In Fallout with a Chat Group

Chapter 14: X-13 It's time to Suit Up!

I was stuck looking up at the ceiling. I just didn't want to get up, out of bed. So today I can retrieve the last piece of tech. But do I want to go straight there? I could make some breakfast and take a bit of a slow morning. Then I could check out What landed in X-22. I could hunt down the rest of the VI chips for the SINK. Let's see what I have left to get. Light Switch 02, Muggy, Sink, and the Toaster… great I'll have an evil toaster to deal with. Well, it's better than the Biological Research Station sexual nonsense.

Am I just not into sex stuff? Nah I still want to get laid. I play with myself, it's not like I don't like the sensations. I just don't want my first time to be nothing. Like I could have smashed Red Lucy in the Thorn. But I was a little too shaken up about dieing on her dumb quest. Also, I think she might have some STDs. Fisto is a sex bot I spent two days programming. But he was a product something I wouldn't have a connection to. I may have also worried that I might have gotten carried away and decided to keep Fisto for myself. Never finishing the quest. Ugh, that felt vile. The thought of not getting EXP for a quest. 

I think if I'm going to sleep with someone for my first time at least. I want them to be someone not just a part of some quest. I want to feel a connection at least on a small personal level. Maybe someone in the chat group. But would that lead to a heavy commitment… Let's say it does lead to a love life. Will that just tie me down to them until we break up? What if I want to explore what it is like with other people? I'll have to be honest with them. If there down for it then sure. If their not, I guess it will stay as a one-night thing. 

Maybe being with them will make me feel content. I won't want to try someone else because they are all I need…

Well, there are people I want to do it with here. Cass is the only companion in New Vegas I would consider. Boon has a wife and I intend to keep her and the baby alive this time. Veronica loves Christine and I don't want to come between them… I might be down for a threesome if they were interested. 

Lily… is well Lily. She is not a GILF I'm interested in. Arcade is gay. Just because I have a dick I doubt he is interested. Well, he might be scientifically interested but I doubt he is physically interested. Thinking of the followers Doctor Usanagi is hot as hell. But I probably just messed that up and ended up in the friend zone.

 Raul is just no. He feels too much like family. Like the cool uncle or the caring grandpa. It's not that I wouldn't be interested in ghouls. Cooper Howard is hot. But he would kill me. Hancock has a little too much of a dependency on drugs. And I'm just not comfortable with that. Also, he might not be a Ghoul yet. Is being a ghoul important?... Yes, yes it is.

 Ah, thinking of Fallout 4 companions. Maceeredy is out he is fucking 12 right now. I'm 18 even if I wait 4 years that's still yuck. Also, he will have Lucy and his kid Duncan. Wait Lucy died at some point was it sickness… No, she was killed by a feral ghoul. Damit I'm on wife watch again. I'm going to have to build robots to keep these guys' wives safe. 

 Preston Garvy is also a fuck no. Not just because of the age thing. He would say another settlement needs your help in the middle of sex and I would shoot him in the ass. 

Dance is just too deep in the cult of the BOS. That is a fucking turn-off for me. 

Nick Valentine is hot but he is not over his dame. Also, I think I would have to give him a strap-on. Kello and Ada might take some work but I'm down to fuck an assaultron. 

Pipper is likely my age or a year or two younger. Piper also has Nat to take care of and that makes things too much of a commitment for me at least. 

Porter Gage is a raider. So drugged out of his mind and likely a rapist with an STD. Cait needs help. Not a lover she would build up an unhealthy codependency. So that's a no for me. Longfellow… is at most a drinking buddy. Curi is honestly best girl. 

Deacon… some say that he is the MC of Fallout 3. The man is so wrapped up in lies it's just not worth it. Nate is too much of a soldier for me to jive with. Nora may be fun. The Courier is a wild card more than anything. All I know is that the Courier is female. As far as Fallout 3 goes. Maybe a one-night stand with Three Dog. 

… I have waited long enough. Time to get out of bed. But what about the TF2 mercs? Okay, I'll get my thoughts out then I'm getting up no more lazing on my nice comfortable bed. 

The Scout is a sweet guy but a little too self-absorbed. I get the feeling he would tell others behind my back. That I think he is the best thing on earth. When he is okay at best.

Soldier is a no for me. Also, he has a sweet relationship with Heavy's sister. He is just too crazy for me. That is also true for the Pyro. Also, I don't know if the Pyro is able to give consent… Like he somehow ran a company but Pyrovission is a thing… Yeah, I'm not going near that crazy guy or girl…

Demoman is a high-functioning drunk. He holds down three jobs and sends most of his money back to his mommy… Yeah, Moma's boy and he would always smell of booze. That's also a no.

Heavy is a big caring man. He is like a teddy bear. He also has a gambling hobby and has done terrible things to the Engineer. I think he would be a good lay. Definitely some great aftercare.

 Engineer is honestly the most stable person to be with out of the mercs. But would he be good in bed… Maybe- but I bet he would start building some kind of fuck bot to replace him so he could get back to work on other projects. Honestly doesn't sound bad. 

Medic is a NO. He will knock me out and sell my organs. So just no.

Sniper would be a yes. But then you remember he pisses every 10 minutes and I'm not into piss or scat. So fuck no.

Spy is just yes. But I know he will be gone in the morning off to fuck Scout's mom. 

Okay, time to roll out of bed. I had breakfast and took a quick shower. I got dressed in the Medic's outfit. Before Armor Master, it gives a DT of 5, +10 to Medicine, and +10 to Melee. After Armor Master, it'd 10 DT 20 Medicine/Melee. I then took the green teleporter to X-8. Then the blue teleporter to X-13. I then remembered that I had to put together Stealth Suit MK II. That took an hour to do. Most of the work was putting together the connecting ports. I decided to set up my sentry guns on the first floor to deal with all the Robots Doctor Mobius would set on me when I got done with the first test to upgrade the Stealth Suit MK II. I picked up the sneak skill book and made my way down to the testing area. I saw that there was an area blocked off by force fields. I use a chemistry set to make Stimpaks. And lock pick a 75 skill lock, To get into a very damaged holo deck to grab a Protonic Inversal Axe that was smashed into the main control terminal.


[3495/35700 to next level]

I decided to finally get into the Stealth Suit MK II.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you. Who can I hide you from today? Were okay on Stimpaks. We have no Med-X to kill the pain." Stealth Suit MK II

"Is it possible for me to turn off the auto Med-X injection system?"

"Nope. That subroutine is hard-coded into my core programming. You would have to get a different AI with different parameters to run the suit. The only way for me not to use Med-X is for you not to have it on you." Stealth Suit MK II

"Okay. Thought I would ask."

I disabled the force field to check out downstairs. I didn't find much of interest to me downstairs. I just took care of the Nightstakers that lived down there. And got the one bottle of battle brew next to the distillery. I made my way to the testing area.

"Data collection array… Online. Please use the terminal below to begin user synchronization." Stealth Siut MK II

"Sure sure, I'll go down in a minute I have some things to check out before going downstairs."

I took the door to the right going through looking over the observation of the X-13 stealth test. Used another chem set to make more stims and retrieved the holotape for the "Resla Roil" mod for the K9000. Exploring the next room I found a Nukacola Victory and the holotape for the K9000 Mod "Mentat Chow". I then went to the next door that was labeled Reception Observation Area. In there, I found another chem set to make more stimpacks. And a Holotape for the Y-7 Implant.

[2400 EXP]

[5895/35700 to next level]

I made my way down the stairs to the main test terminal. I saw there was a laser turret in the room I decided to sap it for a free crit to use later. I selected to start the Basic Infiltration Test.

For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.

Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.

Failure - Detection.

[Quest Added: Project X-13]

"This is the Basic Stealth Test the Robots will be looking for us. But we won't let them find us." Stealth Suit MK II

So I quickly went into the Infiltration test grounds. They were based on a Repcon facility. I went in to unlock a door then I walked back out ascending the stairs the doors to the observation area were now locked by both terminals to hack and locks that I could pick. Once in I went down the observation hall to get to the last door I could pick.

[2000 EXP] Sneaking my way over to just above the Admin office I dropped down from the catwalk to the safe and grabbed the required documents.

"Test data processed. Firmware updated to version 1.1. New tamping sensors online." Stealth Suit MK II

[Quest Complete: X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator!]

[VR the Champions I - Simulated]


[18295/35700 to next level]

"X-13 breached? No… even that stealth suit won't hide you from my Robo-Scorpion army. Sting the intruder, my pets! Sting them until they are stupid." Doctor Mobius 

[Quest Added: OLD WORLD BLUES]

I watched as with sparks of lighting Robo-Scorpions were teleported to my location.

"Mean robot bugs! Mean robot bugs!" Stealth Suit MK II

The Robo-Scorpion was easy for my sapper to deal with. While I had some free time I hacked all 15 of the laser trip wires. I also opened the safe in the front. The only other thing of note is that I grabbed the recipe to make the Sneak Skill Book.


[25815/35700 to next level] 

I garbed the reward out of the safe and started the Advanced Infiltration Test.

For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires have been added for increased difficulty. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.

Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.

Failure - Detection

"This is the advanced test. Watch out for laser trip wires, they ruin our day." Stealth Suit MK II

"Already taken care of."

"You still need to recover the documents to complete the test." Stealth Suit MK II

"Sure sure."

I made my rounds for all the locks and once again yeeted myself over the railing of the catwalk to get the safe to retrieve the documents.

[VR the Champions II - Simularcra]

[4000 EXP]

[29815/35700 to next level] 

"Test data processed… Firmware updated to version 1.2. Aural Subnet online." Stealth Suit MK II

I made my way back to the star of the test room to grab my reward out of the safe. I then used the test terminal to start the Expert Inffiltraion Test.

For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires and proximity detectors have been activated for increased difficulty. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.

Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.

Failure - Detection

"This is the expert stealth test. If you thought the lasers were bad just wait until you see the proximity mines." Stealth Suit MK II

The mines weren't much of a factor for this test. I picked all the locks again and grabbed the Documents.


"Test data processed… Firmware updated to version 1.3. Torso synced to user's physiology." Stealth Suit MK II

I felt as the suit became a tighter fit to my body. It was still flexible. But it felt closer to being a second set of skin than clothing. I took my time looking at the proximity mines. I wandered if there was a way for me to have them auto-disable when they got reset for the next test.

[Intellgence Check Sucess]

[500 EXP]

I was able after an hour of work make an edit in the Things software so whenever it came online it would switch itself off after 5 seconds. I took the time make this edit to all 6 proximity mines.

[3840 EXP]

[Welcome to Level 22]

[Assign 17 skill Points]

Once again, I decided to put all 17 points in sneak.

[Choose 1 Perk]

[Intense Training] 8 ranks left.

[Junk Rounds]


[Swift Learner] 3 ranks left


[Rapid Relode]

[Bloody Mess] 

[Fortune Finder] 

[Run 'n Gun]


[Hand Loader] 

[Shotgun Surgeon]


[Quick Draw]



[Mister Sandman]: With the Mister Sandman perk, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to silently kill any human or Ghoul while they're sleeping. And, all Mister Sandman kills earn bonus XP.

[Terrifying Presence]

[Here and Now]

[Sneering Imperialist]


[Silent Running]: With the Silent Running perk, running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt.

[Miss Fortune]

[Mysterious Stranger]

[Nerd Rage!]

[Night Person]

[Fast Metabolism]

[Robotics Expert]



[Fight the Power!]

[Light Step]


[Weapon Handlin]

[And Stay Back]


[Computer Whiz]



[Grim Reaper's Sprint]

[Solar Powered]

[Eye for Eye]


[Mile in Their Shoes]

[Them's Good Eatin']

[Nuka Chemist]: You have unraveled some of the greatest mysteries of pre-War masters: formula for developing special Nuka-Colas! This perk unlocks special Nuka-Cola recipes at the workbench.

[Spray and Pray]: Your attacks do much less damage to companions, allowing you to liberally spray an area with reckless abandon.

[Irradiated Beauty]: Any time you sleep, you remove all of your Rads in addition to regaining all of your Health.

[Voracious Reader]: You don't just read books, you tear into them. Damaged books you pick up become blank magazines, which you can use to copy your existing skill magazines at a workbench

So Nuka Chemist is a nice perk to grab if I was stuck in the New Vegas area. But since I could eventually make my way to Nuka World to use there drink mixers. That perk is hot trash. Spray and Pray doesn't matter now that I have the Mediguns of the Medic. Irradiated Beauty might be useful if I ever need to sleep in a place like the Glowing Sea. I decided to go with Heavyweight. (AN: This perk works on all items over 10 Lb not just weapons.)


AP 150 HP400 DT22 CW150/290 Caps 57000 EXP 455/39050 Level 22


Barter 100

Energy Weapons 40

Explosives 43

Guns 85 

Lockpick 100

Medicine 64

Melee 35

Repair 100

Science 100

Sneak 77

Speech 90

Survival 39 

Unarmed 39


Small Frame

MannCo Supplies

MannCo Portable Upgrade Station

Know it All

Too Lucky to Die

Eye of true Perception

Item Fusion



Voice of a Salesman

Intense Training Rank 3



Black Widow

Confirmed Bachelor

Cherchez La Femme

Lady Killer

Strong Back

Pack Rat


Long Haul

Toughness Rank 2

Life Giver

Adamantium Skeleton

Jurry Rigger


Better Criticals

Action Girl Rank 2

Action Boy Rank 2

Strength Implant

Perception Implant

Luck Implant

Sub-Dermul Armor

Monocyte Breeder

I collected the loot from the safe and started the last test.

For this test, you must disable all active robots without getting detected. We need to calibrate the suit's FCG (Feild Compliance Generator) to the proper variance. All security measures are active. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet. 

Success - Disable all robots without being detected.

Failure - Detection.

"This is the robot compliance test. If you sneak up on a robot you can disable it. It's so easy even I can't mess up." Stealth Suit MK II

"Well, it should be dumb easy now that I permanently disabled the mines."

I for one last time got everything unlocked. I used the cloak and dagger watch to sneak up on the robots and hit the off buttons.

"Test data processed… Firmware updated to version 1.4. Impulse Accelerator online." Stealth Suit MK II

[Quest Complete: Project X-13]

[VR the Champions III - Hollowed Out]


[7655/39050 to next level] 

I then looted everything I could find in X-13. I sapped the remaining turrets and robots. Made my way to the SINK using my teleporters. To sell off all the junk I didn't need. I made 16860 caps. I then went back to X-13 to see if replaying the test would let me get more exp for lockpicking again. Turns out no. After that, I made my way out of X-13. My sentry guns were still intact. So I grabbed them.


"You think that Aural Stealth Suit will keep you hidden from me? Think again!" Doctor Mobius 

Outside X-13 there was a group of five Robo-Scorpions. I used my Sapper to deal with them. God this thing is busted when dealing with robots. After looting the robots I felt the cold. Looking where the chill came from. I saw a large area that was once covered by heat and flames was transformed into a winter wonderland.

*The mass fires in X-22 are now out. In other news, we have lost 80% of our Y-17 Trama harness in the act of taking care of the fires. That's all to report.* Doctor Zer0

"This suit has temperature control to keep your body at room temperature at all times even in conditions of 4000 degrees Kelvin. Unfortunately, the helmet was cut in development. So your head would likely get heavily burned in that scenario." Stealth Suit MK II

"Well, thanks for the info. Now I'm off to X-22."

I put on the B.A.S.E. Jumper and took out my Sticky Jumper. And started sticky jumping from place to place trying to get to X-22. I made sure to loot any stops on the way. I went into Big MT West Tunnel, Little Yangtze, and Signal Hills Transmitter, and finally made it to the crater of X-22.

[X-22 Creator Discovered 10EXP]

[8335/39050 to next level] 

I carefully scaled my way down the creator. Until I found what looked to be a metal ball. It was a heavily damaged Apture Science Personality Core. Well, that's what my PipBoy labeled it when I picked it up.

[Icarus Wreckage]

[1000 EXP]

[9335/39050 to next level] 

Well, I still have other personalty chips to recover and other places to explore. Next I went to X-17 Meteorological Station. I took out the robot inside and ran the test in the. The place could generate rainstorms.

"Why the fuck didn't the Think Tank use this place to stop the fire? It can literally make it rain?"

"Most likely due to the fire. They had zero way to access it." Stealth Suit MK II

I shook my head then I spotted it. A snowglobe. "A fine addition to my collection." I went under the toy model of Higgs Village to loot the duffle bag that was uncovered after the rain started. I took the elevator out of there to be stopped by 2 Y-17 Truma Override Harness. One was armed with a laser gatling gun. The other had a Tesla cannon.

The one with the Tesla Cannon missed his first shot but hit me with his second shot [DMG240]. I used V.A.T.S with the Diamond Back to take the skelly boys down. Both of them took three shots hits to take down[DMG327]. I decided to use the medigun to heal myself. I looted the bags of bones.

 After that sticky jumped my way to the Construction Site. The robots there were alot easier to deal with. I retrieved an upgrade module for the Sink in the SINK. I then used the Eureka Effect to travel back to X-13. From there I went to Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research. Inside I found the recipe for the Energy Weapon Skill book. Two hard light holograms. A photo of Veria Keys. And 8 throwing proton axes. Outside in a dumpster, there were 8 plasma grenades and two more throwing axes. I decided to use the hard light holograms for a few experiments.

Placed the bomb colors from Little Yangtze on them, and then experimented with my sappers. The normal Sapper just made the collar detonate. The Snack Attack also set off the bomb. But the Red Tape Reroder dissembled the bomb collar without the bomb exploding. I even tested it on myself and got the same results. I also tested if the sapper could disable holograms. Not for long. It would give a full minute before the Holograms were active again. After that last test, I left for my next destination The Saturnite Alloy Research Facility. I got the mood lights upgrade for Light Switch 02 and a Saturnite Fist. Not much else to say about the place field with molten hot metal I can't loot.

My next stop was X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch. I did indeed use artillery on Boom Town. I went into the control center to grab the Explosives Skill Book Recipe. The only other thing of note was a missile launcher in the back of a truck. From there I went to The Cuckoo's Nest. After killing the lobotomites inside the cave I had so much junk to loot including a shrine made of toasters to the Toaster personality chip. I was over-encumbered when I got done looting the place. So I teleported back to the Sink to sell all the stuff I didn't need or want. For 44109 caps. I currently have 117969 caps.

I used the green teleporter to X-8. I went to boom town to loot the container the artiller I fired uncovered. Get the Guns Skill book Recipe and Atomic-valence tri-radii-oscillator. Next I went to Big MT East Tunnel. It was wrecked by some trains. I climb my way down to the Z-14 Pepsinae DNA Splicing Lab. I sunk in grabbed the loot and then went about the place unloading at every goddam Cazador with full crits using the Iron Bomber. My suit may have gone through 20 Stimpaks to keep me alive.

My next stop was the Securitron De-Construction Plant. I grab Muggy's chip as well as his upgrade off of 010011110110111001100101 also known as ONE. Plenty of junk to loot there. Next I went to Waste Disintegration Platform and Loading Station. I decided to set up one of my red teleporters in the loading station. I left for the Magnetohydraulics Complex. Inside I grabbed the personality chip for the SINK's Sink. God that place was a mess with all the flooding. I made my way to Y-0 Research Center. Well, what was left of it. It got torched and then deepfreezed by the X-22 incident. Well the only thing I would of missed out from the place was a Big Book of Science. But since my science skill is maxed out I guess it doesn't matter anymore. Bult a red teleporter to get back to the Loading Station.

I made my way to Elijah's Watch. And took a break for an hour. I did a quick sign is for the day with the group chat. I grabbed Elijah's jury-rigged Tesla cannon and used a few weapon repair kits to fully repair it. It was time to attempt killing the most dangerous creature in Old World Blues. The Legendary Bloatfly in Mysterious Cave. I died twice and gave up. I collapsed the cave with sticky grenades and never looked back. I went to Big MT North Tunnel to grab the last personality chip. Lightswitch 02. I set up my red teleporter at Big MT North Tunnel. It was close to the Forbidden Zone and I planned on dealing with that tomorrow. I was zapped from getting killed twice to an overgrown glowing fly. I used the Eureka Effect to get back to the SINK. I set up the other red teleporter for tomorrow.

I went over to the workbench to make the Ap-Sap.

[Check Me Out I'm So Small]


[Spy Full Set Unlocked]

[Reward +1 Charisma, 5000EXP, The Spy's office Door, Spy Outfit]

[17725/39050 to next level] 

"Oh, hi. I'm back online didn't think that would ever happen again. Considering the fall from outer space. Wait something feels off. Oh, it appears I'm a hacking device of some sort. Ohh looks like I have proper programs for taking over robots and disabling forcefields! Isn't that brilliant! Check Me Out Partner I'm So Small!" Wheatley AP-Sap

"This one is perfect if you want to get spotted. Might I suggest you leave this thing preferably in a dumpster?" Stealth Suit MK II

"Quite the two of you I need to check something out."

"What? Please don't put me and that thing's pocket." Wheatley

"I'm not that happy about this either." Stealth Suit MK II

I took out the Spy's office door. It was a briefcase that folded out to become a door. Once I opened the door I saw it lead to a fancy office, with a nice couch, a coat rack, a practice dummy, a grand piano, a painting of one Spy's knives stabbed into a melon, a grand piano, a fireplace, a fully stocked bar that had a fold-out kitchen, a poker table, a record player, a library cabinet filled with books, a nice looking atlas, a mini fridge, a desk with a rather nice computer setup and next to it were two briefcases. One of the briefcases was a portable laptop. The other transformed into a helicopter backpack. There was also an extremely comfortable-looking chair with a letter on it.

I slipped off my boots I didn't want to track in dirt in this office. I took the letter and sat down in the chair when I felt a folder hitting me in the. I opened the folder to see porn starting the Spy and Scout's Mom.

"Would to both." 

I saw that the letter had a wax seal of a ram Skull. I used my knife to open the letter.

Thank You once again for helping me get revenge on the Soldier. He was my worst roommate ever. As per your request, I have magically ripped your office out of the normal constraints of space and time. I have made it into an easily transportable briefcase for whenever you need a place for leisure. Hope you find it to your liking Spy. Oh if this ends up going to someone who isn't the Spy by accident you may also enjoy it because I'm not going to fetch it for Spy. The Great Wizard Merasmus is out! 

I left the office and put my boots back on. The door folded back into a briefcase and I put it back in my inventory. I was feeling even more tired I decided to pass out on my nice comfy bed and deal with the rest of the personalities chips and the Think Tank tomorrow

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