In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

Chapter 7: Connected Lone Wolf

"Can I ask you a question?" Roko asked as he followed Kaguya and Mikado through the Paramnesia Wildwood.

"Please do." Kaguya replied.

"These woods are supposed to be right outside the school right? I sometimes see it outside my window but other times there's like a lake or a mountain. Why's that?"

"Memoria Auspice is separated into its own dimensional space." Kaguya explained, "No one can arrive here normally. There are many locations that are connected to the school campus but they change often as none of them are tied to the school's physical location. These woods are not actually outside the school, we just connect to it spatially whenever we need to. That's why the view outside your window changes from day to day."

"So the school has a physical location where it is based but nobody can normally get to it. It connects to various locations around the world as academic institutions. But can anybody go to these woods normally?"

"We do not claim ownership of the Paramnesia Wildwood so the location is still available to the public if they travel to its physical location. However, no normal person should be able to get to our school through the woods or any such related locations."

"How many locations like this are connected to the school?"

"Quite a few. There are buildings that are used for some special classes but most of them are locations like the Paramnesia Wildwood; locations of interest for training or exploring."

Mikado stopped Kaguya's horse as the tall grass in front of them began rustling. The group waited in anticipation until a knight stepped out from the grass.

"Oh. Lady Kaguya." Roland said, surprised, "Sir Mikado. And..."

Roland's eyes narrowed slightly as he saw Roko but he resisted making any comment.

"Sir Roland." Kaguya bowed slightly as a greeting, "I'm surprised to see you here. I was told that Helena would be exploring the forest by herself today."

"No, well..." Roland bit his lip, "I mean...yes she...has forbidden me from appearing before her for two days due to...circumstances. But surely she must have forgotten about the field work scheduled for today so I thought it best to find her despite my punishment."

"Helena doesn't seem like the type of person to make that kind of mistake." Roko said.

"What would you know of Lady Helena?!" Roland snapped, "I've been with her since childhood!"

"Then can you tell me if she would make that kind of mistake?"

"Well..." Roland growled. "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes!"

"I too, don't think Helena would be the type to make that kind of mistake but I'll reserve judgment." Kaguya sighed, "If you would like, you may accompany us while you search for your princess. We don't have any conflicting plans."

Roland glared at Roko who just scoffed at him.

"I'd be happy to join you on your venture." Roland said with only a little bit of reluctance, "At least until I find Lady Helena."

"Very good." Kaguya nodded, "Then let us keep moving. We have yet to find a prize of our own."

With Roland's addition, the group was stuck in a period of silence as Roland silently fumed at Roko with the rest of the group unsure of how to handle him.

"So." Kaguya coughed, "How has your experience with the school been so far, Roko?"

"A lot of the classes don't seem to be pertinent to me but I've found things to do despite that."

"Ogling the girls no doubt." Roland scoffed.

"Not true." Roko smirked, "I've ogled the guys as well."

"What the-"

"So you've been busy scanning?" Kaguya chuckled.

"My ability works better when I have a pool of information to reference." Roko explained as he held up his notebook again, "Though keeping it all on hand is a problem."

"Surely this is some sort of violation." Roland growled.

"No more than any skilled evaluation can be." Kaguya shrugged, "I know. Roko, you've scanned Roland before right?"

Roland shot Roko a dirty look that Roko noticed but chose to ignore, "Sure."

"What is your opinion of Roland then?"

Roland's glare could bore holes in steel. Roko answered, "Perfectly average. His stats are actually rather low with his Strength being the outlier, being higher than most people around his level. He also seems to have some points in Charisma which, while questionable given his occupation, makes sense when considering his charge. This all averages to a standard looking knight with surprising capabilities however limited."

"Hm." Roland blinked, "I guess that is acceptable."

"Though his growth average is kinda low." Roko muttered.

"What was that?"


"I see, I see." Kaguya nodded, "You said, 'considering his charge'. Does that mean you've scanned Helena as well?"

"At her request."

"At her request?!" Roland cried, "There is no way she would request something like that! How dare you do something like th-"

"Roland, calm down." Kaguya stated calmly, "Roko, what do you have to say about Helena?"

"Compared to Roland, she is squarely above average." Roko shrugged, "Like many princesses, her charisma stat is where most of her points lie though she has intelligence enough to wield her one spell competently. Her level is pretty low actually, given how active she seems to be. Her stats put her above her level but her level itself might indicate there might be some developmental issue inhibiting her growth."

"Shows what you know about Helena." Roland scoffed, "Helena might seem active but she is only like that with things she's interested in. She's hardly as open with people or things otherwise. She may seem friendly but that's just courtesy. If she seems like an airhead that's because you don't interest her."

"I see, I see." Kaguya clapped, "So Sir Roko's analysis was right on point!"

"Wait, what?! How so?"

"If Helena is only interested in what interests her that means she would only gain experience from those subjects." Roko explained, "She may extensively explore what interests her, leading to her above average stats, but without branching out she doesn't gain enough experience in comparison with other people."

"Gh. Well..."

"Amazing." Kaguya grinned, "Your conclusions are nearly flawless."

"Milady, might I suggest that you are enjoying this a bit too much?" Mikado said.

"One more, one more." Kaguya insisted, "Alright then. Tell me about Corissa."

"Last one then." Roko sighed, "Corissa is an anomaly. Her level is low and her stats are low. All except for her Charisma which is absurdly high. I would compare it to a specialist if not for the fact that Corissa is a nervous wreck. She might have the aptitude for leadership but she doesn't have the composure of a leader. Granted, it might not necessarily have to be leadership but I can't imagine how she could have gained so much Charisma nor what she would do with it or if she even can use it."

"Hmm." Kaguya mused over his words, "Well. There might be merit in examining one's natural abilities. A muscular man would naturally have high strength or whatnot, correct? So one can imagine the same with Corissa. She is after all...particularly gifted in some areas."

"You think it has to do with her natural beauty?" Roko raised an eyebrow, "I can't say I have an eye for beauty myself but I can see where you're coming from."

"She has nice tits." Roland said.

"Y-Yes." Kaguya coughed sheepishly, "Thank you, Roland."

"And dat ass."

"Yes. Roland. We get it." Kaguya said pressingly, "She is very developed for her age."

"Curves all around really." Roland nodded, "Real nice bahonkers."


"Wh-What you scanning me for?"

"To see if your intelligence got any lower or something."

"I resent that remark!" Roland cried, "And I don't see why everyone's ganging up on me! Mikado you agree don't you?!"

"Perhaps you shouldn't let Madam Helena hear you saying this." Mikado looked away.

"Let me hear what?"

"Lady Helena!" Roland cried as his princess strode out from the woods, "You're safe!"

"Roland..." Helena frowned as she noticed her knight, "I believe you were supposed to be on 'vacation'."

"No, I can't sit idly by while you explore this dangerous forest! That's why I came along to make sure you're safe."

"I remember specifically telling you that I didn't want to see your face for the next two days."


"Lady Helena." Kaguya sighed, "As it stands, he is here now. Perhaps it is best to leave your grievance aside, at least for now."

"Fine." Helena rolled her eyes, "You can accompany me until we get back."


"Still, this is a strange group to find banding together in the middle of a forest." Helena said, "What are you all doing here?"

"Just trying to complete our schoolwork." Kaguya nodded, "I see you've completed your work yourself."

"Yep." Helena held up the small trap she was holding, "Caught myself a jackalope."

"It's quite cute." Kaguya smiled.

"You think?" Helena said as she watched the small creature fidget around in her cage, "It's kinda fluffy I guess."

"Ahem. Shall we be parting ways now?" Roland asked.

"Nah, this party seems interesting." Helena smiled, "Let me join in."

"I'd be honored to have you travel with us." Kaguya bowed.

"I have no objections." Roko shrugged.

"Nice! Let's go!"

"Great." Roland muttered.

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