Chapter 15: Possible...
The Omniversal Observation System activates without warning, the familiar blue rectangle materializing in my bedroom at Wayne Manor.
I sit up immediately, fully alert despite having been asleep moments before.
I glance at the clock: 3:17 AM. An unusual time for a connection.
The rectangle expands into the familiar quadrants, revealing my three counterparts from different realities.
Azula appears to be in what looks like a war tent, maps spread before her. Light is in what seems to be a bedroom, papers neatly stacked on a desk behind him.
Aizen sits in what I recognize as his captain's quarters, calm as ever.
"Interesting timing," Aizen remarks, his serene smile firmly in place. "I trust we haven't interrupted anything critical, Samael?"
"Just sleep," I reply as I get back into bed, into the covers, to keep my lips from being read and as well as keeping my voice low to avoid alerting any of Wayne Manor's security systems.
I have already made countermeasures to keep my voice from being picked up, but one can never be too careful.
"Though I'm curious about the unusual hour."
A message appears in the center of our display:
"Progress reports?" Azula says with a hint of disdain. "Are we students now, submitting to evaluation?"
"I believe," Aizen suggests smoothly, "the System is merely facilitating an exchange of information that might prove mutually beneficial."
Light's expression remains carefully neutral. "Since our last conversation, I've been researching quantum mechanics and interdimensional theory.
Your transformation technology has... inspired certain avenues of inquiry, Samael."
I note his careful phrasing. Light hasn't yet found the Death Note in his timeline, but he's clearly preparing himself intellectually for whatever power might come his way.
"My research continues as well," I say, deliberately vague. "Though recent developments have placed me under increased observation."
"Oh?" Azula leans forward slightly. "What kind of developments?"
I consider how much to reveal. These three are brilliant strategists, and their perspectives could be valuable, but I must once again be careful not to expose too much.
"I've come under the protection of a powerful individual in my world," I explain. "The vigilante you witnessed during the Joker incident - Batman.
He's arranged a guardianship that provides certain advantages but limits my freedom of movement."
"Ah, the man in the bat costume," Aizen nods thoughtfully. "Such arrangements can be quite beneficial, provided one maintains one's own agenda."
"And yours?" Light asks directly. "What is your agenda, Samael?"
A probing question that deserves a measured response. "To understand the nature of this connection between us, for one.
And to leverage my position to effect meaningful change in my world."
"Meaningful change," Light repeats, studying me intently. "We seem to share similar perspectives on the flaws in our respective societies."
"Perhaps," I acknowledge cautiously. "Though methods matter as much as intentions."
Azula scoffs slightly. "Methods are tools, nothing more. Power, properly applied, creates its own justification."
"An interesting perspective, Princess," Aizen comments. "In my experience, perception often matters more than reality.
The most effective changes occur when those affected believe they have chosen them."
I notice a subtle shift in Azula's posture - a heightened interest in my situation that wasn't present in our previous conversations.
She's evaluating me more carefully now, her golden eyes calculating.
"And what of your bat-costumed guardian?" she asks. "Does he share your vision for change?"
"He believes in protecting the existing order," I reply carefully. "With some reforms, but within the current system."
"A conservative approach," Light observes. "Unlikely to address fundamental corruption."
"Yes," I agree, "but his resources and connections are valuable in the short term."
A new message appears:
"An intriguing question," Aizen muses. "The practical applications would depend greatly on whether physical interaction between our worlds is possible."
Light's eyes sharpen with interest. "Samael, your technology - could it potentially facilitate travel between our dimensions?"
A dangerous question that cuts close to the truth. "The principles are theoretically sound," I say, neither confirming nor denying.
"Though the practical application would require significant refinement."
Azula leans forward, her interest now unmistakable. "But it is possible? You could potentially travel between worlds?"
"In theory," I hedge. "The quantum resonance patterns suggest multiple realities existing at different vibrational frequencies.
With the right technology, those barriers might be traversable."
I watch their reactions carefully. Light tries to maintain his neutral expression, but I detect a flash of excitement in his eyes.
Aizen's smile doesn't change, but his gaze intensifies slightly. Azula makes no attempt to hide her interest, her posture now fully engaged.
"Such technology would be... revolutionary," Aizen says softly. "The implications for knowledge exchange alone would be extraordinary."
"Not to mention strategic applications," Azula adds. "Alliances across realities would change the nature of power itself."
Light nods slowly. "It would require careful coordination. Trust between partners with aligned goals."
I understand what's happening. All three are positioning themselves as potential allies, seeing in me a possible gateway between worlds.
The dynamics have shifted from our earlier conversations - they now view me as potentially more valuable than before.
"Trust is earned," I say carefully. "As is respect between equals."
Azula's eyes narrow slightly at the implied challenge, but she nods. "Of course. Any worthwhile alliance must recognize the unique strengths each party brings."
"I couldn't agree more," Aizen says smoothly. "Each of us possesses knowledge and capabilities the others might find valuable.
A mutually beneficial arrangement would acknowledge those contributions."
Light studies me thoughtfully. "Your world seems to have advanced technology beyond what exists in mine. I would be particularly interested in scientific exchange."
"And your world has powerful beings I suspect," Azula notes. "I reckon those who can fly, move at impossible speeds, demonstrate strength beyond normal humans. Such capabilities would be... significant in any reality."
Comparison to the fully realised Avatar, eh.
It seems all of them are fishing for information, trying to determine exactly what resources I might control. I need to be careful not to reveal too much while maintaining their interest.
"Each of our worlds has its unique advantages," I say diplomatically. "The question is how those might complement each other."
A new message appears:
"How helpful," Azula remarks sarcastically. "Does this System expect us to draft formal treaties now?"
"I believe," Aizen suggests, "it's merely encouraging us to think concretely about potential collaboration rather than speaking in generalities."
"Very well," Light says decisively. "Samael, if dimensional travel were possible, what would you seek from each of our worlds?"
An unexpected reversal - putting me on the spot rather than revealing their own desires first. Clever.
"Knowledge, primarily," I answer after a moment's consideration. "Each of your worlds contains unique understanding that could prove valuable.
Princess Azula's world has mastered elemental manipulation in ways mine hasn't.
Light's world has different approaches to justice and social organization that might offer insights.
And Aizen's world..." I pause, deliberately not revealing specific knowledge about his reality, "...well, I'm still learning what makes it unique, but I suspect it contains principles that could expand our understanding of existence itself."
"Diplomatic," Aizen comments with apparent approval. "Though I suspect your interests might be more specific than that general overview suggests."
Before I can respond, a soft knock sounds at my bedroom door. "Master Samael?" Alfred's voice calls quietly. "Is everything alright? The security system detected voices from your room."
I freeze momentarily, were my preparations inadequate? I knew I should've checked it with Graymatter - I didn't have the opportunity to. "Just a moment, Alfred," I call back, then turn to the observation window. "I need to end this connection."
The window shrinks to a small icon in my peripheral vision as I move to the door, opening it just enough to see Alfred standing there in a dressing gown, looking concerned.
"My apologies for disturbing you, sir," he says. "The night monitoring system flagged unusual speech patterns from your room."
"Just talking in my sleep, Alfred," I lie smoothly. "Bad dream. Nothing to worry about."
He studies me for a moment, his expression revealing nothing. "Very well, sir. Would you care for some warm milk or perhaps tea?"
"No, thank you. I'm fine now."
"As you wish. Good night, Master Samael."
"Good night, Alfred."
I close the door and wait until his footsteps fade before returning to my bed. The observation window expands again immediately.
"Difficulties with your guardian's surveillance?" Aizen inquires mildly.
"Nothing significant," I reply. "Though it does highlight the constraints I mentioned earlier."
"Such oversight would be... intolerable," Azula states flatly.
"It's temporary," I assure them. "A necessary accommodation while I establish my position."
Light nods understanding. "Strategic patience. Sometimes one must accept short-term limitations for long-term advantage."
"Precisely," I agree. "Now, to return to our discussion - what would each of you seek from potential collaboration?"
Azula straightens, her royal bearing evident even through the connection. "Advanced technology would benefit the Fire Nation's expansion efforts. And knowledge of other worlds' governance structures could prove... instructive."
"I seek understanding," Light says carefully. "Knowledge of how different societies address justice and order. The principles that guide worlds beyond my own."
"And I," Aizen adds with his perpetual smile, "am interested in the fundamental nature of reality itself. The barriers between dimensions, the principles that govern consciousness across different worlds. Such knowledge has... practical applications."
All three are being deliberately vague, revealing broad interests while concealing specific intentions. I can't blame them - I'm doing the same.
A new message appears:
"My immediate priority is securing my position within my nation's leadership structure," Azula states. "Certain... family complications require resolution."
She's still referring to hunting Zuko and Iroh, I realize. She's still early in her timeline.
"I'm focused on my education and research," Light says. "Building the knowledge base necessary for future endeavors."
Still pre-Death Note, then. Preparing himself intellectually and philosophically.
"I continue my duties while pursuing certain personal research projects," Aizen says smoothly. "Balance is essential."
I can only infer from his careful phrasing and demeanor that he's likely engaged in some form of long-term planning that requires maintaining his current position while working toward other goals.
Unlike with Azula and Light, I have no specific context to place his statement within a timeline I recognize.
They look to me expectantly.
"I'm adapting to my new circumstances," I say. "Learning to navigate the restrictions while maximizing the benefits of my current position.
And continuing to develop my understanding of the transformation technology."
The window collapses and vanishes, leaving me alone in my darkened bedroom. I lie back, considering the implications of this latest exchange.
Azula's interest has become more personal, Light's more intellectual, and Aizen's more calculating - though all three remain fundamentally self-interested.
I check the time: 3:47 AM. Still early, but I doubt I'll sleep much more tonight.
In a few hours, I'll be heading to Mount Justice for my first official training session with the Young Justice team.
The contrast between these two aspects of my new reality couldn't be more stark - secret interdimensional connections on one hand, superhero training on the other.
I close my eyes, allowing myself to rest if not sleep. Today marks a new phase in my integration into this world, and I'll need all my faculties sharp to navigate it effectively.
"Recognized: Batman, 02. Samael Morningstar, B07."
The computerized voice announces our arrival at Mount Justice as we materialize in the zeta tube. The designation "B07" is new - officially recognizing me as associated with the team, though not yet a full member.
Batman steps forward into the main chamber where Black Canary waits with the Young Justice team, all in training attire. Robin gives me a subtle nod of greeting, while Kid Flash waves enthusiastically.
"Samael has agreed to participate in training sessions," Batman announces without preamble. "Black Canary will oversee his integration into the program."
"Welcome to the team," Black Canary says, stepping forward. "Or at least, to training with the team. We'll start with basic combat assessment to establish your baseline skills without transformation."
I nod, setting down my bag. I'm wearing the training clothes provided by Bruce - a fitted gray t-shirt and black athletic pants, simple but functional.
"The rest of you, continue your sparring exercises," Black Canary instructs the team. "Robin, you're with Kid Flash. Aqualad, you're with Superboy. M'gann, you'll observe for now."
She turns back to me. "Let's start with some basic movement and defensive postures. I need to understand your natural capabilities before we incorporate your transformation abilities."
For the next hour, Black Canary puts me through a series of increasingly complex drills designed to test my reflexes, strength, agility, and combat instincts.
I deliberately hide my strength a bit while also performing at a level slightly above average for my apparent age - good enough to show potential but not so exceptional as to raise suspicions.
"Your form is decent," she observes as I complete a defensive sequence. "You've had some training?"
"Self-taught, mostly," I reply, which is partially true. "I studied martial arts videos and practiced on my own."
She nods, seemingly accepting this explanation. "Your reflexes are excellent, and you have good spatial awareness. We can work with this."
The team pauses their own training occasionally to watch my assessment, their expressions ranging from curious (Robin and M'gann) to evaluative (Aqualad) to slightly competitive (Kid Flash and Superboy).
After the physical assessment, Black Canary calls the team together. "Now, I'd like to see how Samael's transformation abilities might integrate with team dynamics. Samael, would you be willing to demonstrate your crystalline form?"
I nod, activating the Ultimatrix and transforming into Chromastone. The familiar energy surge washes over me, and I stand before them in my purple crystalline form, watching their reactions through faceted eyes.
"Whoa," Kid Flash breathes, zooming around me in a blur. "That is seriously cool!"
"Fascinating molecular structure," Robin comments, his analytical mind clearly working.
"What can you do in this form?" M'gann asks.
"Fly," I answer. "And absorb various types of energy, then redirect it."
"Let's test that," Black Canary suggests, interested in my flight capabilities. "M'gann, can you use your telekinesis to lift those training discs?
Samael, try to absorb and redirect the impact energy when they hit you."
M'gann levitates several heavy metal discs, then launches them at me one by one. I absorb the kinetic energy of each impact, feeling it course through my crystalline body before redirecting it in a controlled energy beam toward a reinforced target area.
"Impressive control," Aqualad observes. "Such abilities would be valuable in containing energy-based threats."
Superboy watches with arms crossed, his expression unreadable. "How strong are you in that form?" he finally asks.
"Enhanced beyond human levels," I reply, I have no interest to state that this form can handle planetary level strength feats. "Though not to Kryptonian standards." Which true.
He nods, seemingly satisfied with the honest assessment.
Black Canary guides us through several more exercises designed to demonstrate how my abilities might complement the team's existing capabilities.
Kid Flash suggests scenarios where my energy absorption could protect the team from explosions or electrical attacks.
Robin proposes tactical applications involving redirected energy beams.
Even Superboy eventually offers that my crystalline form might be useful for containing certain types of radiation.
By the end of the training session, I've demonstrated enough capability to be useful without revealing the full extent of what I can do.
The team seems cautiously accepting, with varying degrees of enthusiasm.
"Good work today," Black Canary concludes. "Samael, you have solid fundamentals to build on, both in your human form and your transformed state. I'd like you to continue training with the team twice weekly, if that works with your schedule."
"That should be fine," I confirm. "I'll coordinate with Batman regarding timing."
As the formal training ends, Kid Flash zooms up beside me. "So, new guy, you hungry? We usually grab something to eat after training."
The mention of food triggers an immediate response from my stomach, which growls audibly. "Actually, yes," I admit.
"Great! We've got plenty of-"
"Please don't say chili fries," Batman interjects unexpectedly from where he's been observing. Everyone turns to look at him in surprise.
"Uh, we don't have chili fries," M'gann says, confused. "But I made cookies earlier!"
Batman's lips twitch in what might almost be amusement. "Samael has developed a particular... appreciation for chili fries recently. It's becoming something of an issue."
I feel my face grow warm with embarrassment. "It's not an issue," I protest. "Just a preference."
"You ate three servings yesterday," Batman points out. "Alfred is concerned about nutritional balance."
Kid Flash's eyes light up. "Dude! A fellow appreciator of fine cuisine! We are going to get along great."
Robin snickers. "KF will eat anything that doesn't eat him first. And sometimes even then."
"Hey!" Kid Flash protests. "I have a fast metabolism!"
"Cookies are fine," I say quickly, eager to change the subject. "Thank you, M'gann."
We move to the kitchen area, where M'gann proudly presents a plate of slightly overdone chocolate chip cookies.
Despite their appearance, they're surprisingly tasty, and the casual interaction gives me a chance to observe the team's dynamics more closely.
Robin and Kid Flash share an easy friendship, complete with inside jokes and good-natured ribbing.
Aqualad maintains a quiet authority, stepping in occasionally to redirect conversations when they stray too far off topic.
M'gann is eager to please, watching everyone's reactions to her cookies with hopeful attention.
Superboy remains somewhat apart, though he accepts a cookie when M'gann insists.
"So, Samael," Kid Flash says between bites, "that was some crazy stuff with the Joker we heard about. How'd you end up tangled with that psycho?"
"He was interested in my research at Gotham Scientific Innovations," I explain, sticking to the official story. "He believed it could be used for time travel."
"Time travel?" Robin raises an eyebrow. "Is that actually possible with your tech?"
"No," I say firmly. "He fundamentally misunderstood the principles. My research involves dimensional barriers, not temporal ones."
"Still, facing the Joker and coming out alive is impressive," Aqualad notes. "Few have such fortune."
"Batman intervened," I acknowledge. "Though not before the Joker took hostages to force my cooperation."
"That's how you ended up as Batman's ward, right?" M'gann asks innocently. "For protection?"
I nod, noting how Robin carefully maintains a neutral expression despite knowing the full truth of the arrangement. "The authorities decided it wasn't safe for me to continue living alone after the incident. Bruce Wayne offered guardianship."
"Wayne knows Batman?" Kid Flash asks, then catches himself. "I mean, I guess he would, being a big shot in Gotham and all."
"They have a working relationship," I say carefully, maintaining the pretense that separates Batman from Bruce Wayne. "Mr. Wayne funds various initiatives that align with Batman's mission."
The conversation continues, with the team asking questions about my background, my abilities, and my interests.
I provide carefully crafted answers that align with my cover story while revealing enough personal details to seem genuine.
When Batman finally announces it's time to return to Gotham, I've made noticeable progress in establishing rapport with the team.
Kid Flash and M'gann are openly friendly, Robin is collegial in a way that suggests he's respecting Bruce's boundaries, Aqualad is respectfully interested, and even Superboy seems less suspicious than before.
"You did well today," Batman comments as we zeta back to the Batcave - my first authorized visit to the legendary headquarters. "Black Canary was impressed with your adaptability."
"The team seems... functional," I reply cautiously. "Though still developing their dynamics."
Batman nods. "They're young and relatively inexperienced. But they have potential."
The Batcave is everything the legends suggest - vast, technologically advanced, and meticulously organized.
A massive computer dominates one area, various vehicles occupy another, and I glimpse what appears to be a forensics lab and medical facility deeper in the cave.
"This is... impressive," I say, unable to hide my genuine awe.
"It serves its purpose," Batman replies matter-of-factly. "Alfred will show you the authorized access points from the manor.
You'll have limited access for now - training areas and basic facilities only."
I nod, understanding the implied boundaries. "Of course."
As we ascend to Wayne Manor via a hidden elevator, I consider how quickly my position in this world is evolving.
Each step I take brings new opportunities and new constraints, new allies and new scrutiny.
The challenge will be leveraging the former while managing the latter, building influence while maintaining autonomy.
And then there's the Omniversal Observation System, connecting me to three brilliant but dangerous individuals from other realities.
Their interest in me has clearly intensified, each seeing potential value in different aspects of my situation.
As the elevator reaches the manor and a grandfather clock swings open to reveal Bruce's study, I'm struck by the contrast between my public and private lives.
To the world, I'm Samael Morningstar, teenage prodigy and ward of Bruce Wayne.
To the Justice League, I'm a promising meta-human with unique transformation abilities.
To Azula, Light, and Aizen, I'm a potential gateway between worlds.
And to myself? I'm simply me.
"Alfred has prepared dinner," Bruce says, interrupting my thoughts. "And yes, before you ask, there are chili fries."
I'm never living it down am I?
Yet still I feel a ridiculous surge of anticipation at this news, which is both embarrassing and impossible to suppress. "I appreciate Alfred's accommodation of my... preference."
Bruce's lips twitch in that almost-smile again. "He draws the line at serving them with the main course. They're strictly an appetizer."
I decide to contemplate everything that happened today later. Since for now, though, there are chili fries waiting. And somehow, that seems like progress too.
(Author note: Hello everyone! So yeah, things are evolving.
I know its slow for now, but its how it is. Things need to be established, and slice of life is fun to me.
So yeah do tell me how you find it and I hope to see you all later,