In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 30: Amazing Utopia

"Here we are!" Helena cried, "The Capital of the Hellestia Nation, Aporia!"

Roko looked out the carriage as a large walled city came into view. As opposed to Cordis which was more vertical and compact, Aporia was a large city that covered a vast swath of land. As the carriage moved past the open gate, Roko could see that not a square of the city's land was wasted. The ground was completely tiled with stone with many tall lanterns set up intermittently across the major roads. Buildings rarely reached above three stories and stables and posts for horses could be found around most establishments. People wandered the street but since they were arriving at night, the lanterns were all lit and people rarely lingered around outside. Aporia reminded Roko about his home world, looking very similar to London but an old London that you would see in an old film. Not that he's ever been to London. Even then, there were distinct examples that Aporia was still not as technologically advanced as the London of old. As their carriage rattled through the stone streets, Roko watched as another carriage rode up to each unlit lantern where a woman would use a long reaching stick to open and light the lantern manually.

"Ah it's good to be home." Helena sighed as she sat back down in the carriage, "Shame you couldn't see our city during the day but we can do that tomorrow."

"It has it's own charm at night." Roko replied, "I'm quite impressed."

"Aw you're going to make me blush." Helena grinned as she looked out of the carriage again as Aporia's castle came into sight, "This city's been my home for years. I'm glad to be back in it."

Roland stared at Roko before he cautiously whispered, "Hey. You don't seem too happy."

"What are you talking about?" Roko said, "I'm on vacation. I'm very excited to get this trip started."

"No no, you look like something died."

"I don't know what you're talking about. If there's anybody who looks dead, it's Helena."

Roland winced as he glanced towards his princess who has not seemed to notice their conversation, "Noticed that, did you?"

The carriage rattled up to the entrance of Aporia's castle. Helena and Roland got out of the cart as various staff from the castle came to greet them. Roko got off the carriage as well and looked around. Unlike Cordis, Aporia's castle was protected by a sizable wall. The castle was almost as tall as Cordis' castle but the campus was definitely wider. The amount of land that it took up was larger than Cordis but given the plentiful courtyards, the actual castle itself took up much less of the land than it seems. If one were to compare the size of only the castles themselves, the two were probably equal in size.

"Roko!" Helena called as the staff bowed and began to return to the castle, "It's getting pretty dark so we're just going to get you to your room first. Mom and dad are resting from a council meeting earlier so we'll introduce you tomorrow. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. I'll come around later to show you where the cafeteria is."


"For now, Roland will show you to your room." Helena nodded.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"If he complains, just smack him around."

"He has a sword."

"If he uses it, just call him a coward."

"You know I'm right here right?" Roland scowled, "And I wouldn't draw my sword against an unarmed individual."

"I should hope not." Roko said.

"You sure make it tempting though." Roland growled.

"This will be your room." Roland sighed as he opened the door to a simple looking guest room, "Don't go messing anything up."

"I won't. That's your job after all." Roko said as he put his luggage down next to the bed.

"You always got something to say don't you?" Roland scowled, "That mouth will get you in trouble one day."

"I get into enough trouble as is. Mind as well speak my mind while I'm at it."

"That's going to get you killed."

"I've died once already. What's another time?"

"You died?"

"How do you think I got to this world?"

"Do you people just go to another world when you die?"

"I mean, I can't really prove what happens to other people when they die. This really could just be some weird afterlife that nobody knows about."

"Alright, that's enough out of you for today." Roland sighed, "I'm going. Meet you at dinner I guess?"

The next day, Helena woke Roko up early and together with Roland, they went to greet the king and queen of Aporia. Walking into the courtroom, Roko felt more nervous than with his first encounter with Cordis' royalty. Maybe it was because he wasn't here on official business or that he didn't have the bubbly Corissa with him but the king and queen's stares seemed quite judgmental.

"I'm home, mom and dad." Helena smiled as she waved at her parents.

"It's good to see you again, dear." The queen smiled back, "And you as well, Ro-"

The queen paused as she stared at Roland.

"What?" Roland looked confused.

"You look completely different than the last time you were here."

"Is it my hair?" Roland brushed at his hair nervously.

"Idiot, it's because you have a completely new sword and armor." Helena said.

"Oh! Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"What happened?" The king asked.

"Oh well, I uh...I lost my sword and my armor was getting a bit worn so Helena helped me get some new ones."

"He threw away his old sword and he was so bad at maintaining his armor that we had to replace it."

"T-They didn't need to know that!"

"It needed to be said."

"Did it?! Did it really needed to be said?!"

"As lively as ever, the two of you." The king smiled, "Why don't you introduce us to your new friend here, Helena?"

"Sure. This is Roko."

"Nice to meet you, your majesties." Roko bowed.

"Roko's from another world."

"Did you need to mention that?" Roko frowned.

"It needed to-"

"-needed to be said, yeah yeah."

"Hm. We've heard about you." The king nodded, "But you seem no different than normal folk and you aren't causing any trouble so I am willing to welcome you as a friend of Helena."

"I appreciate it." Roko bowed again.

"Don't mind my husband." The queen smiled, "We do hope you will find your stay here comfortable and please don't be afraid to ask for anything while you're here."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Where's the Antecedent Princess?" Roland asked.

"She's been out vising her lover since last night." The king replied, "I expect she will be back this morning. Helena, do take the time to greet her and introduce your new friend to her as well."

"If I must." Helena grumbled.

"What was that?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good. Sir Roko, I do hope you will enjoy your stay here. Dismissed."

Helena sighed as the three of them stepped out of the throne room, "How was it?"

"A bit more tense than in Cordis." Roko said, "Though for appropriate reasons this time."

"Yeah. I don't know what I would have done if my dad started asking you to marry me."

"I don't even want to think about that." Roland shuddered.

"That being said." Roko turned towards Helena, "I didn't know you had a sister."

"Oh that." Helena bit her lip, "She's much older than me so she's already completed her term at Memoria Auspice. She and I...don't really get along."

"Some history there then?"



"In any case, we can just leave her alone for now. She's with her boyfriend so there's no telling when she'll get home. Let's go explore the city. This is your first time seeing Aporia during the day isn't it?"

"Sounds good." Roko nodded.

"We haven't had breakfast yet either so start thinking about what you want to eat."

"Autif!" Roland cried.

"Roland, let Roko pick for once."

During the day, the wide streets of Aporia were full of people. There wasn't any part of the city that was more crowed than Cordis but given the size of Aporia, it was easy to tell that the population was higher than Cordis. The people didn't seem as lively and cheerful as in Cordis or even Galia. The Aporians weren't unhappy or disinterested, they just seemed more reserved and clique oriented than the friendly open communities of Cordis and Galia.

"You're sharp." Helena said with a slight smile when Roko brought this up, "Yeah, most people tend to keep to themselves in Aporia. Oh, they'll be perfectly friendly and helpful if you need it but they aren't big on public displays unless its performance art. Our city must feel pretty quiet compared to Cordis or Galia but don't let it fool you. More often than not, you'll be greeted with a smile if you gather the courage to come up to us."

"So it's a city of introverts." Roko mused, "Interesting."

"Introverts is a bit..."

"I know." Roko nodded, "Just lacking a better term. Anyway, let's eat breakfast already."

"Well we're here in the high market!" Helena waved at the bustling square around her, "Go ahead and find a nice restaurant for us!"

"Hmm..." Roko looked around, "How about there?"

"Huh." Helena studied the building that Roko had pointed to, "Looks more like an inn with an open bar than a restaurant."

"I've always wondered what inn food in this world was like." Roko said, "They're what travelers will be used to eating after all."

"Seems like a pretty fancy inn at least." Roland remarked, "Fancy paintings, nice, clean and orderly. Even got some carved chairs and ornate dishware."

"Sounds pretty nice." Helena smiled, "Let's give it a try."

The two boys followed Helena into the bar where they were greeted by the bartender and a waitress.

"Hello!" Helena replied, "Table for three please."

"Wait, are you Princess Helena?!" The waitress cried.


"Oh my god, the princess is visiting!" The bartender looked extremely surprised as he hastily put down the glass, "W-We'll prepare a special table for you!"

"N-No, just a regular table is fine."

"Quick, bring out the fancy silverware!"

"Ahhh..." Helena sighed as the staff rushed around preparing things without paying much attention to her requests, "Should have gotten a disguise..."

"Does this happen often?" Roko asked Roland.

"We don't really go to small joints like this so, not really."

After the panic settled down, Helena managed to get the owners to give them a regular table though they still insisted on the fancy dinnerware. After making their orders and waiting what Roko felt was a longer time than it would normally take for their orders to be fulfilled, their breakfast verging on brunch arrived and they managed to settle in without much trouble.

"This food is pretty good." Helena said as she munched on her Caesar salad, "Think the ranch is home made."

"Yeah." Roland nodded as he chewed on his lasagna, "They didn't seem to have lasagna on the menu but turns out they did and it's pretty tasty. Good thing I asked."

"Would it kill you to have some self awareness?" Helena sighed, "Also you're getting sauce all over your face."

"I'll wipe my mouth when I'm done."

"And what about your armor? Remember you promised to actually take care of this one."

"Mmph...maybe I shouldn't have ordered lasagna..."

"How's your meal, Roko?" Helena asked.

"Better than I expected." Roko said as he finished his fried rice, "This bodes well for travelers though I'm sure this isn't exactly a normal sample."

"Guess you'll just have to eat more." Helena smiled, "Maybe without me around."

"Can't spend all day eating. Won't get anything done."

"Not like there's anything you need to do here."

"...Right. Anybody want anything from the bar?"

"We're not old enough to drink." Roland frowned.

"Maybe they have non-alcoholic drinks?"

"Worth a shot." Helena said as she chewed on a lettuce, "I'll leave it up to you what you get me."

"Get me a ginger ale." Roland added.

"Got it."

Roko got up and walked up to the bar where the bartender spun around to see him stiffly, "H-How can I help you?"

"Do you guys have ginger ale...lemonade...and apple cider?"

"I-I'm sure we do. Let me check."

The bartender turned around to gaze over the shelves of wine and spirits behind him before quickly leaving the bar and heading down into a basement.

"You made a right ruckus young man."

Roko turned to the speaker who seemed like an affluent merchant.

"You're not from here?" Roko asked.

"Not technically no. I wasn't born here but I think of this place as my home, though I'm often traveling around the nearby towns and such, peddling my wares."

"I thought so." Roko said, "Helena said most people keep to themselves here."

"Well sorry for ruining your expectations. But I don't think that will apply much when you walk in here with the Crown Princess of the whole damn city."

"Fair enough."

"So who are you anyway, man? Haven't seen you around nor do I recall someone like you in the princess' entourage."

"A new friend I suppose." Roko replied, "Helena's just showing me around her city."

"That right? Well, welcome to Aporia, kid. You got any questions, I'll be happy to answer them for you. Though I expect there isn't any reason why you wouldn't ask the princess about it instead."

"Actually. Do you know of any people or places to avoid?"

"What's that? Looking for trouble young man?"

"Looking to avoid them. Just in case for later, when I'm alone."

"Cautious are you? You didn't look like the type, though I admit, it's a bit hard to get a grasp on you. Certainly the princess wouldn't like to answer a question like that about her own city though. Let's see...there's plenty of unscrupulous places around but you're not going to get there by taking a wrong turn anywhere."

"How about any dangerous people or groups? Kidnappers maybe?"

"You trying to sound paranoid kid? Because by that look in your eyes, I'd almost say nothing scares you."

"Just curious."

"Hmmm..." The merchant took a sip of his beer, "There have been rumors of a cult or something like that working under the city."

"That sounds interesting." Roko's eyes narrowed, "Tell me more."

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