspicuous."

"I see." Zadkiel chuckled, "An on field assignment as punishment? We'd certainly be getting more use out of it. But it could be quite dangerous for them."

"I have every confidence that they can succeed." Lavinia scoffed, "What's more, this is something that shouldn't be happening to begin with so I would hope that this never occurs."

"Very true." Zadkiel nodded, "Well, I'm convinced. You're hired."

"Thank you si-ma'am." Lavinia bowed, "I'll do my best to help guide the students."

"So long as we help fund your Theorimari research right?" Roko added.

"Hey! Now is not-"

"Oh is that what you need?" Zadkiel smiled, "We can certainly draw up some sort of deal for you to continue your scientific work. Let's hammer out the details now while we're at it."

"T-Thank you ma'am!" Lavinia gulped, "I am honored.

"I'm sure you won't be interested in this would you, Roko? You're free to leave."

"Well, good luck with all that." Roko said as he got up and left.

Roko walked into the Paramnesia Wildwoods with a sword and shield in hand. Despite his equipment, he kept avoiding as many monsters as he could. He would be going deep into the forest and he wasn't strong enough to just stroll through the woods. Thankfully his stealth kept him away from most creatures and the few animals that he did run into ran away after he banged his shield with his sword and screeching his sword across the shield. He had been in the woods twice now and there was some sense of familiarity with it now but the deeper he went, the less he remembered. The path twisted and became filled with trees as he had remembered but he wasn't sure how much farther he would have to go. As the sun began to set in the sky, Roko stopped to catch his breath and consider going back.

"...Wait, the sun is setting here but the wildwoods are in a different location than the school. Is the time here even accurate to the school's time?"

"The locations' connection to the school are synchronized to the night and day cycle of the school. If it's morning here, it's morning at the school. Once you begin bending space, time just comes along for the ride."

Roko jumped as Kaguya and Mikado walked out from the woods behind him.

"Kaguya?" Roko breathed a sigh of relief, "What are you doing here?"

"I saw you heading into the woods by yourself and got worried." Kaguya smiled, "Now. How about you tell us what you're doing here?"

"Exactly what you think I'm doing here."

"Going to find that tomb again are we?" Kaguya sighed, "I knew you wouldn't be able be able to stay away for long."

"After failing to do any research on the monsters in Cordis, I felt like I needed to revisit that place."

"There were monsters in Cordis?!"

"You weren't supposed to know that." Roko sighed, "It's been dealt with now so don't worry."

"Does Corissa know about this?"

"Corissa was there."

"Wow, really?"

"Ask her about it. ...Don't ask her about it."

"Alright?" Kaguya looked confused but quickly recovered her composure, "In any case, if you're heading to that tomb, it's this way."

"You're going to help me?"

"We made it this far. It'd be a shame to turn back now."

Kaguya guided Roko back to the opening in the woods where the tomb laid. But as soon as Roko stepped onto the grass, he could only see a large hollowed out crater where the tomb used to be.

"What...happened here?" Roko gasped.

"The school dealt with the problem." Kaguya replied, "Nobody knows how though."

"You don't seem surprised."

"You weren't the only one who was curious." Kaguya cleared her throat, "There is no sign that the tomb nor those creatures were ever there. Sorry to disappoint you."

"As long as everybody is safe, it's fine." Roko sighed, "There's no point in staying here anymore. Let's get back already."

"I wonder if we'll there there in time for dinner." Kaguya said as she headed back into the woods with Mikado.

Roko began to follow them into the woods again but turned back to look back at the empty field. And off in the trees, he could see a human like shadow dart back into the depths of the forest.

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